1915-02-23 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23RD, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, and Stewart, (5), were noted present. Quorum present. Council- men Bullock and Hammond arrived later and were noted present. Absent: Councilmen Probst and Roth. The following communications were redeived; vi From City Attorney Poorman giving his views of the Supreme Court decision compelling the water comoanies to install proper water mains. Ordered filed. 2 From the Police and Fire Commission requesting the Council to approve their action in expending 438.85 for repairs to Fire Engine No, 3. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Council instruct the Auditor to pay the claim of the Park Garage covering the above amount and to sus- tain the action of the Commission in having the repairs made, seconded by Mr. Morgenstern and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Stewart, (6).Noes: None. Absent:Councilmen Hammond, Roth and Probst, (3). 3 From L. D. Frazee, on behalf of Wm. Shore, requesting per- mission to install a six hundred gallon fuel oil tank on property located on the northeast corner of Clinton Avenue and Lafayette Street. Referred to the Chief of the Fire Department. 4 V From Dr. A. Hieronymus, Secretary of the Board of Health, sub- mitting the proceedings of the Board of Health condemning the reservoir owned by the Peoples Water Company on High Street. Referred to the Health Committee to report back at the next meeting. The Clerk was authorized to communicate with the Peoples Water Company and notify them of the action of the Board of Health. A discussion of the proposed initiative ordinance, assisting the unemployed, took place. Mr. Bartlett suggested that one cent be named as the amount to be raised each year for purposes mentioned in the Ordinance. Mr. Stewart moved, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried that the form of the Ordinance with the stun of one cent added be approved. 6 Report of the Harbor Advisory Board giving the expenditures of the proposed bond issue was read and referred to the City Attorney, 7 Mr. Bartlett reported on the matter of school bonds and stated that the City Attorney had modified his opinion requiring a detailed statement of expenditure of moneys and stated, also, that the Board of Education want u 0270,000 expended for elementary schools and 030,000 for the High School, the matter to be taken up by Mr. Bartlett with the City Attorney. Mr_ Mnrc.-Anstern rm.1 1,4a a+-EArri-Ann -En 1711c% nnyInm,m+a n4Ammnllp. February 23rd, 1915. the City Engineer and Street Superintendent have the work done by mr. L. MOKinney at eight cents per square foot, if that figure was satis- factory to him, seconded by Hr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Stewart, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Probst and Roth, (2). Mr. Morgenstern also called attention to the sidewalk on the north side of Encinal Avenue, near Park Avenue, and moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried, that the Street Superintendent look into the matter and report back at the next meeting of the Council. A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES. Regulating the Installing and Constructin of Cement or Concrete Work on Public High-ways in the City of Alameda; and Requiring its Proper aerformance; and Providing a Penalty for Violation of such Ordinance, came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Ordinance be amended by attiking out the words "and address", seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. Mr. Bartlett then moved that the Ordinance as amended be adopted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae and Morris, (5). Noes:Councilmen Morgenstern and Stewart, (2). Absent:Councilmen Probst and Roth, (2). A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEV SERIES. Changing, Modifying and Re-establishing the Official Curb Grades on Park Street in the City of Alameda from the :Tortherly line Of Binding Avenue to the Southerly Line of the United States Tidal Canal, and also on Harrison Avenue in said City from the Easterly line of Park Street to a line Crossing Harrison Avenue and Parallel with said Easterly Line of Park Street and Distant 261.88 Feet Easterly therefrom, came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. A discussion took place as to whether the County Supervisors would improve the approach- es to the Park Street bridge. Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by Mr. Morgen- stern and carried that the Clerk communicate with the Board of Supervisors to ascertain if it was their intention to lay a brick pavement at the approach to the bridge. Mr. Bartlett moved that the Ordinance be adopted., seconded by Hr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Counci men Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, MorgenstUrn Morris and Stewart (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Probst and Roth, (2). A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES. Prohibiting the Erection or Maintenance of any Moval Structure intended for Human Habitation, or any Tent, Cloth-House, or any House Having Walls or Roof of Paper, Felt, Cloth, or other Similar Ilaterials, without a Permit, Providing for Application for such Permit and the Grant- ing thereof, and Imposing a Penalty for Viola- tion of said Ordinance, came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. After some dis- February 23rd, 1915. 10 of the word "structure" to "house" in the title and the elimina- tion of the word "structure" in Section 1. Also, by the addition in Section 2, Sub-division B, of the words "movable structure, tent, house or" and the striking out of the words "tent house," and "or structure", and,also by the elimination of the entire portion of Section 9. Mr. Hammond moved that the Ordinance as amended by adopted, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern and Morris, (6). Noes:Councilman Stewart, (1). Absent:Councilmen Probst and Roth, (2). A discussion of the proposed initiative Ordinance creat- ing a fund for permanent street re-construction took place. As no definite amount to be raised could be determined upon, the matter was referred to the City Engineer to estimate the cost of re-construction of the streets of Alameda, to be used as a basis for fixing the tax rate. Mr. Bartlett suggested that the second half of Section 3 as the proposed Ordinance was drafted by the City Attorney be stricken out and that a provision be added by which the Council may by a two-thirds vote, transfer any sums remaining at the close of the fiscal year to the General Fund. Mr. Morris asked to be excused and left the Council Chamber. 11 /7 Mr. Bartlett moved that the Clerk have all the initiative Ordinances printed and sent out with the sample ballots, second- ed by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Morris, Probst and Roth, (3). There being no °further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, March 2nd, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.