1915-03-05 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALAMEDA FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 5TH, 19150 The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (8), were noted present. Quroum present. Councilman Hammond arrived later and was noted present. The following was received:- The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month ending February 27±h, 1915. Ordered filed. The following communications were received:- 1. From City Attorney Poorman advising the Council that it now had jurisdiction to proceed with the opening and widening of Encinal Avenue and that the first step was to appoint three commissioners to assess benefits and damages and to have general supervision of the proposed work. Hr. Bartlett moved that Samuel Poorman, Jr., Fred J. Croll and R. E. Bosshard be appointed the Commissioners for the opening and widening of Encinal Avenue, seconded by:Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, HAmmond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr. MacRae then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:- UTION ORDERING WORK. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did on the twenty-second day of January, A.D.1915, pass its Resolution of Intention ]To . 20 declar- ing its intention to order the following work to be done and improvement made, to wit: That Encinal .ivenue in the City of Alameth-, tate of California, be opened, e::tended and widened to a uniform width of eiirhty feet from its present intersection with the westerly line of aound Street in said City, (as such intersection is shown and delineated on a certain map entitled, "Map of the Town of Alameda and Adjacent Lands" surveyed by H.A. Higley in 1854, and filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County September 12, 1867, in Book of Maps 5, page 16), westerly to a line parallel with and distant one hundred and forty feet and two inches, right-angle measurement, westerly from the west- erly line of Broadway in said City and crossing said Encinal Avenue (as said Avenue is shown and delineated on that certain map entitled, "Chester Tract, Alameda", filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Alzvileda County on March 20th, 1880, in Book of Maps 6, page 20), from a point in the northerly line of said Avenue to a point in the southerly line thereof; and describing in said resolution the lands and premises necessary to be taken therefor, and specifying in said resolution the lands to be affected or benefited by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the damages, costs and expenses thereof; and WHEREAS, the street superintendent of the City of Alameda did thereupon cause notice of the passage of said resolution to be posted and published for ten days in the manner and as required by law; and March 5th, 1915. of the publication of said notice of the passage of said resolution, and the Council of the City of Alameda has acquired jurisdiction to order said work as proposed in said resolution to be done; Now,therefore,it is hereby ordered that said work and improvement be done as aforesaid and as speci- fically described in said Resolution of Intention No. 20, Samuel Poorman, Jr., F. J. Croll, R. E. Bosshard, are hereby appointed commissioners to assess benefits and damages and to have general super- vision of said proposed work and improvements until the completion thereof in compliance with law. Mr. Morgenstern seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 2 From City Attorney Poorman, stating that a representative of R. B. Mott had stated that Mr. Mott is willing to accept $4,000 for the lot of land adjoining the present Porter School, Mr. Morgenstern there- upon moved that all action pertaining to condemnation proceedings for the purchase of the above lot be rescinded, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried by the followihg vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. He also moved that the necessary papers be drafted te purchase the lot at the price quoted upon condition that Mr. Mott produce a satisfactory Abstract of Title to be approved by the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None, 3 From City Attorney Poorman stating that he had been in com- munication with A.G.Tasheira, Attorney for the Peoples Water Company and that the Company was willing to fill in the reservoir on its property in High Street. Ordered filed. From Mrs. C. Smith, 2061 Encinal Avenue, requesting per- mission to erect a 14 x 16 foot tent on the property at the address given. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartle Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 5 From J. Hassler, 714 Lincoln Avenue, requesting permission to connect a garage on the rear of the lot owned by him at 712 Lincoln Avenue-with the Haight Avenue sewer. Mr. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae Morgenstern, Morris, Probst Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. S The Clerk stated that he had been in communication with Deputy 55 March 5th, 1915. of the Board of Supervisors inasmuch as that property was a part of the City of Alameda. Mr. Bartlett thereupon moved that the City Engineer be instructed to include in his plans and specifications for the improvement of Park Street, the necessary matter providing for the improvement of the approach to the bridge, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried. / Mr. C. A. Borle addressed the Council and asked if he could rent to the City one of his portable voting booths. Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried that the matter be left with the Clerk. As the Council was favorable to giving Mr. Borle the opportunity the suggestion was made that the booth be placed at the corner of Oak Street and San Jose Avenue. Mr. rtlett moved that the Resolution containing the Proclamation calling the election be so amended as to include the portable house, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. V Mr. Bartlett introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLUT ION. WHEREAS, this Council did, at its regular meeting held on the second day of March, 1915, pass and adopt a certain resolution "determing that the public necessity of the City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of ALameda of certain permanent munici- pal improvements which are necessary and con- venient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality",- which said reso- lution is hereby referred to and made a part here- of; and WHEREAS, it appears that said resolution was inadver- tently passed and adopted in that the same does not fully and correctly set forth the determination of this Council with respect to the purposes for which the bonded indebtedness therein mentioned were and are proposed to be incurred; NOV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said reso- lution hereinbefore referred to, be, and the same hereby is, wholly rescinded, annulled, and set aside, and declared of none effect. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None, Mr. Bartlett thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- .RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DEMAND THE ACQUISITION, CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION BY THE CITY OF ALAMEDA OF CERTAIN PERMANENT MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS WHICH ARE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTS, PURPOSES AND POWERS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY, TO WIT:- THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS REQUIRED FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF COMMERCE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR APPURTENANT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND AP- PLIANCES, AND INCLUDING APPROACHES TO SAID WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS, AND NECESSARY HEADING, DREDGING AND FILLING; AND ALSO THE CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS, TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIP PING THEKEOF, TIE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF ADDITIONS IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS OF AND TO EXISTING SCHOOL-BUILDINGS. TOGETHER WITH TT17 FUR- March 5th, 1915. YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES:- AND ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF, AND DETE TUG THAT THE COST THEREOF WILL BE TOO GREAT TO BE PAID OUT OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL INCOME AND REVENUE OF SAID CITY, AND, IN ADDITION TO THE OTHER EXPENDITURES OF SAID CITY, WILL EXCEED THE INCOME AND REVENUE PROVIDED FOR IN ANY ONE YEAR OR IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, The City of Alameda is a municipal cor- poration duly incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Cali- fornia; and. WHEREAS, the Council of said. City is the legis- ltitive branch of said City, and the Mayor of said City is the Executive of said. City and mu- nicipality; It is now by said Council, after full examination and consideration,hereby RESOLVED Section 1. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby determines that the public in- terest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and com- pletion by the City of Alameda of certain per- manent Municipal improvements in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisition, construction and completion on Oakland. Harbor and the Estuary of San Antonio, on the Northerly waterfront of the City of Alameda, of municipal wharves, docks, piers, slips, and quays, required for the accommoda- tion of commerce, together with their appurtenant buildings, equipment and appliances, and includ- ing approaches to said wharves, docks, piers, slips and quays, and necessary bulkheading, dredg- ing and filling, the same to be acquired, con- structed and completed on Tract 28 and Tract 9, and on tide-lands and submerged lands adjacent thereto, as said. Tracts are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled, "Map of Alameda Marsh Land, as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit number 8923 and en- titled, Pacific Improvement Company, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Waymire, et al., Defendants, Superior Court of Alameda County, State of Cali- fornia," filed in the Office of the County Re- corder of Alameda County on July 30th, 1900, in Book 25 of Maps, at pages 75, 77 and 79. The cost of all said improvements is hereby estimated to be the sum of Two Hundred Thousand. Dollars. Section 2. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the public interest and necessity pf said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and com- pletion of certain other permanent municipal improvements and property in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- (a). The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Porter School in the City of Alameda, for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site, and the con- struction and completion, either wholly thereon or partly thereon and partly on said existing school lot of said Porter School, of a new school- building for use as an elementary school in the place and stead of the existing school-building of said. Porter School, together with the furnish- ing and equipping of such new building. (b) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to or near the existing school-lot of the Lincoln School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site .! 557 march bth, 1V1b. building for use as an additional school-unit constituting a part of said Lincoln School, together with the furnishing and eouipping of such new building. (c) The construction and completion on the existing school-lot of the Washington School in the City of Alameda of additions to the ex- isting school-building of said Washington School together with the furnishing and equipping there of. (d) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Longfellow School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school. (e) The construction and completion on the existing school-lot of the Everett School in the City of Alameda either of additions to the ex- isting sohool-building of said Everett School, or of a new school-building for use as an addi- tional school-unit constituting a part of said Everett School, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the construction and completion of improvements of and to the exist- ing school-building of said Everett School and of and to its appurtenances and equipment. (f) The construction and completion of the work of re-modeling, re-arranging, re-equipping and re-furnishing the existing school-building of the Porter School in the City of Alameda in such manner as will render it suitable for the vocational work of the Alameda High School. (g) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school lot of the Alameda High School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school- house site of said school. The cost of all said improvements and property is hereby estimated to be the sum of Three Hun- dred Thousand Dollars. Section 3. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the cost of the hereinbefore mentioned permanent munici- pal improvements, and of eachof them, will be and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City, and that the cost thereof, and of each of them will require an expenditure greater than the amount allowed or which may be obtained by the ordinary annual tax levy of said City, and that the cost thereof, and of each of them, in addition to the other expenditures of said City, will exceed the in- come and revenue provided for in any one year, or in the current fiscal year. Section 4. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that said Council will, for the public interest and necessity, and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act authorizing the In- curring of Indebtedness by Cities, Towns and. Municipal Corporations for Municipal Improvements, and Regulating the Acquisition, Construction or Completion thereof," which Act became a law under constitutional provision, without the Governor's approval, on the 25th day of February 1901), and of Acts amendatory thereof, (in accord- ance with which Act and amendatory Acts of the Legislature this resolution is adopted),at a sub- sequent meeting of said Council of the City of Alameda by ordinance, call a special election and submit to the qualified voters of said. City, the proposition of incurring a bonded indebted- ness for each of the two purposes therein set forth and as in this resolution stated, respec- tively, in Section 1 and Section 2 hereof. March 5th, 1915. Mr. Roth seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, LiacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 10 v/ Mr. Morgenstern introduced the following Resolution and moved 11 12 its adoption:- RESOLUT= Irs=ucTil( THE CITY 2,1,1ca TO PRE- PARE EEC ESSARY PERS ZOR CALLING END HOLDING TH.] BOND ELECTION. RESOLVED, that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to prepare and present to this Council such resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary to continue and carry out the bond issue proceedings this day commenced by resolu- tion of this Council; and that he prepare and present to this Council from time to time such notices, resolutions and ordinances as may be necessary for the calling and holding of the election therefor, and issuance and sale of such bonds as may be authorized. Mr. Bullock seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, 1:oro:enstern, Morris, Prohst, Roth and. Stewart, 9). roes:7one. Absent:rone. A discussion as to the amount necessary for the Street Re- construction Fund took place and after some deliberation, Ur. Bartlett moved that twenty cents be the sum named in the initiative ordinance to be submitted to the people, seconded by Mr.Bu1lock and carried by the following vote:- Ayea:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock Hammond, 1:acRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). roes:None. Absent:None. Councilman Roth stated that he wished to explain his vote and have the explanation made a matter of record. He was willing to submit the matter to the vote of the people but he firmly believed that any attempts to reconstruct the streets by assessment as proposed in the Ordinance was futile. Mr. Bullock stated that he desired to have the word accepted" in the ordinance changed to "improve inasmuch as the reading of the ordinance with this change would cover a greater number of streets. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion and it was lled by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Probst, and Roth, (6). roes:Councilmen Bartlett, Morris and. Stewart, (3). Absent:None. Mayor Otis called attention that the Ordinance as now amended was in bad form and did not cover the original intention for sub- mitting the matter to the people. After some discussion, Mr. Bartlett moved that the word "improved" be eliminated and that the ordinance stand in its original form, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst Roth and Stewart, (6). Noes:Councilman Bullock, (1). Absent:None. mr. Probst moved that all reference to the Preeholders Q_P March 5th, 1915. calling for the election inasmuch as the matter could be attended to in 1916, as there were elections at which Freeholders could be elected. Mr. Bartlett seconded the motion and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae. Morgenstern Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (O. Noes: None. Absent:Courcilman Hammond, (1). T2 // City Attorney Doorman subsequently stated that he feared that while the general law provided for electing freeholders at any general or special election the presidential primary of May 1916 was not in the category of special or general elections and consequently the freeholders could not be selected at that time. That being the case, Mr. Stewart thereupon moved that the Freeholders matter be placed in the Resolu- tion, seconded by Mr. Morris and lost by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen MacRae, Morris, Roth, and Stewart, (4). Noes:Councilmen Bullock, rtlett Morgenstern and Probst, (4). Absent :Councilman Hammond, (1), / Mr. Morgenstern thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: PROCLAMATION OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ALAMED. A General Municipal Election is hereby called and proclaimed in and for the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California and will be held in accordance with the following Resolution adopted by the Council on the 2nd day of March, A.D. 1915. RESOLUTION. Calling a General Municipal Election in and for the City of Alameda, State of California, to be held therein on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1915, for the purpose of electing cer- tain officers of said City; and also for the purpose of elect ing a board of fifteen freeholders to prepare and propose a new charter for said City; and also for the purpose of sub- mitting certain proposed ordinances to the electors of said City. It is Hereby RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that a General Municipal Election in and for the City of Alameda, State of California, is hereby called and will be held therein on Monday, the 12th day of April, 1915, for the purposes hereinafter set forth, to wit:- (1) For the purpose of electing at said election the following namea officers of said City: A MAYOR. A TREASURER & TAX COLLECTOR. ONE COUNC ILMAN AT LARGE. ONE COUNCILlaN for the Second Ward. ONE couNcimir for the Fourth Ward. ONE COUNCILMAN for the Fifth ard. ONE COUNCILMAN for the Seventh Ward. (2) Also for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said City at said election, a certain proposed. Ordinance, which Ordinance is in the words and figures following, to March 5th, 1915. A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 4, NEW SERIES, ENTITLED, "AN OR CONFINING THE USE OF POLES AND OVERHEAD WIRES BY ELECTRIC RAILWAYS TO THE STREETS WHEREON SUCH RAILWAYS ARE OPERATED," DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE ELECTORS, OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AT THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION HIM) THEREIN ON APRIL 14, 1913. Be it ordained by the people of the City of Alameda as follows:- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 4, New Series, entitled, "An Ordinance confining the use of poles and overhead wires by electric railways to the streets whereon such railways are operated," duly passed and adopted by the electors of the City of Alameda at the municipal election held therein on April 14, 1913, be, and the same is, hereby repealed. The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the ballot the above mentioned measure in the following form: An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 4, New Series, confining the use of poles and overhead wires for electric railways to the streets whereon such railways are operated, YES NO (3) Also for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said. City at said election, a certain proposed Ordinance which Ordi- nance is in the words and figures following, to wit:- A BILL FOR OR NO. NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 5, NEW SERIES, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE ERECTION, MAINTENANCE AND USE OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRES AND POLES ITHIN A CERTAIN DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA", DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AT THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD THEREIN ON APRIL 14, 1913. Be it ordained by the people of the City af Alameda as follows:- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5, New Series, entitled, "An Ordi- nance prohibiting the erection, maintenance and use of overhead electric wires and poles within a certain district in the City of Alameda,"duly passed and adopted by the electors of the City of Alameda qt the municipal election held therein on April 14, 1913, be, and the same is hereby repealed. The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the ballot the a bove mentioned measure in the following form: An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 5, New Series, prohibiting, with certain e ceptions, the erection, maintenance and use of overhead electric wires and poles in that portion of the City of Alameda lying southerly of the center line of Eagle Avenue and the said line extended easterly and westerly to the city limits. YES NO (4) Also for the purpose of submitting to the electors for said City at said election, a certain proposed Ordinance, which Ordinance is in the words and figures following, to wit:- 121arch 5th, 1915. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL FUND KNOWN AS "RELIEF FUND"; REQUIRING THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TO INCLUDE IN THE ANNUAL LEVY OF TAXES, THE SUM OF ONE CENT UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY, TO BE APPORTIONED TO SUCH FUND; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF THE MONEYS IN SUCH FUND. Be it ordained by the people of the City of A1amoa as follows:- Section 1. There is hereby created a special fund to be known and designated as "Relief Fund", the moneys belonging to which shall be provided for and raised by the annual tax levy as here- inafter provided. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Council of the City of Alameda, at the time provided by law for the determination of the rate of City taxes to be levied and collected upon the assessed valuation of the property appearing on the assessment book of said City, to include in the rate so to be determined, the sum of one cent on each one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property, specifying the portion of the whole of said rate so included as "Relief Fund"; and thereupon in levying the tax to provide for raising the necessary revenue of the City for the fiscal year, it shall be the duty of said Council to levy the tax at the whole rate as so determined by it. Section 3. The moneys in said "Relief Fund" shall be expended only in the payment of claims for labor and other personal services on public work authorized by said Council, when,in its judgment, the providing of such work is necessary or expedient for the relief of unemployed or indigent residents of the City of Alameda. Such authorization shall be by reso- lution duly adopted declaring such necessity or expediency and specifying the public work to be done and the total sum to be withdrawn and expended from said Relief Fund under said authorization. Section 4. Any moneys remaining in said Relief Fund at the end of any fiscal year shall be turned over and paid into the General Fund. The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the ballot the above mentioned measure in the following form: An Ordinance creating a special fund known as "Relief Fund"; requiring the Council of the City of Alameda to in- clude in the annual levy of taxes, the sum of one cent upon each one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable pro- perty in said city, to be apportioned to such fund; and providing for the expenditure of the moneys in such fund in payment of claims for labor and per- sonal services on public work provided for the relief of unemployed or indigent resi dents of Alameda. YES NO (5) Also for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said City at said election, a certain proposed Ordinance, which Ordinance is in the words and figures following, to wit:- A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES. AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL FUND KNOWN AS "STREET RECONSRUCTION FUND"; REQUIRING THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TO IN- CLUDE IN THE ANNUAL LEVY OF TAXES. THE SUM March 5, 1915. LP U AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF THE MONEYS IN SUCH FUND. Be it ordained by the people of the City of Alameda as follows:- Section 1. There is hereby created a special fund to be known and designated as "Street Reconstruction Fund", the moneys belonging to which shall be provided for and raised by the annual tax levy as hereinafter provided. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Council of the City of Alameda, at the time provided by law for the determination of the rate of City taxes to be levied and collected upon the assessed valuation of the property appearing on the assessment book of said. City, to include in the rate so to be determined, the sum of twenty (20) cents on each one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property, specifying the portion of the whole of said rate so in- cluded as "Street Reconstruction Fund"; and thereupon in levying the tax to provide for raising the necessary revenue of the City for the fiscal year, it shall be the duty of said Council to levy the tax at the whole rate as so determined by it. Section 3. The moneys in said "Street Reconstruction Fund"shall be expended only in the payment of claims for the expense and charges of re-grading to the official grade, re-planking, re-paving, re- macadamizing, re-graveling, re-piling, re-capping and re-oiling, the whole or any portion, either in length or width of any of the street avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places, boulevards, high-ways, cross ings, intersections or public ways of said City, and the re-construction therein of cross-walks, culverts, bridges, gutters, curbs, steps, park- ing and park-ways. Provided, however, that the moneys in said "Street Reconstruction Fund" shall be applicable to the payment of the expenses and charges incurred for doing the work hereinbefore defined only if and when the original work done at the sane location shall have been, by ordinance of the Council, duly accepted by said City. Section 4. Whenever it shall appear to the Council that it is necessary or expedient to order work or reconstruction of the character described in Section 3 of this Ordinance, and the Council shall find that the original work done at the time located has been accepted in the manner in said Section 3 designated, it shall be the duty of said Council to order said work, or so much thereof as will not entail a total expense in excesss of the moneys at the time being in said "Street Reconstruction Fund" by resolution duly adopted and particularly describing the work ordered; and no moneys shall be with- drawn from or paid out of said "Street Reconstruction Fund", (otherwise than as in SECTION 5 of this ordinance provided", except in payment of the claims for the expenses and charges incurred in doing the work so authorized and ordered by said resolution. Section 5. Any moneys remaining in said fund at the end of any fis- cal year shall be carried forward and credited to said fund for the ensuing fiscal year; Provided, however, that at any time during any fiscal year the Council shall have power, by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of seven members thereof, to order the whole or any part of the moneys at the time being in said fund and not re- quired for the purpose of paying for worktheretofore authorized and ordered hereunder, to be transferred, turned over, and paid into the General Fund. The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the baUot the above mentioned measure in the following form: An Ordinance creating a special fund known as "Street Reconstruction Fund"; requiring the Council of the City of Alameda to include in the annual levy of taxes, the sum of twenty (20) cents upon each one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in said city to be apportioned to such fund; and providing for the expenditure of the moneys in such fund in payment of the expenses of doing street reconstruction work, when the original YES NO. March 5th, 1915. (6) The said Election is called and will be held and, con- aucted pursuant to the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California applicable to munici- pal elections. The polls will be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the day of election and be closed at seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day. (7) For the purpose o± holding said election the City of Alameda is hereby divided into twenty-five municipal election precincts, heretofore established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, for the purpose of conducting and holding the last General State Election in said. City, a descri-otion of which, together with the locatinn of the polling places and the efficiers designated to con- duct said election, are as follows:- DILTIIICIPAL ELECTION PREO 'NOT. No. 1. Description; All of eaid City east of the center line of Peach Street and South of Encinal Avenue, and, east of the center line of Fountain Street and north of Encinal Avenue, and also all that portion of Bay Farm Island lying within the charter limits of the City of Alameda. Location of Polling Place: Tent, corner of High Street and Encinal Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Eldon Sharp and. Mrs. L Roseling and. W.N.Riddell and. located on the southeast Avenue. R. W. Kearney, H. B. Thomas. George Hoffnan. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 2, Description: All of said City north of the center line of Encinal Avenue and between the center lines of Fountain Street and Versailles Avenue northerly to Santa Clara Avenue, thence westerly along the center line of Santa Clara Avenue to Pearl Street, and thence northerly along the center line of Pearl Street to the charter limits. Location of School. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Polling Place: In the basement of the Lincoln Fred Clark Albano rola W. Branchard MUNICIPAL and and and. W. W. Schillingford. Paul Lessard. Myron Fish, ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 3, Description: All of said City south of the center line of Encinal Avenue and lying between the center lines of Peach Street and Broadway. Location of Polling Place: Tent located on the southwest corner of Versailles Avenue and Encinal Avenue, Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Rushton McConnell H. C. Henry Sam Clark and and and Chas. Traves. Alex, Roebke. Mrs. Sara Bennett, MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 4. Description: All of said City lying south of the center line of Encinal Avenue and between the center lines of Broadway and Park Street. Location of Polling Place: Store, located at #2420 Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Dave Martin and Alfred Hay. II; B. Hunt,— and Jos. E. Murray. Mrs. Carrie Heintz and. Bertha Feldhamer. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO.5. Description: All of said City lying between the center corner of B Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: y and Central Avenue. E. C. Smiles James Hammond Alma Thompson and and and H. A. Waste Mabel Carter. Emma Forrest. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 6. March. 5th, 1915. Description: All of said City north of the center line of Santa Clara AVenue and lying between the center lines of Pearl Street and. Park Street. Location of Polling Place: Tent corner of Park Street and Lincoln Inspectors:- R. A. Parr Judges: A. J. Stephan Clerks: Adelaide Murdock located on the southeast Avenue. and and and Frank Kellogg. Mrs. L. Kreuger. A. E. Billington. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 7. DEscription: All of said City north of the center line of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between the center lines of. Park Street and Walnut Street. Location of Polling Place: Street, Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Fred Schuman H. F. Bolte Mabel Follrath MUNICIPAL Store located at 41517 Park and and and ELECTION No. 8. R. E. Dowde, R. Schauer, Miss E. Mazzini. PRECINCT. Description: All of said. City lying between the center lines of Park Street and. Walnut Street and between the center lines of Santa Clara Avenue and San Antonio Avenue. Location of Polling Place: Basement of the High School. inspectors: Judges: Clerks: John Robertson and Geo. W. Hendy . and Isabella Rosenberg and. Geo. McCraith. Victor Mighell, Geo. W. Heilman. MUNIC IPAL ELT ION PREC INCT. No. 9. Description: All of said City lying south of the center line of San Antonio Avenue and between the center lines of Park Street and Walnut Street. Location of Polling Place: Portable house located on the southeast corner of Oak Street and San Jose Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: R. S. Willis Jules Didier ARthur Suemmer and and and Emma Moffatt. Mrs, Jennie H. Farrar M. Stumpf. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 10. Description: All of said City lying south of the center line of Encinal Avenue and between the center lines of Wal- nut Street and Chestnut Street. Location of Polling Place: Tent, located on the southeast corner of Willow Street and. San Antonio Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: E. E. Whalley J. D. 4 oades Paul V. Harris and and and. Fred Muhlhaus en. T. A. Eisfeldt. Asa H. King. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 11. Description: All of said City lying between the center lines of Encinal Avenue and Lincoln Avenue and the center lines of Walnut Street and Chestnut Street, ,1-1,rch 5th, 1915. Judges: Clerks: A. G. Dexter and Martha J. Kirby. Miss Margaret James and Irene Smith. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 12. Description: Al]. of said City lying north of the center line of Lincoln Avenue and between the center lines of Walnut Street and Chestnut Street. Location of Polling Place: Store, located at the north- east corner of Willow Street and. Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors: Robert Mitchell and. F. J. Hargrave. Judges: C. A. Borle and. Price Locke. Clerks: W. H. MacMenaman and. L. Meyer. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONPRECINCT. No. 13. Dexcription: All of said. City lying north of the center line of Lincoln Avenue an between the center lines of Chestnut Street and. Paru Street. Location of Polling Place: Store, located at #17'1 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors: Joseph Bradford and. Joe Stachler. Judges: A. 44.ratequ and. Sallie McKean. Clerks: Louise Schaeffer and. Matt Ryan. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 14. Descriptign: All of said City lying between the center lines of Chestnut Street and Paru Street and between the center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Encinal Avenue. Location of Polling Place: Tent, located at the south- west corner of Central Avenue and Union Street. Inspectors: Ed. Rue and E. A. Kober. Judges: W. P. Dillon and. Edwin Otis, Clerks! J. H. Dickerhoff and. Edw. Sichel. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 15, Description: All of said City lying south of the center line of Encinal Avenue and between .the center lines of Chestnut Street and. Paru Street. Location of Polling Place: Tent, located on the south- west corner of Lafayette Street and Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: J. J. Mulvaney and. T. E. Gay. Judges: Miss Cecile Pocock and Herbert Clark, Clerks, Louis H. Jacobi and Harold H. Keys. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONMECINCT. NO. 16. Description: All of said City south of the center line of Central Avenue and of Alameda Avenue and between the center lines of Paru Street and By Street. Location of Polling Place: Tent, located on the north- west corner of Encinal Avenue and Morton Street. Inspectors: Wm. Hammond, Sr. and W. J. Clinton. Judges: Mary Walton and. Jeanette Kilham. Clerks: Henry Steinkamp and Wm. Weinmann. MUNICIPAI, F.LECTION PRE INCT. NO. 17. Description: All of said City lying between the center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Central Avenue and. Alameda Avenue and between the center lines of Sherman Street and Paru Street. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: J. Hoeck E. E. Roberts Nettie Rawlinson and and and G. D. Chas. C. L. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 18, lrch 5th, 1l5 . Bacon. E. Naylor. Kiiiam. Description: All of said City lying north of the center line of Lincoln Avenue and between the center lines of Pam Street and Bay Street. Location of east corner Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Polling Place: Tent, located on tlie north 0±' Bay Street and Lincoln Avenue. H. G. Nielsen J. J. Leed Elizabeth Lee and and and J. Stromberg. Mary Wilson. Emma Guerin. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 19. Description: All of said City lying north of, the center line of Lincoln Avenue and between the center lines of Bay Street and Ninth Street. Location of Polling Place: Store located at #1121 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ed. Beach and R. A. Houck, Mrs. Josephine Anderson and Wm. R. Hamm, Mrs. K.L.Mallard and Augusta Ascher. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 20. Description: All of said City lying between the center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Central Avenue and between the center lines of Sherman Street and Ninth Street. Location of Polling Place: In the basement of the Mastick School. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Theo. Steinmetz M. M. Levy R. E. Dunleavy MUNICIPAL ELECTION No. 21. and and and E. J. Silver. A. T. Sousa. Hazel Hisiop. aRECINCT. Description: All of said City lying south of the center line of Central Avenue and between the center lines of Bay Street and Ninth Street. Location of Polling Place: Ten, located on the south- west corner of Central Avenue and. Weber Street. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: I. Gutte Charles Murphy Miss Clara K.Remmel and. Miss Fannie J.Chipman. and Luke Doyle. and GAstav Horst. MUNICIPAL EIECTION PRECINCT. NO. 22, Description: All of said City lyihg south of the center line of Haight Avenue and between the center lines of Ninth Street and Webster Street. Location of Polling Place: In the basement of the Washington School, Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Thos, Schully Mrs. Louis Danly Mrs. Edna Sherer and and and Mrs. Clara SCott. Otto Riehl. R. Wise. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. No. 23. Description: All of said City lying north of the center line of Haight Avenue and between the center lines of Ninth Street :',Tarch 5th, 1.915. Inspectors: Edwin R. Sanford and. W. E. Scully Judges: Theo. R. Vinzent and Mrs. Martha Field. Clerks: Mts. Hattie. Langdon and Mrs. Alice L. Birt. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 24. Description: All of said City lying west of the center line of Webster Street and north of the center line of Haight AVenue, east of the center line of Third Street and north of the center line of Locust Street, west of the center line of Third Street. Location of Polling Place: In the basement of the Longfellow School. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: H. Traube Chas. Orr E. S. Bird and. J. H. Lovejoy. and Ed. Houston. and W. A. Rogers. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT. NO. 25. Description: All of said City lying west of the center line of Webster Street and south of the center line of Haight Avenue, east of the center line of Third Street and south of the center line of Locust Street, west of the center line of Third. Street. Location of Polling Place: Tent, located on the northeast corner of Fifth Street and Central Avenue. Inspectors: Effie Wessa Judges: Mary F. Winters Clerks:, Anna J. Wood and. L. S. Probst. and Chas. R. Bond. and Geo. Dietz. (8) Al]. persons shall be entitled to vote at said election who come within the terms or comply with the requirements of this section. Every person who was a qualified elector at the General State Election immediately preceding the holding of said election and who was registered as required by law as a qualified elector of any one of the above described precincts and who continue to reside within the exterior boundaries of such election precinct until the time of the holding of said elec- tion, shall be entitled to vote at said election, without other or additional registration. All other persons in order to be en- titledto vote at said election, mtst be registered in the manner required by sections 1094, 1096 and 1097 of the Political Code of the State of California as an elector of, and within the election precinct wherein he claims to be entitled to vote, Such registration must be had and made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1094, 1096 and 1097 of said Political Code, provided that such registration shall be in progress at all times except during the thirty days immediately preceding said election. (9). The returns of said election shall be forwarded immediately upon the completion of the count in each precinct to the City Clerk, Room 12, second floor of the City Hall, This Resolution shall constitute the notice of such election and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the same to be published in the official newspaper of said city in accordance with law and the ordinance providing for notice of elections and to cause a copy of the same to be posted at least ten days be- fore said election at each of the above mentioned voting places. Mx. Bartlett seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Probst, (5). Noes:Councilmen Morris, Roth and Stewart, (3). Absent:Councilman Hammond, (1). 14 Mr. Morgenstern brought up the rmItter of insuring the city's employees and suggested that an Ordinance or Resolution be drafted creating a special fund whereby the city would carry its own insurance. Mr. Probst suggested f, (0' 16. that inasmuch as the Insurance officers had desired to address the Council on this matter, the Clerk be instructed to notify them to be present at the next meeting of the Council. March 5th, 1915, open meeting. He moved that the request be granted, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bortlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, ROth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr. Bartlett also called attention to the fact that it appeared that the solution of the bridge problem was in the construction of a bascule bridge across the Estuary at Webster Street. He stated that the Board of Supervisors had the matter under discussion and thereupon moved that the Council urge the Board to do all in their power to urther this project and that the Council stand ready to give such support as lies within its power, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, ;qorris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 17 ' Mr. Morgenstern stated that in accordance with a law of the State Legislature, the Council should know how many persons in the city employ were not citizens of the United States. He moved that the City Clerk communicate with the heads of the various departments to ascertain the number, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen fartlett Bullock, Hammond, 3acRae, :orgonstorn, Morris, Probst, 20th and Stewart 9), Koes:None. Absent:None. There being no furthor business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, :::cch 13th, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock. Res-pectfully submitted, a e City Clerk.