1915-04-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING APRIL 6TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Council -President Morgenstern presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern and Morris, (5) were noted Present. Quorum present. Coun- cilmen Hammond, Probst and Roth, arrived later and were no pre- sent. Councilman Stewart, (1) was noted absent. The Minutes of the regular meeting of March 16th were approved as read. The Minutes of the adjourned regular 23rd, were approved as read. The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of March 30th, were approved as read. Er. Morgenstern introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING 522O6 .50 FROM THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO THE INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND. RESOLVED, by Alameda that the Electric and Redempti hundred and Dollars, and hundred and Dollars, due Light Bonds the Council of the City of there be transferred from Light Fund to the Interest on Fund, to pay Interest, Nine fifty-six and 25/100 (956.25) Redemption, One thousand, two fifty and 00/100 (1250.00) April 1st, 1915, on the Electric authorized in 1908. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bart ett Bullock, Hammond MacRae. Morgenstern, Morris and Probst, (7). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Roth and Stewart, (2), Claims against the General Fund amounting to 1292,25; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 5619.09; against the Library Fund amounting to 041.00; against the Health Fund amounting to 81.33; against Street Fund amounting to 02303.83; and against the Recreation Fund amounting to 557.07 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Ascher, Augusta Baender, Estella M. Bledsoe, Co., A.J. California Oil Burner Co. Davis, Winifred E. Dufour, Wm. 11 IT Forrest, Emma W. Fowler, Ruth Fox, Geo. H. IT IT It Flynn, J. J. Gee & Son, R. S. Hamm. Wm. R. Towel Service Services. TT Printing Fuel Services Preparing plans and specifications Notary Fee Services It Premium on Bond TT TT 71 Repairs Minute Book Services 8.00 21.00 13.50 1,00 24.00 18,00 37.50 .50 21.00 16.10 17.50 20.00 2.00 17.50 21.00 April 6th, 1915. Hunt, H. B. Kilhan, Jeanette Lubbock, Oswald Maxwell Hardware Noy, W. H. Ormsby, Henry H. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peoples Water Co. Rowe, C. V. Schneider, Henry Co. TT TV TV TT IT TV Vr Shay, Celia Mrs. Schuman, F. O. Times Star Co. TV Tr IT TT TT TT TT IT TT TT Underwood Typewriter Co. Vosburgh, L. W. TT TT TV Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Board of Electricity Borie, Louis J. California State Auto. Assn. Champion Manufacturing Co. Crane Co, TT IT TV TT Cushman & Denison Co. Dow Pump & Diesel Engine Gardner, U. S. Geneal Electric Co, Gilson Electrical Supply IT TT TV TV It IT VT TV TT Goodyear Rubber Co. Holabird-Reynolds Co. TV TT TT Hunt, 1Jirk & Co. Johns-Manville Co. Kellogg Express Co. Koerber, JL H. W. Magagnos, C. P." Marshall-Newell Su IT TV TT TT 1T IT TV Co, Co. TT IT TV ply Co. TV TT TT TT TT TV TV TT Moore, Chas, C. Pacific Metal Works Pacific States Electric Co. IT TT TT Tr TT TT TT TT TV It TV TV IT IT TV TT TT IT TV TT It IT TT It TT TT Pacific Tel. & rol. Co. nama Lubricut Co. ieo 1 tr Uompay Perata, 7. & Son, Geo. TV TV VT TT TT TV TT TV TT 17 It TV E. TV IT TT IT IT TT IT TT 'TV Powell Bros. Construction Co. . IT IT TV IT TV TT TT TT 713.itchie, L. E. Roeblins Sons Co., John A. TT 11' IT IT TV Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. staples & Pfeiffer Services TV P. 0. Box Rental Hardware Meat for Pound Services in Clerk's office GAs Rental and tolls Water Services rendered Supplies IT TT It Probate copies furnished Assessor Services Election supplies Printing Advertising Printing IT Repairs Supplies 11 Telegram Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Incidentals Merchandise Pranium on Insurance Shield Supplies TT TV Dater Material Furnished Painting and Varnishing Material Supplies 111 TT 11' Tape Supplies TT TV Drayage Rent Frame Supplies TT TT TT TT TT TT IT TI TT' TT IT 11 IT IT TT TV Vater Vashin windows Lumber 77 TT Repairing floor Labor and mYtteria. Gravel Premium on boncls Firs and Insulators Copper Wire Stationery and suprlies Fuel Oil& Gas Supplies 12.00 12.00 .75 6.67 1.15 3.00 2.52 3.89 12.75 141.30 4.40 2.10 .25 10,75 6.20 29.00 9.00 200.00 323.00. 96,41 120.00 4.25 1.00 2.80 2.35 .61 292.25 44.77 54.82 1.66 5.80 25.00 7,93 3.26 13.15 8.50 1.30 18.40 3,65 50.71 27.98 91.08 9.37 10.78 89.76 70.47 7,50 4.71 2.65 30.00 4.25 3.30 12.07 10,00 8.90 4046 25.00 25.75 2.75 4.06 1,43 25.48 16.74 8.23 .28 24.01 6.98 26.95 18.13 Y.61 2.00 1.50 57.85 3.48 22.50 1.82 21.00 19.50 3.50 21.25 39.44 26.12 9.30 2076.47 30.00 Vosbargh, L. W. it vr TT Weaver Co., Chester N. Westinghouse E. & M. Go. 11 1? IT it It It If IT 7? IT IT 11 It TT IT IT 11 Whittier-Coburn Co. TV TV it Alameda Free Library Alameda Steam Laundry Appleton, & Co., D. Crocker Co., H. S. Kellogg Express Co. Koerber, H. W. Lee, Sing Newbegin, John J. North, Maud L. Peoples Water Co. Soules, Ed. C. Tripp Co., John B. Volberg, C. O. Wheeler Publishing Co. TV IT TV Alhambra Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Borie, Louis J. Bowman Drug Co. Carpenter, T. Hieronyffins, A. Park Garage Adams, John Amorosa, V. Andrard, 0. Britt, W. Burton Co., J. H. California Building Material Co. It IT If Chapman, E. N. Clark & Sons, N. Dahl, James Dearborn Chemical Co. Doyle, Ben Ennis, M. Finale, P: Fischer, C. F. Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. Garavente L. Gatto, L. Gay, A. T. Goldstone, J. 11 Heimstein, J.H. Hunter Lumber Co. Klambt, Chas. Jamison, J. S. Johnston, H. Krieg & Halton, Assg, P.L.Durr Mackenzie, G. H. Martin, A. L. Mitchell, H. M. Norton, Goo. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Garage Pennock, M. TT If IT TT Peoples Water Co. Perry, A. " J. Peterson, A. April 6th, 1915. Merchandise TT Supplies Meters TV 71 Supplies IT TV Total LIBRI,RY FUND. Petty expenses Towel Service Book Publication Drayage Fuel Mending chairs Books Substitute Water Supplies Books Rent West End Reading Room Books Total - HEALTH FUND. Water Telephone and rental Motor bearings Special sample case R. R. Fare Office Expense Work and supplies Total - STREET FUND. Labor 17 TT Teqming Repairing Rock Cement Assisting City Engineer Sewer Pipe Assisting City Engineer Supplies Labor IT TT Hardware 7T Assisting City Engineer Labor 1T Repairs Gasoline TT Hardware Lumber Teaming ” Labor TV Teaminv Labor Rental Repairs Ueaming Fuel TV Tater Labor TV TT r - ° 25.59 22.88 17.33 223.50 240.00 74.50 2.88 11.30 34.89- 7.84 09 18.49 1,00 3.00 .76 1.00 56.00 6.25 268.11 3.00 1 64 3.50 16.00 25.00 17.25 441.00 .60 1.23 9.80 7.50 26.10 7.50 28.60 81,33 56.25 62.10 4.00 108.00 2.25 37.58 368.00 36.00 25.08 28.90 12.50 61.90 18.75 41.25 .52 41.25 52.10 28.75 28.75 8.35 21,76 11.12 9.75 41.16 13C)•15 110.00 8.00 13.00 73.75 24.75 27.50 17.50 2.35 7.73 140.25 11.00 12.00 77.50 4.00 28.75 28.75 April 6th, 1915. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. If IT VT TT Sanday, W. Sansa, M. Schneider, Henry Serralunga, L. Stackler, J. TV TT Sutton, J. E. United States Rubber Co. Vosburgh, L. W. If TT 11 Arada, Joe. " J. M. Arada, Robt. TV It Baldarmos, Joe. Bolte, H. F. Borromos, L. Brink, H. S. Burton Co., J. H. Cavanaugh, T. F. Chapman, Edwin N. Cowles, J. H. " 011ie " Roy Dahl, James Donovan, Dan Freeman, J. L. Guage, Wm. Kull, Otto Love, J. W. Morgan, Tony Peoples Water Co. Powell Bros. Construction Seim, C. Stacker, J. J. Standard Fence Co. TT 1/ TT " Strom, Carl Vosburgh, L. W. Winkler, Simon TT Material TV Labor TV Supplies Labor Repairs TV dentals Supplies Hardware TT Total - RECFLEATION FUND. Salary Labor, I? If TV TT It Lincoln 1? If TT TV TT TV Supplies Labor, Lincoln Services Labor Lincoln If TT IT Services Labor, Lincoln Services Supplies Labor, Lincoln TT 11 IT Tr Water Co. Labor hire and Repairs Supplies Guards on windows TT If Ti Fence Installing motor and wiring Supplies Labor, Lincoln Park ?ark If TV It TV TV Park Park TV I? Park Park TV TV Teaming Total - 64.80 78.30 56.25 23.75 9.20 170.00 3.00 .10.55 2.15 9.93 19.06 6.37 _ . -2303,83 8 ' 23.75 23.75 27.50 2.50 26.25 3.75 3.75 5.00 6.00 8.25 6.00 18.50 1.25 11.56 4.15 8.25 10.40 32.05 5.00 8.25 2.50 27.74 105.45 2.50 2.50 10.00 16.00 68.97 80.00 2.50 3.00 557.07 Mr. Morgenstern moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Dorris and Probst, (7). Noes: None. Absent:Councilmen Roth and Stewart (2). The following were received: The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month ending March 31st, 1915. Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Elant for the month of February, 1915. Ordered filed. The report of the City Pound for the month of March, 1915. Ordered filed. 0 The continuation certificate on the bond of Leon H. Ader. Ordered filed. 2. The Oath of office of Harold A. Hiller, as member of the Board of Library Trustees. Ordered filed. 0 ' The Affidavit of Publication of the list of candidates. Ordered filed. 4. '' The contract with L. McKinney for the 1 , Park. Ordered filed. of sidewalk in Lincoln April Gth, 1915. Mayor Otis arrived. and took the chair, TJae following communications were received: 6, / Prom H. Theresa Speddy to Mayor Frank Otis tendering her resigna tion as member of the Board of Education. From Mayor Frank Otis to H. Theresa Speddy, accepting her resignation. Mr. Bullock moved that the resignation be accepted on behalf of and carried by the following vote:- Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris Absent:Councilmen Roth and Stewart the Council, seconded by Mr. Morris Ayes:Councilmen Bar lett, Bullock, and Probst, (7), Noes:None. 2). From Mayor Frank Otis sabmjtting to the Council the appointment of Kate P. Van Orden to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. H. Theresa Speddy, and to serve as School Director for the unexpir- ed term, Mr. Bullock moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and Probst, Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Roth and STewart, (% 8. I From G. W. Brown requesting a gratuitous license to do electric wiring and repairing and sell appliances. Same having been endorsed by John Conrad, Chief of Police, Hr. Morris moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. MacRae and carried by the following vote:- Aye :Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris and 'robst, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Roth and. Stewart, (2). 9, From Theo. Reichard, requesting permission to erect six or more tents on his property at 738 Central Avenue. Ur. Hammond moved that the request be granted subject to the approval of the Board of Health and Sanitary Inspector, seconded by :[r. Bartlett and carried. 10. , Mr. Hammond moved, seconded by 1;:r. Probst and carried, that the Street Committee look into the matter of placing a sewer in Central Avenue, between Page Street and Web ter Street. 11. \, From the Board of Heaith, recommending to the Council that the Porter School be condemned on the grounds that the same is overcrowded, unsafe, insanitary and improperly ventilated. Referred to the Health Committee to report back. 12. ,/ From Joseph Koenig, complaining against the license fee for coilductilz a cleanino and dyeing est bli,'hment. Referred to the License Committee, Mayor Otis asked to be excused and Council-President Morgenstern took the chair. 13. From W. R. Scott to the City Clerk, stating that the matter of placing a station at Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue had been plac- ed in the hands of Mr. Paul Schoup. Ordered filed. 14. / From the City Clerk giving a report on the number of persons r! employed by the city within the last fifteen years and the number injured. Referred to the next Committee of the 'Mole meeting. ri 4 4- rt -1 - --1- -1 - pril 6th, 1915. Monday of May. Referred to the Finance Committee. 16. From the Board of Education saying that there were three aliens in the employ of the School Department, each of whom, however, had taken out first papers for citizenship. Ordered filed. 17. From the Police and Fire Commission stating that there were no aliens in the employ of the Police or Fire Departments. Ordered filed. 18. V From the Vlarren Bros. Co., submitting an agreement to charge any and all contractors bidding on street work within two years from date, March 3rd, 1914, 1.00 per square yard, for the use of their bitulithic pavement. Ordered filed. 19. From the Public BUildings and Grounds Committee submitting a report on the City Hall repairs and betterments. Referred to the next Committee of the 7/hole meeting. 20. From the Street Committee recommending that the Peoples Water Company be granted permission to move their house across Fernside Boulevard. Er. Probst moved, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried that the matter lay over to the next meeting of the Council. 21. ) Mr. Hammond moved.that plans and specifications for culverts adopted by the Council on the 3/d day of May, 1910, be rescinded, seconded by Er. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and. Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 22. Mr. Hammond then moved that the plans and specifications for culverts presented by City Engineer Sutton be adopted, seconded By Ur. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, SlacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 23. 4, Mr. Bartlett moved that the plans and specifications for the improvement of Park Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and the Tidal Canal, be adopted and that the Clerk advertise for bids, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8):. Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 24. V Mr. Probst moved that the plans and specifications for the improvement of Webster Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and. At lantic Boulevard be adopted and the Clerk advertise for bids, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 25. A BILL for Ordinance entitled A BILL FOR ORDIT=CE NO. NEW SLJ,IES. To Repeal on Ordinance entitled,"Ordinance No.34 New Series, Calling and Providing for a Special Election to be held in the City of Alameda, County of AlRmeda, State of California, for the Purpose of RullmittinP to tile nualifind Vntnrs,nf said City April 6th, 1915. Hundred: Thousand Dollars for certain Permanent Municipal Improvements in said City, to wit:- First,- A Bonded IndebtedneSs in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the Acquisition, Cohstruction and Completion of Wharves, Docks, Piers, Slips and Quays required for the accommo- dation of Cannerce, together with their appurte- nant Buildings, equippment and appliances, and including approaches to said Wharves, Docks, Piers, Slips and Quays, and necessary Bulkhead- ing, Dredging and filling; and, Second, - A Bond- ed Indebtedness in the sum of Three Hundred. Thousand. Dollars for the Construction and Com- pletion of certain new School Buildings, together with the Furnishing and Equipping thereof, the Construction and Completion of Additions, Improve- ments and Alterations of and to existing School- buildings, together with the furnishing and equip- ping thereof, the acquisition of Lots of Land ad- jacent to and near certain existing School-lots to be used for the purposes of School-yardsand School-House Sites and additions to existing School- Yards and School-House Sites; declaring the esti- mated cost of said proposed public Improvements, and the amount of the Principal of the Indebtedness to be Incurred therefor, and the Rate of Interest to be paid thereon; declaring and determining that the Cost of said Proposed Public Improvements and of each of them will be and is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said Municipality, and will, in addition to the other expenditures of said City of Alameda, exceed the income and revenue provided for in any one year; and fixing Wednesday, the 14th day of April-, A.D. 1915, as the date upon which said Election shall be held, the manner of holding such election and the voting for or against incurring such indebted- ness, Establishing Election Precincts and Polling Places for such Election, an:7, Appointing Boards of Election therefa7 and proclaiming and giving notice of said Election", - which said. Ordinance was adopt- ed and passed on the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1915, and approved on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1915, was presented and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Bartlett moved that when the Council adjourn it ad- journ to meet in adjourned regular meeting, Lpril 13th, 1915, at 8 o'c ock, seconded by Li'. Hammond and carried by the follow- ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, DacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent: Councilman Stewart ) 26. 'H Bullock moved, seconded by Mr. Bartlett and carried that the Bond Election be held on Tuesclay, iday llth, 1915, 27. Er. Hammond moved that sami)le ballots be sent out, that Clerk anploy the necessary help and get such supplies as are necessary, seconded by hr. Bartlett and carried by the following vote:- Lyes :Councilmen Bartlett, Bullock, Hammond, EacRae, korgenstern and Probst, (6).. Noes:Councilmen Morris and Roth, (2). Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). 28. A Bill for Ordinance entitled A BILL FOR ORDIUANCE NOw NEW SERIES. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alamo of Certain Teal Property for the Use and Benefit of the Public SchOols of said City, was presented, which was laia over under a provision of the Charter. 29. Mr. Hammond called attention to the condition of Dowell Boulevard and moved, seconded by r_r. Probst and carried, that the April 6th, 1915. 30, lie also moved, seconded by Probst and c=ied, that the Street riommittee look into the matter of replacing the post on the bu1:ITod along :Powell Boulevard, and the construction of steps from the 7-loulewrd to the jioach. 31. j. 'Y'robs16 lled ttent] to the fact thr,t r:lua was aucTln -- aperin oh thc Alameda beaches LInd moved ;,.econded. by L:r. -Brtlett cried that tT:e City Attorney proceed to enjoin the City of a'kland from pumping the mud on to the beaches. 32. Irobst called attention to the conditicia of the sewer empt:'ing into the _laska f chers AL'sociotion basin and moved, seconded by lir. ilammund and crried that the mattor be referred to the Finance Committee and the Ci± 2uiiieer to ascertaia if suj'ficient money cai, be secured to repair the s2Ile. Hrumond called attention to the coition of the sidewalk in front of 1130 Recent Street and moved, seconded by fr. Probst and carried that the matter be referred to the Street Suerintendent to report back ct the next meeting. 54. / Bullock called attention to the need of a watchman at Yebster Street and Lincoln Avenue and moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried that the Clerk notify the Southern Pacific Company to place a flagman there. Mr. MacRae called attention to the need of a sewer in Fillmore Street, west of 1ound Street, and moved that the City .:ngineer and City Attorney prepare plans and specifications for the same, second- ed by Er. STorris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bart1ett Bullock Hammond, llacRc.e, Eorgenstern, Morris, Probst and Roth, (8). IToes:-.Tone. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). There being no further business to transact the Count Coundll adjourn- ed to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, April 13th, 1915, at 8 o'clock. 35. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.