1915-04-19 Regular CC Minutes6 1.L.D I APP-a)-1, ITIL6146. Azi-ciL 19, 1915, The meeting convened with Mayor Frank Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen MacRae, Morris, Morgenstern, Probst and SLewart, (5) were noted present. gurcum present, Councilmen Bullock, Hammond and Roth, (3) arrived later and were noted present. Absent:Councilman Bartlett, (1). The Minutes of the regular meeting of April 6th were approved read. as The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 13th, 1915 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 16th, 1915 were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amount-i. to $814.33; against the Police Fund amounting to $5.50; against the Fire Fund amounting to $10.00;against the Street Fund amounting to $15.00; against the Recreation Fund amounting to !)965.26 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Brewer, H. S. Cushman & Denison Mfg. Fischer, C. F. Fowler, Ruth Fox, Geo. H. TV TT TT co. Hamma, Wm, R. Hoeck, Jacob McKinney, L. W. McLellan & Morrtsson Mazzini, L. Mehrtens, H. G. Hiller, Mrs. Elise Hun. Electric Light Plan Purity Springs Water Oo. Ryan, Matt Strom Electrical Co. Stromberg, J. F. Times Star Co. TV TV TV TV TT n Westphal, 0.C. Whearty, Mrs. James Soules, E. 0, Reliance Automobile Co. Goulburn, Geo. Election furniture, etc. Dater Garbage cans Services in Assessor Bond premium IT TV $ 78.00 9.50 75.00 office 25.00 150.00 12.50 31.00 5.00 125.00 5.00 .40 5.00 5.00 4.80 1.50 1.00 4.25 5.00 60.13 4.75 200.00 1.50 5.00 Services in Clerk's offic Rent of polling place Sidewalk at Lincoln Park Rent of Polling place Padlocks Rent of Polling Place 1, TV TV TV Lamps Water Supplies TT Rent of polling place Advertising, printing, etc. Binding Election Supplies Cleaning and repairing clock Rent of polling place Total POLICit, FUND. Auto reliner FIR1? FUND. Apparatus Repairs STREET FUND. Labor RE 2EATION FUND. Arada, Mike J. Arada, Robt. St. Baldarmos, Joe Cowles, Roy Donovan, Dan French, Asa Hilsz:;_ A. of Powell Bros, Construction Tt TT TV Ty IT IV Labor Tv If It If Co.' TY II TV and Teamin TV IT /I 814.33 5.50 10.00 15,00 $ 6.25 6.25 7.50 16.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 219.35 60.61 Pcl. or' 4176 April 19th, 1915. Mr. Morgenstern moved that the c1aim as read be paid, second- ed by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bullock, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Stewart, (6), Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bartlett, Farnrnond and Roth, (3). The following communications were received: 1. From the Mayor Auditor ancl City Clerk giving the count of the money in the Treasury. Ordered filed. 2. The resignation of F. H. Bartlett as Councilman from the Sixth Ward. Kr. Morgenstern moved that the resignation be accept- ed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock, MacRae Morgenstern, Morris, Probst and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bartlett Hammond and Roth, ( From Mayor Frank Otis, appointing A. F. Heuer as Council- man from the Sixth Viard, to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of F. H. Bartlett, Hr. Morgenstern moved that the appoint- ment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the follow ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Bullock MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, and Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Bartlett, Hammond and Roth, (3). The Clerk thereupon administered the Oath of Office to Kr. Heuer. After a few remarks by Mr. Heuer and Mayor Otis, Mr. Heuer took his seat. As the Charter in Section 6, of Article Eleven, requires that the members of the Council and other elective offices shall take office at 8 o'clock P. M. on the third Monday in April, next after their election, Hr. Morgenstern moved that the Council ad- journ to that hour, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. MEETING OP THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 19TH, 1915 In accordance with Article Two, Section 4 and Article Eleven, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Alameda. The roll was called and Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Heuer, MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9) were noted present. Quorum present. Absent:None. As it was now time to convass the vote of the election of April 12th, 1915, Mr. Morgenstern moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried that the canvass be made. Thereupon the Clerk proceed- ed to open the official returns and the result was found to be as set forth on the table on the next page of this record. (2/ _:,,,,,',:, x) s.-: i 0/7 / 1 / ,,-;-<•;/ 17 L / 7 Z .' 1-., (..' / /-3 7 L/ /7 (J) / :. ' - 51 ( r 1 : ' 7 I /7 1 .6-L, , ' Z, 1 1-7 1 S b f'VI I.;`67:1 ‘ _2 ci` ' 'n .,- ...:, z, :; v I 1 b 9' .5'.J' _CV .1 :1-: , .25 / ' . (7 1 4 - I/ / _1,7 ./ /L 7 , 7 I, ' ) L, h 1, / ii, /7 I, _!:, /-, (2 '__C' . : 7 .., 1 L C( --(/' V (/ / ;.- / ( I I ./ /2/2 l., rt-f • _CT/ &N/ 1 L (2/ ,$„2), z b 1 9 '‘.:) 9/, e::'(,,,,/ vt, 6(2// Y v) b_V L / _.9'b v) 1-.7, --Vi" PC/ C) ti.-) I, VC/ bu f / , I, c )/ ...C,'`,1 67 11.. ,.`:,' L I Z- 1 1 "'s / /.., , 7 (.7 „1 . 1 '-) /c _,.; ' .-t, 1 , "/ , ; "V i _P_C' (1 1, .1- 1-7 ',f; ::-; h v 2, c- 3 (-,-,` Li h9 /2 7,:._,;' 09 (2 L -'") ") 6 , 1 2/ h ! / ' ' ' ' 2 ' /, I/ 'V) I/ -'1 -7; 1..., _V' I 1 1 I I: )\ '; V I Y.: i 11 - 1 ‘ce ;_.4 C 1 !I) Lit, '1,-;1 bb tb Zv /2/2 ) 0 =..- ,./1 6, ..4,/ \ / (,, / aV / I A? 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G II 7:1 G 17( ,... 111 !I S' .-:';1 9 /2/ Zf' 1 _.c,' G" 1 ' / wl"?-0-?...., , '-:1,4-- L/7 -<:: 0 -br 17 h bi': ,17,' 1,,S' 1 , P .I. J h' 17 _--\ I, E , 7 ...Y L., ..---- --,==., 017 J.-; r Q,\ ,`..' V 11 '2," ' - 6 L-; -('; El b 6' '1-,' /, ,, , ==, ;..,-,;(--;',;-.2"... .7;'-..:7 -s.'="?7,(-1A2/ --;;'. i ' . , • ___. • . . . . ,„,:.=..,/ - ,,-- 4. / / / ,- ----y- )././. 1 1, • , • bt.-- 7=7.- V '( .1) ! 4.=t)"- , L 24-' 7; "V;(* • ?7,7z/V:7/:;/-'9.;•.‹-i) / 122?" / I = _?,-!/',9,24-,'= 21') 1;% X•2L7- , 7 '-,== • - =t--6. ="•"=," ...-, . ,• .. 1% I / .42 .64,./ :=,." ,f / 7 , = . I .. L .„,-.„ P ../ ,,, ,1 -7,„7„7ri,„ ,-.,„.c. ,,, 'c , ) • ,-;•.? . ---/-• (..__L_ ,=2 U 7=1•1./..,p,...c,-.=,, 7j / 6 'V` 1 A* 717} c ,,i[ /-7)/ /(,)/ Cit 1 (95/ Or:, b21 1,0 L/C6 Uhl 61 6'; Ci'le; hVii (11 /2 1,h1 (4L; ,.,. l /21 1 ,-, ,,,e - V 1 -ri I 1 1 - 2, I - -C 7 (2 - - - /21 - 11 7,- 01 2 r, 1, 1 - „ - 4 i._ , i b -- - i G' <=7, , ' 1 5•,<,743 ,' 4, Y(7 ,c,`",) 02:2 u j/ / 1 25 ; 5',.% ./ ('7 Z / 7 7 /-ii bil 1 11 001 il, (i3 1.4.::,,p.,„,. t, .',' i, ;., 1.- 1., 3 `,-.,‘ I /2/2 .:.-- ,j _..c' (1 j f 1, 6/2/ / 6 ') 6 y , J-/ --.-;')/ 6' /2 0/ ,Z.,/7/ _P,.5 ‘,7 C/ G- ,i,, . /,' 2 / . - . : - - i 77. c(r,',/ ' / 17 . i-) c..1,) 7 6/ I,,' 1' .Z / % / ...e;V (E--t/ ' / / / - , 1 ,/, i . / e7 / & , 1 Ut I I 1 6 („c" /7 y/ // • f I (.1 r.; •=== • " ":"7/ (=`/'/.../,•• )/ / / /»1 )--7ze/32 1 127, 4176 4, Mr. Probst then offered the following foliowing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION SHOWING RESULT OF CANVASS OF VOTES. RESOLVED, that from the canvass of votes cast at the Municipal Election on April 12th, 1915, it appears that the following named persons receiv- ed a majority of the votes cast for the respec- tive offices for which they were candidates, and they are hereby declared to be elected for the ensuing terms for the said offices as follows:- Frank H. Bartlett, Oswald Lubbock, John H. Walker, John H. Wilkens, E. B. Bullock, Wm. Hammond, Jr. E. J. Probst, h, 1915. Mayor, Treasurer & Tax Collector. Councilman At Large. Councilman,from the Second Ward. Councilman from the Fourth Ward. Councilman from the Fifth Ward. Councilman from the Seventh Ward. Also, that "An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No, 4, New Series, entitled 'An Ordinance confining the use of poles and overhead wires by electric railways to the streets whereon such railways are operated,' duly passed and adopted by the electors of the City of Alameda at the Municipal Election held therein on April 14, 1913," having affirmatively received a majority of the votes cast on said ordinance, said ordinance is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also, that "An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 5, New Series, entitled, 'An Ordinance prohibit- ing the erectIon, maintenance and use of over- head electric wires and poles within a certain district in the City of Alameda,' duly passed and adopted by the electors of the City of Alameda at the Municipal Election held therein on April 14, 1913," having affirmatively receiv- ed a majority of the votes cast on said ordinance, said ordinance is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also, that "An Ordinance creating a special fund known as 'Relief Fund? requiring the Council of the City of Alameda to include in the annual levy of taxes the sum of one (1) cent upon each One Hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in said City, to be apportioned to such Fund; and providing for the expenditure of the moneys in such fund" having affirmatively receiv- ed a majority of the votes cast on said ordinance, said ordinance is hereby declared to have been carried and adopted. Also, that an Ordinance creating a special fund known as 'Street Reconstruction Fund', requiring the Council of the City of Alameda to include in the annual levy of taxes the sum of Twenty (20) cents upon each one hundred dollars of valuation of taxable property in said City to be apportion- ed to such Fund; and providing for the expendi- ture of the moneys in such Fund" failed to re- cbive a majority of the votes case on said ordi- nance and the same is hereby deblared to have failed of adoption. Mr. Morgenstern seconded the motion to adopted the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Council- men Bullock, Hammond, Heuer MacRae, Morgenstern, Morris, Probst, Roth and Stewart, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr, Morgenstern at this point addressed the Council and made a retiring speech. Mr. MacRae was called upon for a few wordaand spoke in an opriate manner. Messrs. Walker and Wilkens then took their seats and the Clerk administered the Oath of Office to them and to Councilmen app 11.0 april 19th, 1915. elect Bartlett to the chair. Mr. Bartlett took the Oath of Office, after which Bullock introduced the new MayaY-to retiring Mayor Otis. Ex-Mayor Otis felicitated Mr. Bartlett on his election and gave a resume of the work accomplished in the past under his administration and of the work that remained to be accomplished under Mr. Bartlett's administration. Mx. Bartlett answered in kind and assured the Council of his hearty co-operation. The roll was called and Councilmen Bullock, Hammond, Heuer Morris, Probst, Rith, Stewart, Walker and Wilkens (9) were noted present. Quorum present. Absent:None. * Mr. Hammond placed in nomination the name of E. B. Bullock as President of the Council. Mr. Stewart seconded the nomination and Mr. Bullock was elected by unanimous vote. Mr. Hammond then nominated Council president Bullock, Councilmen Heuer and Wilkens as members of the Finance Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The Clerk then read a card from the East Alameda Non Partisan Club wishing success to the Mayor and members of the City Council. Ordered filed. v( The Clerk then read the list of Council Committees as appoint- ed by Council-president Bullock as follows:- POLICE FIRE AND WATER. Walker, Chairman, Probst and Wilkens. STREETS, SEWERS AND WHARVES. Hammond, Chairman, Roth and Walker. PUBLIC UTILITIES. Wilkens Chairman, Hammond an Walker. HEALTH. Stewart, Chairman, Bullock and Rethi PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. Roth, Chairman, Bullock and. Probst. PRINTING An ADVERTISING. Hammond, Chairman, Stewart and Heuer. LICENSE. Heuer, Chairman, Morris and. Probst. PARK AND PLAYGROUND. Probst, Chairman, Hammond and Heuer. JUDICIARY. Morris, Chairman, Stewart and Wilkens. The following communications were received: From Mayor Bartlett, appointing G. W. Christensen as City Hall Deputy, Mr. Probst moved that the appointment be Confirmed, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. From Mayor Bartlett, appointing Hazel B. Dudgeon as Steno- 4i7 Aril 19th, 1915. carried. 8. The bond of Mayor Bartlett was received and ordered filed. 9. The Clerk then read the following Resolution: RESOLUT ION. DETERMINING THAT THE )UBLIC INTEREST AND NLCESSITY OF THE CITY OF AIAMEDA =AND THE ACQUISITION, CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION BY THE CITY OF AI,_MEDA OF CERTAIN 2ERMANENT MUNICIPAL DIPROVELENTS IN SAID CITY WHICH ARE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTS, PURPOSES AND POWERS OF SAID MUNI- CIPALITY, TO WIT:- FIRST,- THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLE- TION OF MUN I C IPAL WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS REQUIRED FOR THE AC COMODAT ION OF COM- MERCE, TOGETHER WITH THEIR APPURTENANT BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES, AND INCLUDING APPROACHES TO SAID WHARVES, DOCKS, PIERS, SLIPS AND QUAYS, AND NECESSARY BUIKHEADING, DREDGING AND PILLING; AND SECOND,- THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN NEV SCHOOL BUILDINGS, TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF, THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLE- TION OF ADDITIONS, rTROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS OP AND TO EXISTING SCHOOL-BUILDINGS, TOGETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF-AND TEE ACQUISI- TION OF LOTS OF LAND ADJACENT TO AND NEAR CERTAIN EXISTING SCHOOL LOTS TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SCHOOL-YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES 4 AID THIRD,- THE ACQUISITION OF A LOT OF LAND ON CENTRAL AVENUE IN SAID CITY, OPPOSITE TO THE EXISTING PUBLD PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN SAID CITY KNOWN AS naSTING- TON 13:ARK", TO BE USED FOR THE PURPOSES OF APARK AND PLAYGROUND AND ADDITIONS TO SAID EXISTING PARK AND PLAYGROUND, TOGETHER WITH TEE IMPROVEMENT AND THE EQUIPMENT THEREOF FOR SUCH USE; THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF NEW BUILDINGS IN SAID "WASHINGTON PARK", TO BE USED FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND ?UR:POSES, TOETHER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING THEREOF1 THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OP NEW BUILDINGS IN THE PUBLIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN SAID CITY KNOWN AS "LINCOLN PARK", TO BE USED FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND PURPOSES, TOGET- HER WITH THE FURNISHING AND EQUIPPING TEEREW; AND THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC LIGHTING IN EACH 0]? THE PUBLIC PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS IN SAID CITY, TO WIT, IN "McKINLEY PARK", "WASHINGTON PARK", "LINCOLN PARK", AND "JACKSON PARK", TOGETHER WITH THE EQUIPMENT THEREOF AND THE APPURTENANCES THERETO:- AND ESTIMATING THE COST THEREOF, AND DETERMINING THAT THE COST THEREOF WILL BE TOO GREAT TO BE PAID OUT OF THE ORDINARY ANNUAL INCOME AND REVENUE OP SAID CITY, AND, IN ADDITION TO THE OTHER EXPENDI- TURESEOF SAID CITY, WILE EXCEED THE INCOME AND REV PROVIDED FOR IN ANY ONE YEAR OR IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, The City of Alameda is a municipal corpora- tion duly incorporated and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California; and 7,TEREAS, the Council of said City is the legisla tive branch of said City, and the Mayor of said City is the Executive of said City and municipality; It is now by said Council, after full examination and consideration, hereby RESOLVED Section 1. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby determines that the public interest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the ac- quisition, constru.etion and completion by the City of Alameda of certain permanent municipal improvements in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisition, construction and completion on Oakland Harbor and the Estuary of San Antenio,on the northerly waterfront of the City of Alameda_ of April 19th, 1915. pliances, and including approaches to said wharves, docks, piers, slips and quays, and necessary bulk- heading, dredging and filling, the same to be ac- quired, constructed and completed on TrtIct 28 and Tract 9, and on tide-landt and submerged lands ad- jacent thereot, as said Tracts are delineated and so designated on that certain map entitled, "Map of Alameda Marsh Land, as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit numbered 6925 and entitled Pacific Improvement Company, Plaintiff, vs. James A. Waymire, et al,, Defendants, Superior Court of Alameda County, State of California," filed in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County on July 30th, 1900, in Book 25 of Maps, at pages 75, 77 and 79. The cost of all said improvements. is hereby estimated to be the sum of Two Hundred. Thousand. Dollars, Section 2. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the public interest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain other permanent municipal im- provements and property in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the objects, purposes and powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- (a) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing shcool-lot of the Porter School in the City of Alameda, for the purposes of a school-yard and shcool-house site, and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school, and the construction and completion, either wholly thereon and partly on said existing school-lot of said. Porter School, of a new school-building for use as an ele- mentary school in the place and stead of the existing school-building of said Porter School, together with the furnishing and equipping of such new building (b) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to or near the existing school-lot of the Lincoln School in the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school, and the construction and completion thereon of a new school-building for use as an ad- ditional school-unit constituting a part of said Lincoln School, together with the furnishing and equipping of such new building. (c) The construction and completion on the exist- ing school-lot of the Washington School in the City of Alameda of additions to the existing school-build- ing of said Washington School, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof. (d) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Longfellow School in the City of Alameda for the Purposes of a school- yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school. (e) The construction and completion on the exist- '-g school-lot of the Everett School in the City of Alameda of a new school-building for use as an additional school-unit constituting a part of said. Everett School, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof, and the construction and com- pletion of improvements of and to the existing school- building of said Everett School and of and to its appurtenances and equipment. (f) The construction and completion of the work of re-modeling, re-arranging, re-equipping and re- furnishing the existing school-building of the Porter School in the City of Alameda in such manner as will render it suitable for the vocational work of the Alameda High School. (g) The acquisition of a lot of land adjacent to the existing school-lot of the Alameda High School ih the City of Alameda for the purposes of a school-yard and school-house site and additions to the existing school-yard and school-house site of said school. The cost of all said improvernents and property is 4 April 19th, 1915. hereby further determines that the public interest and necessity of said City of Alameda demand the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of Alameda of certain other permanent munici pal improvements and property in said City which are necessary and convenient to carry out the ob- jects, purposes and Powers of said municipality, and which are namely:- The acquisition of a lot of land an Central Avenue in said City, opposite to the existing public park and playground in said City known as "Washington Park", to be used for the purposes of a park and playground and additions to said existing park and playground, together with the improvement and the equipment thereof for such use; the acquisition, construction and completion of new buildings in said "Washington Park", to be used for park and playground purposes, together with the furnishing and equipping thereofl the acquisition, construction and completion of new buildings in the public park and playground in said. City known as "Lincoln Park", to be use for park and playground nurposes, together with the furnishing and equipping thereof; and the acquisition, construction and completion of a system of electric lighting in each of the public parks and playgrounds in said City, to wit: in "McKinley Park", "Washington Park", "Lincoln Park", and "Jackson Park", together with the equipment thereof and the appurtenances thereto. The cost of a].1 said improvements and property is hereby estimated to be the sum of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars. Section 4. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that the cost of the hereinbefore mentioned permanent municipal improve- ments, and of eachof them, will be 'Ind is too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City, and that the cost thereof, and of eachof them, will require an expenditure greater than the amount allowed or which may be obtained by the ordinary annual tax levy of said City, and that the cost thereof, and of each of them in addition to the other expenditures of said City, will exceed the income and revenue provided for in any one year, or in the current fiscal year. Section 5. That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby further determines that said Council will, for the public interest and necessity, and in ac- cordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legis- lature of the State of California, entitled, "An Act Authorizing the Incurring of Indebtedness by Cities, Towns and Municipal Corporations for Muni- cipal Improvements, and Regulating the Aequisition, Construction or Completion thereof," (which Act became a law under constitutional provision, without the Governor's approval, on the 25th day of February 1901), and of acts amendatory thereof, (in accordance with which Act and mnendatery Acts of the Legislature this resolution is adopted), at a subsequent meeting of said Council of the City of laameda, by ordinance call a special election and submit to the qualified voters of said City, the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness for each of the three pur- poses to be therein set forth as in this resolution stated, respectively, in Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 hereof. Section 6. That thi resolutjon shall take effect and be in force immediately. Mr. Probst moved that the said Resolution be ratified, con- firmed and approved as the action of the new Council seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and Bullock, (9). Noes:Mone. Absent:None. Mr. Probst inquired if the certified check of A. T. Spence nO1118 —A rAtm.rpri 'him A -PA- nv ems e3 A4 t, eN el 4 ^ 14 April 19th, 1915. over to Tuesday evening, April 20th, 1915. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, 4ril 20th, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfufly submitted, City Clerk.