1915-04-27 Regular CC Minutes20 ADJOURNED REGULAR TEEING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (8) were noted present. Councilman Roth arrived later and was noted present. Claims against the Genera1 Pund amounting to ,18.00; against the Street Fund mounting to ',;860.43 and against the Recreation Fund amounting to ::415.33 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUND. Hoeck, F. P. O'Brien, W. B. Panama Lubricants Co. Purity Springs Water Co. Schneider, Henry Baird, J. V. Empire Foundry Co. Kellogg Express Co. Niles Sand, Gravel & Rock Co'. Park Garage Standard Corrugated Pipe Co. 11 11 ft 11 Times Star Co. Baldarmos, Joe. Buxton Co., J. H. Chapman, E. N. 11 11 11 Dahl, James 11 it eeman, P. L. 77 11 I/ Froddea, V. H. Hackett, Frank H. Hammond, C. J. Hilsz, A. W. Liazzini, L. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Plummer & Son, Geo. 71 Tr It Risley, C. E. 11 If " W.Wo Schaeffer, V. L. Shaffer, S. W. Tacker, Thomas Co. E. Stationery 1,00 Painting signs 6.00 Floor oil 3.50 Water 1.00 Stationery 6.50 4; 18.00 Total - EM FUND. Repairs Castings Drayage Rock Repairs Supplies It Printing 14.00 102.00. .25 36.13 75.45 464.00 162.10 6.50 Total ----- 860.43 RE0RkTI0T FUND. Labor Services 77 17 It Work in Lincoln Park Labor and material Teaming Labor SuP-elies Rental Lumber Carpenter work 71 17 SuPplies It Labor and material. Total - the Claims as read President Bullock moved that seconded by Mr. 11Lorris and carried Councilman Hammond, Heuer, Morris 2.50 6.80 15.00 12.00 9.63 12.38 16.64 20.80 18.00 24.64 3.00 2.50 43.90 2.25 55.10 26.50 17.50 35.00 17.50 2.05 68.59 3.05 41-10 r ,g 9 .0,) be paid, by the following vote:- Ayes Probst, Stewart, Walker, 'Wilkens and President Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). A Bill for Ordinance entitled FOR A BILL ORDINANCE NO. 40, NEW SERIES. A 1..1, ■rn•n■ April 27th, 1915, TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY THR7E CERTAIN PRO POS IT IONS FO R INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AMOUNT I NG IN THE AGGREGATE TO FIVE HUNDRED AND THIRTY P IVE THOUSAND DOLDAPtS FOR THE AC Q UIS IT ION, CONSTRUCT ION AND C 0 L-E) LET I ON BY THE 0 ITY OF AL JUIE al OF C li2EA IN -PERMA- NENT MUNICIPAL ETROVELLE.NT S. IN SAID C ITY 1.VEICH ARE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT TO CARRY OUT THE OBJECTS, "UR - POSES AND POV.'ERS OF SAID MUNIC I 2ALITY , to wit : F IRST , - A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN Ti.[ SUM OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE AC Q U IS IT ION , C ONS TRUCT ION AND OWLET ION N IC IPAL WELRVES • DOCKS-, P :MRS, SL IPS AND :.1UAYS REQu IRED FOR THE AC COMMODA T I ON OF C 0IfERC E TOGETHER WITH THEIR APPURTNANT BUILDINGS, 'EQUIPMENT AND APPLIANCES, AND INCLUDING APPROACHES TO SAID .';12, VE S , DOCKS, MRS , SLIPS AND QUAYS , AND NEC ESSARY BULKHEA D NG , DREDGING AND P ILL I NG ; AND SECOND, A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM OF THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE C U T A U C T I N AM) COM- PLITT I ON OF C T A IN NEW S C HO OE BUILD' UGS , T 0 GETHER .iITH TIE.' I' LT Dirt INC' .:OND EUIEPING THEREOF , THE OWJSTRUOT ION AND C OMP LE T ION OF ADDIT I ONS , E1PR 0 VELIE:711`,:.i AND ALTERA- T IONS OF AND TO EXIST I NG S CHO OL 1JiI1DINGS , TOGETEM WITH TEE FURNISHING T.ND EQUIPPING TEM.", EOF , AIL) THE ACQU IS I - T ION OF LOTS OP LAND ADJACENT TO AND NEAR C ERTA I N EXIS ING 'SC HO OL-LOT S TO BE USED ]?OR THE ruaosEs scHooL YARDS AND HO OL E SITES AND A DDIT IONS TO EXISTING SCHOOL YARDS AND SCHOOL-HOUSE SITES; AND TH IRD , - TEE AC Q,UIS IT ION OP A LOT OF LAND ON C ENTRAL AVE]? IN SAID cITY, OPP OS IT E TO THE EXISTING PUBL IC PARK A ND PILL YGRO UND IN SAID 0 ITY KNOWN As TASHINGT0N PARK", TO BE USED FOR THE PUT P OF 11. PARE AND ]? Y GROUND AND ADD IT IONS TO SA ID la I ST I NG -2Anc. AND PLAY-. GR OUND, TOGETHER 17ITE THE ITA2ROT.:11E7.2 AND THE EQUIP- MENT THEREOF FOR SUCH usia THE ACQUISITION, C 0 NS TRUCT ION AND COMPLETION OP NEW BUILDINGS IN SAID "WASHINGTON PARK", TO BE USED FOR 1IRCE A ILI -2 _LAY GR OU ND P URP 0 S ES , TOGETHER WI. TIT THE FUR IS EI NG AND IP P ING TE EREOF 1 THE AC Q UIS I- T ION, CONS TRU° T ION AND COI,I2LET ION OF NEW Brill LD NGS THE PUBLIC PARK AND PLAYGROUND IN SAID CITY KNWON AS "LINCOLN PARK," TO BE USED FOR P:1RK AND :PLI.:,YGROUND PIMP° S ES , T 0 GE T HER VITH THE FURN E IN G AND E's.),UIPP INC; THEREOF ; AND THE AC QU IS I T ION , 0 ONS TRUC T ION AND C0I2LE- T ION OF A. SY STill OF NCECTRIO LIGHTING IN EACH OF T PEE PUBLIC PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS IN SAID CITY, TO-WIT, IN "McKINLEY PARK", T.71.A H T. NG TO N PERK, " "L INOOLN PARK," AND "JACKSON PARK," TOGETHER W 117H THE EQUIPMENT THERE- 0]? AND THE APPURTENANCES THERETO: DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAID PROPOSED PUBLIC IDLPRO VEMENT S , AND THE AMOUNT OF THE PR INC IPAL OF THE INDEBTEDITESS TO BE I lIC RRE T, THEREFOR, AND THE RATE OF INTEREST TO BE MID THEREON1 DECLARING AND DETERMINING T II2,2 THE CO ST OF SAID PROPOS ED PUB'', IC IMP R 0 VEME NTS AND EACH OF TIM Wr ILI, BE AND IS TOO GREAT TO BE PAID OUT OF TIE ORDINARY ANNUAL INCOIIE AND REVENUE OF SAID MUNI- UAL ITY, AND WILL, IN ADDITION TO THE OTHER Erf EN D T 'URES OF SAID 0 ITY OF ALAMEDA , EXC ED THE INC OM AND REVENUE PROVIDED FOR IN An ONE YEAR OR IN THE CURREITT FISCAL YEAR1 .AND FIXING TUESDAY, THE I1TH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1915, AS THE DATE UT' ON WE IC H SA ID ELECTION SHALL BE HELD, THE MANNER OF HOLDING SUCH E.LEC T ION AND THE VOTING FOR OR All INST INCURRING SUCH INDEBTEDNESS, ESTABLISHING ELE CT ION MEC 'NUS AND POLLING PLACES FOR SUCH ELEC T ION , AND AP PO INT I NG BOAR DS OF ELECTION T HaR EP OR AND PE 0 CLA MING AND GIVING NOTICE OF S.6 ID ELECTION, came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Councilman Probst requested and moved that the name of Anna J. Wood as Clerk in the 25th Precinct be changed to Chas. Matson, seconded by Li'. Hammond and carried by the following vote :- Ayec:Councilmen H=mond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. City Attorney Poorman stated. that the words "office of the" should be inserted in the third line of Section 11, between the words "the" and "City Clerk". III-. Probst moved that the ordinance be amended by adding these words as directed, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the followins vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, 22 April 27th, Mr. Probst moved that the Ordinance ended be adopted,second- ed by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Aye :Council- men Dunmond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, . r, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. President Bullock stated that it was deemed advisable to have the proceedings of the Bond Election to date experted by the firm of Goodfellow and Eells and moved that a sum not to exceed 0200,00 be allowed for that purpose, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- AyesLeouncilmen Hammond, Heuer, Probst, Walker and President Bullock, (5), Noes:Councilmen Morris, Roth, Stewart and Wilkens, (4). Absent:-one. The following were receaved: The report of the Municipal Electrio Light Plant for the month of March, 1915, Ordered filed. The request of Chas. Deane for -a gratuitous license to peddle brooms, and brushes. The same having been endorsed by John Conrad, Chief ef Police, Mr, Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond ;Heuer Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (9). Noes:None. Absent :None. The following communications were received: 5. From W. H. L. Hynes resigning as member of the Police and Fire Commission, Mr. Hammond moved. that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. 4. From L!ayor P. H. Bartlett, appointing Henry Tank to fill the unexpired term of W. H. L. Hynes resigned. Mr. Probst moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Ur. Morris and carried by the following vote: Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer Morris, Probst Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and Pre 'dent Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 5. From Mayor F. H. Bartlett appointie4 . H. Bate member of the Board of Electricity, to succeed himself in that office.: Mr. Probst moved theet the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 6. From the Fire Underwtiter's Inspection Bureau calling the Council's attention to an alleged violation of the gasoline storage ordinance. Upon motion of Mr. Hammond, seconded by Pre 'dent Bullock and carried, it was referred to the Police and Fire Commission. From Oswald Lubbock, City Tax Collector, requesting permission to employ a clerk for about a week to assist in his office. President Bullock moved that the reouest be icr.ranta 4176 9, April 27th , 1915. Ayes C o-unc i lmen Hammond, lleuer, Morris, Pr obst , Roth, Stewart, 1;7a1ker, Wilkens and Pr es id ent Bullock, (9 ) . NOes :11-0110. Abs ent None. From Pollard and Son making applicati on for a portion of the insuranc e on the Municipal Garage. Referred._ to the Public Build nag s a nd Or oun ds C omit te e. From the Police and Fire QonmiLssion giving report on the c onditi on of the Alameda oubl ic school buildings from the standpoint of safety in the event of :[ire. Referred to the Board of Zduc ati on. 10. Hammond introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RJS0LUT I ON OF I ENT ION OF THE 0 OUNO IL OF TEIJ 0 ITY Lt. iEDf, NO • 21 , NEW '121E3 . RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the C :nine i 1 of the C ity of Alameda to or 6.er th o 11 owing street work to be do ne in said City, to wit :- That Santa Clara Avenue in said City of Alameda be opened and widened to a uniform width of eighty ( 60 ) feet from the Easterly line of lobster Street in said City for the distance of one hundred and forty (140) feet measured easterly along said. Sant a Clara kvenue from said line of 17eb s ter Street. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for said purpose are described as follov,rs , towit : BEGINNING at the sontheasterly corner of Santa C:l.ara Avenue and Webs ter Street and running thence easter- ly along the southerly 1 ine of Santa Clara. Avenue one hundred and forty (140) feet ; thence at a right angle s ou the rly t ( 10 ) fe et ; thence west erly an d parallel with the southerly line of Santa Clara. Avenue one hundred and for ty (140) foot to the easterly line of Web .1;ter Street ; and thence northerly al ong the easterly line of Viebs tor Street t en (10) feet to the place of "0 And said Council do s. here by determine and declare that sa id proposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, end will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, and which said -district is hereby declared to be the dis tr let affected and b enef it ted by said work all d. irnrovoment, and that t here fe re the entire damages, costs and ex-o en s s of said work and improvement stall be, and are hereby made chargeable againt, and shal l be apse op able U.I; 0 n said lands and d F.tr ic t , which distr lot is within t he 0 bTO laalne d a , County of 1ame (la , State California; and the ext or i or b oundarie s of tho J,ands af footed ana ie d by paid VI orc . 4d ro ve ment e t c ly de s cr ib ed. an Toflows, to wit BEG T:771:1IG at a p o int on the Easterl.y lino of S xt7]. Street One Hund r e ( 100 ) e et :To rt berly Tr o-ip, the T7 o rt her 1 y 11.-A e of Sanl C1 ra Lvoie , ;:.n 0 run-ai us' the rice Ep.,s"t or y OLL 1 71, ue ILJI vTit h a -Lad distant Ono Hun ( 100 ) fa et ';11-o rthorl y from tho rorthea1y ine of Sn;a 0 11..7 e rsection with a line drawn :a ril el T1. 11C, dis ; ( 100: ) feet etori y from the Vie-.terly Tine of ebsier Street; thenc e 1n a right ine :1e1't r :7 t 0 a _tilt on -;,11C- 0 °tither ly line of Haight 1:„Irenue oY u the-reoll One Hundred (100) fe at t er 1 y le1;1 the t er 1 y line of eb at Cl: Street ; -t h e c e Lap t3r1y along the 3 out h erl .sr 1 Inc of Ha le:h t live nue to po int the,rc, o n. dist .o..zt One Hun dred (100) f e et Ea s or 1 fir o t he Lee 1. y Jine of el) st 01' Street; th ezIc o 0 outhe rl-y alo LL-. Inc dr awn f.,ar all el ;,,eith and distant One Hundred ( 100 ) fe et Ee,s t er ; 0 ron t he Eas te 7'1 y line of Vebs'eLr Stroct to all int or s -co t on with a lino drawn oarC.Jlel with and distant Ono iun- dred (100) foot rortherly fm:, the ;','Tertherly line of Sant a Caere. Avenue ( a wIlene 0 to 60 ) fe et ; th enc-ec a st erly long o lino drawn -p arall el with and d.is 24 April 27th, 1915. Street; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Eighth Street to a point thereon distant One Hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Santa Clara Avenue (as widened to 80 feet; thence Westerly along a line drawn parallel with and dis- tant One Hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Santa Clara. Avenue (as widened to 80 feet) to an intersection with a line drawn Parallel with and distant One Hundred. (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Webster Street; thence Southerly to a point on the Northerly line of Taylor Avenue, distant thereon One hundred (100) feet easterly from the Easterly line of Webster Street; thence Westerly ai�ng t Northerly.aine of Taylor Avenue to a point thereon distant One Hundred , (100) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Webster Street; thence Northerly along a line drawn parallel with and distant One Hundred 100) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Webster Street to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Santa Clara Avenue; thence Westerly along a line drawn parallel with and dis- tant one hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Santa Clara Avenue to an inter- section with the Easterly line of Sixth Street; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Sixth Street to the point of beginning, saving, excepting, and excluding from said district all public streets, avenues and roads therein included and contained. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an At of the Legislature of the State of California entitled, "An Act to provide for lay- ing out, opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing up, in whole or in part, any street, square, lane, alley, court or place within munici- palities, and to condemn and acquire any and all :Land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose", approved March 6th, 1889, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. "The Evening Times-Star and Alameda Daily Argus" is hereby designated as the daily newspaper pub- lished and circulated in said city in which the Superintendent's notice of the passage of this resolution shall be published. Mr. Walker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9 ) . Hoe s None • Absent :None. 11. Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its ootion: RSOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ALAIJEDA, NO. 22, NEC; SERIES. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done in said City, to wit:- That Lincoln Avenue in said City of Alameda be opened and widened to a uniform width of eighty (80) feet from the Westerly line of Willow Street in said City for the distance of one hundred (100) feet measured Westerly along said Lincoln Avenue from said line of Willow Street. The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for said purpose are described as follows, to wit: BEING the Southerly ten (10) feet of Lots 8 and 9, Block 10, as said lots and block are delineated and so designat- ed uoon that certain map entitled, "Map of lands Adjacent to the Town of Encinal, Alameda County, Cal." surveyed by Jas. T. Stratton, May 1st, 1867, and filed in the County Recorder's office of Alameda County, on May 28th, 1867, in Liber 19 of Maps, at page 53. And said Council does hereby deterailne and declare that said proposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and will affect and benefit the lands and district herein- after described . and which said district is hereby 417 April 27th, 1915. and improvedent shall be, and are hereby made charge- able against, t,n0 shall be assessable upon said lands and district, which district is within the City of :aameda, County of Alemeda, State of California; and the exterior boundaries of the lands affected and benefited by said work and nimerovement are particular- ly described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a poin t on the Northerly line of Lincoln Avenue (as widened to 8O feet) distant thereon Three Hundred (300) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Willow Street; thence running Northerly on a line drawn parallel with the 'desterly line of Willow Street One Hundred (100) feet to a point; thence Easterly on a line earallel with and distent One Hundred (100) feet Uortherly from the Northerly line of Lincoln Avenue (as widened to 80 feet) Two Huadred (200) feet to a point; thence Northerly on a line parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Westerly from the West- erly line of Street to a point on the Southerly line of Pacific Avenue distant thereon One Hundred (100) feet Westerly from the Westerly line of Willow Street; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of Pacific Avenue to a point thereon distant One Hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Esterly line of Willow Street; thence Southerly on a line parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Easterly from the East- erly line of Willow Street One hundred and ninety (190) feet to a point; thence Easterly on a line Parallel with and distant One Hundred and 7inety (190) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Pacific Avenue Two Hundred (200) feet to a point; thence Southerly on a line oarallel with and distant Three Hundred (300) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of Willow Street to a point distant thereon One Hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Lincoln 1,venue (as widened to 80 feet);thence Westerly on a. line parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Southerly. Dom the Southerly line of Lincoln Avenue (as widened to 80 feet) Two Dindred (200) feet to a point' thence Southerly on a line parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) foot Easterly :from the Easterly line of V,illow treet to a Point on the 7orthorly line of Santa Clara Avenue (as widened to 80 feet) , distant thereon One Hundred (100) feet Easterly from the Easterly line of :1_110w Street; thence '::esterly a1on:7 the said ortherly line of Santa Clara Lveuue to a eoint distant One Hun- dred (100) feet 7:osterly fem the ":'esterly line of 'Street; thence f.ertherly on a line parallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet 'Jesterly from the 7esterly line of Mlow Street to intersection with a line -)arallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Sel-;,1rly from the 3e1/,1..ca: line of Lincoln Avenue (as widened to 80 feet); thence Viesterly on a line earallel with and distant One Hundred (100) feet Southerly from the Southerly line of Lincoln Avenue (as widened. to 80 feet) Two Hundred (200) feet to a point; thence 7orther1y on a line onrallol with the "esterly line of ii1cw Street to the point o± bep-jnnin:7, saving, exceltinf7, and excluding from said district all eublic streets, avenees and roads therein inelud:d on. A11 of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Lecdslature of the State of California entitled, "An Act to provide for laying out , opening, extending, widening, straightening or closing up, in whole or in part, any street , square lone, alley, court or place within mnicipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose" approved March Gth, 1089, and the several acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. "The Evening Times-Star and. Alameda Daily Argus" is hereby designated as the daily newsPaper eublished and circulated in said city in which the Superin- tendent's notice of the passage of this resolution shEt11 be published. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and edopted by the following vote:- Ayos:CounciLrion Hammond, Heuer, :Lorris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, ::alker, "Ulkens on& President 26 April 27th, 19 City Engineer Sutton presented the following Resolution: RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron- stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y" branches and without house con- nections, in Fillmore Street, from the existing manhole at the crossing of Fillmore Street with Mound Street, in a right line to a point on said line of sewer Two Hundred and thirty-four and 9/100 (234.09) feet Westerly from said existing manhole in Mound. Street, and the construction of a manhole on said line of sewer at said point. Mr-, Hammond meved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- eAyes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer', Morris, Probst, Roth,tStewart,,Walker, Wilkens, and President Bullock; (9). Noes:Note. Absent:None. After some discussion Mr. Hammond moved that the Resolution be rescinded and that the matter lay over, seconded by MR. Wilkens and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and. President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 12. 1// The Finance Committee submitted a report on the request of the Police and Fire Commission to employ three extra patrol- men for one month beginningApril 23rd and recommended that the request be granted. Mr. Hammind moved that the report be adopt- ed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent: None. 13. 1 The Finance Committee submitted a report on the City I hall betterments and recommended that the Council advertise for bids for doing the work as per the specifications of the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee. After some discussion, the matter was laid over to the next meeting of the Council* 14. V President Bullock called attention to the need of an elevator in the City Hall and moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried that the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee be requested to ascertain the cost of installing such elevator. 15. J M±. Probst stated that the Recreation Commission needed extension loud ringing gong in McKinley Park, Lincoln Park and Washington Park and moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contracts for their in- stallation and rental, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens, and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. r, 4176 April 27th, 1915. in the Council. Councilman Hammond called attention to the fact that the term of o-rfice of W. S. McLean expired on the 26th of April and moved that he be re-appointed as member of the Board of Health, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Helier, idorri • ?robst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and 2resident Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None, 18. Mr. Walker report that the Peoples Water Company were willing to install twenty-seven hydrants on existing water mains and sub- mitted the list of places at which the hydrants were to be installed. He moved that the Council approve the placing of the hydrants at the places designated sec dided by Mr. Hammond and carried. 19. Mr. Roth stated that he was oalled upon at times to make few slight alterations in the plans of the Municipal Garap:e and that it required immediate action before the same could be brought to the Counci1s attention. Mr. Hammond moved that the -Public Buildings and Grounds Committee be given power to act in matters of that kind, seconded '- Mr. Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in remllar session, Tuesday evening, 1day 4th, 1915 at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.