1915-05-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR ilEETING OF THE COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF '2..LATaDA, TUESDAY EVNING, MAY 4TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Eayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Probst Stewart, Ijorris and President Bullock were noted oresent. Councilmen Heuer, Roth, Walker and Wilkens arrived later and were noted present. The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 19th were aoproved as read. The Minutes of the regular meeting april 20th were approved as read. The Minute- of the adjourned regular neeting of April 27th were approved as read. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and Jtoved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING 03563.50 ?Rat THE GENERAL FUND TO THE INTEREST AND REEBIATTION FUND. RESOLVED, by the council of the city of Alameda that there be transferred from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund, Three Th_usand, Five Hundred and Sixty-two and 50/100 (3562.60)Dollars to pay Interest due May 1st, 1915, on the outstanding Electric Liglit Bonds, Municipal Improvement Fund, No. 10, authorized in APril, 1912. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make the said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted an passed by the following vote:- ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, W Lker, Wilkens and President Bullock, . Noes:None. absent :None. President Bullock introduced the following REsolution and moved its 'doption: was RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING 0300.00 PROM THE GENERAL FUND TO LOCAL IEPROVEnEUT FUND :T0. 20 NEW SERIES.. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that there be transferred from the General Fund to :Local Improvement Fund No. 20, New Series, the sum of Three Hundred and 00/100 (300.00) Dollars, as a loan, for accruing demands caused by the opening and widening of EnCinal Avenue. The auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. la'. Hammond seconded the motion to. adept the Resolution and it adopted and passed by the following vote:- ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, .Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Hoes:None. Absent ;None. Claims against the General -Cund amountin6. to 1044.39; against the Police and aolmting to ;124.15; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 9416.07; against the Street Fund amounting to :2493.88; against the Library Fund amounting to :675.67; against the Health Fund amonting to 5740; Recreation .Fund amountin to 136.75 and against Local Improvement Fund amounting to 044-.00 having been 4176 Alameda Stearn Laundry Ass Ascher, fui-;usta Baender, stell M. Barstow, J. N. Bartlett, F. H. Burnett, Mrs. E. G. Davis, Winifred E. Forrest, Annie G. If Emma M. Fowler, Pcith Gutta Percha Rubber Hams, Wm. R. Hart, Emily L. Hunt, H. B. Rilham, Jeanette Lubbock, M. McElwee, J. L. icKinney, L. Miller, E. E. Municipal Electric Light Plant pacific Gas & Electric Co. Parr, R. E. L-eoples Water Co. Schneider, Henry TV 11 TV TT TV If Smith, Alice C. Times-Star Co. TV 1.1 YT Varcoe, W. E. Wilkens, J. H. Yawman & Erbe -fg. GENERAL FUND, Towel Service Services in Clerk's office 1T If TV 11 TV TV TV TV Mayor 's allowance Services in Clerk's office TT If It TT 11 IT II TV TV 11 if If Typing Rubber Goods Services in 0 If TV Tr TT If Tr TV Tr TV TV TV If office YT TV Llay 4th, 1915. Treasurer's Office Clerk's office Construction of Curb Services in Clerk's office Labor and material Gas Services in Cler's office Water Supplies TV TV TT TV Services in Clerk' office Printing Printing for Auditor Services in Assessor's office Merchandise Co. Indexes for filing cabinet Coarad, John Pacific Kissel Kar Co., m Total - POLICE FUND. Incidentals Repairs on Pord Auto Totca ELECTRIC LIC.,-1T FUND. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Board of Electricity Borie, Louis J. Bowers Rubber Works Brown Furniture Co. Coustier & Son Crane Co.. Electric Lppliance Co. Electric Rwy. & Mfg. Suoolies Co. Gardner, U. S. Garlock Packing o,, The General Electric Co. Gilson Electric Co. If Holabird-Reynolds Co. TV IT ft TV 11 It Hunt, :irk & Co. Johns-, anville Co. Kelloggs Express Co. Koerber, L. H. W. Tr It 1T Konigshofer's Marshall-Newell SuDi, y Co. Tr 11 National India Rubber Co. Pacific States Electric Co. TT TV TV If TT /1 If TV Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Paynes Bolt Vforks Peoples Wat r Co. Perata, Plummer & Son, Geo. E. Powell Bros.-Construction Co. Roeblings Sons Co., John A. TT It tT It 1T TV TV TV Schneider, Henry Shell Company of Cal. Soules, Ed. C. Standard Oil Co. 71 It Supplies Incidentals Supplies Linoleum Supplies TV 7/ Wire Paint Su»olies TV If TT IT Tr TT enses and time Supplies Drayage Coal Rent Merchandise Supplies IT• Wire Supplies • Tr TV Phones Supplies Water • Washing windows Lumber, Concrete mixture TV Wire IT Supplies TT TV Vuel-Oil & Prasoline 8.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 9.00 9.00 8.33 .50 ff75() 12.00 7.50 9.00 18.00 9,00 143,04 9.00 251.00 .63 9.00 22.29 5.25 17.30 1.85 1.25 29.49 10.50 250.26 9.50 85.00 1.00 4.95 01044.39 P 17.70 106.45 124.15 122.50 11.90 2.83 24.90 43,50 1.90 7.29 4.12 5156.40 .85 5.47 1.25 29.56 6.93 34.73 152.06 170.00 21.30 25.57 2.01 1.60 30.00 .70 2.06 4.13 60.42 9.96 32,01 .81 12.25 43.56 2.00 1.50 2.93 57.25 45.81 2.16 39.74 17.45 17.33 3.09 1A21 ;:T; 211 30 May 4th, 1915. United Iron Works Vosburgh, L. W. Westinghouse E. If IT It TT R, 11 if Adams, John Amorosa, Y. Andrad, 0. Autifi Company Bolte, H. P. Bosshard, R. Britt, W. Chapman, E. r. Clark & Sons, E. Dahl, Jmes J. Doyle, Ben Empire .!J'oundry Co. It TT ft Ennis, M. Finale, B. Fischer, C. F. Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. Garavente, L. Hackett, M. J. Hammond, C. J. 1/ 77 tT Hildebrand, L. C. Jamison, J. L. Jensen, J. Klambt, Chas. Mitchell, H. Ti. Morgan, W. H. Norton, Geo. J. Pennock, L. L. fl Co. 11 If Peoples Water Co. Perry, J. Petersen, A. Pliumner & Son, Geo. E. -Lowell Bros. Construction Co. If Sanday, W. Schneider, Henry Serralunga, L. Sousa, Y. Stoner, Frank Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Free Library Alameda steam Laundry Assn. Associated Students Store Cla.rk Co., ,i. H. EmPorium Foster & futernick Co. Furey, Frank P. Hudson Books Co. Hough, R. B. hoerber, A. H. W. Larsen, C. Mazzini, L. Newbegin, John J. Forth, Maud L. Peoples Water Co. Schirmer,Inc. G. Schneider, Henry Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. Tripp Co., John B. University of Ca-lifornia Volberg, C. C. V:est Disinfecting Co. Carpenter, T. Park Garage Panama Lubricants Co. FirnIum Wrho nn_ Ilt Floor plate Merchandise Meters TV Supplies Total ST'REET FUFD. Labor IT It Repairs Labor U) piles Teaming Assisting City :411:2;ineer Sewer pipe, Assistino City -ngineer Labor Castings Labor TV Hardware Labor Assi sti ng Labor Rock TV Labor Teaming Lqbor Teaming Labor " Puel Teaming Water Labor Lumber Rock Labor Supplies Labor 71 Hardware Total - LIBRARY FUFD. EnR:ineer Petty expenses Towel Service Books Book Books Binding Plumbing Book Books Fuel Newspapers Supplies Books Substitute Water Book Stationery and newspapers Electrical repairs Printing Books Books Rent Supplies Total - HEALTH FUND. Railroad Fare Supplies Soap 1i11 rr 12.50 13.80 72.00 37.68 200.00 97.37 09416.07 62.50 59.40 12.50 3.50 27.40 1.00 100.00 18.00 26.60 11.00 57.50 68.00 17.00 59,40 7.50 .45 61.25 29.12 59.40 35,00 60.80 139.25 16.25 132.00 56.25 134.75 61.25 15.00 62.50 11.25 137.50 31.30 61.25 62.50 3.03 45,20 462.50 60.00 25.95 170.00 59.40 48.75 20.63 -0 259S.88. 7.57 1,00 5.00 4.50 14.69 13.15 3.80 4.50 63.20 45.00 4.80 2.30 347.08 4.00 1.31 4.00 27.35 21.30 40.00- 13.32 4.00 25.00- 19.00 75.87 29.40 5.25 1.50 21 PR 4 Arada, Mike J. Arada, Robert Baidarmos, Joe Creedy, Lulu Hilsz , A. W. Risley, C. E. Winkler Simon Chapman, E. N. Dahl, Junes J. Freeman, J. L. RECREATION P JND. Labor IT 11 Services Labor TT Total - LOCAL I1TROVEME1:7T FUND ITO. .20 .NEW Assisting City Engineer Lay 4th, 1915. 2.b0 8.75 15.00 8.00 12.50 15.00 75.00 p 136.75 13.80 11.00 19.20 1 - 44.00 Eresi ent Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Oduncilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock ()). Noes:None. AbsentiNone. Attention was called to an error in the Minutes of April 13th, Page 598, Paragraph 15. Through a clerical error the words "resolution in the fourt,1 line and the words "Mr. Probst moved" were omitted. Upon motion of Mr. Stewart, seconded by President 3ulloc and carried the words were inserted. Whereupon, Mr. Hamond moved, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried that the Minutes as amended be approved. The following were received: The report of the Poundmaster for the month of April, 1915. Ordered filed. 1. The Oath of Office of Henry Tank as member of the Police and Fire Commission. Ordered filed. 0 The Oath of Office of G. W. Christensen as City Hall Deputy. Ordered filed. The Oath of Office of E. Howard Baxter as member of the Board of Electricity. Ordered filed. The Oath of Office of Walter 6. McLean as member of the Board of Health. Ordered filed. . The Bond of Oswald Lubbock as Treasurer and Tax Collector. Ordered filed. 6. The Contract with Cuyler Lee for the purchase of two automobile chassis for the Fire Department. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 7. From Uayor F. H. Bartlett suggested a change in the control of the play activities in the parks now held by the Recreation Commission. His plan is to turn the sane over to the Board of Education. Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney draw up the necessary amendment to Ordinance No. 11, New Series, making the change as suggested, seconded by Er. Probst and carried. 3. From Mayor F. H. Bartlett, apointing Louis Randolph Weinmann as School Director. President Bullock moved that the appointment be con- firmed, socoded by Mr. Probst and carried. Attention was nailed i ii t: May 4th, 1915. Hammond. moved, seconded by Er. Heuer and carried that the appointment of Louis Randolph Weinmann be rescinded. Mayor Bartlett thereupon stated that he appointed Louis Weinmann as member of the Board of Education. Yr. Hammond moved that the appointment be confirmed, seconded by Er, Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens, and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. 9. V/ An affidavit of Publication of Notice to Contractors, inviting bids for the improvement of Park Street was received and ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of four bids. Er. Hammond moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by L. Probst and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From the California Bitulithic Company offering to do the work for $8099.75. From the City Street Improvement Company, offering to do the work for G8165.00. From the Federal Construction Company, offering to do the work for $8672.00. From Ransome-Crummey Company, offering to do the work for $8256.00. Each bid was accompanied by the proper certified check. Mr. Hammond moved that the California 3itulithic Company be awarded the contract, seconded by Ur. Probst and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Council men Hammond, Heuer, Id-orris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, '-alker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). 10. An Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Cohtractors inviting bids for the improvement of Webster Street was presented and ordered filed. In response to said. Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of four bids. Hr. Hammond moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Thereui)on the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows: From the California Bitulithic Company, offering to for the work for $4234.35; From the City Street Improvement Company, offering to do the work for $4237.00. From the Federal Construction Company, offering to for the work for $4514.00. From Ransome-Crummey Comoany, offering to de the work for $4135.00. Each bid was accom-oanied by the oroper certified check. Hr. Hammond moved that the Ransome-Crummey Company be awarded the contract, seconded by lir. Probst and carried by the following vote:- .Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Further communications: 11. From Chas. H. Baker, requesting a gratuitous license to oeddle household articles. As the same lacked the endorsement of the Chief of 4 May h, 1915, 12. 1," From Frank Jacobs reques a gratuitous license to conduct a cleaning and dyeing establishment. As the same bore the endorsement of John Conrad, Chief of kolice, ir. Heuer moved that the request be granted, seconded by fr. Probst and carried by the followinf: vote:- yes:Councilmen Hammond, letier, ,:orris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, and President 3ullock, 9)• Noes:Jone. Absent :None. From the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to the Board of Electricity, stating that the Corn any was willing to eater into a joint agreement for the placing of poles on Bay Ferm Island. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee. 14. From the Alameda Improvement Club inviting the Connell to attend a smoker Uay 6th, 1915. :Ir. Probst moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. 15. From Chas. F. nanley,making application for insurance on the municipal garage. Ordered filed. 16. Hr. Hat:oond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPF.CIFICATIONS. RESOLVED, that the City Engineer of the City of Alameda be, and he is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction of a salt-glazed vitrified, iron- stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y"-branches and without house connections, in Fillmore Street, from the existing manhole at the crossing of. Fillmore Street with iAound Street, in a right line to a point on said line of sewer Two Hun- dred and thirty-four and 9/100 (264.09) feet Wester- ly from said existing manhole in Mound Street, and the construction of a manhole on said line of sewer at said point. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fo:Uowing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Forris, lrobst, Roth, Stewart, ,t'aiker, 'Alkens and iresident Bullock, (9). Noes:Hone. Absent:Tone. The City thereupon presented plans and specifications, whereupon Ur. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: F.:SOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPEO ppic.fJ2I0N-5. RESOLVED, that the ol-ns and specificatiens for the followinF: work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron- stone sewer,.six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Y"-branches and without house connections, in Fillmore Street, from the existing manhole at the crossing of Fillmore Street with Mound Street, in a right line to a. point on said line of sewer Two Hun- dred and thirty-four and 9/100 (234.09) feet Westerly from said existing manhole in Hound Street, and the construction of a manhole on said line of sewer at said point, as prepared by the Engineer of said City and submitted this 4th day of Liay, 1915, be, and the same are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for doing said work. Mr, Walker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and May 4th, 1915. President Buliock, (9). Noes:Trone. Absent:None. Mr, Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 26, NEW SERIES. RESOLVED, that it is the intention of the Council of the City of A1a,3eda, to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in said City, to wit: The construction of a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron- stone sewer, six (6) inches in inside diameter, with four-inch "Yl'-branches and without house connections, in Filimore Street, froth the existing manhole at the crossing of Fillmore Street with Mound Street, in a right line to a point on said line of sewer Two Hun- dred and thirty-four and 9/100 (234.09) feet Westerly from said existing manhole in Mound Street, and the con- struction of a manhole on said line of sewer at said point. That said manhole to be construction hereunder shall be of brick masonry, with cast iron top and cover and eight inch walls and bottom,' in accordance with "PLan for Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January llth, 1897, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore adopted for doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The Clerk shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said City and hereby designated for that Purpose by the said Council. The Street Superintendent shall, immediately, muse to be conspicuously posted along the line of said con- templated Work and improvement and in front of all the property liable to be assessed, notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention, in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pur- suance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker Viilkens and President Bullock, (9). Noes::one. Absent:None. 17. / The Finance Committee submitted a report recommending that the Council advertise for bids for the improvement of the City Hall, in accordance with the specifications submitted by the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 18. / i'resident Bullock, Chairman of the Finance Committee, called attention to the fact that $50,00 additional to the $200.00 already allowed were ne cessary for the experting of the bond proceedings to date, and that after the election the charge of one-tenth of one oer cent of the amount of the bonds carried would be made for the completion of the exporting. He moved that $50,00 additional be allowed, seconded by Hr. Heuer and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Probst, Walker and President Bullock, 4176 May 4th, 1915. 19. / The Public Utilities Committee submitted a report recomMending that the Electric Light Board install the necessary poles to Bay Farm . Island. Mr. Walker moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. •orris and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst Roth, Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9) . Noes :None. Absent :None. 20. Mr. Wilkens, Chairman of the Fublic Utilities Committee presented a letter from the Southern Pacific Company, relative to a late boat to the Alameda Pier. The matter was referred to Mayor Bartlett to take up with the Company to ascertain if the late boat can be obtained. 21. / Mr. Hammond called attention to the need of opening Lincoln Avenue about three hundred feet west of Fourth Street and moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried that the City Attorney be instracted to draw up the necessary papers to carry out the intention of the Council. 22. Under report of the Street Committee, Chairman Hammond presented a communication from the Alaska Packers Association in which they approved the projected indastrial highway known as Atlantic Boulevard and in which they agreed to contribute 03625.00 towards the construction of a re-inforced concrete sewer which would deflect the discharge from Fortmann Basin to the Channel at the foot of Grand Street. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. /: Mr. Louis Weinmann presented himself and was sworn in by the Clerk as a member of the Board of Education. His Oath of Office was thereupon ordered filed. 24. ,/ Er. nammond moved that it be the sense of the Council to go back to the Committee meetings, held heretofore on the Firdays preceeding the rePltlar meetings of the Council, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried. 25. V Mr. Roth moved that W. G. Taylor be appoint Library Trustee to succeed himself, seconded by Mr. Stewart. Mr. Hammond offered a substitute motion that the matter go over to the next Committee of the Whole meeting, whereupon Er. Roth withdrew his motion and the same was so ordered. There being no further business to transaet the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday, evening, May llth, 1915 at 7:50 o'clock. Respectfully 6.) .bmitted, City Clerk.