1915-06-29 Regular CC MinutesSO ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE,COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF AILAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 29TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was culled and Councilmen Hammond, Heuer,-Morris, Prob Roth, Walker Wilkens and. President Bullock, (8), were noted present. Councilman egart arrived later and was noted present. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRANSFERING 620.00 PROM THE GENERAL FUND (CONTIN.GENT) TO THE GENERAL FUND (FIRE). RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there beHtranSferred from the General Fund (Contingent) to the Generea Fund (fire), the sum of Six Hundred and twenty and 00 100 (620.00) Dollars for accrued claims. The Auditor is hereby authorized to make said transfer upon his books. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted and passed IDy the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Lorris, Probst, Roth, Walker, Wilkens and President Bulloc, (8). Noes: None. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved • ts adoption: RESOLUTION TRATTSFERRINF 30.4 ROM THE GENERAL FUND (CONTINGENT ) TO TI-IE GENERAL FUND 1POLICE), RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred from the General Fund (Contingent) to the General Fund (Police), the sum of Eight hundred and thirty and 47/100 (830.47) Dollars for accrued claims. The Auditor is hereby authorized to make said transfer upon his books. Hr. Wilkens seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote;- Ayes:Councilmen Hammon Heuer Morris Probst, Roth, Walker, Wilkens and. President Bullock, (8). Noes:Hone. Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 4416.25; against the Police Fund amounting to 13.30; against the Library Fund amounting to 0_6.50; against the Street Fund amounting to 0_789.65 and against the Recreation Fund amounting to 295.60 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND. once, A. T. Bartlett, F. H. Fowler, Ruth French, IT T. Final payment on contract Hayer's allowance Services in Auditor's office Assisting Janitor Goodfellow,Eells,Hoore & Orrick, Legal services Varcoe, Wm. Services as Deputy Assessor Total - POLICE FUND. Tyle44i1 es,,A-n1c. 945.00 50.00 25.00 11.25 300.00 65.00 1416.25 4176 STR= FUND. Adams, John Labor Amorosa, V. Arada, Clem Britt, Teaminp- ChapTla, E. 7. Assisting City Engineer t? It Doyle, Ben Labor Farosich, L. T. It Freeman, J. L. Assisting City Engineer Galvin, John Labor Hackett , M. J. Hammond, Chas. Ingold, Chas. Jamison, J. S., Teaming Jensen, J. Labor Klambt, Chas. Teaming Lubbock, Earguerite Stenographer Liartin, Arthur L. Teaming EcClure, Chas. Assisting City :nineer Eitchell, H. E. Labor Norton, G. J. It Pennock, H. Teaming Peterson, A. Labor Restuck, John Labor $anday, 7;. Serralunga, 1. Total - RECREATION FUND. 62.ED 59.40 60.00 104.00 27.50 61.65 65.75 62.50 62.40 56.75 63.75 57,50 36.25 143.00 65.00 143.00 60.00 71.50 16.25 47.50 65.00 143.00 10.65 40.00 65.00 170.00 1789.85 Callinan, Wm. H. Assistinr7 City Enineer , 45.00 It IT It It it ft 15.60 Carnarena, L. It It Tr 6.75 If It 1, if It 5.00 McClure /. C. A. T1 tt It 33.75 n It IT TT it It 30.00 Pierson, Harry Labor 57.50 Priae, Sarah D. Substituting 25.00 Winkler, S. Labor 75.00 Total - sP 295.60 President Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Hammond and oarried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer :,:orris, Probst, Roth, Walker, ,Wilkens and President Bullock, (8). roes:rone. Absent:Councilman Qtewart (1). Mr. Hammond moved that F. St. Sure be appointed City Attorney for a period of two years fr)m date, seconded by lir. Probst. Mr. Heuer moved that T. C. West be apoointed. Mayor Bartlet ruled that there being a motion before the house his motion was out of order. Upon roll call 7-r. St. Sure 's appointment was confirmed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Hammon, Probst, Y:alker, Wilkens and President Bullock (5) Noes: Council en Heuer and Uorris, (2). Excused from voting: Councilman Roth, (1). Absent:Councilman Stewart, (1). The following were received: 2. Report of Street Superintendent, V. M. Prodden on the completion of Webster Street improveJont between Buena Vista Avenue and Atlantic Avenue. The work was Cone by the Ransome-Crummey Company. Ordered filed. Two claims were than presented by the Ronsome-Crurmey Company for the cost of the improvement of V.ebster Street, one for 4135.00 and the other for ':.467.70. Er. Halviond moved that the claims be paid, seconded by Mr. V,ilkens and carried by the Tollowin vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammohd, Heuer, ::orris, Probst, Roth, 'C.alker, ';Alkens and President Bulloe, (8). Noes None. Absent:Councilmen Stewart, (1) 82 June 29th, 1915. The following communications were received: 4. From V. . Whitmore, renuc,sting a thirty day extension on his contract for the improvement of San Jose Averlue, between HLb and Post Streets. Jr. Eammonc7 moved that the request be granted, second- ed by T:r. Morris and carried by the followinP: vote:- 4es:Councilmen Fammonf,, Heuer, 1:orris, Probst, Roth, Walker nlkens and President Bullock, (6). IToes::Tone. Absertt:Councilman Stewart, (1). VI From V. 1T. Whitmore, requesting permission to construct a six-inch iron-st one pipe sewer in Fillmor e Street, beteen Mound Street pnd a point two hundred and thirty-four and 09/100 feet westerly. The same was accompanied by a copy of the contract signed by all the property owners. la'. Hammond moved that the permission be granted, provided, that Mr. Whitmore defray the inciden,1 expenses of print ing and olu;ineering fees, which amounted to 63.84, seconded by Fr. Walker and carried by tho following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammond ::orris, Probst, ,oth, 'alker, Vilkens and President Bullock, (8). 7oes:Uone. Absent : Councilman Stewart, (1). G. v From M. 'Alitmore, requestinE permission to construct six-inch irons aae sewer in 0 ritral Avenue be 7:eb ter and Page Streets. The same was accompanied by a copy of the contract signed by all of the property owners. Mr. Fammond moved that the request be granted, provided, that Li:r. nitmore pay the incidentals expenses od printine and engineering fees, amountin7, 336.8 seconded by .rr. Probst and carried, by thc folloe,ing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hare Heuer, ::orris, Probst, Roth, Valker, Wilkens and President Bulloc, (8). 7oes:one. Absent :Councilman Stewart, (1). // From the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee recarnnending V.m. Dufour be awarded the contract for the alteltion of the City Hall Tower, he being the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. 'Probst moved that the report be adoDted, seconded by 1:r. Hamond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, 1:oth, M1ker, T,ilkens and President Bullock, (8) . Noes Absent: Councilman Stewart, (1). City Attorney-elect A. F. St. Sure appeared in the Council and was sworn by the Clerk. He thereupon presented his bond, which together with his Oath of Office was ordered filed. An Affidavit was presented showing due publiccAion of 7otice initing bids for th Munic ipal Bonds. Ordered filed,. The Clerk stated that in response to said 7otice he was in receipt of nine "eids. B-ee: dent BulJoe]: moved thLit the bids be creened and read, seconded by r Probst and carried by the folaving vote:- Councilmen Hammond, 7-Teuer, orri s, 'Probst, Roth, 7alker, Milkens and Presient Bullock, (8) . 71-oes::Jone. Ilbsent' Councilman Stewart, (1). Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as ffll1G70;- 4176 10. From ByTne LCDonnell, Certlfied check, t''',200.00; June 29t5., 1915. 98L00 and accrued interest. From H. Rallins and Son, -oar accrued intcrest; premium, Cc,rtified. checlK:, From The Lnglo, Ec London, .PUTiS Hational '!4Y5 P 00 accrned interest. Cashier's chck, "Prom Harris 72.act ?;avnsn Bank, Chicao, par, accrued interest; =cminm, 857.00. Certified check,600.00; From 'Zi-11. 6taato Company, -f)ar, accrued interest. premium, Certified check, ;5,150.00; From Torrance, Ilarshall '.r; Company, par, accrued interest; Premium, ;105,011.00. Certified check, ?:3 ,100.00i From Georo H. TZ.raft,32500 bonds maturing 1925; bonds maturing 1900; ',r7500 bonds maturin 1932; :,;25,505 and. accrued interest. Certified check, ':510.50; From Ellen Brtlett, one bond, ma1nririg 1955 520.00. Certified check, Ur. Hammond moved, seconded by 7r. ':?alker and carried, that a recess of five minutes be taken. Upon re00nvenini7 Councilmen Hammond HelleT, 17:orris, *Probst DAh, 3tevu-t, ':alk.er, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). were noted present. Jresident Bullock, Chairman of the Finalce Comittee sub- mitted the following report:— C a On D June 29th , 1975. To the Fonorable, the Couhcil O.. the City of 21aeda. Gentlemen: FLziance Committee, havinp: canvassed and considered all of the bids for bonds, report that the bid of 7. 8. Halsey & Company, for all of the Sunicii:al Impr ovemant Bonds of 1915 of the City of Alamed.a, is the hiEhest bid; said bid of Halsey & Company is for 310 915.10, thereby offeril& a premium of O. 913.10. respectfully recanmend that the bid of Halsey and. Company be accepted and that said Comp- any be awarded the entire issue of said bonds. Se further recommend that all other bids received be re- jected and certified checks returned. E. 3. Bullock, Chairman L.. F. Heuer, J. E. =kens, Finance Committee." Mr. Hammond moved that the report be adaped, seconded by Stewart and carried by the following vote .Lyes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, IV;.orris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker, 1,alkens and. President Bullock, (9). Y:oes:Nono. Absent: Nona. 11. Sr, Hammond presented three contracts or the telephone service in the Street Department and moved that the Liayor and City lork be authorized to sign the saine, seconded by Sr, :Torris and carried by the f')11owinF: vote Lyes:CouAcilmen Hammond, ..-leuer, :orris, Probst, 7,oth, Stewart, Saiker, 7i1kens and President Bullook, (9). ',Toes:'Ione. 1.„-wsent:r.one. 7?urther com ications :- 12. From the .Foliee, Fire and ,:ater Ooma:Lttee submitting a copy 84 June 29th, 1915. 13. From the Street Committee, recommending that the entire matter of the improvement o Sixth Street, between Pacific Avenue and Lincoln Avenue be left to the Street Committee with power to act Mr. Ha-mon(' moved that the report be adopted, seconded by 'er. Feuer ana carried by the fel:lowing vote:- eyes:Coencilmen Hammond, Hauer Morris Probst, IR,o Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). repes:None. None. 14. From W. E. Pitschke, calling the Oouncil 's attention to the aver-growth of weeds on Eagle Avenue, near Chapin Street. Referred to the Street Committee. 15. President Bullock called attention to the weeds on the lot at Paru Street and Clinton Avenue and stated that some action should be taken to abate the nuisance. Mr. Walker moVed that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried. 16. r" From F. W. Cuthbertson asking for some insurance on the Pity Hall eerage. Referred to the public Buildings and Grounds Committee. 17. From Oswald J. Lubbock and Mrs. W. 2. Linthicum, asking. per- mission to erect tents at the rear of the lots occupied by -them. Mr. Hanmand moved that the requests be granted, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, Stewart, Walker Wilkens and President Bullock, (9). Hoes :None. Absent:None. 18. 7 Mr. Wilkens stated that inasmuch as the tent city matter was no longer an active issue before the Council, some action should be taken to relieve property oweers of the necessity of asking Permission to erect tents on their lots. He thereupon moved that the City Attorney draw up the necessary ordinance repealing the tent city ordinaece, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. FUrther communications: 19. From the Public Utilities League, asking the Council to provide means for an election for the creation of a public utilities district. Ordered filed. 20. ve From Robt . W. Beattie, stating that he had plans for a school building. Referred to the Board. of Education. 21. / Deed of Leah F. Mott for the Porter School lot. Ordered filed. 22. 1 A Bill entitled fl7 C.1041 A BILL FOR ORDI=CE HO. 7EW SERIES. An Ordinaece Creating the office of Purchasi Agent, Fixing his Salary, Establishing his Duties, and the :Tethod of his Appointment" was presented by Mr. Heuer and laid over undel—a provision of the Charter. Mr. Walker Chairman of the Police, Fire and Water Committee reported that permission had been given the Horne Laundry Company to place their tank underground as requested by them, Mr. Talker moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet 4 4176 June 29th, 1915. 24. / Mr. 2rolt stated that oil was again appearing on the beaches at le bathing establishments and moved that the City Clerk communicate with the proper authorities to have the nuisance abated, seconded by Jr. V:alker and carried. Hr. Probst called attention to the need of a sidewalk on the south side of Taylor Avenue, west of Eighth Street and moved, seconded by T_Fr. ',7alker and carried that it be left to the Street Committee. There being no further busine c' to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in adjarned regular sessio at 7:30 o'clock. ednesday evening, June ',30th, 1915, Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Of the City of Alameda.