1915-10-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5TH, 1915. The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Heuer Morris, Probst, Stewart, Walker nlkens and President Bullock, (7) were noted present. Councilman Hammond (1) arrived later and was noted present. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). The Minutes of the meeting of September 2ist were approved as read. The Minutes of the meeting of September 28th were approved as read. President Bullock offered the following Resolution and moved its a option: RESOLUTION TRANSFERRIrG 4928.13 FROM THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO THE IfTEREST AUL RE DE , 'TION FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City ef Alameda, that there be transferred from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund the sum of Nine Hun- dred and twenty-eight and 13/100 (928.13) Dollars, to pay the Interest due October 1st 1915 on the Electric Light Bonds authorized in 1907. The Auditor and the Treasurer ere hereby notified to make such transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll it was unanimously adopted and passed. Claims against the General Fund amounting .2233.50; against the Police Fund amounting to 23.90; against the Electrie Light Fund amounting to 05,132.59; against the Street Fund amounting to $2720.25; against the Library Fund amounting to 304.36; against the Healt Fund amounting to 135.34; against the Recreation Fund amounting to $90.00.-. against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 8, Bay Farm Road amounting to 0203.85 and against Uunicipal Improvement Fund No. 9, Special Sewer, amounting to 4 Q.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the C erk. President Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr, ':jAlker and on roll call caa7.ried unanimously. 1. V A communication from L Serralunga & Company to Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden was presented in which the offer was made to clean certain streets within the City of a&meda for the sum of 0200.00 per month. Mr. Probst moved that the offer be adopted, seconded by Mr. Bullock and on' roll c 11 carried unanimously. A bill in the sum of 020Q.00 was then presented by L. Serralunga. President Bulloc moved that the same be paid, seconded by Mr. HAmmond and on roll call carried unanimously. The following were received: The Auditor s Balance Sheet for the month of September, 0 Ordered filed. The Pound Report for the month of September, 1915. Ordered filed. 4„ v The 6ontract with the Holt Manufacturing ComPany for the purchase of a Caterpiilar Engine for the Street Deeartment. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 3. From Mayor F. H. Bartiett with reference to the proposed investigation 41 76 4. October Sth, 19.15. that he will appoint a Committee to make such investigation. Ordered filed. From E. K. Taylor and J. Sherman McDowell stating that there is a conflict in the scope of appointments in the matter of the investigation.- Ordered. filed. Mr. Walker arose and explained the intent of the motion calling for • the investigation, made by him on the evening of September 28th, and stated. that he intended that such investigation should cover the street department for the months of June July, .ilugust and Septenber. Mayor Bartlett stated. that such investigation was agreeable to him, but that he would, on his own account investigate further. Councilman Hammond stated that he court- ed the fullest investiation and asked only for fair play. 6. From Mayor P., R. Bartle t in which he stated that owing to the fact that no provision was nia, de in t he contract for the surfacing of Santa Clara AVenue, eliminating street crossings, he could not sign the same. Mr. Probst moved. that all action in the matter as heretofore taken by the Council be rescinded and the bidder's deposit returned; that the Mayor be empowered to enter into a contract with the Eansome- r-ummey Company for the layihg of a one-half inch asphalt wearing surface at a cost of one and one-half cents per square foot, on that portion of Santa Clara Avenue between the east line of Ninth Street and the west line of St. Charles Street lying betweeb the existin.g gutter lines and exceptirke therefrom that portion of the Avenue, the upkeep of which must be main- tained by the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways seconded by Mr. Stewart an ') on roll call carried unanimously. 7. From Tom Lee requesting a gratuitous license to conduct an express business. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and on roll call carried. unanimously. From residents in the vicinity of Buena Vista Avenue and Webster Street peti tioning the Council to use their eff orts to have a junk shop on the corner of Bueha Vista Avenue and Webster Street removed. Referred. to the City Attorney. From, the Municipal Electric Light Plant recormnending that the "- minimum charge on special installations for heating and cooking be fixed. at 'fifty cents per H. 2. per month on the rated capacity of the apparatus installed. - Mr. Hammond moved that the action of the Board of Electricity be approved, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 10. From the Municipal Electric Light Plant reccxnmending that the minimum charge for electric power service furnished the San Francisco Bridge Company at their plant at the north end of 'Walnut Street be fixed at <:!20.00 per month. Mr. Hammond moved that the action be aeproved, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanim ously. 11. From the Munic ipal Electric Light Plant recommending that the minimum charge for electric power service furnished the 35 H. P. motor at Palm Beach be fixed at 20.00 per month during the five months beginning November 1, 1915 and ending April lst 1916, and that the regular minimum October 5th, 1915. action be approved, seconded by Mr. Heuer and on roll call carried unanimously. From Allen H. Wright City Clerk of San Diego, inviting the Council to send a representative to the Convention of Purchasing Agents. Ordered filed. 12. From the Alameda 7:omen's Improveme-nt Club requesting e Council to ask the Southern Pacific Company to place a danger signal at the crossing of Buena Vista Avenue, between Webster Street and Eighth Street. Referred to the Pu'olic Utilities Committee. / From City Engineer James E. Sutton stating that aLl additiona]. amount of approximately e150.00 would be necessary to carry on the inspection work on the North Side SEwer Extension. Referred to the Finance Committee. 14. From Dr. J. A. Riley, resigning as a member of the Board of Health. Mr. Probst moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by 11r. Hammond and on roll call unanimously carried. 15. From the Auditor and Assessor reonesting a ten day extension of time in making the tax rolls and Power to employ the necessary help. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Morris and. on roll call unanimously carried. 16. ,/ From City Treasurer and Tax Collector Lubbock reques ' g extension of ten days to prepare the tax bills and also for the necessary help to do the wmk.. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Presi- dent Bullock and on roll call unanimously carried. 17. From the Police and Fire Commission requesting the Council to advertise for sale five fire horses, four sets of double swing harness, wheels and axles and a miscellaneous lot of iron and brassjunk, the sale to be hel4 at the Webb Avenue Fire Station. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise the sale, seconded by President Bullock and on roll call unanimously carr ie d. 18. v From the Public Fuildings and Grounds Committee reporting that the City Engineer had made plans and specifications for the surfacing of the yard in the rear of the City Hall 'the cost of the wel.k, to be ::',391.00, and recommending that the Committee be authorized to obtain bids for said work and be given power to act. Mr. Probst moved that the report be adopted, and on roll call was unanimously carried. 19. v' From the Board of Education reqmsting the Council to purchase certain property north of the Lincoln School. Referred to the next Com- mittee of the Whole meeting. 20. From residents in the vicinity of the southern end of Weber Street requesting a slight charge in the plans for the building of the steps to the beach. Mr. Probst moved that it be referred to the Street Committee with power to aot, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and on roll call unanimously carried. The License Committee introduced a Bill entitled, A. BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEV ,7 SERIES. TO amend Section 784, Chapter X, of Ordinanc e No. 1, New Series, known as the Mun lei pal Cod e of the City of Alameda, approved January 14th, rz — — — - c, —._ — Tr 4_17G October 5th, 1915. 21. / The Clerk stated that he had before him the Mayor's veto. Mr. likens moved that the Council go into executive session, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mayor Btrtlett declined to be in attendance and Council men Morris ana St ewart remained in the Council Chamb er. Upon reconvening, Councilmen. Hammond, Heuer, .Mortis, Erobst, Stewart, .44.ArtZ4 1:0A-4141.044AT- Ualker, , Wilkens axd President Bullock, (8). Absent :Councilman Rdth Mr. Wilkens moved that the Mayor's veto on the motorizing of one hose-wagon, amount ;;3350 .00 , be sustained. Mr. Hanmond seconded the motion and on roll call it was unanimously carried. Mr. Wilkens moved that the Mayor's veto on the installation of a sprinkler system, amount T) 3 5 0 . 00 b e sustained. President Bullock seconded the motion and on roll call it .was unanimously carried. Mr. Wilkens moved that the Mayor's veto on the field house in V:ashington Park, amount 1500.00, be sustained. Mr. Probst seconded the motion and on roll call it was unanimously carried. Mr. Wilkens moved that the Mayor's veto on the field house in oln Park, amount $1500.00, be sustained. President Bullock Buliock seconIed. the motion and on roll call it was unanimously carried. Mr.. Wilkens moved that the 1.Tayor's veto on the extra help in the Street Department, amount -$2500.00, be sustained. Mr. :ice..lker seconded the motion and on roll call it was unanimo-usly carried. Mr. ',7ilkens moved that the 'Mayor's veto on the fund for investigating the water supply, amount :1;2000.00 be sustained. President Bullock seconded the motion and on roll call it was unanimously carried. Messrs. Greene Majors and J. E. Breitwiser both urged that the last amount be retained in the budget. . Probst called a tier' to the need of the sum of approximately 000 for water for the use of the various parks and moved that the Finance Committee ascertain if such a sum could be appropriated for that purpose, seconded by 1.1r. Hammond and carried. 23. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopti on; RESOLUTION FIXING TAX LEVY. RESOLVED, that the rate of city taxes to be levied and collected for the current fiscal year upon the assessed valuation of the property appearing on the assessment books of the city of Llaneda, be and the same is hereby determined and fixed at One and 68/100 (1.68) Dollars, on each one hundred dollars of said pr rty ; and be it further RESOLVED, that the portion of the whole of said rate which shall belong to each particular fund of the city and the portion -thereof belonging to each special purpose or bonded indebtedness of the city, be and the same are hereby specified and designated as follows to wit: Gen er Fun d - --------- ---- — Health Zund---------- Librlry Interest and Redemetim :Fund (to pay the interest and redemption and maintaint the sinking funds of bonded indebtedness of the c ity Recreation Fund (to pay for the maintenance and improvement of the parl:s, squares and .4919 .0402 .0659 .2376 October 5th Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll was adoDted unanimously. A Bill for Ordinance No. New Series, entitled A BILL FOR ORDINAITCE NO. NEW SERIES. AN Ordinance Determining and Fixing the Tax Rate for the Current Fiscal Year" came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. President Bullock moved tha the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Walker and on r:.11 call it was unanimously adol)ted and Passed. Under reports of Committees: 24. Mr. Wilkens stated that he had taken up the matter of the rates with the Electric Light Commission and that the Commission found the rates satisfactory, and that no change in the rates for merchants could be made until the same was taken up by the Railroad Commission. In the matter of the charge for house conections this income was being used for certain tnpravements by the Commission,and 'Tr. Wilkens moved seconded by Ur. Walker and carried, that no action be taken. 25. Wilkens further stated that ti station at Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue was about to be built by the Southern Pacific Company. Mr„Graves of the Graves, Spears Road lAachinery Comoany addressed the Council on the matter of the purchase of a steam roller. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, October 19th, 1915, at 730 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, ( () City Clerk of Lhe City of Alameda.