1915-11-16 Regular CC Minutes4176
TUESD&Y 77,2Tirz, N.OVELIBER 16TH, 1915.
The e meeting convened with I,:ayor F. U. 'Bartlett presiding.
The roll was call ed and Ooivacilrnen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Roth, Stewart,
V:alker, Tilkens and President Buliock, f8) were noted present. Councilman Probst
arrived later and was noted Present.
The lanutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, ky the Council of the City of Alameda
that there be transferred from the Police Pension
Fund to the General Fund, the cum of Five Hundred
and 00/100 f000.00) Dollars; from the Fire Pension
Fund to the General Fund the sum of Seven Hundred
and twenty-six and 00/100 (726.00) Dollars; and
from Local laprovement Fund, No. 16, New Series
to the General Fund the sum of 'Sixty-six-. and 75/100
(66.75) Dollqrs, being fund balances for the Fiscal
year ending June 30th, 1915,
The Auditor and the Treasurer are nuthori'zed to
make such transfers upon their respective books.
Yr. seconded the motion to adopt the -1-esolution and on roll
ado-etcd and , .90a unanimously.
Fresident Bullock introduced the following Nesolution and moved its
RHSOLVED, 'y the Council of the City of Alameda
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to the Police Pension Pand the sum of 7ighteen
Hundred and 00/100 (1800.00) Dollars, this amount
being budget and Council appropriation for the
veer 1915-1916.
The :ruditor and the Treasurer are author17,ed to
make such transfer upon their respective books.
Thlker seconded the Lotion to adopt the Resolution ond on roll
call adorted and passed w.anima'osly.
againet the Ceneral Fund amourting to :;07.50; against the
e 7un5 amounting t o t--iainst the Fire Fund amounting to 4'
Lsainst the Library Fund amounting to -220.70; aainst the Street Fund =ount-
inR 254.20 ond ogo4 aot the Foortion Fund ameanYng to !:24,5.39 having
been a-pproved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerko
T!Ir. 7;;alker moved that the claims as read be Paid, seconded by 17". Tilkens
and on roll call carried unanimously.
The following were received;
The Auditor's Balance Sheet for October 1915. Ordered filed.
Apportinment of Taxes, 1915-1916. Ordered filed.
Poundmaster's report for the month of October, 1915. Ordered filed.
Contract with the Produc er day Company for the furnishihg of brc,n to
the Fire Department. Ordered, filed.
Contract with Chas. L. Metzger for the paintins-f of the City Hall.
14[ -
ovember 16th, 1915.
3. V
v. From the Mayor Auditor and City Clerk stating that they had
counted the meney in the Oity Treasury on October 25th, 1915. Ordered filed.
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett requesting that leniency be shown
Trs. limn Lawrence in the matter of reouiring her to lay a siewa1k in
front of her property on Versailles Avenue. Peferred to the Street Committee
with power to act.
From ,T.a.yor F. H. Bartlett stating that he would decline to sign
the Bill for Ordinance increasing the Salary of the Street Superintendent,
inasmuch as the same was retroactive. :ccompanying the same was a communi
cation from the City :Atorney. 11r. Hammoni moved that the 1:ayor's action
be sustained, seconded by 1:r. Probst arid on roll call carried unanimously.
From 7.ayor F. H. Bartlett stating thet he would decline to eign
the Bill for Ordinance for increasing the salary of the Poundmaster as the
same was retroactive. Mr. Hammond moved that the action of the Mayor be
sustuined, seconded by LT. L1ker anci on roll call carried unanimously.
V From Tax Collector Oswald Lubbock requesting permission to employ
the nocesse.ry help to check the tax stubs in his office at 6.00 per day.
Ur. V:alker moved that the request be granted seconded by Mr. Bullock and
on roll call oarried unanimously.
From the Board of H alth calling attention to the fact that the
gratuitous license granted Harry Heeder to do a Plambing business is in
violation of the plumbing ordinance and recommending that the action of
the Council be rescinded. Mr. Hammond moved that tlie reccumendation be
adopted, seconded by Mr. ;:orris and carried.
,/v From the Police and Fire Commission requesting the Council
ask the Peoples Water Company to install fire hydrants at Everett Street
and Foble ±venue and Broadway and 7oble Avenue. Referred to the Police,
Fire and Tater Committee.
10. 7 From the Police end Fire Commission requesting the Council
to advertise for the motorizing of hosewagon T.To. 4 and submitting spe
cations. Mr. Probst moved that the specificatiens be adopted and the Clerk
be instradted to advertise for bids for the same, seconded by President
Bullock and carried.
From E. M. Shaw with reference to the construction of bulkheads
on the es;outh shore. Ordered filed.
11. ,/ From Geo. H. Mastick, President of the Library Trustees protesting
against the deduction of two per cent on certain claims passed by that Board.
.leferred to the Finance Committee.
12. From Dr. C. L. McQuesten requesting permission to absent himself
from the City for a period of thirty days beginning rovember 16th, 1915.
Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Hr. Stewart
and carried.
From VI. S. Hanameyer requesting a gratuitous license to peddle
fruit and vegetables. The same bore the endorsement of J. Conrad, Chief
of Police and r. \'Jilkens moved that the renest be granted, seconded by
Noveber 16th, 1915.
impruved oermanently out of the moneys of the Speeial Street Fund from
Fourth Street to Fernside Boulevard; that )roperty owners either install
cement curbs and a:utters at their on expense or that the cost of crossings
be assessed to them. Mr. Hammonc7, moved that the report be adopted, second-
ed by Probst and carried. Hammond moved that the Clerk adver-
tise for bic9s for the construction of the street and that the contractors
furnish their own specifications and that two biSs for the work be asked,
one from Chestnut to Fernside Boulevard and the other from Chestnut Street
to Fourth Street, seconded by "Lr. Tillkons and carried.
From the Finance Committee recommendincr that YI05.00 be appropriat
ed for additians and repairs to the ptro1 wcn r. Hammond moved that
the report be adopted seconded by President
mou ly carried.
k and on roll call unani-
From the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee recommending that
the 7:pAsonite Company be awarded the contract for placing a wearing
surface on the yard in the rear of the City Hall and that they be awarded
the contract for laying a concrete walk for 429.50 and that the Committee
be given pu:Jer to act. Mr. -.:70.1.ker moved that the report be adopted, second-
ed by T„T-r. Hammond and on roll call unanimously carried.
17 V From the Public Buildings and Grounds Oonunittee reooimending that
the contract for mortar staining the cement work an the City Hall be
awarded to Chas L. etzger for :,190,00 and, that the Committee be given
power to act. Mr. 7:alker moved that the reort be adopted, seconded by
Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously.
18. /./ From the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee recommending that
a steel boiler be installed for heating the City Hall at a cot of 4139.00.
President 3ullock moved the report bo adopted, secondca by :,tr. Hammond and
on roll call carried unanimously.
From the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee recommending
that the California Hydraulic Engineering and Supply Company be awarded
the contract for installing the steel boiler in the City Hall at the cost
of :469.00. Ytr. ':alker moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr.
Hammond and on roll dall carried unanimously.
Mr. Stewart introduced the fo11owiii g Resolution and moved its
HEREAS, it has pleased lmighty Cod to remove from
mortal vision °,7ILLT F=07D, SR. , and
7,11E7.1AS, ILLIAL H.r=, SR. has given to the City
Alameda faithful and willing service as an )Tficial
and private citizen, thereby materially aiding in the
u-obuilding of our City, and
7=REAS, WILL ILL: H2L=LTD, SR. as a private citizen
has by his upright life and kindly words endeared
himself to all; and
7THERRAS, =L IM H=OND, SR. , has shown himself at all
times to be a man of splendid character and sterling
THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City
nf Alnyn.pAq in 11 ip ri 7T-C,LT!,v, 17P_
November th, 1915.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of these
Resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, that
they be spread in full upon the minutes of this
Council and the Council do now adjourn in respect
to the memory of the deceased.
4 '
Mr. Po1st secondecl. the motion to adopt the 7, which was
Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:—
7,HEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did
on the lath day of :lay, A. D. 1915, pass its
Resolution of Intention No. 24, New Series,
declaring its intention to order the following
work to be done and improvement made, to wit:-
That Lincoln Avenue in the City of Alameda,
State of California, be opened and extended to
a uniform width of sixty feet, from its present
westerly termination, es such westerly termina-
tion exists between Fourth Street and Fifth
Street in said City, 7esterly to the :asterly
line of Fourth Street, and describing in said
resolution the lands and premises necessary to
be taken therefor, and specifying ill said reso-
lution the lands to be affected or benefited by
said work and improvement and to be assessed to
pay the damages, costs and eIpenses thereof; and
711E7,F,IS, the street superintendent of the City of
Alcmeda did thereupon cause notice of the passage of
said resolution to be posted and published for ten
days in the manner and as required by law; and
7=REAS, no objections have been filed against
said proposed work and improvement, and more than ten
days have elapsed after the expiration of the time
of the eullication of said notice of the passage of
said resolution, and the Council of the City of
Alemeda has acquired jurisdiction to order said work
as proposed in caid resolution to be done;
Kow,therefore, it is hereby ordered that said, work
and improvement be done as aforesaid and as speci-
fically described in said Res)lution of Intention
7o. 24 Yew eries.
A. F. St. ure, 2. J. Croll and R. E. Bosshard are
hereby appointed commissioners to assess benefits
and damages and to have cjeneral sapervisien of said
proposed wer',: and improvements until the completion
thereof in compliance with law.
Lir. Probst seconded the motion to Sadopt the Resolution and on roll call
it was adopted and passed unanimously.
A Bill for Ordinance entitled
To amend Section 6, Chapter77, of Ordinance No,
1, New Series, known as the 1.1unicipal Code of the
City of Alameda, Approved Juunry 14th, 1915, by
re-enactinn said section as amended"
was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter.
A Bill for Ordinance entitled
A Bill
For -Ordinance No. New Series.
To .Amend Seeti.on 9, Chapter 11, of Ordinance
No. 1, Tfew Series, known as the i,.lnnicipal Code
of the City of Alameda, approved January 14th,
1915, by re-eeacting said section as amended."
was introduced and laid over under a provition of the Chart,Dr.
A Bill for Ordinance entitled
A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Ainendin Section 60 and Section 62 of Article
2 of Chanter III of Ordinance 7o. 1, Sew Series,
:mown as the 1:unicipal Code of the City of
- . -r() -on r .7f.1 ,C1 c; 1,-ZT 1 LL +11 1 CM T. +. 11 Cr
November 16th, 1915.
Ordinance be adoPted, oeconded by Morris and on roll call it was
adopted aad passed unanimously.
A Bill for Ordinance entitled
A Bill
For Ordinance No. rew Series.
Ldding a now Chapter to the Municipal Code of
the City of Alameda
vas introduced end laid over under a provision of th e Cherl- .
Er, 2rolst moved that 'when the Council adjourn, it adjourn in
respect to the memory of former Councilman Robert S. Gee, seconded by
Walker end carried.
21,- reorted that he had been in omunication with owners
of property along V:ebotov Street roadm4-ly end he stated that they were
considering placing all electroliers through privato cotract.
Mr. Probst .moved hot the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids -
a motor-driven lawn mower not to exceed:0500 00 in coot and an auto truck'
not L'o exceed ',700.00 in cost or use of the Recreation. Department, second-
ed by Jr. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Lyes:Coluicilmen
Hammond, Probst Walker Viiihens and Prosiclent Bullock, (5). Noes:
Councilmen Heuer, Y,lerris and Stewart 3) Excusei from votin : Ooune
man Roth, (1).
ir. Probst celled attentln, to the delay of le Southern 2acific
Conlim!:ny in constructing the st'ation at Fifth Street and Lincoln :venue
and moved that the City Olorh be instructed to ask the Company to brIld
immediately, seconded by T-f!. Hammond and c!-ATried,
1, Hammond moved that when. the Council 3.0 joul.'n it adjourn to meet
in adjourned regular session Tuesday evening, 7ovember 23rd, 1915
seconded 1
y MR. Walker and carried.
24. Tir. St, Sure reeortod that he had been in conversation with Fred
Banks who has the contract for the street sign and stated that the matter
lo boIng further investigated by the City Enineer to ascertain if it
is not possible to Procure the g1ass
_ 26. Hammond st,7tted that the Board of Electricity were desirous of
purchasing the property immediately adjoining the DAnicinal 7lectric Light
21nt on the south side an that the owners of the same were holding it
at .2.n exhorbitant figure. He moved that the City 1„ttorney take the necessary
stece to condemn the land, seconded by -Ur. Welker end Carried.
26. Hf,maicd moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare
plcms and specifications for the improvaitent of Park Street at the extreme
o'ithorly end adjoining the bulkhead, seconded by Mr. Welker and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned
in respect to the memory of Robert S. Gee, to meet in adjourned regular
session Tuesday evenin, Uovembor 23rd, 1915 at : 30 o'clock.
RespoctftJly submitted,