TUSDY 7ENING, N0TEff..3EI: 231:D, 1915.
The meeting convened with Layer i. .. 'Eartiett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen. Hammond, Heuer, li:orris, Stewa
V:alker, Wilkens,a nd President Bulloc. were noted present. Absent:Council
'men Frobst and Roth.
President 2,ullock introduced the failow -E Resonation and, moved
its adoptior:
. T'L
RE6OLVED, by the Council of the City of Alaeda
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to the Fire and the oum of One Hu-Ared and thirty-
three and 00/100 (133.00) Dollars, said amount
to be used for certain improvements and repairs in
Fire Station 7o. 3.
The Auditor is hereby authorized to make said
transfer upon his books.
Er. 'alker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll
call.it was adopted and passed unanimously.
Claims against the Iecreation Fun inoit:ia to 246.73 and ai,zainst
Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to 254.15 having been approved
and audited by the proper officials wore read by the Clerk. President
Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Hammond
and unanimously carried.
The fol.lo J:cia were received:
Contract with Chas. L. I.:etz er for the paintnig of the cement
trimmings on the City Hall. Ordered Tiled.
The following communications were receved;
Report of the majority ebers4on ,,e _nvostia:ation of the official_
acts of Vm. Hammond, Jr. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be not adopted,
seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen
Hammond, 'Walker, Wilkens and President 1.iulloc, (4). Noes:Councilmer4 Feuer,
Morris and Stewart
(3). Absent:Councilmen Probst and Roth, (2).
Mr. Heaer moved that the Mayor be instructed to chngo the personnel
of the Street Committee, secoced by and lost by the Teller-lag
vote:- Aye :Councilmen ueuer, Morris -.ad Stewart, M. roes:CounciliLca
demmend, V.alker, Wilkens and 2'residerlt Bulloc', (A Hbsent:Councilmen
Probst ,nd Roth, (2).
The minority report of 2. 2. Tappan on the official acts
Councilman V:m. Hammond, Jr. Mr. Hammond moved that the report be not filed,
seconded by ['r. Wilkens ,and carried by the following vote:- lyes:Oouncil-
•men Hammond, VTalker, iikens and. President Bullock, (4). EHos:Councilmen
Heuer, :,Torris and Stewart, (3). Absent:Councilmen Probst Prohst nd Roth,
From C. J. DuPour, Secretary of the Board of '±!]ducation submitting
a Resolution requesting the Council to purchase certain properties adjoin-
ing the Porter School. Mr. Walker moved that the Resolution be taen up
in the next Committee of the ';,:hole me - 6ing and that the Board of Education
November 23rd 1915.
made by him for fountains, etc., for the streets. Referred to the Street
From C. J. lePherson of the Southern Pacific Company to the City
Clerk, sttiig that tho waitinr . slation et Fifth Street Pad Lincoln
Aveuue would be erect d the month. Ordered filed.
Bili entitled
"A Bill
For Oraiatance7o. Tew (ries
To Amend Section 9, Chapter II, of Ordinance No.
1, :Tew Series, known as the ::uniciPal Code of
the City of Ala,ecaa, approved. January 14th, 1913,
2e-enacting said Section as amended,"
carne up for passage and was read by the Clerk, Mr. Hammond moved that the
Ordinance be adopted second d by Mr. Walker and adopted and passed by the
following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond Walker, Wilkens and President
Bullock, (4). Noes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris and Stewart (3). Absent:
Councilmen Probst and :Roth, (2).
A Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
To Amend Section 6, Chapter 777 of Ordinanc
New Series, known as The Municipal Code of
of Ziameda, approved January 14th, 1913, by
ing said Section as amended"
No. 1,
he City
came UD for passaree ana was read by the Clerk. Mr. Walker moved that the
Ordinance be adopted, seconded by ;Ir. Hmmon and adopted and passed by
tho followin vote:- Ayes:Couacilmen Hammond, Walker Wilkens end
President Bullock, (41 Noes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris and Steart, (3).
Abeent:Couacillr.en Probst and Roth, (-).
Yr. Talker stated that U. S. Lane requested permission to install
a 3 H. P. Boiler in the laundry of Wo Kee on illanding Avenue
and moved
that permission be granted, and the Clerk noti.
Mr. Lane 01 the same,
seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried.
Mr. Hammond moved that the President of the OOUaeI1 change the
Committees of the Council as he sees fit, seconded by Tr. ]orris and
Hammond moved that the City Ena'ineer be instructed to prepare
plans aee, specifications for the improvem of Central .Ave-nue, secended
by Mr. Walker and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned
to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, December 7th, 1915.
Reseect llly submitted,
0 ity Clerk,