1916-02-23 Regular CC Minutes1:0
The meeting convened with Mayor P.H.Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst, Stewar
Walker Wilkens and President Bullock were noted present. Absent:Councilman
esident Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
adopt ion:
FUND 20 LO( .11-11:1ZT FUND NO. 20, NEC, SERIES.
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Liarneda that
there be transferred from the General Funa to Local
Improvement Fund No. 20, New Series, the sum of One
hundred and sity-four and 14/100 (164.14) Dollars,
as a loan, for .ccuring demands caused by the opening
and widening of Encinal Avenue.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to
make said transfer uoon their resoective books.
Mr. Y;alker seconded the motion to ado-pt the resolution and on roll call it was
adopted and passed unanimously.
President Bullock introduced the foliowing Resolution an-1 moverl, its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to the Relief Fund the sum of One Hundred and
00/100 (100.00) Dollars, asa loan,' for accruing
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz
cd to make said transfer upon their respective
Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll cal
was adopted and passed unanimously.
Claims against the Relief Fund in the amount of 458.50 having been
approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President
Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and on
roll call carried unanimously.
The following communications were received:
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett requesting the Council to either approve or
disapprove the appointment of Jasper D. Mills as a member of the Board of
Education. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of
the Whole,seconded by Mr. Talker, Mr. Heuer moved to amend the motion., that
the appointment be not confirmed seconded by Mr. Morris. Mr. Hammond then
moved that the matter be laid on the table, seconded by Mr. Talker and carried
by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Hammond, Probst, Walker Wilkens and
President Bullock,- (5). Noes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris and Stewart, (3). Absent:
Councilman Roth, (1).
I,/ From the Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Company, protesting the award of
the orinting contract to the Times Star Company, which award was made Tuesday
evening, February 15th, 1916. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be reconsider-
February 23rd, 1916.
contract to the Times Star Company and urging that it be given to the
Sbhwabacher-Frey Stationery Company. Mr. Hammond introduced the following
Resolution and moved its adoption.:
WHEREAS, bids for city printing for the year commenc-
ing February 16, 1916, and ending on February 16,
1917, were submitted to the council at the meeting
held on February 15, 1916, and are as follows,to-wit:
Schwabacher-Frey Stationery Company, 02820.60
Times Star 2974,75
N. E. Pitschke..................... 3133.39;.
and whereas, the contract for doing the city print-
ing has for several years last past been awarded to
the Times Star Company, and said contract has been
performed to the satisfaction of the City of Alameda;
and, whereas, said Times Star Company has heretofore
been faithful and prompt in performance of all con-
tracts for city printing had with the city; and,
whereas, said Times Star Company has its place of
business in the City of Alameda within a few hun-
dred feet of the City Hall; and, whereas, this council
has fully considered each and every of said bids, there-
fore be it
RESOLVED, that this council finds that the two lowest
bidders are the Schwebacher-Frey Comeany, a corpora-
tion, having its principal place of business and its
printing plant in the City and County Of San Francisco,
its bid being 02820.60, and the Times Star Company hav-
ing its principal place of business and its printing
plant in the City of Alameda, its bid being 02174.75;
that the difference between the bid of the Schwabacher-
Frey Company and the Times Star Company is 0154.15 iu
favor of the Schwabacher-Frey Company; that to enter into
a contract with the Schwabacher-Frey Company would mean
the doing of the printing outside of the limits of the
City of Alomoda to-wit: in the City of San Francisco,
a long way from the municipal offices of said City of
Alameda, and the additional expenditure of money for
postage, telenhone calls, messenger service, and the
loss of time in giving orders and obtaining the delivery
of orders for orinting from San Francisco would in the
long run amount to more than the difference between the
bids of said Times Star Company and the Schwabacher-
Frey Company; and be it further
RESOLVED, that this council finds that the. Times Star
Company is the lowest responsible bidder for said con-
tract of Printing; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the bid of the Times Star Company be and
the same is hereby accepted, and that the contract for
the city printing for the year 1916-17 be and it is here-
by awarded to said. Times Star Company.
Mr. Wilkens seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was adopted
and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Cohmcilmen Hammond, Probst, Walker,
Wilkens and President Bullock, (5). Noes:Councilmen Morris and Stewart
(2). Excu.sed from voting: Councilman Heuer, (1). beent:Councilman Roth,
(1). Er. Harrington thereupon entered a formal protest hgainst the
award of the contract to the Times Star Company.
vi From the Modern Laundry Company complaining against the orgctice
of Oakland Laundries soliciting trade in Alameda without a 14 ense. Re-
ferred to the License Committee,
From Thos'. H. Rees, Lioutv Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U. S.
Army, announcing a public hearing to be held ii Thursday, ::arch
9th 1916 at 10 a. m, for the purpose of considering regulations govern-
ing the operation of the draw bridges, at Webster sad Harrison Streets.
Referred to the Harbor Advisory Board and Public Utilities Committee.
From the Board of Education thanking the Council for their
February 23rd, 1916,
6. From Chas, C. Boynton submitting a Resolution declaring that the
public interest requires the incorporation of the cities of Alameda, Oakland,
Berkeley and Piedmont into a public utility district. Mr. Hammond moved
that it be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, seconded by Yr. Walker.
Messrs. Chas. C. Boynton, Greene Majors, Geo. Burlingame, Ben F. Lamborn,
John C. Coburn, Frank V. Cornish, and-J.'B.- Jordan addressed the Council
on the subject of organizing the utility district. Mr. Stewart moved to
amend the motion, that the Council give an expression of opinion on the
some at once, seconded by M. Morris and lost by the following vote:-
Ayes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris arLd Stewar
(3). Noes:Councilmen Hammond,
Probst, Walker, Wilkens and Presient Bullock, (5). Absent:Councilman Roth,
(1). Mayor Bartlett than put the original motion which was called without
roll call.
I. 0 From the C. F. Murdoch Company, submitting specifications or
Ma tic paving. Referred to the Street Committee.
From one hundred and seventy-seven residents of the City of Alameda
petitioning that a commission of three citizens be appointed to act
Advisory Board with the City Engineer and Street Superintendent in
matters pertaining to street work. 'Jrdered
9, ue A Bill entitled
FOR ORDINANCE 70. Mew Series
_Establishing a City Planning Commission, Provid-
ing for the Appointment Thereof, and Prescribing
its Powers and Dutie ."
came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that the
ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Walker and it was adopted ana passed
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Probst, ';:alker,
liJilkens and President Bullock, (6). - Noes:Councilmen, Morris and Stewart,
Absent:Coencilman Roth, (1).
A Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
ProvidinR for the Acquiringy the City of
Alameda of Certain Real Property for the use
and benefit of the Public Schools of said City?
came up for passage and was read by the Clerk, Mr. Hammond moved that the
Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and on roll call it was adopt-
passed unanimously.
A Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Calling and Providinrf for a ecial Election in
and for the City of Alameda ,County of Alameda,
State of Cali-Fc)r-eia, to be held in said City on
Tuesday, the 23r day of 1(316 for the
'Purpose of Electing a Board of Fifteen Freeholders,
Wecee Duties it shall be to Prepare and Propose
a New Charter for said City of Alameda, Pursuant
to the'proVisions of, '112.(1 in the Manner ProVided'e
by the Constitution of the State of California;
Establishing the Election Precincts and Designat-
ing the Polling Places, therein for such Election,
and the Names of Election Officers, and Proclaim-
ing such Election and Providing for Giving Notice.
came up for passage. Mr. H=Inond moved that it lay over for two weeks,
seconded by Mr. Walker and carried.
3 4
February 2ord, 1916.
Mr. Wilkens introduced a Bill entitled
"A Lill
Far Ordinence Ye. New Series
Amending Section. ?35 of Chapter X Of Ordinance
Number 1, New Series, Known as the Municipal Code
of the City of Alameda, Approved January 14th,
1913, by Re-enacting said Section as Lneoded; and.
Prohibiting Persons from Appearing on the Public
streets in Bathing Dress ithout being Properly
covered with Robe, and Also Providing for the
Leaving of Bath Houses Open at 7Tight for the Pur-
poses of Ventilation,"
which was laid over under a provision of the Charter.
Mr. Hammond moved that the City Ene,-incer, Street Superintendent and
City Attorney be instructed to nrepare the necessary rapers for the improvement
of Sixth Street between Pacific and Lincoln Avenues, seconded by Er. Walker
and carried.
1/ Er. Hammond stated that it will be impossible to improve Central Avenue
weat of Sherman Street for some time owing to the fact that the Southern Pacific
Company does not feel the replacing of the present rails a warranted expense,
inasmuch as the life of the rails will extend over a number of years. He moved
that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the
improvement of Webster Street, between. Centr,al Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue,
seconded by Er. Probst and c arried
if Mr. HaAnond also called attention to the fact that it will be necessary
to improve either Lincoln, Pacific or Buena Vista Avenues. The rails on Lincoln
Lvenue he stated would have to be replaced within a year or two and for that
reason he felt it best to improve Lincoln Avenue first, He moved that the
matter be referred to the Street Cornniittee seconded by Mr. Vilkens and carried.
There being no further blIsiness to transact the Council adjourned to
meet in regular sessim, Tuesday evening March 7th 1916, at 7:30 o'clock
1:espectfa1ly submitted
City Clerk.