1916-03-07 Regular CC Minutes184
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Stewart,
Walker, ';:ilkens and President Bullock, (7), were noted present. Councilman
'(1) arrived 1-.ter and was noted present. Absent:Councilman Probst (
The minutes of the regular .meeting of February 15th, 1916 were approved
as read.
The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of February 23r8, 1916
were approved as read.
Claims again at the General Fund mounting to $5050.46; against the
Police Fund mounting to 11.80; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting
against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to $502.15; against
the Health Fund amounting to .65; against thc Library Fund amounting to
467.6;i. aoainst the 'Electric Light Fund mounting to 4271.52; azainst
m-unicipal Improvement Fund Ye. 8, Bay Farm Road, mounting to ::;52.08 and
against :,iunicipal Improvement Fund TO 11, 6 neols, amounting to '123379.56
having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the
Clr,rk. President Bullock moved that the claims as read be Paid, seconded
by Ur. Hammond and carried by the following vote:- Ayes :Concilme Hammond,
Heuer Morris Stewart, Walker 1;,,.ens au Bullock, (7). Noes:
1;one. Absent:Councilmen Probst and R ,th, (2 ) .
The following were received:
The Auditors bla.nce sheet for the month of F brJary, 1916.
Ordored filed.
Rel)ort of the ManiciPal Electric Lic:ht Plant or the month of January,
1916. Ordered filed.
The Poundmasters rerort for the month of Fobruar' 1916. '11-10-ed
/i The Deeds of Lizzie C. Baurhyte and William Baurhyte Emily A.
Rogers and Rose Polite° deeding certain properties to the City 'of Alameda.
Ordered filed.
The following communications were received:
From i.ayor F. H. Bartlett calling the Council's attention again to
the fal-A that no action had been taken on the nomination of J. D. Mille to
the position of member of the Board of Education. Mr. Heuer moved that the
appointment be confirmed, seconded by Mr. Morris. Mr. Hammond moved that the
matter be laid o: the table, seconded by Mr. T:ialker and carried by the follow-
ince vote:-
A es:Councilmen. Harmnond, Roth, Balker, Iriilens and President Bullpc
(5). 2:roes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris and Stewart, (3). Absent :Counoilmn Probst,
(1). Heuor arose to a point of order and stated that article II Chapter
2, Section 17, Sub-division. 31 required a two-thirds vote of the whole Council
to disc pprovo of any nomination to an appointive office made by the Mayor,
whereul)on Mayor Bartlett announced that inasmuch as no two thirds vote of
March 7th, 1911
ment of Mr. Mills and stated that inasmuch as no two-thirds vote of the Coun-
cil had been recorded, the appointment would he effective.
3. yr An Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Publishers of News-
papers was presented and ordered filed. In response to said notice the Clerk
stated that he was in receipt of one bid. MT. Hammond moved that the bid be
received and opened, seconded by Ilr 7,a1ker and carried, whereuroon the Clerk
opened the bid and read as follows:-
From the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily rgus offering to do
the advertising for the City of Alameda at the following rates;
For the first insertion of an advertisement per square of 234 ems,
non pnriel measorement................................. *';: 1.25
For the second insertion of an advertisement per square of 234 ems,
non pariel .75
For the third and each subseuent insertion of an advertisement per
square of 2,54 e,ms nonpariel measurment,........ *WOW .50
A bond In the sum of 500 OC sccomPanied 'the bid.
Mr. Hammond moved that the bid be referred to the 'ntinp: and
Advertising Committee, seconded by Yr. Walker, Mr. Heuer called attention
to the discrepancy between the bid and the advertisement and asked the
opinion of the City Attorhey'on the same. City Attorney* St. Sure ru e,
that the bid did not conform to the advertisement, whereupon Mr. Hammond
moved that the Cleft re-advertise for bids, seconded by Er nlkens and
From Mayer F. H. Bartlett, appointing R. H. Jemison to the posLtion
of City Engineer to take the place of James E. Iltto,n, whoso term of office
',1n,E1 expired. Mr. Heuer moved that the appointment be confirmed, oeconthu9
Morris, and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Heuer
Morris and Stewart, U. Noes:Councilmen Hammond, ',7alker, ';i1ll'ons and
J?rosident Dulloc.,, (4). Excud from vetiA: Councilman Roth, (1).
P6bscnt:Councilman Prohst , ( 1 ) Lr mmond moved that the ma t r be laid
on the table, seconded by L'r. 7,1ker bud loot by the followin vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen Hall;mona, 'Calker, Wilkens ant President Bullock, (4). Noes:Cc-un
cllmen He-nor, Morris Roth and Stewart, (4). Absent:Councilman Probst,
Er. Hammond tcioved that a recess be taken, seconded by Mv. iker
and carried by the following vote:- hyes:Councilmen HaLumond, Roth, allher
'dailkerJ.I.ana 2resident e:Ltalech, (5 ) . Hoes :Councilmen Hever, Morris, and
( ) •
(3). Absent: 0ouncf7rin. Probst, (1).
Upon reconvening Councilmen Haslimend, Heuer, Morris, Roth Stewart
7Sa1lter, -Cilkens end President Bullock, (8) were not ea rsresent. 211sest:
Councilman istobat (1).
Mr, Feuer moved that the Council meet -in adjeurned regular session,
Tuesday eArnilv.:, 11:..,xch 14th, 1916, seconded by Mr, Morris and an roll 0011
cirried uckandramsly.
Mr. Hammond moved that the Ocu.Lii udjourn, seconded by Mr. Sulker
and loot by the fallo,siag vote:- 2..yes:Cosucilmen Hammond, Thlkor,
and Prident Bullock„ (4). Hoes:Councilmen Honor Yorvi'&, Toth and Stewart,
(4). .Lbsent:Coss,_ncilmas Probst, (11).
Farther 000iuiniiieat
March, 7th, 1916.
"Alameda (lal
, 4,
Mar. 2, 1216.
To the Honorable Council
Ow Alameda.
am re rain the attached resolution
uithout my approval for the reason that the Council
111 awarding the contract for city printing has net
fol.:lowed the p,rovisien of the charter which zeouires
that the Eame 'must be let to the lowest responsible
Very truly,
F. H. Bartlett,
Mayer e-F Ilnheaa."
The commanleation was ordered filed.
6 From City Attorney' 846. Suro roduesttng the ourchase of a new Under
wood Towriter . Mr. Hammond moved that the re(luost be p'.-,7rantc3, seconded
ty Mr. Heuer and on r1 cal]. carried unanimously.
9. From C14 Lttorney St. Sure stti10 that the 17.1iiroad Commisoion
ha0 decided adversely to the City in the matter of the laying and extending
of.fire mains and suggesting thnt the Supreme Court of the State migt take
a, different view, Mr. Heuer moved that the City' Attorney proceed ait
the •Zeoples Water Compcny before the Supreme Court seconded by Mr. Stewart
and carried.
10. V om the Board o Fire Underwriters of the Pacific to Mayor Bartlett
attentio'n to the danorous condition of the church at 231G Central
nvenue. Referred to the o1ice, Fire and Water Committee.
11. v/ From ii flark Evans eom-pleininp: a cinst the condition of Alameda
streets. Ordered filed.
12. Troia G. E. McLeod relative to the proposed ordinance regulating
bathing suits, 0iere1 filed.
10. v7 From OIty Attorney St. Sure submitting copy ol letter sent by him
to the Oakland ',:lateriront Company and also a copy of the letter received
from that Company, pertaining to the proposed reclamation w-ork about to
be begun. MR. Hammond moved that the City Attorney notify the Company
that no mpin must be permitted to runinto the water on. the west side
seconded by Llr. Valker and carried.
From J. E. Hussy requesting a gratuitous license to s 11 brooms
and from Emma Alice Leonard requesting a gratuitous license to solicit food
fla-voring 0r0 Stewart moved that the reduests be granted, seconded by
Mr. Morris End on roll cola carried unanimously.
/ From the Alameda Moose Hall Association recjuestirig 0 p:rats itous
license to conduct a carnival on the property fronting on Central Avenue
between Webster end 'iage Streets, from 2.or)ri.1Eith to 16th, 1916, both days
inclusive. Mr. Walker moved that the re:!uest be granted, seconded by Mr. Heuer
and on roll call carried unanimously.
16. From the Board of Electricity suggesting that some steps b
taken whereby the Board of Electricity could enter into an agreement with
large power coImonies for the furnhir
of electric current for the opera-
tion of Darge manufacturing plants in the City of Alameda. Referred to
the ii2ubvic Utilities Committee.
March 7
the windows of his office as voll Po a new carpet. Mr. Walker moved that
the reluest be granted and the metter referred to the 1u'oiie Buildings and
Grounds Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. 'Almond and on roll
call carried unanimously.
From A. Zeldhamer protesting completion of certain work in the
anding north of the corporation yard, On motion of Mr. Ha.amond seconded
Mr. Heuer nd carried it was referred to the City Attorney.
!Sr. Feldhamer arose to speak, whereupon Mr. Hammond arcs
to a point
of personal privilege and moved that Inasmuch as Mr. Feldhamer s remarks were
of a personal nature againt him, that he be not allowed to speak further,
seconded by 'Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen
Hammond, Heuer Morris, Roth, Walker, 'Linens and President Bullock, (7).
Excused from voting: Councilman Stewart (1). :fusent:Councilman Prob
19. Prom James E. Sutton oublitting c, street census report on traffic
OA certain streets in the City of Ainmeda in September 1915. Ordered Tiled,
20. From C. J. McPherson, Superintendent of Electric Lines of
Southern Pacific Company to Councilman 'falkens ,stating that it would be
difficult to install a signal system notifying the ,s,'ublio of Tog schedule.
Mr. Heuer stated that it appeared that such a system could be satisfactorily
placed whereupon he moved that the matter be referred again to the Public
UrtijAies COmmitt and .that the Committee also have heaters placed in the
cars, seconded by Mz 1iorris and carried.
Mr. Hammond introduced the following :Resolution and moved its adopt ion:-
RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Alameda
hereby agrees not to assess the cost of paving the cross
intersections on Central Avenue of Property owners who
-install concrete curbir7 in front al' their property.
This resolution is adopted to Protec,t such propert
owners as fear a oroosing assessment may follow after
they have installed the curbing.
The City Clerk is hereby directed to supply copies of
this Resolution to persons applying fot the same.
Mayor Bartlett called attention to the inadvisability lvf such a procedure
whereupon D.Tr. Stewart more that the matter be referred to ths City Attorney
for an opinion, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
22 From the Public Utilities Comaittee recommending that the light and
power rates as rpeo=end d by the Board of Llectrieity for amusement parks
be adopted. LI'. Hammond moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr.
Heuer and on roll caIl carried unanimously.
22. ' ;Plans and Specifications for the iimorovement of Central Avenue were
presented cud referred to the meeting of the 14th for consideration.
A comunication was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce
recommending the adoption of the Ordinance calling for a Rreeholders'
Election. Ordered filed.
25. / A Bill entitled
March 7t1I 19)6,
for the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of
California, to be held in said City on Tuesday, the
23rd day of May, A. D. 1916, fer the Purpose of Elec
ing a Board of Fifteen Freeholders, whose Duties it
shall be to Prepare and Propose a New Charter for said.
City of Alameda, Pursuant to the Provisions of, and
in the manner Provided by the Constitation of the
State of California, Establishing the Election Pre-
cincts and DeSignating the ?oiling Places therein for
such Election, and the Names of Election Officers for
each such Precinct, and Appointing such Election officers
and Proclaiming such Election and Providing for Giving
Notice thereof,'
came up for passage. Mr. Hammond moved that the rnatter lay over for two
weeks, seconded by Mr. Walker and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen Hammond, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (4). Noes:
Coancilmen Heuer Morris, Roth and Stewart, (4). Absent:Councilman Probst
26. v Dr. W. C. Smith, Preeident of the Alameda Cho-ober of Commerce address-
ed the Council and urged the calling of the Freeholders' Eleetion. Mr,
s.eeerL, spoke on behelf of the same,while Mr. Hammond spoke for iayi ne
the matter over for further consideration. Mr. Heuer moved that the Ordi-
nance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Stewart and on roll call it was adopted
and eased unanimously.
27. /- A B111 entitled
For Ordinance re, New Series.
Amending Section 758 of Chap77.7 X of Ordinanoe
No I, Mow Series, Known as The Municipal Code
of the City of Alameda, Approved January 14th,
by Re-enacting said Section as Amended; and Pro-
hibiting Persons from Appearing on the Public
Streets ia Bathing Dress Without Being Properly
Covered with Robe, anJ Also providing or the
Leav1e. oT Sath Moe e 0-een at night for the
purposes of Ventilation."
came up for passage and wae read by the Clerk. Upon motion duly seconded
and carried the word "lay" in Section '
was ceohged to "lie". !Jr. Wilkens
moved that the Ordinance be adopte secended by President Bullock and on
roll eall it was adopted and Passed unanimously.
9' 11 Bill eitit1e d
"A. Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
AneUrainance-Providing for the Regulation of the
• Business of Using, Operating and Driving Auto-
mobiles for Hire upon the Public Streets Of the
City of Alameda, Providing for Licenses to Carry
on Such Business and fer the Revocation thereof
fixing the !mount of License Pees to be Paid,
quirng the Furnishing of Bonds, making the Viola-
tion of any of the Provisions of this Ordinance a
Misdemeanor and Providing a Penalty Therefor, and
Repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in
SO far as the same may be in Conflict Herewith."
Came no for passage. Mr. Walter moved that the matter be referred to the
next Committr,N3 of the Thole, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried.
MT* Stewart introduced a Bill entitled
"A Bill
Por Ordinance No. Hew Series.
Regulating the Keeping of Scavenger and. Garbage
Weons, horses, and 4pliances used in the Collec-
tion of Garbage."
which was laid over under a provision of the Charter.
March 7th, 1916,
the street and moved that the City Attorney be instructed to ascertain if
some action can be taken whereby the curb and fence line can be placed
forward, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
1,/ Cir. Walker called attention to a request for warning signs at
r.ol.,inley Park that had been made and moved that the Clerk notify the
3uperintendent of Streets to have suitable signs made and put up immediate-
ly, see),,ded by Kr. Hamthona and carried.
32, 1,r. Hammond called atteation to the matter of title of Central
Court and moved, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried that the City 1:ttorney
take uo t.;le matter and advise the Council on the same.
33, 7/ A claim in the sum of 461. o was presonted by Frank Bowen as
seventy-five per cent of the money due him on 100 street signs at
sign, per
which he had put up. Mr. Walker moved that tha the claim as pre-
sented be paid, seconded by Mr. iiilkens and On roll call carried unani-
34, pr
Mr. Heuer reported that the matter of laundry license which had
been referred to his Committee was being taken up and he asked for
further time,
-re.bein no further business to transact the Council adjourned
to meet in adjourned regular session, 2nesday evening, March 14th, 1916
at 7:30 oc1ook,
City Clerk.