1916-03-21 Regular CC Minutest 194 REGULAR MEET= OF THE COUUCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVEMIG, MARCH 21st, 1916. The meotiag convend with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst Stewart, 7:alker, VAlkens and President Bullock were noted present. Councilman Roth arrived later and was noted present. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 7th were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of March 14th were approved as read. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 02.88; against the Street Fund amounting to 1204.14; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to :0033.28 and t the Relief Fund amounting to 8.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were rec.d by the Clerk. President Bullock moved that the claims as read be pal seconded oy Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk then read a certification of the completion of the erection of steps at the foot of Oak Street, done by Powell Bros. Construction Company and signed by James E. Sutton, Oity Engineer. Ordered filed. A claim in the sum of :510.00 for said work was presented and President Bullock moved that the same be paid, second- ed by I. VAlkens and on roll call carried unanimouSly. , The following were received; 1. The continuation certificates on the bonds of Arthur D. Golds worthy and H. P. 'Xichman. Ordered filed. The Auditor's receipt for 4.00 being the purchase ?rice of the franchise for a pipe line along Park Street, given to B. A. Minor and Chas. C. Boynton. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 3. From the Richmond Chamber of Commerce inviting the Mayor and members of the City Council at attend a celebration to be held in Richmond on the 2nd 3rd and 4th of July. Mr. Hammond moved that the invitation be accepted and the Clerk acknowledge that fact, seconded by Mr. ',Volker and carried. 4. From H. G. ilewman requesting permission to install a tank for an oil burner on the property of Geo. A. Kernick at 1208 St. Charles Street. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Chief of the Fire Department seconded by Mr. V,alker and carried. From City Attorney St. Sure, stating that Mias EIna Simpson, Stenograoher in his office had resigned and that he had appointed Dorothy Penso in her stead, said appointment to take effect April 1st 1916. Mr. Probst moved that the appointment be approved, second- ed by Mr. ',Volker and on roll c 11 carried unanimously. 4176 March 2lst. 1916. for work to be performed on the Pound be rejected. President Bullock moved that the report be adopted, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. From Edw. J. Silver, Temporary Secretary of the Citizens Organization for permission to use the Council Chamber Tednesday evening, March 22nd, Mr. Walker moved that the request be.granted and that the same be made permanent upon notification of the intention to use the Chamber to the City Clerk, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried. From the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways stating the Park Street, between Buena Vista Avenue and San Jose Avenue would be reraired as soon as possible. Ordered filed. 9. From the Southern Pacific Company confirming the statement made by J. C. McPherson that that Company would install such new and oved track material and pavement as the City Council may desire after a period of four or five years, upon the condition that they be allowed to finish the street at the present time in oil macadam Ordered filed. :Jr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney be in- structed to draw up a proper agreement seconded by Mr. Talker and carried. 10. Id/ A Bill entitled 11. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing the ifiaking of a Contract Selling to B. L. Minor and Chas. 0. Boynton a supply of Salt Water when available as may, in the Opera- tion of The Municipal Electric Light Plant, be discharged from the Steam Condensers, while used by the City of Alameda at its Electric Light and Power Works, During the period of Twenty-five Years from date of Contract." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Morris moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Walker and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. / Mr. Morris introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Granting to B. Minor and Charles C. Boynton Their Successors or Assigns, the Privilege to Con- struct, install, Maintain and Operate in and Under Park Street an Underground Storage Tank, Pumping Station, Mains, Conduits and Pipes, for the Purpose of Conducting Salt Vater Through and Under Park Street to the Public Baths and Swimming Tanks to be Erected by said B. A. Minor and Charle s C. Boynton, Their Successors or Assigns." which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 12. v A communicaliuN was received from the Board of Health in which they requested that an Ordinance concerning the handling of garbage, rubbish and manure, through public streets be adopted. Referred to the next Committee of the 'Thole meoting. 1‘). i/ A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Providing for TWe Regulation of the Business of Using, Operating and Driving Automo- biles for Hire Upon the Public Streets of the City of Alameda, Providing for Licenses to Carry on such Business and for the Revocation thereof, Fixing t-hP mnln± n+ ),iroPTIS4P 'WpAg to h ii1 PPn/lirino, 195 March 2lst. 1916. pealing all Ordinances or karts of Ordinances in so far as the same may be in Conflict herewith." came no for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr..Walker moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call it vas adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Haeemond, Morris, Probst, Walker, ':i-ilhens and President Bullock, (6). Noes:Councilmen Heuer, Roth and Stewart (3). Absent:None. 14. b/ Communications from H. Krusi, Geo. L. Dillmal et al., giving their views on the improvement of Central Avenue were received and ordered filed. Mr. Hammond moved that a recess of fifteen minutes be taken for the ouroose of further discussion on the specifications 'fox the improvement of Central Avenue, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Upon reconvening Councilmen Hammond, Heuer, Morris, Probst, Roth, ewart, ':;alker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (0) were noted present. 'b. v/ Mr. Hammond moved that the plans and Specifications for the improvement of Central :evenue from Fourth Street to Fernside Boulevard be adopted seconded by . "Walker and on roll call carried unanimously. 16. / Mr. Ham-fiend then moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for kids for the improvement of Central Avenue between Fourth Street and Sherman Street and that the contractor be required to furnish the city with a ten year guarantee against defects in and for the maintenance of the work done and also a bond to protect the City 'against any royalties thet may be asked, that monthly progressive payments of soventy-five per cent of the work. completed be allowed, seconded by nr.Walker and on roll call carried unanimously. 17. /' A Bill entitled "A Bill For OrdinanceNo. New Series. Regulating the Keeping of Scavengers and Garbage Wagons, Horses, and Appliances used in the Collection of Garbage." came up for - passage. Mr. Stewart offered as an amendment to the original a Bill entitled "A-Bill For Ordinance No. Yew Series. Regulating the Keeping of Scavengers and Garbage Wagons, Horses, and Appliances used in the Collection of Garbage." and moved its adoption as the amended 3i11, seconded by Mr. Heuer and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Heuer, Morris, Roth, Stewart, and Wilkens, (5). Noes:Ceuncilmen Hammond, Probst Walker and President Bullock, (4). Absent:None. 18. 1/ Messrs. Lyman 1. Mowry, 1. M. Halloch and J. E. Brietwiser addressed the Council and urged the adoption of the amended Bill. Councilmen Stewart and. Heuer also spoke in favor of the same while Councilmen Hammond and. Probst were opposed. Y . Stewart offered to amend the amended. Bill by moving that the five hundred feet restriction be reduced to three hundred feet but there vasr,no second-to the Motion. Mx. Stewart then moved that the Amended Bill be adopted, .seconded by Mr. Roth and carried by the following vete:- , hie Ayes:Councilmen. Hbed..6r, i.Torris, Roth, .Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and. President „eecc ckta,t‘ 6 3 jiet_gr. Bullock, (Y)• Noes:Councilmen Hammond and Probst, t). Absent:TTone. 1 CA // 1)1,y. nnllne/ 1-.11A frInt ±lirvf ±h Rrm Prannisco. March while on duty. He moved that the City Clerk be instructed to ask the Company to allow the detectives to ride free of charge while the same were on offieigl duty, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council ci.journed to meet in regular meeting Tuesday evo,ting, April 4th, 1916 at 7:30 oc1ock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 197