1916-04-04 Regular CC Minutes198
In the absenc e of Mayor F. H. Bartlett the meeting convene with
Council-President E. B. Bullock presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond. Heuer, Morris, Stewart,
Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (7) were noted present. Councilmen
Probst and Roth arrived later and were noted present.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk. Council
President Bullock called attention to an error which stated that he had
voted "Aye on the Ordinance regulating the keeping of scuven,ter wagons,
paraphenalia, etc.tand requested that it be made "No". Mr. Stewart moved
that the correction be made, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr.
Morris moved tho.t, the Minutes as corrected by approv d econded by Mr.
Stewart and carried.
President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that
there be transferred from the Electric Light Fund to
the Interest and edemotion Fund the sum of Two Thous-
and, one hundred and seventy-eight and 12/100 (2178.12)
Dollars, to pay the Interest amounting to '4,928.12, and
Eedemotion amounting to ::;1250.00, due April 1st, 1916,
on the outstanding Electric Light Bonds authorized in
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to
make such transfer upon their res-pective books.
Probst seconded'the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
as acooted and passed unanimously.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to ;336.68; against the
Police Fund amounting to ';2.90; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting
to 4138.34; against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to 2:;1495.31;
against the Health Fund amounting to ,129.51; against the Library Fund
amounting to .o118.03; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to ;4504.85;
against the Recreation Fund amounting to ,614.93; against the Relief Fund
amounting to 11,6.00 and against Municipal Improveo,ont Fund No. 11 amounting
to 49.80 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were
read by the Clerk. 7,r. Hammond moved that the claims as read be paid,
seconded by Mr. Heuer and on roll call carried unanimously.
The following were received:
The roundmaster's report for the month of 'larch* 1916. Ordered
Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of
February, 1916. Ordered filed.
v/ The continuation certificate on the bond of Leon H. Ader. Order-
cipal Electric Light Plant. Ordered filed.
V The following communication were received:-
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett
"Alameda, California.
March 31st, 1916.
To the Honorable, the Council
of the City of Aldmeda.
I return the d tached Ordinance without my
aeproval for the reason that I believe the same to be
too drastic. It is framed apparently for the pur-
pose of putting. the jitney people out of business and
not to regulate them or to derive revenue from them.
Very truly yours
F. H. Bartlett,
Mayor of Alameda."
d)rdered filed.
From John L. Davie ayor of Oakland, inviting the Mayor and
Council to attend a meeting for discussion of the proposed Public
Utility District. Ordered filed.
5. vi An 2:jfidavit showing due enblication of Notice to Automobile Deal-
ers inleiting bids for an autodlobile for the Police Deoartment in exchange
for the two Ford automobiles now in use was received and ordered filed.
In response to said Notice the Clerk stated he was in receipt of five
bids. Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Er. Probst
and carried. Whereupon the Clerk opened the bids and read as follows:-
From the Pacific Kissel Kar Branch, Model 4-32 Kissel
Kar, 0285.00. Allowance on Fords, $585.00. Certified check,$118.50.
From Weaver-Ables-Wells Co. 40 H.P. Studebaker, c.)75.00.
Allowance on Fords, $700.00. Certified check, $97.50.
From Harrison B. Wood, Oldsmobile, 1325.00 and $1225.00.
Allowance on Fords, 600.00. Certified check, 132.50.
From King 8 Auto Sales Co. King 8, $125D.00. Allowance
on Fords :1800.00. Certified check, $125.00.
From Osen & Hunter Co., Hupmobile, $1195.00. Allowance
on Fords, .$660.00. Uncertified check, $53.50.
Mx. Hammond moved that the bid of Osen and Hunter Company be rejected inas-
much as their check was not certified, seconded by Kr. 'i1kens and carried.
Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be referred to the Police, Fire an Water
Committee, seconded by Mr, Wilkens and carried.
6. An Affidavit showing due Publication of Notice to Publishers of Newspapers was
resented and ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated
he was in receipt of one bid. Mr. Hammond moved that the bid be opened,
seconded by Er. Walker and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened the bid
and read as follows:-
For the first insertion of an advertisement per spare
of 204 ems nonpariel measurement................... 4.25
For the second insertion of an advertisement per
square of 264 ems non pariel .75
For the third and for each subsequent insertion
of an advertisement of 234 ems nonpariel measurement .50
The bid was accompanied by a bond in the sum of $500.00.
Mr. Heuer moved that the bid of the Times Star Company be accepted
and the contract awarded to the Times Star Company, seconded by Mr. Probst and
on roll call carried unanimously.
April 4th, 1916.
WHEREAS, the contracts for doing city printing and
advertising have been awarded by the City of Alaneda
to the Times Star Company, a corporation: and where-
as, said Times Star Comoany publishes and prints a
newspaper in said city known and designated by the
narne, to wit, The Evening Times Star and Alameda •
Daily Argus; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that The Evening Times Star and Alameda
Daily Argus be, and it is hereby designated as the
official city paper.
Mr. 7ialker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
adopted and passed unanimously.
From R.. H. Jamison, City Engineer, king certain recommendations
for the improvement of Central Avenue. Ordered filed.
10. Mr. Hammond introduced the following Resolution and moved its adop-
EREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted plans
and speciftions for the improvement of Central Avenue;
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby di-
rected to advertise for bids for the improvement of
Central .:venue from the Easterly line of Sherman Street
to a line 82-??: feet ':;esterly from the -:;esterly line of
Nernsicie Boulevard, excepting such portions thereof as
are required by law to be kept in order or repair by
any person or company having railroad tracks thereon;
said advertisement to be eublished in The Evening Times
Star and Alameda Daily Argus for twice a week for two
weeks; said advertisement shall be in words and fiu.res
as follows, to wit:-
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the
City of Alameda will receive bids for the im-
provement of Central Avenue from the Easterly
line of Sherm:m Street to a line s* feet Test-
erly from the westerly line of Fernside Boule-
vard, excepting therefrom such portions there-
of as tsre required by law to be kept in order
or repair by any person or comeany halving rail-
road tracks thereon, in accordance with plans
and specifications on file in the office of the
City Clerk entitled "Plans and Specifications for
the Improvement of Central AVenue from the 'East-
erly line of I'aurth Street to a line eighty-two
and one-half feet westerly from the westerly line
of FernSide Boulevard"; filed in the office of
said City Clerk on March 7, 1916, and adopted by
the Council on March 21, 1916; the work to be
clone under these specifications consists in
grading and paving With an Asphaltic Concrete
wearing surface on a concrete base, and con-
structing concrete gutters and gutter bridges,
concrete curbing and corrugated iron culverts.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certified
check for ten per cent of the amount of said
bid, Payable to the Mayor of the City of Alameda,
to guarantee that the successful bidder will enter
into a contract at the price and upon all other
terms and conditions specifiedC in thebid. If
he fails to enter into such contract within ten
days after the award of the same, such certified
check will be forfeited and become the property
of the City of Alomeda.
The successful bidder shall
(1) Furnish a bond to be approved by the City
Council in the sum of Ten thousand. (10,000)
Dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties,
April 4th, 1916.
be indemnified and protected against the pay-
ment of any claim of reyalty or damages for
infringement of any - -tent right or rights
for street paving;
(2) Furnish a bond to be approved by the City
Council, in the sum of Ten thousand (10,000)
Dollars, payable to the City of Alameda, with
two or more good and sufficient sureties, con-
ditioned that the contractor guarantees that the
whole of said work will continue and remain in
good condition and repair and free from all de-
fects, ordinary wear and tear excepted, for the
full period and term of ten years from and after
its completion, and upon notification thereof
by the Street Superintendent shall promptly re-
pair and make good all defects and impairments,
ordinary wear and tear excepted;
(3) Furnish a bond to be approved by the
Council under the provisions of an Act of the
Legislature, approved Larch 27, 1897, entitled
"An Act to secure the payment of the claims of
materialmem, mechanics or laborers employed by
contractors upon state, municipal or other public
work", and acts mendatory thereof; the amount of
said bond to be one-half of the contract price,
to be made payable to the City of Alameda, and con-
ditioned that the contractor shall pay or satisfactori
ly secure the eayment of all labor, materials and
supplies furnished in the performance of said work.
The Council reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
Monthly progressive payments of seventy-five per
cent of complete work will be allowed.
Copies of the Plans and Specifications may be
obtained by leaving a deposit of Ten (10.00)
Dollars for each set which will be refunded upon
the return of the Plans and Specifications.
Al]. bids must be on a bidding blank which will
be furnished by the City Clerk.
All bids must be in writing and must be sealed and
marked "Bid for the Improvement of Central Avenue,
between Shen:an Street and 1fernsiae Boulevard" and
eust be filed in the office of the City Clerk of
the City of Alameda at the City Hall at or before
7:30 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, April 25th, 1916.
By order of the Council of the City of Alameda.
Y,r. 'Walker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call
it was adopted and paseed unanimously.
11. rem the an lerrancisco, Oakland Terminal Railways advising
that the detectives of the Police Department of illamede could ride free
upon the cars of the Company within the City of Alameda only. Ordered
12. From T. Steinmetz Chief of the Fire Department recommending
that a permit be given to install a five hundred gallon oil tank at
1208 St. Charles Street. Mr. Hammond moved that -emission be granted,
seconded by Mr. :orris and carried.
13. From the Aeolian Yacht Club soliciting the sue:)ort of the Council
towards the masquerade ball to be given on k2ri1 29th. Mr. Eeeemond moved
that the Clerk give an arpropriate reply, seconded by 1:1r. ':,alker and
From C. F. Hoffman and other residents of Central Court peti ien-
the removal of the land occupied by the Cuurt from the assessment
roll and stating that theull improve the street at the time tarot nentral
April 4, 1916.
Attorney A. F. St. Sure stating hat in his opinion Central Court is a
-oublic street inasmuch as the same has been used as such for more than
five years and reco.emending that the request of the petitioners be
granted. 11/... Hammond moved that the City Attorney 'ecommendation be
adopted, seconded by Ur. '::alker and carried. Ur. Hammond moved tat the
City Engineer and Street Superintendent pre-oare plans and specifications
for the improvement of Central Court seconded by Ur. nlkens and carried.
From Gilbert H. Bishop calling attention to the diseased con-
dition of trees in various school yards. Referred to the Board of Edu-
16. // From the Alameda Womansi Improvement Club offering to place a
drinking fountain at the southwest corner of ,ebster Street and. Saata
Clara Avenue, providing that the City pay for all the water used. :Ir.
Probst moved that the offer be accepted and that the Street Superinten-
dent install the necessary sewer connections, seconded by Hr. Hammond
and on roll call carried unanimously.
17. v/
From Smith Emery and Company, soliciting the inspection of the
work proposed on Central Avenue. Ordered filed.
From the Board of Education requesting the Council to begin
cendemnation proceedings of the preperty owned by the Zeh Estate near
the High School. Ur. Hammond moved that the City Attorney be instruct-
ed to take the necessary steps toward condemning the property, seconded
by Yx. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously.
V/ From the Board of Education subeittine; a Eesolution which had
been adopted by the Board asking for tno transfer of the accrued interest
on school leen, moneys to the constructin fund. Eeferred tc the Finance
20. From the City Olerk calling attention to the fact that buciet
estimates must be sul,-,mitted to the Council by the second. Monday of Lay.
Referred to the Finance Cunnittee.
From E. E. Hussey re,uescing a gratuitous license to sell
breome, brushes., etc. Joe Davis, to idle fruit and veetables and
:1r$. C. F. Gilbert to take orders for toilet articles. As all three
bore the recoemend ti,n of John Conred, Chief of Police, Hx. Ha mond
moved that the requests be green-bed, seconded by Ur. Walker and on roll
call carried unanimously.
21, From L. H. Albertsen petitioning
he h, ving eurchased the interest of his artner, Sam Uattheson. The
same was accompanied by the necessary application duly signed and by
the necessary bond. 'r. -ielker moved that the reuest be granted,
seconded by Hr. Liorris and on roll call c rried by the following vote:-
Ayes:Conncilmen Hasemond, Heuer, Horris, Probst, Roth, "allker, Wilkens
and President Bullock, (8). 7oes:Councilmen e.tewart, (1). Lbsent:iione.
22. v/ From Fronk Hally reeue tins permission to move a house now known
change of liquor license
as 2249 Encinal Avenue to a lot one hundred and forty-eight feet west
April 4, 1976.
mission to move a house now known as 2246 Alamed Avenue to the east
side of Oak 'Street, between Santa Clara Anenue and Bank Street. From
Dora Blanchard requesting permission to move a house now known as
Alameda Avenue to the oeuth side of Clement Avenue, between Everett
Street and Broadway. Li'. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to
the Street Committee with newer to act, seconded by Lir. Thlker and
on roll call cerried 'unanimously.
G. 3ruzzone, 3. GhiP:liaza and L. Zunino presented claim for
en00.00 for daeaes alleged to have occured to their vegetable gardens
an(] crop of vegetables caused by the overflow of the north Side Sewer.
Referred t: the Finnnce Comaittee and City Attorney.
Further conaunications:
/ From the Board of Health recommending the adention of an
Cedinance which they submitted concerning the hauling Of garbage,
rubbish and manure through nubile streets. Referred to the next Com
mittee of the Thole meeting.
25. From the Board of Health submitting two Ordinances concerning
the handling, sale and distribution of milk in the City of Ala:[.eda and
requesting the passage of the same. Ordered filed.
Mr. Morris introduced a Bill entitled
For Ordinance To. New Series.
ReA'uleting the Handling, Sale zar1c1 Distribution
TiZhin the City of Alazieda of Milk and Certain
Milk Products intended for Human Consumption,
and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation of
said Ordinance."
laid over under a nrovision of the Charter.
Mr. Morris introduced a Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Defining Pasteurized Mile., Regulnting the Pro-
duction, Hendling;, Sale and Distribution there-
of, Prescribing the Standard of Milk intended
for Pasteurization and Imneelng a Penalty for
the Violation of said Ordinance."
which was laid over under a provision of the Charter.
26, // The consent of B. A. Hiner and Chas. C. Boynton in which they accent
he contraetefor the sal , of the hot salt water from the Municipal Electric
igh Plmt as authorized under Ordinance Ye. 62, New Series was received
aria ordered filed.
27, A Bill for Ordinance entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance -No. New Series.
OrantPng to B. L Hiner and Chas. C. Boynton
their Successors or Assigns, the Privilege to
Construct, Latf.r11, Maintain and Onerate in
and Under Park Street an Underground Storage
Tank, Pumping Station, Mains, Conduits and
Pipes, for the Purpose of Conducting Salt :ater
Through and Under Park Street to the Public
Baths and Swimming Tanks to be Erected by
said B. L. Minor and Chas. C. Boynton, their
Successors or Assigns."
came uo passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Morris moved that the
Ordinance be adopted., seconded by Mr. Hammond and on roll call it was
April 4th, 1916.
28. Mr. Probst moved that the City Clerk be authorized to o cure the
necessary help for conducting the Freeholders' Election at a cot ef
,-3.00 per day and that the election officers be paid i;5.00 per day
for their services, seconded by Mr. Hammond and on roll call carried
29. v Mr. Wilkens called attention to the fact that the lights on Park
Street do not burn the entire night and moved that the Board of Electri-
city be directed to burn the same until daylight seconded by Yr. Walker
and carried.
30. / Mr. Stewart called attention to the action taken by Giles G.
Crandall against the City of Alameda for awarding the contract of
printing to the Times Star Company and moved that the City Attorney tche
the neceseary steps to represent the City before the Court, seconded by
Er. Morris and carried.
. jr. 1 mond called attention to the benefits that would be -derived
by the extension of the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways along
Webster Street to a line fifty feet north of the north line of Central
Avenue and Moved that it be the sense of the Council to allow the plac-
ing of such a spur track, seconded by nlkens and Carried.
32. 1 ier. Roth called attention to the bad condition of the approach to
the Viebster Street 3riege and moved that the San Yrancisco, Oakland
Terminal Railways be requested to .improve their portion at the same
time the City repairs its portion, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
33. e:r. Roth also called attention to the had condition of Webster
Street at the place where the American Dredging Compane had leid a pipe
some two years ago and moved that they be requested to repair the break
in the street in accordance with an agreement made by them, on file in
the City Clerk's office, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
34. Mr. Hammond called attention to the shortage of water that will
occur in the parks and moved that the Fin;eince Committee be requested
to provide money for watering the lawns and flowers until the new
budget is made, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourn-
ed to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, April 18th, 1916 at
7:30 o'clock.
RespectfuSely submitted,
City Clerk.