Tile meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond llorris, Probst, Foth, Smith,
::Aker end 2resident Buliock, (8), were noted present. Absent:Council-
man -:alkens, (1).
The :,iinutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
President '-ullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, that there be transferred from the General
Fund to the Recreation Fund the sum of Eight Hundred
and 00/100 (800.00) Dollars, to perfect the water
system in :la.shin ton Park.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized
to make said transfer uron their respective books.
Hr. Jammond secoNded the motion to edoet the Resolution and on rol,_
cal] it was edonted and passed unanimous
2resident Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that
there be transferred from the Electric Light Fund to the
Interest and Redemetion Fund the sum of Three thousand
four hundred and sixty-eight and 75/100 (6,468.75)
Dollars, due :ay let, 1916, on the outstanding Electric
Light Bonds authorized in April, 1912.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby author'
to make said transfer neon their resive books.
ler. Smith seconded the motion
o adopt the Resolution and on roll call
it was adopted and passed unanimously.
Pre ident Bulloc introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of AlaJleda, that
thee be transferred from the Electric Light vend to
the General. Fund the sum ,of Seven Thousand, four
hundred and three and 66/100 (7,40.65) Dollars, same
being an amount e,ual to the city lighting bills for
the three months ending ;:arch 61 t 1916.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized
to make said transfer upon their respeetNive books.
Mr. Hammond seconded 'the Motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call
it was adopted and passed unanimously.
Claims against the General Fund ruacunting to .2,496.32; against
the Police Fund ameunting to '.;216.65; against the Fire Fund amounting
to .96; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting to '820.75; against
the street Fund, :]aterial amounting against the Electric
Liht Fund amounting to 1889.99; against the Relief Fund amoenting
:51.37; against .Municipal Improvement Fund ro. 11 amounting to
16t1, 1916.
having 1eorii approved and audited by the proper officials were read by
the Clerk. 2resident Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,
seconded by Mr. Vialker and on roll call carrie. unanimously.
The following were received:
The Poundmaster's Report for the month of April 1916.
Ordered filed.
1. v/ A bill of sale of the two Ford cars to the Pacific Kissel Kar
Branch. Ordered filed.
2. Oath of office of Chas. E. Cadman n a member of the Board of
Education. Ordered. filed.
0a.th of Office of Leo Smith as a member of the Council. Ordered.
4. Guoranty of the Pacific Kissel Kar Branch covering t_le
poi the Police Deportment. Ordered filed.
5. The Affidavit of Posting of iTotices of the Freeholders Election
to be held Kay 23rd, 1916. Ordered filed.
The Affidavit of Pulicotion of Resolution of Intention ;To.
'Tow 6eries. Ordered filed.
The A-rfidavit of Posting of :otices of Improvement under Reso-
lution of Intention Ho. 02, ::ew Series. Ordered filed.
6. V The Continuation certificate on the bond of ?rank Newton
;:alton. Ordered filed.
The following co„linu,lications were received:
;.-rom City .,titorney Bt. 6-are stating that after examining the
records in the matter he found that the term of Jallos i. hanly os a
..a.lber of the Board of Education ended on April 26th, 1916 and that the
term «3f is successor, Chas. :J. Cadman, began on that date. Ordered
From City Attorney St. Sure notifying the Council that the
-6upreme Court had denied the city a of Poview in the attempt to
compel the Peoples 'Jtater Company to lay fire maine and hydrants in
certain localities am that in csequance,thereof the city was 'aith:Tat
power to force the ComIny to fqrnish water for fire protection in the
absence et a contract with the Comylny. Ordered filed.
From the Llanleda Improvelnent Club re- et inp: the Council to
remove the "spielers" and "announcers' in the vicinity of ':.ebster
Street and (;entral ,Lvenue. Ordered filed.
10. i Frof.:, the Board of Mucation requestg the Council to condeMn
2roperty owned by G. H. 7oble, adjacent to the Zig Sohool r. Hammond
moved thct the City ::,ttorney be inracted to proceed, 6econded by Pres]
dew Bullock u.:Z carried.
11. From the Poli e and Fire Coanission requesting the Con11,,!i1. to
set aside -,'!185.00 to 0-1.1rc105e a Dual Ignition S,vstaift for the 1%Joreland
ilotor Truck. 1,1r. Hflifiond w,oved that the requet be granted, seconded
tir1 On 7-(111 1-111-1,4mnilo'Nr
May 16th,
to peddle household articles. As the same did not bear the endorsement of
ohn Conrad,
Chief of Police, Mr. ',7alker moved that the re ]uest be denied
sec need by idr Hailtrnond and on r o11 call carr je 5 unan imously.
12. From City Engineer R. H. Jamioson reappointing i1r. J. 0 Lawten
as Deru y City Engineer. r . Pro') st moved that the gyp ointment be confirmed
sec o e by Er. :7arnmon5 and on r o 11 call carr led unanim ou ly
13. From City Enie H. Jamieson , st a t inasrnuc II as the
suecifLcaticns adopted by the Oouncil at the r e7alar me et in :3rd. did
n-e et with his approval he word_ d in no way be respoisii:1e for them.
Ordered filed.
14. 1/ From the City Cl erk noti:yin the Oouncii that the to rrn of of ice
of rs, Hattie J. D. Chapman. as a Ifie 01-,,er of 4- - Board of Library Trustees
had ext-)ired. lIr. Pr ob st moved that i:rs. Chapman be reappointed, second ed
by Mr. Hammond ar.a5 on roll call carried unanimou sly .
15. I Fr OM the Lime Sa Impr o7,!ement Club subndttiig Res olut o ns an d a peti-
t on sianea by nercnaxits along -S,:.ebst er Street r eque sting better police
orotect ion on eoster Street . Mr • Hammond moved that the matter be referred
to the Police, Fir e an ate- Committee , Police and Fire Commission and the
I' inane e Commit tee with pov;er t to act. seconded by 1.1r . a1ker and on roll call
carried unnimously.
16. / The Mid g‘et estimates as subm tt ed by the various 5 epartments were t, e
sent ed. ana ordered filed.
A Bill entitle d
For 0r5in ee :To . , 1ew er le,s
mending ection V, of Chapter 1, of the
Lula' c pal Code of the C ity of Llameda. •
w; for nassae and was read by the Clerk. 2resident :31111 ock moved
t ha t the Cirdinance be adootecl, sec on ded by Mr. Vialker and an roll call it
was d te d and ass e d unanimously
17. 5r. Hammond moved that Mr. Probst be appointe 5 a memb cr of the Financ e
Committee vice Halle r, res igned, sec llf:ted. by Er. ',Volker and carried
by the f o 11 owing vote : Ayes : Counci lme n Hammon 5, Morr is Rot h, Smi th,
Stewart, ',Volker and 2resident .3-ullock, (7). IToes:::Tone. 11-ot voting:
C ouncilmai r ob;tt , ( 1 ) Absent : 0 ounc lman '7;711-kens (1).
16. / President 'Bullock submitted the following revised list of Committees:
t er,fart ( c -Pia r M an. ) mitix and R o th..
Lic ens e
Smith Chair-man ) iior r is and Er ob st.
Park and P y e:r ound
o b2t ( Chair Ma Li ) HaMond and th
ri.ntiri 1-7,- and Laver. ti sin rf
Hammond , C i r ma n t ewa,r t and Bul 1 o ck .
.rra. Hammond called attentioa to the re que st that had been made for the
Iasi n of nautilus street and moved that the matter be referred to the
City Engineer, City Att erne y and Slu.,)erinte ndent of -,3tre et s to take up
with the Al asT,Ta Pa eIce S iissociati on, s:econded. by Mr. i)rob t an5 carried.
President :Bullock moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to
May 16th, 1916.
The C onis3icaer on the opening, e7,tending and wie;..ein of 7ncinal
Avenue su:SynAtti„ their report which VJa'..: read by the Clerk. The aesolution
fixing the time for hearing objections was read, and ordered filed. The
Affidavit of mailing notices of hez:n:.ing to protest its in the matter of the
opening, widening and extending of "Encinal Avenue was presented and prdered.
The Affidavit
Publication of the Public Jot ice of the ',Tiling of
the Rerort by the Commissioners in the matter of the opening, exteaKng
and widening o: Encino.' Avenue r.as y)resented. The Clerk etated that in
response to said notice he had received seventy-six nrotests. he Clerk
thea read each of the protsts arid announced the aunes of tile siFners, as
f llows, each of sham was given aa or,eortunity to preoent his or her ob-
jections if he Cr she so destred:
Mrs. 1"rances M. Ecoleston, 122C) 17,gen,., Street.
Leona "jichmann, 1220 Reent Street
J. A.. Durkee, 1152 Regent Street.
Mrs. T. J. Allan, 1145 Regent Street.
irs F;. G. Barratt, 1139 Regent Street.,
Alfred n. Clay, 1119 Rent Street.
hForet Tecy, 1119 Reont Street.
John lelsons, 1115 Regent Street.
Ta's. jelson, 1115 Regent Street.
M. zger,
R. A. Jones,
Mrs. Lydia E. Allen,
Mrs. Yrederike
". h. t-'aXSOYCI
Ida E. Lonnis,
1170 Regent street.
1170 -Regent Street.
1167 egent Street.
1249 ao;zent Street.
1211-1219 P.e.ent St.
1203 Regent Street,
1232 Regent Street.
D. 'Z. Martin, 1249 iieent Street.
The Clerk read a communication from Mr. Martin in which he
requested to have his name wit n, :.e having signed the petition through
a misunderndArz.
H. H. Etter, 842 Laurel Street.
Grace 2. Daniels, 1223 Sark Avenue.
D-s. L. ,. Stevens,
Mrs. :Yrion H. Deming,
_Ire. C. E. Rutherford,
Ida 3. ord,
.rs. C. LcerL,
111-,-;. Elliot
5. Jackson
11/.0. C. Creissler,
:xtna ieben,
2619 San Jose Avenue,
1200 Broadway.
1209 Broadway.
1237 Braodway.
1222 Braodr.
1238 Broadway.
' 1210 Braodway,
2500 San Jose Avenue.
2454 San Jose Avenue.
Trustees of Lelad Stanford Jr. University, by Davidson & Lee,gents.
1.'"ely 16th, 1916.
Chadburne represented all of the protestants and wished to speak.
7Calker asked 1,1r. Chadbarne
he had been requested by all the
protostants or a limited nuADer, to eeeak in their behalf, whereupon
• Cnadburne answered that only two persons had come to him, naely
J. 6. Shearmrn and Lee, of Davidson and Lee, an Irancisco.
Chadbuene felt that his assessment would be exeessive, amounting to
perhaps 400 and thought the cost of the ork should be borne by the
entire city.
Daniel H. Knox, 2837 Encine.1 Avenue.
ir. Knox addressed the Council and stated that, he
considered his assessment excessive, inasmuch as some years previous
a portim of the • entage of his land had been given voluntarily
to the city to widen'Encinal Avenue to its pr)per width. Sidewalks
and curbs were oat in and the street improvement naid for and he pray-
ed for relief from the excessive figure placed upon his property.
Dr. Grace l'Aninger, eroadway and 'Jaz :Din Avenue.
Helena 0 Shearman,
John J. Ploog,
T. Hitt 1354 Pearl Street.
ir. Hitt addressed the Council and stated that he felt
that the entire city should cay for the expense of the improvement.
la'. E. C.,. Cohen "lernaide, Alemeda.
L r, Lueeustus Keane addressed the Council on behalf of
:rs. Cohen and presented various arguments against the method of
assessment made by the Conissieners and advocated that the exeense
o f t he improvement be borne by t1 entire city.
'label Lansing, Per E.G.C. Fernside, A emeda.
Edith C. Daggeet, eer E.G.C. t1 VT
Emilie E. Owens, oer E.G.C.
Donald Cohen 2618 Lincoln Lvenue.
ilrs. L. 2. Troichell, Lincoln and Everett St.
L. Coustier, 1526 Everett Street.
John Aiton, 1240 Broadway.
F. J. Delaney and E. A. Randlett, 2303 Central Avenue.
▪ Delanoy addres sed the Council and presented objections
to the method of assessment and stated that he felt the cost should be
borne by the Railroad Company. He also urged the Council to postpone
the hearing until the next regular meeting.
135 Pearl Street.
1346 Pearl Street.
T. P. Tisdale,
F. Binder,
Max Franc
George H. Porep,
C. F. Scheithe,
::rs. C. G. 'faterbury,
J. P. 1-,zrid
2310 Central Avenue.
1345 Park Avenue.
2606 Sante. Clara Avenue.
1538 Pearl Street.
2428 Buena Vista Avenue,
2639 San Jose Avenue.
1546 Pearl Street.
May 16th, 1916.
Mrs. H. P. Stracham, 1510 Pearl Street,
Mrs. H. K. Starkweather, 1522 Pearl Street,
Mrs. Ella L. Davis, 2630 Senta Clara Avenue.
G. Volimar, 1163 Regent 'Street.
Mr. Vollmar objected to paying the assessment on the grounds
that he is to be assessed for the openinp: of Clay Street anc Oalhoun
Willard H. Young, 1256 Broadway.
Mr. Young protested against the assessment on his property
because there is a deed on file with the city which provides that his
property shall be exempt from any assessment for the reasen that the
vieue owner had given sufficient land to properly widen the street.
E. 3. coding, 2513 Central ±evenue,
Coding called attention to a Deed given by him for sale
of land to the City of Alameda which stipulated that his property would
be relieved from assessment when the widening was affe ted.
Chas. Helling, 2729 Vallecito Place, Oe:kland.
Mrs. Frederike Ti1kie, 2263 San Jose Avenue.
J. H. Young, 1677 Broadway.
Suesan E. Willits, 1357 Broadway.
Ida L. aterman 2625 Central Avenue.
;1 L._aterman spoke on behelf of Ida E. V:aterMat.a: and stated
that he felt the expense of the work should be borne by the entire c t
Jacob Thoodt
1375 Pearl Street,
Mr. Boodt addressed the Council. and stated thet he felt
the entire expense of the openi, wideinF and extending of Enoinal Avenue
shoq1:1 he borne by the entire city.
ri.;an "iiTanoisco,Okland Termin1 Railways, j Y.',7.F est, Secretary.
All protests w'ere ordered filed
City Attorney St. Sure advised the Council that it adjourn the heariT
of protests until the first meeting of Jne, vinich i2 to be held Tues6az
evening.:, June 6, 1916. Mr. Stewart no that the be arina be continued
until Tuesday evening, June Gth, 1813, seconded by .Mr . ill:',mmand and on roll
call carried unanimously.
There being no further businez,12 to transact the Courioil adjourned
to meet in adjourned regular sesion, Tuesdu evening, May 261-6, 1913
at 8 o'clock.
y submitted,
City Clerk.