1916-05-23 Regular CC Minutese
The meet inc: coavened with Mayor j. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was cL1e6 and Councileien Helmiend, Morris, Probst, Roth
Smith, Stewart Thlker and President Bullock, (0 were note. present.
Absent:Councilman Wilkens
President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to the Police Fund the sum'of :::;1246.00 being for
auto exchange and extra police.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz-
ed to make said transfer upon their reopective books.
Mr. Hammon ecended' the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call
it was adepted and passed ueanimouely.
Claims against the General Fuad amounting to :2790.06; egainet the
Street Fund amounting to egainst the Library Fund amounting to .266.1.2;
againet the Recreation. Fund amounting to 167.82 and asainst the Le lief
and amounting to 30.00 hevin,c7 been approved and, audited by the proper
offieials were read by the Clerk. President Bullock moved that the claims
as read be eaid, secoa,ed by Mr. Helmand and on roll call curried unani-
The fellowinF- cotaueice.tions were received:
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett appointing Pau_ Arnerich a meelber of
the Board of Electricity to fill the vacancy caused by the expiration
of the term of Oyin lieredith. Mr. '.)irlith moved that the appointment be
confirmed, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously.
From R. G. Garstang requestina permiseion to move a four room
cottage from 2247 E.cinal Avenue to the rear of 1219 Park 6treet. Mr.
Hamoad moved that it be referred to the ,-;treet Committee with power
to act, seconded by MI-. Pro() t and on roll call carried unanimously.
// From the Board of Education requesting the levying of five
cents in the tax budget for the use of the Alameda City School Department.
Referred-be the Finance Comnittee.
From F. J. Croll, Auditor and Assessor,reijueet ng permission
to extend the time for makinp: the budget to the first Monday in July.
ir. 'alker moved that the re,olest be granted, seconded by President
Bullock and carried.
From the Finance Committee recommending that a recruler patrol-
man be appointed for Viebsler Street. President Bullock moved that the
report be adopted, seconded by Mr Hamiand and on roll call carried
6. // From the Finance Committee recommending that an Lasurance
Policy of 21500.00 in addition to the one now in force he taken mat on
May 23rd, 191
moved that the report be adooted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried by
the rolloTinP vote:- Ayes :Councilmen aa,mnond, Probst Roth, Smith, Walker
and President Bulloc, (6). "Koes:Councilmen Morris and Stewart (2). Absent:
Councilman :.ilkehs, (1).
From the League of Cslifornia Municipalities asking the Council
nppropriate a sum of money to contest the suit of the Cameron Septic Tank
Company for royalties. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit showing due ithiication of Notice to Contractors for
b:.ds for the improvement Of Central Avenue was resented and ordered filed.
In response to said notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of six
bids. President Bullock moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr.
Hammond. :dr. F. Bilger addressed the Council and stated thet he felt the
soecifications were un atisfe_ctory and requested his bid be returned. after
some further discussion the motion was put and lost by the followina. vote;
Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Probst, :.v.iker and .President Bullock, (4). roes:
Counciinen Morris, Roth, Smith and Stewart, (4). Aosent:Couneilman Alkens
(1). Mr. Stewart then moved that all bids be returned and that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare new specifications, seconded by Ir . Morris.
Mr, Daniel L. Bienfield of D. L. Bienfield Company, Contractors, addressed
the Council And stated that in his opinion the specifications were
fact factcay. MR. Hanrahan of the Federal Construction Company spoke similarly
as did Messrs. J. E. Sutton and Lochiel M. King. Mr. Bilger nain spoke
alleging that the pecifications dia not 'contain a proper provision covering
the rock. Various me;lbers of the Council also participated in the discussion
after which the motion was out and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:
Councilmen Uprris, Roth, Smith and 3-tewrt (4). Noes:Councilmen Hammon
Probet, ':alker and President Bullock, Aosent:Councilman ';:ilkens, (1).
G. A communication was received from the 'Police and Fire OOrIIII1sS1CI11
requesting that '4500.00 be placed in the budget for the purpose of
extending the fire protection in the factory district along the waterfront.
kr. ":all.T.'er moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in
adjourned regular session 7riday evenin, Day 26th, 1916 at 8 o'elock, to
take al) the matter of the recommendatiDn of the Police and Commission,
seeoned by ir. K lmuncTL and carried,
ilaiilman0 called at to the -need of some form of drv,inae
of the v.ter which stanas along the north side of Liar:Leda odj oining the
prooerty of the Oak land '::terfront Company. He was informed that the
Enineer is at VIOT-Z, pre,parinY, the necessary plas.
9. v7 hr. Roth eailed ottention to the need of Daunting the flag ?ole and
moved that the matter be referred to the Publ:c B.:,ildings and Grounds
Committee with power to o,ct, seciod by ir , 7a1er rtnd on roll cr),11 carried
1-4na Aim O1151 y
There beina no further basiileos to transct, the Council L(tjouraed to
inet in
od regular ect ing F.ridayein, 1.1_0.7 26th, '1916 at 8 o'cloc
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Roth, Smith,
Stewart Talker and President Bullock, (-) '-7ere noted present. ,,,Isent:Council-
man Tilkens, (1)-.
The followinrr CoalladiC- ions were received:
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett urging the various aepartmeats to reduce the
length of advertisinw matter as much as possible. Ordered fil ed
From the Assistant 6ecretary of W r giving new rules and regulations
over the opening of drawbridges at Iiebster Street and Harrison treet.
Ordered filed.
;3. From Johnson, Shea. Comany, reuestirg the return of their bid for the
improvement of Central .A.venue. Ordered filed.
From E. w. Holder reuesting ermission to move a house from the cornor
of Central Avenue and 8treet to 540 Pacific .Lvenue. The same was accom-
panied by a bond in the sum of c200.00 and the consent of turner owners.
Ile. Hammond moved that the matter be rcferred to the 3-trot Committee with power
to act, secoided by Mr. Stewart and on roll call carried unanimous
Mr. 'Zalker moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in ad
journed regular meeting, 1.7,onday evening, May 29th at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr.
Hammond and carried.
5. 1/7 The communication from the Police and Fire Connission requesting 4500.00
for fire protection on the north oicle of Alameda was rend and Ur. LeBallister
addressed the Council urging that some action be taken. Mr. Hammond mowed that
th.E. sum 'of ::;4500.00 be placed in the foudget for the same, seconded by Mr. Smith
fmd carried.
Huh Crummey,of Ransome, Crummey Companyediressed the Council and
asked for the return of his bid on the Laprovement of Oentral Lvenue whereupon
Mr. Hammond moved that the matter lay over to the meeting of the Council Monday
evening, May 20th, seconded by Er. I.Valker an on roll call carried unanimously.
O. iI)Imnond. called a%ttention to the fact that the Union Iron 7Iorks Company
vAshed to lease the land owned by the City of Llamc.,.da on the Estuary for a term
of years in excess of the ten years as limited by the Charter. He moved that
the City Clerk invite the members of that firm, the me/o of the .Cht.per of
Commerce and cembers of the various improvement clubs to be .present on Monday
evenin, -or a discussion of the subje t, seconded Iv lir I:ialker and. carried.
Mr. St. Sure addressed the Council on the matter o± the closing of Nautilus
Street lthich had been referred to him, the City Engineer and the Superintendent
of 8treets. He stated that the three officials had arrived at a decision in ,H
which they would recommend that nautilus 8treet be closed, provided that the
city be given an •easement for the maintenance of the sewer which now lies in
Nautilus Street, that the Alaska Packers Association deed to the City of .kllameda
the necessary land for the creation of the industrial highway and that they curb
and gutter the space across raatilus 8treet on the north side of Eagle Avenue.
Nay 26th, 1916.
the Alaska Packers Association of the. E,ame and tD t from the agreement
to the effect, seconded by d.r. Valker and carried.
There Tin: no farther busizeo to tradsact, the Council adjourned to
meet in m5jalrned reR7-J1ar meeti 1,:onclay evening, Yo'2.-3 29th, 1916 at
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk.