1916-06-02 Regular CC Minutes4176 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAML A, FRIIPY EVW=G,JUNE 2,1916. The meet i- convened with Mayor 1.H, Bartlett Drosicling. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, llorris, Smith, Stewart 7alker, Wilkens ana Pres ident Bullock, (7) were noted present. CoUnCilmdi Pirobstand Roth, (2) were noted absent. A communication from the Union Iron Works Company was received in which they submitted the reasons for desiring to lease Tract 26 from the City of Alameda and submitti e their proposition, whioh provided that a '2,000 ca.s11 bonus be paid on the executi.n of the lease anJ the ex.penditare of 17Z,000 in the way of improvements uDon the land. Mr. Hammond moved that it be referred to the Public Utilities Committee seconded by Mr, 6mith and earried. Claims acainst the General Fund amountin43 to 630.00 having been alyprov- ed and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that the claims as read he paid, secyhded by Mr. Stewart an:9 on roll call cerried unanimously. Mr. Hammend introduced the followinF Resolution and moved ite pdoo ien: TJT RE6OLV=, thst whereae the Council of the City of lameda av'l on the 3rd dey of 1916, pass ito lIesolution of Intention :To. 32, id.: to order the hereinafter described work: to be done and ixnr vEniont to he asede in said City, which resolatipn of intention was deale- and leapaly Pub- lished as required be law ns n-ears from the affidavit of 3rown now on tile in the office o: :the city olorak of sal. city, ahorec,s, notices of the .f)assage of said 17:es0lution of Intention ro. 32, Y.3. headed "7otice of Improvutett" were duly and 1egaiJy posted alonF the Tine of said contemelated worh and imylrovement and in froht of all the property liable to be assessed therefor, in form and manner as required by law, imnediately after the sassae o saie. .T.s311.1tiora of Intention, as zap-boors from the affidavit of V.M.7redden, street auDerintotdont of said city, who, ueou the comoletion of tho posting of said notices, forthwith filed said affidavit in. the office of the city clerk, mahing oath that he completed the filing; of said notices on the Oth day of May, 1916, and where- as, more than fifteen days has expired since the day of the second publication of said I:esolntion of Intention Y.s. and the cohastior: of the sosting of said niTotices of Ltayrovent" therefore he it thfet the -LriJblic interest and ch:ereviehhoo re- qulre the 'Jork herein described, mad the Council of the City of J.:1.1ameda hereby orders the followin a o.t to be In city, to-wit: That 2ixth 3treet from tbo northerly line of Lincoln IlYehue to the southerly line of Pacific .Lvenne be im- oroved as follows: "net the roadway of said street, from curb line to curb line, be traded to the official grade, between said limits; thot concrete crbing be constructed alone: the curb lihbs of said stroot, between said limits; that a cohcrote base four (4) inches in thickress, shall be laid on the sifb-rade of said roadway, between said limits; and fast au asphalt wearing surface approxi- mately five-eighths (5/8) of an inch in thickness, shall be leid noon the aforesaid concrete base. 1111 of said work shall be done in accordance with 229 230 . June 2n0, doing said work and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post a notice of said work, together with the plans and speci- fications therefor, conspicuously for five days on or near the council chamber door, inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing: the work order- ed, He is also directed to 2ublieh a notice in- viting such proposals, and referring to the speci- fications posted or on file, in the Evening Times Star and Alameda, Daily At•gus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city, and hereby designated for that purpose. Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it - was adopted and passed unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, June 6th, 1916, at 6 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.