1916-06-09 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGUIAR 1,7-EET I:7G OF TIE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AL.ZILIED,A, FRIDAY „ JUNE 9TH, 1916. The meeting convened with Mayor F. F. ,a t 'ett 1i residing. The roll was called and Oounoilmen Haian and , J;Iorris, Probst , it h, Stewart, Vialker and 'Silkens ('7) were noted present. *President Bullock arrived later and was noted present. Absent:Councilman Roth. City Engineer R. H. Jamison presented specifications for the improve- ir,ent of Central Avenue. L dicu of the some was held in which Council- men Hammond, Walker, and Stewart and Messrs. T. K. Miller, and L. M. King took part. Mr. Probst moved that the matter of the preparation of the speci- fications for Central Avenue be referred to the City Engineer, Street Super- intendent and Street Conuaittee with instructions to prepare specifications which wilJ. include a four inch concrete base and a bitumen and asphalt wearing surface, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried. Mr. almond moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned reular session Tuesday evening, June 13th, 1916 at 6 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. There beinc, no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, June 13th, 1916, at 8 o'clock. Respec-tf ull y submitted 1"1