1916-06-20 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR 1::EETTT,TG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVE=G, JU-ZE 2OTH, 1916. , meeting convened with :ayor F. H. Bartlett eresiding. The roll was oalled aia Councilmen Hammoed, Morris, Fro1Dst Smith, Stewart, :aaker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (6) were noted present. Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). The Minutes of the regular meeting of he 6th and of the adjuurned regular meetings of June 9th and 13th were approved as read. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRASFERRIITG 260.70 FROM THE TAX REeEILTION FUND TO T:Ul VARIOUS F=3. RESOLVED, That there be transfelTed from the Tax Redemp- tion Fund the sum of Two Hundred and sixty and 70/100 (260.70) Dollars, ad aeportioned to the various Funds as follows: General $111.19 Street 75.25 Health 6.43 Library 11.80 Recreation 16.50 Interest and Redemption 37.53 account taxes redeemed for the year 1914. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their reseeotive books. Mr. Prot seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adepted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General :Fend amounting to e; 7.43; against the Police Fund ameunting to 166.56; against the Fire Fund amounting to ,808.22; against tee Street Fund, Labor, amounting to :1,065.65; against the Street Fund,Material auiountjn to ;1434.04; against the Health Fund amounting to 92 .71 and against the Recreation Fund amounting to :63.17 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President iui1ock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried ununi- mouely. The following were received: The eontinuation certificate on the bond of E. J. Simon. Ordered. filed. The Oaths of Office of Smith Anderson, Brainard C. Brown, Geo, L. DLiffl L. O. Gott, Frank Hally, P. -Jorgenson, E. A. Larkin, A. Latham, 7m. Taepan Lum Wynn Meredith, Fran. Otis, A. T. Spence, A. F. St. Sure L. R. Weinmann end Geo. 5. VJilliams as Freeholders. Ordered filed. The bond of E. J. Holder for the privilege of moving houses. Ordered filed. Tie Affidavit of Publication enC the Affiduvit of Posting Fotices inviting sealed proposals for the improverit of Sixth Street, betveen Lincoln Avenue and Pacific Avenue were oresented and ordered filed. In resonse to said 7otiee the Cler-k stated he was in ..reei-12t of three bids. Mr. Probst oved that the bids' be opened, seconded by Mr. ':alker and carried. Whereapon the Clerk 0-c;enea end read the bid5 as ollows: 241 242 June 20th, 1916. Curved curbine. of concrete...............,., 40 cents per linear foot. Ceent base with asnhalt top. 15 cents oer souare foot. Tbe enme was accomnaTded by a bond in the sqm of ee500.00. From the 7,:anseme-Crnmey Company, for cents e,er enbic yerd. Concrete cents per linear foot. 4 inch concrete 1/4ct per square foot. Asphalt wearing 0/14 per seuare foot. The same was accompanied by a bond in the sum of :200.00. Prom E.H.Sundberg, for cents per cilbie yard. Curbing.....„.„.................„...„........40 cents per linear foot. Concrete 9 cents per square foot. 7ia'arinr7 2 cents per senere foot. The same was accom-eanied b a bond in the sum ef 290.00. Jr. Probst moved that they be referred to the 1;e et Committee and City nuej_neer eecoe.ed by ]:.r. :-Yt,eJ!ert and carried. A recess was then declare0 ariC non reconvening Counci.lmen Haemion , Morri Probst, Smith, Stewart, ':;alker, 'eilkeas and President Bullock lere waked present Abeent:Councilmen Roth. e:Enmoid announced that the bid of the RansoeieGruiruney Company was the lowest an thereupon introduced the folloeiwe 7',eeolution and moved its adoption: RESOLD:Dr 02 A7.ARD. ro. 02, ITew JerieS. V70ItiAS, the Council of the City of Alameda did, in open session, on the 20th day of June, 1916, publicly open, examine end declare all sealed proposals or bids for doing the following work in said city, to wit: Th.et Sixth Street from the northerly line of Lincoln Avenue to the southerly line of Pacific Avenue be improved as follows: T.-tat the roadway of said street, from curb line to curb line, be graded to the official grade, between said limits; that concrete c.,rbinp; be constructed along the curb lines of sail street, between said limits; that a concrete base four (4) inches in thickness, shall be laid on a sub-grade of said road- way, between said limits; and that an asohait wear- ing eurface approximately five-eights (5/8) of an inch in thicknes, shall be laid upon the aforesaid concrete base. All of said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifiCations heretofore adopted for doing said Woe and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. RESOLVED, that the said Ceuncil hereby rejects all of said proposals or bids except that next herein mention- ed, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work and improvement to the lowest responsible bidder, to wit: Ransome-Crummey Company at the prices named in their bid. The city clerk is hereby directed to eost - notice of this award conspicuously for five days, on or near the chamber door of the said Council and also publish said notice by two insertions in the Evening Times Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said city, and hereby designated for that purpose by said Council. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Re olutien and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following communications were received: v / From the 'Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs inviting the Mayor and mbers of the Councilias well as the Fire Chief to attend the Convention at an Diego. Ordered filed. v/ From City Attorney A. F. St. Sure, stating that in the case of Giles 0. Crandall vs. the ljayor, members of the City Council and other officials tlho.n no-'1frpot trhp rkit7:r 'hp.a 1)tRATI (li?niClAa ill favor of e 20th, 1916. tht the city ay its court costs which amounted to ;.00. In accordance with the recommendation made by City Attorney e . Sure, Mr. Hammond moved that he be in- structed to enter into a stiptantion to the effect that judgment be entered in favor of the deTendants without costs, in consideration of a waiver of on appeal, seconjed by Ur. Wilkens and carried. From City Attorney E3t. Sure tatin, that OrOinance 63, re* Serie, egulat- ing the keeping of scavenger and garbae wagon, etc, had been declared r_ 'd by Judge Ogden on June 10th, 1916. A copy of the decision accompanied the letter. Ordered filed. 6. From City Attorney St. Sure stating tha t in the case of W. P. Robinson vs. the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Alameda, the Di-strict Court of ApPeal had reversed the judgment of the Sueerior Court by holding that it cannot disturb the action of the Council in refusing to grant a permit to move a houee. Ordered filed- 7. // From Joseph Koenig requesting a gratuitous license to conduct a cleaning and pressinp: establishment. As the sal- bore the endorsement of the Chief of Police, Mr. Wilkens moved, seconded by Mr. Hamnond that the license be granted, and on roll call carried unanimously. From the License Committee recommending that the nineteen applications for lieuor license renewals as follows be granted:- Akeeson; A. Albertson; Fred Bee mann and Harry E. Beckmann; H. . Borchert; F. J. Dormenn; ritz Hrseraer; J. G. Croll; Ellen Hebert; liorton J, Hace,nes; G. .. Jo.i)nstoei and t. I. Johnston; m. C. Kochondorfer and Louis 2. Born; Ko tering and Cam e; Muller Bros. Haber Bros; Geore Otzen; iTicholas -eienecker; Geo. F. & Sue Seebeck; Therese Sommers and K. Spies. Mr. Probst moved that the renort be ado)ted, seconded by Mr. iorris e'en, carried. 9. From Geo, T. Wright, re:uesting permission to move a building at the northwest corner of Santa Olara Avenue and Web ter Street to a lot thirty feet north. Mr. 2robst moved that the request be granted, seconded by President Bullock and carried. 10, Mr. Smith moved that Seebeck Bros. be granted permission to transfer their liquor license from 1500 Webster Street to 1E04 Webster Street, seconded by Mr. Norris and carried. 11. // A Bill entitled A BILL FOR ORJeLT\TAITE no. IIEW SERIES. An Ordinance Providing for a Special Election to be held in the City of Alameda for the Object and Pur- pose of Submitting to the Electors of said City the whether or not leie People of the City of Alaeleda shall adopt a Certain Proposed Ordinenc e Leasing certain Real Estate of said City and Certain Salt Ma Tide and Submerged Lands held by said City, for a. Period longer than ten years and also Establishing election precincts, Designating Polling Places and Ordering the Publication of Hotice of said Election. came u for 'passage and was reed by the Clerk.. Mr. Probst moved that it be adopted, seconded by ler. Stewart and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 12. vi Mr. Wilkens introduced the following Resolution and moved its 243 244 June 20th, 1916. RESOLUTION' DESIG7ATING THE F_ORM OF BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION TO T3E HELD AUGUT 8TH, 1916. RESOLVED, that the ballot for the special municipal election to be held in the City of Alameda on Tuesay, Lup,ust 8th, 1916, shall be substnntially the following form: litUNICIPAL TICKET SH:CIAL MUNICIPL ELE ON CITY OF AL,LEDA TUESDAY, .UGUT 8TH, 1916 I7S=UCTIONS TO V=RS: To Vote on any question, stamp a cross (x) in the voting square after the word Yes or after the word No. All marks except the cross (x) are forbidden. All dis- tinglishing marks or erasures are forbidden and ma:e the ballot void. If you wron 7 stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the insoector of election and ob- tain another. qUEST ION: Shall the people of the City of Alameda adopt an Ordinc,ce authorizing cend c',irecting the mak- ing,execution and delivery to Union Iron 7;orks - ComPany of a lease of certain real estate of YES the City of Alameda and certain salt marsh,tide and submerged lands held by said City, for a term of twenty-five years from and after its - date, with the riht to renew the lease for a . further term of twenty-five years, and authoriz- . in,T. ana elpowczin t7re Kayor of the City of Alamedn to make, execute and .eliver said lease, : No which :7roposed Or,'incnco is set forth in Ordinance: No. 6?, New Series of the City of Alameda. - Mr. Walker seconded the r:1,otion to adopt the ReOiutiQn and it was adopted and passed unanimously on roll call. 13. V A ■;111 entitled A BILL For Ordinance Yo. 7Ew Series, Repea1in Ordinance 7o. 11, New Series, "Creating a ::OCZ).610.fi Commission in the City of Alameda and Placing under the Control and Management of said Commission all Playgrounds and '.-,ecreation Facilities now and Hereafter Acquired or Owned by the City of Llafaeda, and Providing for the Main- tenance of the same." adopted and passed on the 27th day of June, 1913, and approved on the 30th day of June, 1913. cme U. for passage and was read by the Clerk. hr. 7a1ker ;Ioved tht the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Er. Morris. 1,rs. Eileen Men addressed the rouncil and spoke an the subject as did Councilmen Walker and Probst. The ordinance was adopted an5 passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond Morris, Probst Stewart, Walker and 2resident Bullock, (6) Noes:Councilmen 6mith and Wilkens, ). .Lbsent:Councilmn Roth, (1). Mr. Probst moved that the Park and Playground Committee meet with the Board of Education to -provide ways and means whereby the Board of .0,11ca ion would assume control of the 1) aygrounds, seconded by Kr. Hammond and carried. A Bill entitled A DILL For Ordinance No. , New Series. An Ordinance l'roviing for the Regulation of the Business of Using, Operating and Driving Automo- biles for Hire Upon the Public Streets of the City of Alameda, Providing for Licenses to carry on such 7-11siriess and for the Revocation thereof, fixing the mount of License Fees to be Paid, RE- Quiring the Furnishing of Bonds, Making the Viola- tion of any of the Provisions a Penalty therefor, and Repealing all Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in so far as the same may be in conflict herewith. 41176 June 20th, vote: Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Morrie Probst Smith, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (7). roes:Councilman Stewar (1). Absent:Councilman Roth, (1). 16. / President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its opti on : RESOLUTION I'ISTRUCTI7G TneE CITY AT2TINEY TO PROdEED WITH :HE COFTELrATION OF THE PEVERTY ONED BY C.I-T.NOT5LE USE OF' THE HIGH SCHOOL. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Alameda hereby finds and determines that the public interest and necessity require the acouisition of the real property hereinafter partionlerly described for public use; that said public use consists in the use of all said real nroperty for paelic school purposes, that is to say, for the use and benefit of the public high school now maintaiaed in said City and known and designated as the"Alameda High School"; and be it further RESOLVED, That it is nece sary for said City of Alameda to aeproeriate, condemn, ta'_e and use all ;f said real erooerty as part of the recreation or playground for the nupils who attend said high school and also for the erection thereon of additional buildings to be used in connection with said high school; Said real property is described as follows, to wit:- Ali that lot of land situated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows; to wit: Beginning at a point on the southwestern line of Central Avenue as said avenue now exists, distant thereon southeasterly two hundred and ten (210) feet, four (4) inches from the inter- section thereof with the southeastern line of Walnut Street; and running thence southeasterly along said line of Central Avenue fifty (50) feet; thence southwesterly parallel with said line of Jalnut Street one hundred and forty (140) feet; thence northwesterly parallel with said line of Central Avenue fifty (50) feet;thence north- easterly parallel with said line of Walnut Street one hundred and forty (140) feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of lots Nos. 13 and 14 in Block Lettered "C" as said lots and block are delineated and so designated upon that certain Map entitled, "Map of Lands Adjacent to the Town of Encinal, Alameda County, Cal., Surveyed by Jas. T.Stratton" filed May 28, 1867, in Liber 19 of Maps, page 53, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County. And be it further RESOLVED, That the City Attorney be and he is hereby in- structed and directed to commence an action in the Superior Coart of the State of California, in and for the County of Alameda, for the ourposes of securing con- demnation for tlu:olic school -ureoses of said real property and to prosecute said action to final determination. P-eobst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted 'iad passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced a 3111 entitled A Bill Por Ordinance 30. New Series. Prohibiting the Serving or Drinking of Spirituous, Malt or Fermented Lieuors or 'eines, or any Admixture Thereof, in any Public bark, Playround, Recreation Ground or other thJ.ie Places. which was laid over under a provision of the Charter. 16. Mr. Yalker introduced a Dill entitled A Bill Por Ordinance fo. few Series. Amending Chapter IX, Article 2, of Ordinance No. 1, Known as the MUnicieal Code of Aleeda, by Adding a 2 4 6 June 20th, 1916. 19. Mr. Stewart called atteiation to a large elm tree on High Street which should be' removed to make way for a new street to be laced. Er. 7jilkens moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Stewart an carried. 20. •/ President Bullock moved that it be the sense of the Council that the State Compensation insurance Policy be renewed for the coming year, second ed by Mr. Smith and carried. 21. / Lir ilkens called attention the condition of the halyards on the fTag -f)ole in Jackson :ark and moved, seconded by President :allock and carri& that it be referred to the Park and Playground Counittee. no Mr.ilkens also ca11e attetion to the broken conditia of the steps at the fot of :t::ark ::_venue and moved that it be referred to the Street Com- mittee with power to act, seconded by Er. Stewart and on Toll call carried unanimously. ,u. Hammond called attention to the fact that Compt%ny G of the local militia would soon be_leo.ving for the border and sugested that a snitaoie send-off be given the members an6 moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, seconded by 1,[r. iorris and carried. 24. ( LTr. Hammond asked of City Engineer Jamison what the estimted cost of digginF:: a ditch which would remove, the drainage water on the north nr: 41,J# site of J.A.lameda would be. City ,neer Jamison responded that the cost,' would be about ::900,00, whereupon Er. ,jammond moved that the Street Pe partment be i-n(tructed to construct the same, seconded by DT. 1.:'robst and on roll cll carried unanimously. vi Y,:12. =kens called z'ttention to the coillAication of the Llaedta E-foyalt Cllai relative t'.; the leasin of Tract 28 :n c7 move el tIv.lt the 0:i notify the Club of the c.icti:,n taken by the Council a:n(1 ;11ch other bot C2 wmil,d be -z)ertinent to the matter, seended *)y Liaan o L rrn;7=. HIllmond spoke on the va'oosed leasin rfract 28 to the Mien Tien Mr1::5 Clom-oany al70 cllad ,,tirerltion to the 0sfet of the 200,000 'hond i=uv iL 1915 7,711iJh bO ie ylf:s orolsed for the 11.provc- lw-qt of th& tide Mnds hold in trust by the 0:1',7 of Llameda in conformity v7itb Obober 548, Pap;e 707 8tntotes of 191, He moved tht the rere- sentve frocl thi8 D otrict In the State LegisltlAre be rejlested to lend their r!,2cistance in bevi vvm the above net f:uended so that !400,000 which woli.id be :-,ent by the Union Iron ':2ors Comau coald be used as a eon- E:Uhn fox the impro-vezient of the tide 117::70s in lieu of the 200 000 a2 non -orovided in the seceiTt ,Alkens vn carried. 'Mere being no Tarther sine ve to transact the Council adjourl:ed to moot: in realar seasion ':rednecdy eveiiinF, July 5th, 1916 at 0 o'clock. Respectfally -mbmitted, Clerk.