1916-07-05 Regular CC Minutes4i7e 247
The meeti
-.7FDY7SLAY 7777TEG, JULY 5TH, 1916.
nvoned with 1:ayor F. H. EartJett presidinF,
mhe roll was called and, Councilmen Hammond, Norris, Probst, Roth, Smith,
Sto7art, Walker Wilkens and President Bali (9), wore
Ilqutos 0f the iireviolls :JoetinR ,wore approved. as rea(a.
Oiaijns apannst the General fund IllorinAllifz to 41205.41; ainEt the 1,ire
amDuntin!,: . 21/6.30; against the :Areet Fund, Labor, amountin to '1107.04;
gainnt the Stre,A 17und, aterai, amollnting to -.1A,07.75; against the Library
2un3 amounting 10 661. 93; ,:),ainst the Electric Liht Fund amounting to 2732.67;
ut the Recreation Fund amountin,c, t 0; against the -Relief Fund amount-,
in t 19.00 and eainst Miraiclal Improvement Fund b:O,. Il, amounting to 14013.00
havinF been approved and audited by the prooer officils were read by the Clerk.
Hamond moved that the claim as read be paid, seccnded by 1,1r. Y:Iorris a,nd on
roll call carried unantuously.
The fol1ocinr-7 were received;
Deed or John. Neelsen to the City of Alameda. Ordered filed.
Deed of John Arvid Swanson and Betty Amanda Swanson to the City of Alameda.
Ordered filed.
The Poundmaster 's. re-nort for the month of June 1916 . Ordered filed.
The rerort of tbe Municipal Electric Lht Plant for the month of Ma
1916. Ordered fild,
The Affidavit of 2osting. Yeticoof Lward under -Resolution of Intention
1To, 32, Uew Series and the Affidavi.t of 'ullication of TTot ice Award under
Resolutlon of Intei.ation 3o 32, I7ew S,ries. Order a filed.
The Affidavit of the ':).ablication of the Delinquent Tax List. Ordered
The annual reaort of the 2,,,oreation Commission. Ordered filed.
S. v' The Auditor's badet estimate. Ordered filed.
The following communications were received:
6. From F. H. 3tirtlett subittivip: his veto as follows:
June 3Oth, 1916.
-To the Fonorable,the Counci
of the City of Ala,eda.
1 am returning the attached Ordinance with-
out my approval for th e reason that no provision le
made by it, and the.fe is no assurance that there will
be any provision made by the Counci, for the proer
coilduct of th6 earks and playp•ounds.
T believe that these departments should be
placed uner the control of the Beard of Education,
which enolid be in full control without interference
of any kind and with the full right to expend 'any money
appropriated for these purposes. I shall gladly ap-prve
an Ordinance roealin the Ordinance establislri the
Recreation Commission, if it includes in its terms
placin these activities in the care of the School De-
partment in the way 1 have indicated. I do not believe
that any good would rellt from letting these depa/tnts
be controlled an operated the Council or e Committee
of the Council.
Very truly yours,
F. H. Bartlett,
Dvor Alamatia."
July 5th, 1916.
Ordered filed.
7. From Iyor F. H. Bartlett submitting his veto as follows:
June 30th, 1916.
To the Honorable t1 ae
Council of the City of lia.meda•
I return theeattached Ordinance without my
approval for the reason that I believe the same to be
too drastic. It is framed aeearently for the purpose
of putting the jitney people 'out of business and not
to regulate them or to derive revenue from them.
Very truly yours,
F. H. Bartlett,
Mayor of Alameda."
Ordered filed.
0. From '1/4';arren: Bros. Company stating that the Central Avenue specifications
were an infirngement of their patent. Ordered filed.
' An affidavit of eublication of Notice to Contractors inviting bids for the
improvement of Central Avenue was presented and order
filed. In response to
said notice the Clerk stated he was in receipt of seven bids. Mr. Probst
moved that the Clerk open the bids, seconded by Mr. Thlker and carried. The
Clerk thereupon opened the bids and read as follows:-
-from the City Street Improvement Company,
certified check in the sum of V7,000.00.
accomeanied by a
Per cubic yard of earth excavation............
Per linear foot of concrete curb..............
Per square foot of concrete base..............
Per square foot of wearing surface............
Per square foot of concrete gutter............
Per linear foot of
6"x18" corrugated ir on culve rt . .
7"x24 " corrugated iron culvert. .. . .
7"x30" corrugeted iron cuavert............
Per square foot of concrete gutter bridge.....
Per seaare foot of concrete sidewalk..........
Per linear foot of 6" V.I,S.sewer
Per Manhole, complete.........................
From the Ca
certified check
Per cubic yar
Per Linear fo
E'er square fo
Per square fo
2er square fo
Dols, Cts.
0.77 4/10
1.13 7/10
0.10 1/2
0.61 1/2
liforaia Bitulithic Company, accompanied by a
in the sum of ,000.000
Dols. Cts.
d of earth excavation.... ......... .73 1/2
ot of concrete curb.... 0004,0*. .39
ot of concrete base...-. . • .• .•••• .06 2/10
ot of bituminous concrete wearing
.04 1/10
• ••••••••••••••••••••• 4,•••••••••••
ot of asphaltic concrete wearing
• • • 4 • • • 4 is 0- • 0 • • • • • • 4 • 4. 4 • O*0 0 • • e
Per square foot of concrete gutter............
Per linear foot
6"x18" corrugated iron culvert............
7"x24" corrwrated iron culvert............
7"x30" corrugated iron culvert............
ter square foot of concrete gutter bridge.....
Per seizure foot of concrete sidewalk..........
Per line foot of. 6" V.I.S.sewer pipe..........
Per Manhole, complete..........,..............
Per cat basin,complete......................
.04 2/10
From Ransome rummey Company, accomparied by a certified
check in the sum of 600.00.
Per cubic yard of earth excavation............
Per linear foot of concrete curb.............
Per square foot of concrete base..............
Per square foot of wearing surface(Eituminous
Per square foot of wearing surface(Asehaltic
Per square foot of concrete gutter............
Per linear foot of
6"x18" corrugated iron culvert............
7"x24" corrugated iron culvert............
7"x30" corrugated iron culvert........,...
PP-0 fnnt n-F rkny1nvp.1.A
Dols. ts.
.04 1/2
.05 1/2
Per manhole , complete„........ • * 0 4 • 0
Per Catch basin, complete..,.... ...........
July 5th4916.
Dols. Cts.
From the Johnson-hea Company, acconied by certified
checks in the sums of :!,4,500 and. 4, .'..;0.00.
Per cubic TIrd of earth excavation. 0 t 0 4 0
Per linear foot of conclete curb... 40040400
fer square foot of cecrete base.- *40406600
Per saare foot of 3sphr:;ltic Concrete wear-
in eurface...... 0040400 41610000
Per sivare foot of concrete Trtter.
Per linear foot of
6"x18" corrEted iron culvert...
7"x24" corrutod iron curTert.....
• tir
• 0 0 0 0 0
O 0 0 t
0 0 0
corrw:ato iron u1rt
Per squore foot of concrete ,3ntter
Per a,,:lure foot of concrete siCewalk.......
Per linear foot of 6" 7.1-.S sewer
Per Matthole,
Per „?tch
Dols. Cts.
From 7. 6. Schmidt, J.ce.ot..aemied by oert :fie 6 chock
1.c the sum of iO,000 .00.
er cUic
Per linear
Per squa.re
Per square
Peer s jjrre
Per liner
ar't of ,:arth
f cot of cOY1Crote curb.0
foot of concrete ase....„
M4 of wearinc
foot of concrete o:ootter..4
foot of
corrazatej i-ron clavert...
corrmr:tea. iron aul-e1.7t...
corrugatea iron culvert.,
equ,are foot of concrete _gutter bridfo;e.
6:-..i:msre foot of concrete
linear foot of 6" V41,..see;.:ver 40
Y. 0 0 0
• 0, 10
O 0 0 0
4 4 *
O 040
KO .40
4* 7
O 0000
0 4 era.a-*. 4 0 0 . 4
c tch basil.,
.12 .
From f,aisch Com-zay, accomftnied by a
chock in the sum of ::03,000.00.
Per cubic --,1.-ar(7 of earti';
fey linear foot o-f -.:oKcrote curb... ........
for square foot of concrete base...
Zter ociure foot of wParin
nous rOCkaaaftea06a4m4004604.0.04 4,46000600
2ereore foot of wezriil': surface (Lspal-
tic)s 00 • 0016• •6,••••a• aa af•aa 0016 0 ea *000064*
Pe:c ;-...cx..re foot of 3-%"1 -fete ,--utter.
.rer 1-1.ne_tr foot of
6"x18" corru,:a:ted iron cillvert....
" ccn'rraated iron culvert
7"N.:30" io liori culvert.........
Per cLjnre fcot :ff 0 On rete gr : ter br :1- e.
Per .:.cry're foot of c ).:prote sidewalk
ler lin. foot of 6"7.T.,-s.hever
ier Catdh a6160.06
Dols. Cts.
From Clark an6 -jeciery Construction Company,
certified chis.ck in the f:TaM of :.&500.00,
cubic yarc.:1 of earth excavation...
iinaar±oot of cJnorc,e
sqa re foot of •oncrete
s, 1.are foot of '.3itaminous Pock Concrete
we a-0] la • • th 4440
ocuare foot of concrete gt14er. ..
foot of
6"x16" corruted iron culvert-,
7"x24" corruf-aLed iron culvert...
7"a50" corruat,ed iron culvert,...,,...
square foot of oc-ncrete gutter bridge..
square foot of c).-Icrete
liue r foot of 6" 7.I.S. sewer
Dmhole, complete. • • 00
Catch Basin, complete..................
From Clark & 1:ienery Construction Company,
certified check in the sum of '8,500.00.
cubic yard of earth excavation...
linear foot of concrete curb.--
square foot of concrete base.....
sT:).re foot of asphaltic concrete
• e . 00
O 04.460
MO 0 0 4.
2.50 -
Dols. Cts.
.04 4/10
'.1s 3110
accompanied by
Dols. Cts.
July Sth, 1916.
7"x24" cerrugated iron calvert...............
7"x30" corrugated iron calvert...............
Per scruare foot of concrete eeater bridge........
Per soaare foot of concrete sidewalk.............
?er linear foot of 6"'
Per Manhele, complete............................
Per catch basin,
Dols. Cts.
Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee, City
Engineer and Street Superintendent and that a recess be declared, seconded by
idr. 7-likens and carried.
Upon reconvening. Councilmen Hammond, Ieorris, Prdht, Roth, Smith
Stewart, Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock, (9), were noted oresent.
10. Mr. Hammond reported that the bid of the Clark and iienery Construction
Company for the asphaltic concrete wearing surface was the lowest responsible
bid. He thereupon introduced the o11owing Resolution and moved its
WHEREAS, pursuant to its resolution in that behalf, passed
and Mooted on the 13th day of June, 1916, and in accordance
with the provisions of the charter of said City, notice has
been civen by oublication in the official newspaper of said
city twice a week consecutively, for two consecutive weeks,
callin for sealed proposals or bids, for doing the street
work, in said city, hereinafter described, to be filed at
or before 8:00 P.M. of 7ednasday, July 5, 1916, and
':HE'RLAS, such pronoaals or bids were filed at or before the ,
day and hour above mentioned, specified in said notice, and
the same were afterwards on said 5th day of July, 1916, at
a regular meeting of said Council, in open session, publicly
opened, examined and declared; and
WHEREAS the awardee hereinafter named was found to be the
lowest regular responsible bidder for said work;
T_TO r2d l'EVORE, the contract for doing said work is hereby
awarded to Clark and Henery Construction Comoany as- the
lowest, regular responsible bidder therefor, at the prices
specified in its proposal or bid on file, to ait66,653.93.
The said street eork is escribed as follows:
The improvement of 'central avenue from the easterly line
of eherman Street to a line 82,1- feet westerly from the west-
erly line of Pernside Boulevard, excepting therefr:m such
portions thereof as are re _aired by law to be kept In. order
r repair by any 'person or coinpa.ny having railroad tracks
thereon, in accordance with plans and specifications on file
in the office of the City Clerk entitled "Plans and Specifi-
cations for the Improvement of Central Avenue from the east-
erly line of Zouth Street to a line eighty-two and one-half
feet westerly from the westerly line of Irernside Boulevard";
filed in the office of said City Clerk on June 13th, 1916, and
adoe)ted by the Council on 'June lZth, 1916; the work to be done
under these snecifications consists in grading and paving with
Asehaltic Concrete rearing surface on a concrete base, and eon-
stracting concrete gutters and tutter bride.;es, concrete curb-
ina, and corra7ated iron culverts.
U?TtP 2E80L-TED, that the above homed awardce of said con-
tract shall
(1) Farnith a bond to be ao-oroved by the City Concil in
the sum of ten thousand (10,000) Dollars, with two or more
sufficient sureties, said bond. to be made payable to the
City of J.ienda, nd conditioned that the said City shall
be indemnified and protected against the payment of any
claim or royalty or damages for .infringement of any. patent
rieeht or rights f' street Paving.
) Furnish a bond to be aoproved by the .Council under the
provisions of an Lot of the Leei.slature, aoproved. March
27,1897, entitled, "An Act to secure th,e•Da:yment of the claims
of rinteril men, mechanice or ldberers employed by contract-
ors upon State, municipal or other public work", e,nd adets
amendatory thereof; the amount of said bond to be one-half
of the contract price, to be made payable to the City ef
Alameda and oanditbans tint the contractor shall pay or
satisfactorily secure the payin of all labor, reddGerials
and oapplies furnished in the performance of said work.
July Sth, 1916, •
RESOL1,rED, that the contra ct for said, work be pre-
pare d, by the City Attorney and t he Sara e, be executed on
behalf o f the C it y 1r the lay or the e of .
it} sec on e, ed the en of i on to adopt bh eoThL ion an d on r 011 Cali L1 WaS
a CI. 0 t e a and pass e0 im ou sly
A recess of to minu te s was then taker d 7C n Vih IC b. he Clerk ietun.ed
2:1,11 the c oi'tfied checks the oaocesuI bidders
"To op. e c „ay e ins Coi o ilmen Hap-11.110:o La) R, r s t R o th
St eV,' t ;.:11.1d :Lc: ide :at Bull oc7.T, r e ni , e d p1e0eii .
Further commueolooetious:
11 . t he lale La OhonorQornerco bati ITIE that an or 7, ni at i on was
out to be ferme d for yJii aJt i oohing , :Cood ,n„nd other ece,s: tieE;
10 e mem or s Cornea:ay G ry,1 72 ejue stei ng that the Council g live the me e
o::LIe1oi. recognition Ro5ered to luLilo Utilitles C ommit e
. om Go, o e T0 rit, • r e eeti e Ej t o C o :role et a ewer
:from 1504 ',7oboter Street into an existing CIT.,' e 011 Cioia ..70"1",..:le 0 Ie
erred to the Street 5uriat end e nt ana 5aniL arz-r Ineotor
15, From 0eore J , :Las , relat e to the •r,ro posed c e T1 1e Tide lan d s
Act I0 0115 p o ibie the aplo lie ect i on of the •.;1;1 0 ,00 proposed irapro ve
me nt of t] e Union Irou V; 0 r 1(j3 C0111 s a oonoid :ticn on the port cd the
it 7 of J' la me do, on t he tn. de Tad S 4 Ordered fi le d
COu the .:11arre da Impr (Ye-e ment Club inviti tbe n.ec;ib e S O the 0 CRITIC 11
t 0 attead the fir aork s d ipJ.ay at Sur f T3ea ch Park Oid ered :•C i1e3
. ?o•Tx ; 2:r st iuro5 ue ed th o11ouir4 Resolution and 1'110 Ve d it S
j..lo oti aft :
1 i=
0 I. UT I Or•T TYSTRUCT 'LTC, YJfl C.; In27 I' 011I:f :EY
-PLESCLUD, That the Council of the of Alan ed a he re -
by finds and dat e rm in es tha t the 2o1 lc int ere st and
ne cessity require the ac qui sit ion of the re,,a1 property
her eina ft Cr r ti cul&o.'ly described for llblio 1,3.8 e ; t-hat
is to say, for th e 11.3e :And, • benefit of the Slectric Light
and 2 0,7 or 0 s now owned by the Oft y and be it
RESOLVED, That it is 110 Cessary for said City of Alameda
to app 32 Op riate, c on de mu, take and use all of said real
prop erty in c on junc t i on with a public utility, t o
e .1eoLr1 Light and P owe r or k s now mr,,ne 0 by said
City ;
Said real -property is described' as follows to-wit;
• Z11 th et lot of land s it ha te d in the City 0 f Alame
Count y o± A:loam da , State of Calif ornin b °uncle d an d e
scrib ed as follows 10-wit;
Beatnalna at a, p o int on the East ern line of J? ark Street,
us the sam e n017'.7 ex i s t c e the wieniva thereof d is
t ant the, rex,' -a Nortber1y sixteen n and 5/100 (i605) feet
from the int er:.-;ect i on thereof with the Northern line
of Bay Iland Avenue, said point of beginning be g at
the southern line of Lot Lettered "C" in Block No. 29,
as per map her eina ft er re ferr ed ,t to ; rural in,7 the nc, e
1:,c or the r ly aloag spid line of Park Street fifty 50 )
feet to the Northern b oun dary Lie of ea id Lot ; thence
Southerly al on g said line :fifty. ( ) fee t to 12e Southern
boundary line osaid Lot ; and th ence ester1T al on g said
line one hundred and for ty-nin e and 92/100 (3 49.92 ) feet
to the ioint of beinning.
Being Lot Lettered xcep t the port ion t he re o f now
included in Park ,Street in Block Po. 29 as said lot and
'IT)" ock are delineo -te d and so designated on t bat c ertai n
July 5th, 1916.
of the County Recorder of Aleme da County; and
it further
RESOLVED, That the City Attorney be and he is he -re
by in strue ted and dir ecte to commence an action in
the Sap eri or Court of the State of California, in
and for tie Count y of "Jam eda , for the purposes of
securing condemnation for the -ourpos es herein named
of said real property a nd to prosecute said action
to final d ete mina ti on.
Mr. Hammond seconded the moti on to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
was a d op ted and passed. unanimously.
A Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance e 30. iTev Ser ies .
.mending Chapter IX, Arti ele 2, of Ordinance
No. 1, lin.ova s the Muni ci pa 1 Code of Alamed a,
by Adding a New- Section n thereto o ,to 1e kriov.rn as
$eotion 661A. "
came up for passage and was read by t he Clerk, Mr. %ciker moved that the
Ordinance be adopted, second ed by Mr. . Hammond and. on roll call it was
adopted and passed unanimously
iC V A Bill entitled
"A. Bill
For Ord in anc e No. New Feries
Prohibiting the Serving or Drinking of Spirituous,
Malt or fermented cra or s or Wines,. or Any Adnix-
ture The reof , in any :Public Park, PI1B.y round, Re-
creation Ground or Other Public Places.
came up for passage and. was read by the Clerk. Mr. Roth moved that the
Orincnce lay over, seconded by 3r. Prob st and carried
.Hannond intro due ed a Bill ent itle d
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
An Ord inane e Creating and Es tabi ishing a Zone
of `.:.u.let in the City 0± Alameda and Providing
Penalty for Violation the re of "
which was laid over under a pr ovi s ion of the Charter,
Mr. Probst introduced a -Pill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordtiname No. IT ew Series.
Eropowering the Boa rd of E due a t i on. of the City
Alamed.a to Control and Dire ct the Super -
vision of Play and Recreation Activities in
the Playg rounds , and Giving the Said Board
the Control of the Funds- for said Pur Doses ."
which war laid over under a provision n of the Charter
Stewart introduced aBili entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No, New Series.
Regulating the Keep ing and UE-3111 P.: of Scavenger,
Garbage and. Swill ',7aaons, Carts , Liorses, Auto-
mobiles, and all Appliances Used in the Busi nes s
of Collecting and Disposing of Garbage .1?
which was laid over under a provision of the Chart er
The Clerk called the attention of the Council to the necessity of
naming the election of floe rs for the ensuing election before July 15th
Mr. Hammond moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet
in a j °Timed regular 82 e c,'s ion Tue s y evening, July nth, 1916 at 8 lock.
Mr. :Prob st moved that the Ciei2k be authorized to employ the necess.,ry
help for the election of lemeu t 8th at a se, y of 3.00 per day and the
compensation of the election n of fic ers be fixed at 5-000 per day, seeonded
July 5th, 1916.
'here being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to
meet in adjourne,71 regulwr session Tuesday evening, July 11th, 1916 at 8
Respectfully mitted
C :Lty