1916-07-11 Regular CC MinutesLDJOUIEUED RE(771,2,2 Jaim7c 02 THE COU7CTI OF THF TY OF t4 DL, TUE2,DaY :7E717C, JULY 11TH, 1916. The ;:haetiri convene d with :,Jayor P. H. Bort evtt 1)residin. The roll lica called and Councilmen 1:orris, Probst, 13oth, Smith oirt 2-oesidoht Eillloch were note Tosent. Councilmen Ilmmona, 7a1ker and ':Jilbo o. srri,fed lter and were rioted -iresent. T-1721jklA 12ulloc.b: introducod the follo w :esolution and_ moved it2 ar7o-otion: Ao-n n :-Tr7 TO T'77 .:77,ORZTTO7 7SUTD. liza the Council e th oi 21oJ'iledz)., that there 1e transfer-oed from the Coneroft Pane. to the Toot ion Fund the aaurof Hevco Hiu.dred and 7,1fty and 00'100 (750.00) Donors, as a loav_. The :aAditor anfi. the Treasurer are hereby authori%ed to sae eaid traa7Per no their rsgpective books. T-Tr. eecoTed the motion to adoot the Hoso1uti3n and on I'011 call it by the followin veto:- ionnotifilpen Horris, Prehst, amith, f:,towart, and Dreolent :Eluiloel, (6). Hoes:7one. 2%berli:Coudeil- eho Hs.amon, Hall:er and ClIkeho, (6), foLfaivIst th.e. Ce-neral I'und c n &t tt g to 1J1 .16 and against Iftriii- r,ibal T.w2c,,vnt rind 7o. 11 amounti to 4603 00 havibF: been alyoreved and audited by the prvner officiclo were read by the Clerk. l'rosi.dent Pullock Tovea that the clnims seconded by .L7c7. 2yohot aad on r.11 call carried 107 the followin vote'.- Ayes :Councilmen Ncrriio, ProbF.,,t, Ioth, z,m11..n, and i?reoi 7ce:Hobe. 2bset:Councilmen Hammond, ':a11:er and lab:el:J.2, (3). The followia were ETh euet for a Jcratllitohs licee from E. rucci to e1J. vegetables and fruit. :Ls tbe ,aarne dig not betar the e:odersement of the Chiaf o.f FoIlce, it Tf.:1 ro-::erred LacTi". to him . l:'‘equest for a PT:at-a-Ito-as lice from lrs. Lewis to peCdle hot ta:!ales s the same bore tho endorsement of H. H. "::abaut,h, 21.ctiri Chief of 2 lice, :Ir. rrobst moved that tb.e reuost be graAt d seconded by Fresident Bullock and carried by the followins vote:- Lyes:Councilmen P:cobt, Toth, 2resieht Tmllock, (6). roes:rone. Absent:Council- en TJammond, V,Talker and ';:lIkens, (3). Ccyunications and resolutions frm the In6ustrial Accident COITCA22.i011 with reference to laundry safety orders, enine safety orders o;cid wood-worki safety orders were received an6 or(7ered filed. 2. v 2robst called Ittention to the condition of the waterworks property on Hial an,.:1, stated that a pool of water wtthin the 1zui1 ina s breed- in ground for aosquitoes. He moved that the 3oard of Health be instructed to look knto the mat ter with a view of abe ine the nuisance„ s ecoud ed by 7ammend ayi(l carried. 3. 3111 entitled TA PAll 4176 came July Ilth , 1916. TO Con tr ol and Dire ct the Supervision of Allay d Recre at ion 4ct iv iti es in th e P1ygrounds of jc n y , and, to said '50ard of E - c a ti on the flontrol of he Yun c."). s for ;'-')ai pur1.3ose s passag.e and was read by the Clerk. Lir. 2ro1:::rt moved that the Or di. in ance be edoited, seconied by ',7alker Ofl 011 XO11 Oa11 c arr ed 1 1 nm lrncru. sly. bill entit1e d "11 'Rill For Ord inan oe No. lIew Series. .1,Ln Ord in e a ti 11P; an C7 Etbiiehino a Zone of [ZL-al et in the C I ty of lame d a n di.. ..frovi, irig P en a lt y for VI_ o lot i on the r e of " et.'n e u. for pass a P7e and as r ea d by th e 0 Mr Prob st moved tbot the Ord inance- be adopt e , second ed by Mr0 _Hannon id, on roll call carri unnlmous Ya 4 hl Bill entitled ".8. Bill For Ordinance No New Ser R ezulat jn g the Keep in,s. an Using of Scavenger, C rbage and Svc' 11 YcLF,,Y on. s , Carts, norses, Arat omo- illes, an c. all .11-p:p 1 i anc es us ed in the :Bus in e s s of C °lie cting!: and, Di oo sing of C-t.:rba,P.'e " came f or p a sap:e and WO, rea by the Clerk, 1rast move d that 1 ay o ver until the next C oArimit t ee of tho ,.":hole meeting, sec end ed by Ltr. Ha-mmond and carried, . e brou.ht u the matter of the L1eror s veto on a, Bill o fLt 5. t d "A Bill F or OrClinrmc e 0 . ,7ew Series. Repealing Ordinance ',Jo. 11, New Series, "Creating a Recreation Commission in the City of 2,1cuAeda and Placi:ig ander the Control. and Zanagement of said C0;1fl1SS10fl al I 2 ygrouncs and Recreation F?c11ities now and hereafter ac ed or Owned by the City of Alan-100,a, an d Proviina for the Mod nt e nanc e o f the Same, " adopted and passed on the 27th dey of June, 1913 , fmd approved on th e 60th (1.E,,,,7 of June , 1915., " and mov d tha.4,-, the 1,1-ay ar s veto be snetn ine d eec ond ed by Mr, Smith and. lost st by the following vote: :Councilmen Roth, Smith and. 1,711kens , (.3) Noe s Go-Tao :I.Imen Ha an on , 1,Ior r IS • P rob st ewar t V:alke r and 2esi1 en Bullock, c, entitle d ent :None e „ il ken s brouodit u the matt or of the 1,1az,ror vet o on a Bill Bill For Or(i inane e Fo "Tel."! Series '1.1.1 Ord i nano e 2roviding for the 2eau1.tion 0±' the Business of T.Tsi n, Op er a t sag- and Dr A. vi ng loft o n"lob les for Hire Ur on t he 2•:7,'bl o ec or t2-,e 0 i ty 0± Alm ed , 2rovid1nT for ic e ns es .t o Carry on such pus ..-Ln es s and f or t he R evo co,ti on thereof, the Amount of ce e Fee s to be Paid, c.121. ir n;2-. e Fax'ni sh ing o± Boode, TLek±n. the Violati on of any of the 2r ov is ions of t his Ordi- nance a Liisde illeanor rici 1.2ro 7,r n )er1ttr Tbere For, and Bepea1iir 7 al 1 Ord i n 1:_ic es or Parts of Or i nactc e in so :E'ar t he S e Ue in Con- flict Her &with. " and moved that the ;Jayor veto be not sustained, seconded by Mr . Haanonq and c o rr le d, by the f oil owing ote es ; Councilmen Harm end Morr is , Srnith, a1ker, 7likens and Fresident u11ock, ) Noe s ;Colin° amen Probst Both and Stewart (3 ) 255 256 July llth, 1916. he] d Aecus t 6t1 seconded by Mr . Hezmond and carried Upon roc oAvening Councilmen Hammond Morris, Proljst, Roth, Sinith, St ewa Wal ke r, 7.i1ens ind President Bull ock, (9 were note d pre sent r Lir. Probst irtroduc ed the follow lag 2es o lut i on and Gloved its adoption: RES=TION NAMING THE BOARDS OF -JJECT 3N TO SERVE ON AUCT,7. T 6TH, 1916 . RESOLVED, that it b e and it is hereby ordered that the members of the several Board of Election to of fi ci ate at the Special Muni c ipal Election to be held in the City of Alace da on t he 8th do: of Lugus t, 1916, be and they are hereby am) ointed as f ollows4 to : Consolidate d Ere c in ct No. 1. Inspe ct or :R. W. Kearney 1332 High Street Inspector :Willis G. Thomas 3261 Br igg s Avenue Judge : G. E. French 3241 Madison. Street Judge: Carlton A. McCurdy ' 1207 Pea ch Street le rk: Nancy B. Ramsay 1216 Hi Eb Street Henry Elmore 3252 Liberty Avenue. Cons olidate d Pre eine t No. 2. Inspe ct or :Fred 0. Clark Inspe ct or ian Whitlovr Judge: Geo, H. Hoffman Judge: Clerk : Clerk: 3012 2646 1345 Louis T. 'eard 1342 Fred C Chenoweth 2854 Cat her ine E. Cook 1421 Consolidated Precinct To 3.. Ins e ect or :Mary R. 3 ()ales 1310 Inspect or :Mabel 0. Carte r ' 1342 Judge: Sarah Benne tt 2844 Judge: Samuel T. Ca lr k 1042 Clerk: Nettie P. Clark 1042 Clerk: Jai n L. McElwee 2644 Consolidated Precinct No. 4. Insect or : Alf re d .e, Hay 1119 2ns7:e et ar :Mary Mc Ce rt y 986 Jude: Marguerite Drolla 329f3 Jude: e : Helen Carr o-il Cle rk: Bertha Fel dhamer 1004 Park Street Cie rk: Esther E. Martin 1168 r_ent Street Consolidate d Pr e cinc t r 0 . 5. Ine c tor :Moth e 2,-028 enius 1222 Park Ave eue In6r, e etor :Jacoln Boo dt 1375 .17,1a Street Jude : Ida A. Jac a s 1312 Oak Street Judge : Mrs . Evelyn Pawling 1350 2ark Avenue Clerk : Isabelle J. Rosenberg 1420 Oak Street Clerk: Mrs. Katherine Johnson 1338 Park Avenue C on eoli date d 12re oinct :Jo. 6. In s.i'e et or :Rushton McConnell 1515 InrJ,-0ector : Srah 1' ish 1420 Judge : Alic e Dm ly 1301 JudEc : - Julia. T. 7ieden1eck ffr-3.79l Cle rk : Louis ;s7-rup'er Cleric: Yell Le .7 • We ver 2413 Cons elid ate d Precinct Y. To . 7 Iector :Etta, Mazztni 1515 ins'E:e et ur :Ilildre d Adams 2516 Jude : T.Tary .:1- F. Hayri h 2323 Jrue • : 7- . .:....,0," Central Avenue Van Buren Street High Street Versa ill es Avenue Cent r al Avenue High Street Pearl Street Pearl Street San Jose Ave nue College Avenue Colleg'e Avenue Saaa Jose Avenue Illeent Street Park Street Park Stree t an Jose Avenue Ida J. .eracA _Ley 1641 -1 „--07, cte 11 L.; h .'32:1 2223 Consolidated Pre c in c t 7o . 6 ; 'T : li. , S t u m 0 f 869 Inop : S ()Tn, ie -2:.. Benne tt 2243 JudL,e : 1111 iam Van Horn 2223 Judge: ALic e T.. Combs 1114 Clerk : Barton J. C;ollibs 1114 kile1-2;.. Frank Y. Dodd 2208 Tersail le s Avenue Fountain 6,t re e t Hig70 ',-3t -feet 7 e Paenus sob Avenue Ave'.6e Park 'Street 7-3aaaa Vist a i:, venu e 7-'c:clena V is ta .7o70. 06 Vis ta Avenue Park Street fee if i c Ave nue Laurel Street Centrl Avenue San Antonio Avenue Walnut Street V:alnut Street Santa Clara Avenue conso__m„ed Pr ci'aci 1°2,(*).910. Encmal jven„ 2040 San Antonio Avenue 2142 San iivenue Inspo et or J. Z. Barstow ins e ctor E. Vrna lley Judge : Lo-uis S. S ilb erbertz Jud,Re John Smith Cie rk : Harry Aus le n Ole e r7k: Lawrenc e Camarena Consolidated Precinct Ins') e . A A. Borle Tees 'ee et cr.': True Loc h7B Judge : A . Aeklom Juti ge Taylor clerk: Mar gar et H. Sm it h Clerk: Dick H. Taylor Cons olidte d Pre eine Inre ctor : J. J .3tackler inspe ct cr F .Dradfor d Judse: F . J. Hargrave JudRe : - JA. Meyor 1111 wcallut Street 2155 Enc na 1 Avenue 1214 Chestnut Street 710. 10. 2117 BuenE. Vis ta Avenue 2116 Buena Tista Avenue 2129 Eagle Avenue 1416 Chestnut Street 2109 Santa Clara A7e nue 2170 Paolfi l''veYxaec yo 11. 176i1Buena Vista Avenue Lafayette Street 2037 Pao ifi e Avenue 2052 Pac if ic Ave me ion° T. C--'€en+ 4176 Inspector: Inspector::: Judge: Jude Clerk: Cle rk: Tnspector: Inspector: Judge: Judge: Caeww-rh Clerk: July llth, 1916. Consolidated Precinet :Jo. 12. T. J. Judd 1815 Senta Clara Avenue H. D. Hunt 1815 Central Avenue Maude Pease 1438 Lafayette Street iiiaia A. Un(7erhill 1521 Schiller Street, Annie Gibson 2019 Lincoln 'venue Ilarion D. Cornell 1208 Lafayette Street Consolidated Precinct No. 13. J. S. Hanley L. lei. BulloCk Chas. E. Sears Gay A. Rosenberg Raymond E. Mendizabel Margaret B. Rogers Consolidated Precinct Jo. 14, Inseec-tor: E. Scully 1531 Stanton Street in5eector1: Mary P, 7aiten. 1125 Morten Street Judge: Albert R. Glenn 1629 Hibbard Street Judge: ,Mary-T. VAlson 1503 Pacific Avenue Clerk: Fannie Lyons 1630 Lincoln Avene Clerk: Carrie L. Bacon 1535 Benton Street Censolidated Precinct 15. 1514 Alameda Avenue 812 io,ru Street 1634 San Antonio Avenue 1504 Alamda Avenue 1126 Union Street 2048 Buena Vista .L:enue Inspector: T. 2. Steinmetz 1427 Inspector: Edna Ryen 1631 Judge: E. C. Mills 1300 Judge: John J. Lee 1209 Cler: Katherine Del Vecchio 1307 Clerk: .Bianche R. :1illrrd 1621 Consolidated Precinct No. Inspector: :wlax Levy 1110 Inseector: J. Barton L117 Judge: Elizabeth Blethen 1330 jeed.e: Hrs . Annie Clinton 1345 Clerk: Hazel M. Hislop 1105 Gertrude :halley 1310 Consolidated Precinct No, Inspector: Edward J. Silver 1035 Inspector: A. H. Peterson 935 Judge: Louis B. Kihlmeyer 919 Judge: Edwina 1,Leyer 1533 Clerk: Mary Collins 1533 Clerk: Laura E. Brom 1043 Oonsolideted Precinct -To. Shelman Street St. Charles Street Park Street Eagle Avenue Central Avenue Bay Street 16. Lincoln Avenue Morton Street Caroline Street Bay Street Santa Clara Avenue San Lntonic Avenue 17, Central Avenue Santa Clara Avenue Central Avenue Verdi Street Verdi Street Taylor Avenue 18, Inspector: Alex C. Goney 1014 Eqlena Viet a Avenue Inspecter: John D. Kersey 1615 Chapin Street Judge: Martha Eield 767 Pacific Avenue JudFe: Hattie E. L41ngdon 755 Lincoln Avenue Clerk: Augusta Ascher 1617 Chapin Street Clerk: Josephine Alderson 1622 Ninth Street Consolidated "erecinct -.To. 19. Inspector: Frederick Brandt Inspector: Ches, B. Layne Jute: Annie J. Soho/art Judge: Ethel ;:ilgohs C1eek: Jeanette Rawlinew:n Clerk: Katherine Scully Consolidated Precinct "To. III8oector: John 3. Lovejoy 1533 Ins-pector: Chas. 3. .ieyer 532 Judge: Zarry L'ason 558 Judge: e,oais :ranbe 1531 Clerk: Mrs. Anna :ood 551 Clerk: Louis J. Probst 615 Consolidated Precinct LTo, In:erector: Chas, R. Bond Inslector! Emil T. Bertelsen juCe-e: John R. 3u/ifess judce: Lzra B. Tway Clerk: ary F. inters Clerk: Clorabel A. Hunt 834 Taylor Avenue 829 Hat Avenue 743 - Santo Clara Avenue 751 Santa Clara Avenue 1509 Ninth Street 714 Haight Avenue 20, Viebeter Street :Haight Ave nue ight avenu.e 7ebster Street Santa Clara Avenue Haight Avenue al. 631 Taylor Avenue 435 Santa Clara Avenue 433 Haie7ht Avenue 432 Lincoln Avenue 42.5 Central Avenue 323 Lincoln Avenue Kr. Roth seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on rel Lopted and passed unanimously. 6. Kr. Stewart introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. Yew Series, Amending Sectiens 347, 349, 352, 356, 360, and.Repealing Sections 363, and Section 370, Chapter VI, .L.rtiole 3, ::.)f Ordinance re. 1, New Series, Known as the Knnicipal Code o the City o Alalise0 a, Approved Jalmary 14, 1913 " 9. tt* whieb was laid over under a .erovisien of the Charter. :IT. Stewart introduced a Bill entitled' For Ordinance Pc. 1]:Tew Series, Defininp; Pasteurized Milk, Regulwetin the 'Production. it was 254 lltb , 1916. 1r'2 1 a, id over 1U1. or pi'. °iris ion o± t C1r1er 10 Mr . St ewar t itroduce d a 1f:' ill enti tle 11 :00 A =ll .7' CT Crc.iiice To. 7ew Series, Regulating the Handling , Oole ,snd Di stribut ion 7ithin the City o AlaloeJ)?, of ::ilk 9.10 Certnin Min Pro ducts Intevlded for T:-9_man 0cinitioia, cq'ia os - a Penalty for the 7i olntl on of sit Cr a e ." 191 d over calA e r rovie ion o± t1e C}rter .E-es'H.enzl*, Bul 1 ock ecTlea a titer/ tion to the Preparedness Paraae vi.H1 ic7o. was to o 1.-re on July 22nd , 1916 and the need of a inner :or the 'a 0 I.; he 1ore t1. c 1..1; ieiie tho were to rtioipate eren iC MOV e d k000 50O0 i-•Yro mte 0. or f he y ui se of '.1,1.T.O. a 0 /z. t17, at t'ae tter 'be r e f e rl' ed to the 11 e crinitt ee 0,:70r t o t 0 r01 call o ricd :men ly 12. v/ Pi:c"cat mo7ed t7n.1-.t a11 the csaf,loy of th e r'2:s .1)e fceta tn. ad. in teir nresent esp9cit5es, secDnec7). y Tf.r. on or roll ca17 ecrrted n ou sly rlY;. 0 1:rte. r 10 us iness to tanrct t he C; oral el 1 a fa 0 7...r to ect in re ;sessicyl ''7uesn7 CV04O July 18th 7916, st 8 o tolook. a Y.:et c t0u111 2-van it tea , rt 4 4-, .1. kjej — —