1916-08-01 Regular CC Minutes41 TEGUYe'.2 isi'=TITG OF :FE 00U]ifen OF THE C-171 & TiOrn';;:hD.Aaf ETTYT70 cj1 1916. The eleeting convened with Mayor :5.H. Bartlett pre2iding. The roll was callei and Cioanclmenend, Morris, Stewart, 'iale, eful President Bullock, (6) were acted present. Councilman. lirobt axrived later end was noted present. ..nt:Councilmen Roth and Smith (2). Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as Claims eainst the General liuna amennti're to :::467.01:; eainst ULe Street Tudd, Labor amounting t c 10.:34.35; against the Street Fund idiaterial amountina,' to :.73.78'; a5mLest the Ha,s1th liund :amouiatirrg to Qiso.24; es,inot aLainst the Police 7uad nr,ouutin to .1C cn t flie Electric Linsht amcsonting to '::,574c.).74; against the Recreation 'fund amounting to J.:333.62; aainat the Tselief Fund a:loanti4g to M0.00 ond. assajdnt Daproves,e,nt Fund Eo. 11 amountinF to !:::11545.04 hatine. been eberoved an.d aud:Ited by the proper afficials were road by the Presi:dent TJulloch to Thiat the claims as loan se pars, secohed 'hy lir. alker and on roll cell carried unnimously. ‘',-e:re received: Poond report for the month of. July. Ordered filed.. The 2rudi.tor's fina apportionment of ta-e.(as of 1(J15. Ordored The 37th Aonual .aeport of the liioard of Library r'. Lee: Ordeved 7he saffidavit of Publication of the Sinitoeristendeat Yetice regair-' saycitcht of the assecment for the widening of 2ncihel Tne affidavit af pshle tiaa of the Ustice of r,..ppointIne:t of Electl.oa Officers for the eleetich of .A..rLgp..st Ornde'ned. Tiled. 7be following coinmnnicetien were received: run' esnt. 1 C 1 "„:6.,,,ne: ri e connted the ahey in the Treasiury iduly .ilet. Ordered Prom Tan C. rend as ter.jder- against thehiamn.ovel of trees on The mattor was rofe-sred bach to tbe :root Coffaittee rhich had heen previously gideo pc,per to ct. / Proir the 'innieipel idlectric Isin-[ht 21ast ResoIctrica offer- ing tbo 0i-ic;„ Council the transfer of di0 /CC 111 the comietioh oT —Vila soheol nulloch: ofTcreel the fellos'in o1- :u snd eiewod its ed: ion: n0OLT:i TO :h dliddifili 1' eSiiiCOL h'OSTIDITTaii adSOLaD, That the Conncii isecept the csitfor Gil: the • Edo,„ieinsic Linht Piont oT as a dividend sea'', thbt rua.10; rosolved ti at no.m. of 'he theroafer tresalierrod :Ores,: the Chioarhel to 11 tho 'land lnad, -iter the conroshetion bf scheol isiddiZocne. iTog,eoni oeconded t-Le to ad 26 261- 0:4,-..t for Ao ,o1)e)r Mc, root / 3ponm.Ler and of '.20-wr of tb.o cln..mear..T.- :of tl'ar.,) oal [1:o...ianL, of al....ofioa. Cf:Aeri :f.em cf ;nr.Coelittillg to t'ne of of tine of 1on,:7, wt c.rath'nest c'ornor ' tn)btic: LIneni'n FaiT1 nd novcia tht :lc. 7.1e re- erroi .3eclod bL7+ o'rn co:pried. aier at En1.1mo7d ,w)VG ia tt oe te. with -Dowo.r to act, o-')oc;onaea 7 'cector C., j1uL ..2e-2m?e,;;.ian to taI:e n.nn),3,o1 v)o),:rtio-n 7U1 4) 21;A. Tia‘... aLa7,10-n.):7, n,oved -rnat the ruao-,)t be ::o-rnted, b:,/ ;:Aawart an? vr 1,11.n)(7.M.tio1 to e-olloo te 'Oe tC) t7le .17..11Vre to the 7i...1nne go:clmitteo. Mr1,21, L. H. i'o:ea,,-Iza.a,00bolitt;1.-,,, J21 nno an,O' alterfo'tion or'? t".;:e for a a]..il,d2en' roam* sacao ,Ao(*.1 t-no 7'.-_'ora of „Cr. Ea41.13& 1-loved V) at 'Coo • inotruoted to al.vertiac for 1:)5,1ie for Uo work, '.:.;eodea 11. 711 1 L ior, 2.tntirv,; thit J. Lidomalin to oe(le to .7'1.11e r.r.Z orr oetoen. the );!eterlr line o L5i '.3ollievrd ?ma the present end of Colltral )r0vi6ea ti]at t'f:e City would claim to c;errinz.:ol L.,:enue 71yina) 1)e(1 0011 t.)o eaaa of '70r110i1c 'Doulevard E.-Jttc.) was -in tbie oolor-to at the o-feent time the Med. 12. 7a110ch 0.1a"..d11 -oliention Lill O1 of 111(11100 U11 00 tno Cenol ".-02*k, -.:ZE:frod to the -,;-treot Comittee. • J. eO, urf.erAnt'eAdent of the Sou:1,,heA Pacific electric lines, tiao'. thot re-o:l'a.r.;ento:Lin. of t'ne riomcon wool be in attandanc:e : 1 101 10 moot in to 1 wj1.;31Ao the 1111-2:10Te0 of Gent !-al L'Irenue. TT:P 11. l'errin„ • lre 0710 0011110 11 o 1 r e- Ole r;; Le 0 Lo 'ot;r;:teme*.LIA4.1 tiffle before tbat 1010 rrjlo of the Coapory nre in Fc)oa sha•oe,. that it. .v!w)1d hal-P at len,t 1:)efore na,;), 0e010111 'be sotten and thJvt the Oempany wo,ald c:JEre,e, to muo.a,dmize its 0or000n of the Btreet and kee2 the oa,ne in good ranair for a -oerie of :Five yeo,n,i, at the en.11 of 010 Loh time it will 1-)e.coe noceooxy to rut, in new • ane). the 0011eet wolad then be to.vroveJ, o 011000111011 with OLe oortiaa. Mr. Et'.mmord moved that the offer "be ci.ccepted, eec ondec:.3. by Mevv)',rt and 0A Y:011 call 010 :1:ricri11 VA:fliRlijA101181.y$ 11, 1,/ E2. E-oobst spo'ke of the need of e cross-tbn oerviee in 01 -k, west end Lo.11 aWo:cal if a tranefoy Hytecil ),3ome ot7oer oal:)ranPment co-):11e, be de.lor..: )7.ach F._;ervicte. He 'Is(-) called &ttention to 0101 extreme neea of a flac,)-T,Lv._ or 4176 imarovemente mdtto- 7 referred to the r. Traffic Departmeht,of the Company ist v Aji, or003t0 tadk, a Mb -with the Ur, Hammond called attentian to tie conditioa of the 1"DV,5,e6 on the Oabiwnd iaLer -Eront Company s land west or hehster Street and stated thnt some representatives of the fi.rm were present. Mr. Schuman on behalf of the Onhladd iiatort Compny ex.-sllained the situation and etated that the Comany was willing t o file a .000 bond :protectinz the eity, or that the injunction proceedings be withdrawn. The bona mas offered and referred o the City Attorney, wherE.utnoa Mr. Probst moved that ;he City .Tatturney be inatrnoted to dabemiss the action in Court, seconded. by Hr. Hammond and 011 roll call carried unanimrtuely. lad. V JLJL entitled Biiil For Ordinance 7o. 'few 2eries. Probibitinz the Servins or Drinkitw of Spirituous, Malt or :;iermentea Litors or bines, or any .6.1mixture Thereof, in any Public Perk, Playp:oand, Recreation Ground or other lfteLic Places.' came ue for eassa5,;e. Hr. Probst stated that considerable 00.0 o eition to the orcoo2e0 ond-fnlence had :risen and he moved that the same be withdran, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Sill entitled "2.. Bill -3'er Ordinance Ec. few Series, 11.n Ordilrrnee Ltaina it Unlawful for any 15 erscn, with inte-A to Injnre or Defraud to Possess any Contrivance for Prevectim the Correct Rersistr'iatien of any' Css, iWater or Ulectrie I:Zter, and Presorihin n Penalty Thorefor," cam.e for 'passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Probst 1,:oved that the same be adoy , seconded by Mx halkor and on Toll call carried aranimously. 515. .9111 entitled 'fl For Ordinance "To. -few Series, Electinz to have an Indeeondent Sissecamerrt Made by the City r..ssessor for the Cavreht 'Tear, 1916-19170." was :'watrodneed snd laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Probst called attention to the advisabill., of redacihp the rates of elnctricitw and moved that the matter be referred to tie Publ.ic Utilities Committee to take no. with the BosTd of Electricity, seconded by Mr.' 7111aens and carried. lan President Pallock stated that the banner for which the council had a:no-iced 3Q fl0 hm exceeded that &am in cost snd he moved that an ad di ional ;25,00.be allowed. to COV6r tM oWt of the same, seconded allker and on roll call carried unanimously . repreeentive of the Cadet Company 2'e0eLt1» nnized An. the City of Alameda, was crecent- and asked for a place to drill. ftr. Tarscer moved thct tbe Teettn be refsrred to the Park end Playrctand Committee with power to a .&.ecoilJea by ii,osident Dullock and carried. There .being no .farther business to transact the Pounreil adjourned to .meit, regulor session Tuesday evemlfrat, it 16th, 1010 at 0 o clock.