1916-08-15 Regular CC Minutes26
The meeting convened with M-yor F. 1. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Smith, Stewart,
and President Bullock (6) were noted present. Councilman Roth arrived later and
was noted present. Absent:Councilmen Valker and Tilkens, (2).
The Minute's of the previous regular meeting were approved as read.
The Minutes of the special meeting of August llth were approved as read.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to :603.75; against the General
Fund, (Election Officers) amounting to :30.00; against the Street Fund, Labor,
amounting to 0573.50; against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to 595.50;
against the Health Fund amounting to 61.22; against the Recreation Fund amount-
ing to 100.46; and against Municipal Improvement Zund No. 11, amounting to
1911.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by
the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr.
Morris and on roll call carried unanimously.
The following were received:
The report of the L[unicipol Electric Light Plant for the year ending
June Oth, 1916. Ordered filed.
Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of June,
1916. Ordered filed.
The Auditor's balance sheet for the month of July, 1916. Ordered
An insurance policy in the sum of ',;2500.00 covering the Corporation
Yard. Ordered filed.
24 The continuation certificate on the bond of L.rthur D. Goldsworthy.
Ordered filed.
3. The contract for the improvement of Central Avenue, between Sherman
Street and Foruside Boulev together with the bonds covering the samo furnish-
ed by Olark and Henery Construction Copany. Ordered filed.
4. /I Communication from the inrren. Bros. Company embodying resolutions
alleging the specifications for the improvement of Central Avenue to be an in-
fringement of their patent and offering to sell the wearing surface at a cer-
tain price. Ordered filed.
6 / An Affidavit shainp; due publication of Notice to Contractors inviting
bids for the improvement of entral Avenue, between Sherman and Fourth Streets
was presented and ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated
that he was in receipt of four bids. President Bullock moved that the bids be
opened, seconded by lir. Lorris and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and
read the bids as follows:
From Clark & Henery Construction Company, accomianied by
a certified check in the sum of .F'.;500.00.
Per cubic yard of earth excavation...—. ... Q .45
Per linear foot of concrete curb ....... ... .35
Per sq. foot of concrete base.............. .065
Per sq. foot of Asphaltice Concrete wearing
surface • • • • • • • • „ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • .034
.xugast 15th, 1916.
7" x 30" corrugated iron culvert.......
Per sq. foot of concrete gutter bridge........
Per sq. foot of concrete sidewalk..............
From the California Bitulithic Company, accompanied by a
certified check in the sum Of '3200.00.
Per cubic yard of earth excavation............ $
Per linear foot of concretecurb..............
Per sq. foot of concrete
Per sq. foot of Bituminous rock wearing surface
Per sq. foot of Asphaltice concrete wearing
surface.. ........................ 0000 ........
Per sq. foot of concrete p-,utter... • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Per linear foot of
6" x 18" corrugated iron culvert...........
7" x 24" corrugated iron culvert...........
7" x 30" corrugated iron culvert...........
Fer sq. foot of concrete gutter bridge.........,
per sq. foot of concrete sidewalk..............
. 0802149
. 95
From Johnson, Shea Company, accompanied by a certified check
in the sum of $3300.00.
Per cubic yard of earth excavation.............., .55
Per linear foot of concrete curb .40
Per sq. foot of concrete base.08
Per sq. foot of bituminous rock wearing surface .024
Per sq. foot of concrete gatter.12
Per linear foot of
6" x 18" corrugated iron culvert1.00
7" x 24" corrugated iron culvert1.70
7" x 30" corrugated iron culvert2.50
Per sq. foot of concrete gutter bridge...-.12
Per sq. foot of concrete sidewalk.10
From Ransome-Crummey,Company, accompanied by a certified
check in the sum of 4500.00.
Per cubic yard of earth excavation............. .52
Eer linear foot of concrete .35
Per square foot of concrete base........,...... .065
Per square foot of bituminous roc ".. wearng
surface • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .045
Per square foot of asQhaltic concrete wearing
surfac e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 00000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • .045
per sq. goot of concrete gutter................
Per linear foot of
6" x 16" corrugated iron culvert...........
7" x 24" corrugated iron
7" x 30" corrugated iron culvert...........
Per sq. foot of concrete gutter bridge.........
Per sq. foot of concrete sidewalk..............
Mr. Hammond moved that a recess be taken to determine the lowest bidder
nd that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, Street Superintendent
and City En-ineer, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
Upon reconvening Councilmen Hammond, Lorris, Probst, Roth, Smith, Stewart,
and President Bullock, (7), were noted present. Absent:Councilman Walker and
Wilkens, (2).
6. (' Mr.Haminond reporte dtha t the bid of C1rk & Henery Construction Company '
in the sum of 25 5 8.76 was the lowest responsible bid. He thereupon intro-
duced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:-
WHEREAS, Pursuant to its resolution in that behalf, passed
and adopted on the 18th day of July, 1916, and in accordance
with the provisions of the charterof said City, notice has
been given by publication in the official newsraper of said
city twice a week consecutively, for two consecutive7.weeks,
calling for sealed proposals or bids, for doing the street
work, in said City hereinafter described, to be filed at or
before 8 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday, August 15, 1916; and
WHEREAS, such proposals or bids were filed at or before the
day and hour above mentioned, specified in said notice and
the same were afterwards on said 15th day of August, 1916,
at a regular meeting of said Council, in open session,
publicly opened, examined and declared; and
WHEREAS, the awardee hereinafter named was found to be the
'.u.gust l5th, 1016.
NO,THEREFORE, the contract for doing said work is hereby
awarded to Clark and Henery Construction Company, as the
lowest, regular responsible bidder, therefor, at the prices
specified in its proposal or bid on file, to wit: 25,528.76.
The said work is described as follows:
The improvement of Central Avenue from the easterly line
of Sherman Street to the easterly line of Fourth Street, ex-
cepting therefrom such portions thereof as are required by
law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company
having railroad tracks thereon, in accordance with plans and
specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk entitl-
ed "Plans and specifications for the improvement of Central
AvenUe from the easterly line of Fourth Street to a line
8* feet westerly from the westerly line of Pernside Boule-
vard;" adopted by the Council on July 18th, 1916; the work
to he done under the specifications consists in grading,
and -paving with an asphaltic concrete wearing surface or a
bituminous rock concrete wearing surface on a concrete base
and constructing concrete gutters and gutter bridges, con-
crete curbing, and corrugated iron culverts.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above named awardee of said con-
tract shall
(1) Furnish a bond to be approved by the City Council in the
sum of tenthousand (0_0,000) Dollars, with two or more
sufficient sureties, said bond to be made oayable to the City
of Llameda, and conditioned that the said city shall be in-
demnified and protected against the payment of any claim of
royalty or damages for infringement of any patent right or
rights for street paving.
(2) Furnish a bond, to be aeproved by the Council under the
provisions of an Act of the Legislature, approved March 2
1697, entitled "An Act to secure the nayment of the claims
of material men, mechanics or laborers employed by contract-
ors upon State, municipal or other public work," and acts
amendatory thereof; the amount of said bond to be one-half
of the contract price, to be made oayable to the City of
Alameda, and ,conditioned that the contract shall pay or .
satisfactorily secure the payment of all labor, materials
and supplies furnished in the performance of said work.
(3) Furnish a bond to be unproved by the Council for the
faithful_ performance of the work; the amount of said bond to
be one-half of the contract price and to be made payable to
the City of Alameda.
EURTHER RLSOLVED, that the contract for said work be pre-
pered by the City Lttorney, and the same be executed on
behalf of the City by the TJayor thereof.
:Ir. Stewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was
adopted and passed unonimously.
The Clerk returned the certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders.
The following communications were received:
From Col. Thos. H. Rees, calling attention to the fact that the two
bridges across the Estuary at Vebster and Harrison Streets had been declared
by the War Department to be unreasonable obstructions to navigation and the
free flow of tidal currents and that they must be removed by the first day
of October, 1919 and certain substitutions therefor be made. A second letter
called attention to a meeting to he held in the Hotel Oakland at ten o'clock,
Tqesday, the 12th of September, 1'216, for the purpose of discussing the same.
Referred to the Eublic Utilities Committee.
From the Lunicipal Electric Light Plant, stating that the moonlight
schedule is not followed strictly and that there is a standing order to have
the lights burnin on cloudy niFhts. Ordered filed.
From the Auditor and Assessor giving his figures on the assessment
rolls. Ordered filed.
10. / Prom Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden recommending that thirty
cents be 'canned in t1)(1 fOlf1P"Rt "rnr fhP imn.rnirpmr.rit n-F TArinn11-1 Airomin 1.-.A+IrrnesIn
11. Froth Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden,recommending that the oner-
ty owners on Alameda Avenue, between Oak and Union Streets,be requested to
install concrete curbing. Referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting.
12. 2rom the Union Iron Works Company, thanking the Mayor 0, 1 Council
and the people of the City of Alameda for the successful vote in leasing the
city and, known as Tract 28. Ordered filed.
13. From the Board of Education submitting Resoluiions stating that
they would accept the supervision, direction and control of the p aygrounds
provided, that sufficient money were tendered to conduct the playgrounds
satisfactorily. Referred to the Finance Committee.
From Eugene Pucci, requesting a gratuitous license to peddle fruit
and vegetables. As the same bore the recommendation and endorsement of John
Conrad, Chief of Police, Mr. Probst moved that the reuest be granted, second-
ed by Mr. Stewart and on roll call carried unanimously.
The Clerk called attention to the fact that the Council will be required
to meet as a Board of Equalization on the 5th of Setember.
15. / A communication from R. Blakely was received rquesting a gratuitous
license on behalf of the Athletic Club of the Union Iron Works Company
to hold boxing exhibitions, at Tucker Hall. Mr. Probst moved that the re-
quest be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
16. / Petitions bearing four hundred and sixty-one -purported signatures protest-
ing against the levyin of the assessment for the widening of Encinal Avenue
were presented. Ordered filed. Messrs. Geo. Hoffman and Augustus 'Keane spoke
to the Council urging them to rescind the action taken and that the amount
necessary to effect the widening be placed in the budget. Mr. Stewart moved
that the proceedings be rescinded, seconded by Li-. Smith and lost by the
following vote:- Yyes:Councilmen Smith and Stewart, (2). Noes:Councilmen
Hammond, Morris Probst, Roth and President Bullock, (5). Absent:Councilmen
Vo.,lker and Wilkens, (2).
17. LV The Council theh proceeded to canvass the returns of the election held
August 8th, 1916, which showed the vote as follows:
Pre incti 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 891011
Yes 174 183 145 205 155 174 118 226 250 194 202
No 16 14 7 33 25 9 14 10 5 9 11
Votes Cast 190 197 152 238 183 183 132 236 256 203 214
Precine'6 12 1
No 15 8 14 _ 19 21 12 20 2 8 10
15 16 17 '18 19 30 21
205 203 -213 230 193 188
203 263 123
Votes Cast 220 211
7 251 214 200 258 205 272 1'
A , 1:rolDu introduced the following Resolution and ;noved its adoption:-
18. RESOLVED, that from the canvass of the returns of the
election held in the City of Alameda on Au.);ust 8th, a916,
it appears and it is hereby declared that the following
August 15th, 1916,
"Shall the people of the City of Alameda adopt an
ordinance authorizing and directing the making,
execution and delivery to Union Iron Torks Company
of a lease of certain real estate of the City of
Laameda and certain salt marsh, tide and submerg-
ed lands held by said City, for a term of twenty-
five years from and after its date, with the rip:ht
to renew the lease for a further term of twenty-
five.years, and authorizing and effipowering the Mayor
Of the City of Alameda to Make, execute and deliver
said lease, which proposed Ordinance is set forth
in Ordinance No. 67, Hew Series, of the City of
received a majority of the votes cast in
and it i
hereby declared to have been passed.
Mr. Horris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
was adopted and passed unanimously.
A Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Electing to Have an Independent Assessment Made
by the City Assessor for the Current Year,
came up for ea sage cad was read hy the Clerk. Er. Hammond moved that it
be adopted, seconded by Hr. Stewart and on roll call it was adopted and
eassed unanimously.
19. ir. Haamond reported that he inspected the trees that stood in
Jterling Avenue, objection to which had been made, and moved that they be
allowed to stand, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
. ,/ Mr. .13 th spoke on the matter of the streot cigna and stated that he
had procured a new man to finish the work, and requested that his action
be confirmed. Er. Hammond moved that the Council approve his action,
seconded by Iii'. Morris and carried.
21. / Mr. Roth called attention to the bad condition of the Webster
Street roadway between thecar tracks and moved th:t the City Clerk notify
the San Fvancisco Oakland Terminal Railways to proceed to repair the
roadway at once, seconded by :Jr. Hammond and on roll call carried unani-
The Cadet Company addressed the Council again on the matter of
suitable drilling quarters, whereupon Mr. Probst moved that they be
allowed McKinley Center, one night a week, seconded by Mr. Roth and
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned
to meet in realar session Tuesday evening, September 5th, 1916, at
8 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk.