1916-09-05 Regular CC Minutes72 REGULAR MEETING, OF THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF ALAMEDA., TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEHBIR 5TH, 1916. The meeting convened with Mayor P. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, ;,:orris, Probst Roth, Smith, Stewart, Wilkens and President Bullock, (8), were noted present. Councilman Walker, (1) was noted absent. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRANSZERRING '4,429.78 FROM THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund, the sum of Five Thousand, Four Hun- dred Twenty-nine aad 78/100 (5,429.78) Dollars, same being an aMount equal to the City lighting bills- for the three months ending June 30th, 1916. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Yr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimoitsly. A communication was received from the Board of Education requesting the Council for additional funds arnountina to Thirty thousand Dollars, to enable them to complete the buildings under construction and in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by the Board. Ordered filed. A letter was received from the Board of Electricity authorizing the transfer of .=,000 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund and from the General Fund to Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11* Ordered filed. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution ani moved its adoption: RESOLUTION TRANSFRRING 30 ,000.00 FROM THE ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND TO THE GEHERL FUND. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alaneda, that there be traasferred from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund the sum of Thirty thousand and 00/100 (30,000.00) Dollars. The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Jr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopt ion: RESOLUTION ZRANSFERRING 30 ,000.00 FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO MUNICIPAL IMPROVE= FUND NO. 11. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, that there be transferred from the General Fund to Municipal Improvement Fund, No. 11, the sum of Thirty Thousand and 00/100 (30,000.00) Dollars, for the construction of school buildings* ' The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized to make said transfer upon their respective books. Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was 4176 Septa:nber 5th, 1916. 273 Fund amounting to :°,272.78; againsu the Fire Fund amounting to 0904.59; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting to 01725.50; against the Street Fund Eaterial, amounting to 01101.70; against the Library and amounting against the Recreation Fund amounting to 0145.03; against Eunic Im- orovement Fund amounting to 18,44.00 end nguinst 3pecial Street, Con- struction Fund amounting to :,2125.50 having been aoeraved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk, kresident.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by LIr. Ulkens and on roll call carried unanimously. The following were received: The Found report for the month of iup:ust, 1916. Ordered filed. The Auditor's Balance sheet for the month of August, 1916. Order- :159.46; against the Electric Light and amounting to 02376.46; ed filed. The lease of Tract 28 to the Union Iron '::orks Company. Ordered filed. 2. The Auditor's receipt for 2,OOQ.00 received from the Union Iron Viorks Comeeny, account of the leasting of Tract 28. Ordered. filed. The renewal policy of the State 'ompensation Insurance Fund. Ordered filed. The Auditor' receipt for '98423, account City Good Roads Fund, under Section 35, Hetor Vehicle Act, 1915. Ordered filed. Tne following communications were received: 5. /' From iLayor F. H. Bartlett statine that he would veto any appropriation for reconstruction of Lincoln Avehue. Ordered filed. 6. v From the Leop:ue ef California Eunicipalities inviting city officials to the meeting of the League to be held October 10th to 15th, in Visalia. Ordered filed. From the Police _and Fire Commission requesting the Council to ask the Peoples -:Iater Company to install a fire hydrant six hundred feet east of High Street on Sterling Avenue, and also, one at Sterling Avenue and Fernside Boulevard. Referred to the .Cublic Utilities Committee. From Delanoy and Randlett, eskin that the grade of Encinal Avenue east of Park Avenue, be Properly fixed. Referred to the City Engineer. An Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Contractors for bids for the alteration of the children's room in the Alameda Library was presented and ordered filed. In response to said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of two bids. President Bullock moved that the bids be opened,seeonded by Er. Smith and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened the bids and read as follows:- Er. Hammond From Harvey A. Klyce, offering do the work for 0_ tlo 422.00. Accompanied by a c'ertified check of Q150. From Delanoy & Randlett, offering to do the work for 01193.00. Accomeanied by a certified cheek of 120. moved that the bids be referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee to ascertain if they are reasonable, seconded by Er. 274 September 5th, 1916. Further communications: 10. From the San Prancisc Oakland Texminal Railways, giving the method of improving Tebster Street, from Santa Clara Avenue to the Bridge, which they propose to do. Mr. Probst stated he felt that their proposition was an insufficient one and that the Company should be required to improve its portion of the street in conformity with the remaining portion.. He moved that the Public Utilities Committee and the City Attorney ascertain if the desired improvement could not be made under the law, seconded by Jr. Stewart and carried. 11. / Mr. Roth called attention to the bad condition of the approach to the Tebster Street bridge and moved that the sum,of 98,23, which had been re- ceived under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act of 1915, be spent to make the necessary repairs and that the Street Superintendent be in- structed to do so, seconded by Mr. Hammond and on roll call carried unanimously,. 12. ) A petition bearing thirty-one sinatures requesting the Southern Pacific Company to place a warning signal at Webster Street and Lincoln Avenue was received, and ordered filed. :President Bullock moved that a copy of the petition be sent to Southern Pacific officials, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried. Requests for gratuitous licenses were received from Samuel Harts to peddle fruit and vegetables and from Herbert Johnson, to do expressing. both bore the endorsement and recommendation of John Conrad, Chief of Police, Mr. Stewart moved that they be granted, seconded. by Mr. Probst and carried. Further communications: 13. From V. M. Frodden, Street Superintendent, asking the Council to approve his appointment of J. L. Freeman as Inspector of the Central Avenue work, at a salary of '5.00 per day. Mr. Hammond moved that the Street Superintendent's-action be approved, seconded by Er. Stewart and on roll call carried unanimously. 14. // From the Union Iron Forks Club of Alameda inviting the Council to end a concert and entertainment. (rdered filed. '15. From George H. Mastick President of the Board of Library Trustees, protesting against certain reductions made by the Council in the budget. Referred to the Committee of the Vihole. 16. From the Board of Health urging the establishment of h laboratory and the employment of a bacteriologist. Referred to the Committee of the enole. From the Board of Education submitting three Resolutions as follows: 17. v/ One urging the 'purchase of the property of Dora Jones, situated at 2217 Alameda Avenue at the price of 3500.00. Mr. Hammond moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. -2robst and on roll call carried unanimsouly. 18. / The second, requesting the purchase of the property owned by Adolph Hecker, near the Longfellow School. Price to be paid, '4500.00. Mr. Hammond 4176 September 5th, 1916. 19. / The third, recommending the condemnation of the property owned by Percy Riddle. Mr. Haemond moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Irestdent Bullock and on roll call carried unanimously. 20. v/ From Fred Krumb, on behalf of the Alameda Baseball Club, request- ing the use of the baseball grounds at Lincoln Park every Sunday afternoon from tho middle of September the middle of December, 1916. Petitions bearing one hundred and sixty-eight signers accompanied the letter making the same request. Referred to the Park and Playground Committee with power to act. 21. r' From the Argonaut Football Club, reeuesting the use of Lincoln Park durinp: the Fall, Winter and early Spring. Referred to the Park and. Playground Committee with power to act. 22. Two com.eunications from the Southern Pacific Company stating consineration would be given to the request for a watchmen or sinnal system at Lincoln venue and ,iebster Street. 23. From Hazel 3. Dudgeon re :aesting permission to take her annual vacation of two .reeks, commencing September llth, 1916. '.nr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by President Bullock and carried. 24. From G. F Christensen, requesting permission to take his annual vacation of two weeks, begieninc; August 28th, 1916. Mr. frobst moved that the re uest be granted, seconded by 2resident Bullock and carried. From the Board of Freeholders requesting an extension of time as provided by law for the completion of the Charter. Ordered filed. President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION GRANTING THE BOZ2.D OF PREEHOLDERS ADDITIONAL TIME FOR .eITL] PRE2ARATION OF THE NEW CHRTRR. RESOLVED, that consent be and hereby is given by the Council of the City of Alameda that the period of one hundred end twenty days, allowed by law to the Board of Freeholders of said City to prepare and propose a charter for the government of said City, may be extended by said. Board sixty days, so that said charter may be prepared anCi T)rbposed on or before the twenty-fifth of Noveiher, 1916. 44, Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 27. Hammond called attention to the need o-P establishing the Industrial Highway and stated that a number of property owners in that vicinity were present to further the matter. Capt. Moser of the Alaska Packers Association was called upon to speak, as was Mr. Taylor of the Taylor Lumber Company. Both stated that such c highway was very necessary. Lir. Hammond moved that the mrtter be referred to the Committee of the 'Thole, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 28. . Roth called attention to the fact that the Union Iron ';:orks COmneny had procured electricity for power eur-eoses fr:m an outside firm and stated also that no oermission had been ive hv t1161 Vrp 275 276 Se-ptember 6th, 19 be instructed to ascertain if current could be bought from an outside firm and sold then by the City to the consumers and for the, Committee to also look into the reduction of electricity rates, seconded by Mr. Stewart an carried. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meeting in regular session Tuesday evening, Septeber 19th, 191G, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully sunitted, City Clerk.