1916-09-19 Regular CC Minutes4176
TUESD.e.Y EV=G, ;-.=:,-E2=BER 19, 1916.
-fleeting coavened with Mayor F. .I -Lett presiding.
roll was called and Councthen Hammond, Morris, Erobst,
Roth, Smith, Stewart, Talker and VAlkens (8) were noted present. Absent:
President Bullock (1).
The minutes of the previous meeting. were -:roved re,
Claims against the General Fund amountin, ,174.07; against the
Police Fund amounting to 161.06; against the Fire Fund amounting to 4.62;
agt in
the Street Fund (Labor) amounting to 44.60; against the Street
Fund, (Material) amounting to 580.47; against the Health Fund amounting to
216.43; ap;ainst the Recreation 'i'und 06.02 and ie.ainst the Municipal
Dnprovement Ttund No. 11 amounting to ';5,161.50 havine; been approved and
audited by the proper officials were road by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved
that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll cell
carried unanimously.
The following were received:
The report of the Street Superintendent on the complaion of 6th
Street, between Lincoln venue and Pacific Avenue, the work having been
done by the Ransome Crummey Company. Ordered filed
The following communications :ere receive:
From John T. Byrne submittin[-, a proposition for ridding the City of
the Argentine Ant . Referred to the Health Committee and to the Board of
S. From Municipal Electric Light Plent submitting Auditor J. B. Hassett
balance sheet showing the asset . and liabilities of the Municipal
Electric Lip;ht Elant. Ordered filed.
From Auditor & Assessor F. J. Croll requesting permission to eaoloy
the necessary help for extending the tax roll for 1916. Mr. Hammond
moved that the request be p:ranted , seconded by Mr. Both and on roll call
carried unanimously.
o. -/ From the Police and Fire Coonission requesting the Council to
advertise for feed for the fire department for the ensuing year. Er.
Hammond moved that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids, seoonded
by Mr. iro'ost and on roll call carried unanimously.
r3 4 "° From H. Levinson complaining aainst the cost of electricity for
heating purnoses. Referred to the Electric night Commission end 2ublic
Utilities Committee.
Frorl Berry F. Brown Superintendent of Streets, Oakland, announcing
sale of automobile
acoseories etc. Ordered filed.
6. From City Engineer R. H. Jamison making a number of references relative
' to the ilprovement of Encinal Avenue between Park Avenue and Regent Street
and the removal of the spur track o said street
Ji 11T-Y. 11-i,rpnr1
was a necessity. The matter was referred to the Street Committee to reort
beck to the Council.
10. t/ Jr. :Hammond moved that the City Engiieer be instructed to prepare
plans ana specificatians for the improvement of Encinal Avenue beteieen
:17.eent Street and ear.k.. Avenue, seconded. by Ir. Vialker and carried.
11. ,/
resolution as follows vas received from the Board of Freeholders
now in session:
HEITEAS the Corincil of te t77 nf Alameda has consented to the
extension of time hereinafter specified;
NO'S,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVa by .the board of freeholders ef Vee.
City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled in the City Hall in
said City on this 13th day of September, ,1919, that the period of one
hundred twenty (120) days allowed by law to said board to prepare and
propose a charter for the government of said city be rnd is hereby
extended sixty (60) days, so that the said charter may be preeared
and proposed on or before the twenty-fifth day of November, 1916.
Frank Otis.
Brainard C.
A. P. St. Sure.
L. R. Weinmann
Pe jorgenson
A.0 Gott
A. Latham
Prank J. Healy
Tapp,en Lum.
Board of Freeholders of theCity Of
Alameda, Stte of Califernia.
12. 7rom the State Board of Health asking that the health officabe sent
to the convention at Viselia. Referred to the Board of Health.
16. \-/ From Street Superintendent V. M. Frociden urging thpt the curb be
placed on Central Avenue in front of the land about to be purchaed for the
H1th School. The matter was referred to City Attorney St. Sure.
. St.
Sure replied advisin that the Board of Education be requested to out in th
curb. Y • Hammend moved that the reco!=endatien be adopted seconded by Mr.;
Smith and carried.
From Auditor and Assessor oll givicig the tax rote for the interest
and redemption funds. Ordered filed.
15. From Finance Committee giving the fund amounts of the budget and
the tax rate for each fund for the ensuing fiscal year. Ordered filed.
16. / Probst introduced the following resolution arid ]noved its
RESOLVED, that the rate of city taxes to be levied and collect'
for the current fiscal year u'eon the assessed valuation of
the property a r.r
..)earin on the assessment books of the City of
Alameda, be and the sane is hereby determined and fixed
at one delle'r ana thirty cents (l.J0), on each one
hundred dollare of said proeerty; :?.Lad be it further
RESOLVED, that the -portion f the whole ef said rate which
shall belong to each particular fund ef the city and the
portions thereof belinging to each special eureose or
bonded indebtedness of the city, be and the same are hereby
specified and designate! as follows, to wit:
General Fund
Library Fund ).0615
Recreation Fund (to oay for the mLintenance
and improvement of the parks , sqvuores
.o,nd public Froonds of the city .0931
School Fund .0440
Street Fund .2407
Interest o,nd Redemption Fund. (to pay
the interest r:nd redemption Fond main-
tain t1e sinking funds of bonded
indebtedness o± the city, prior to
November. 8, 1910, 0.1717; since rov.
8, 1910, !:1159.
Total .2076
Relief Fund .0100
Total .60
seconded the motion to ado))t the Resolution and on roll call
it was dopted :Lnd pa.ssed by the following vote Councilman Hammond,
MOT:CiS, Probst, Roth, SNItJJ, :Ialker and Mkens (7) Not votins,Councilman
Stewart. Absent: President Bullock.,
17, .. Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. Neoo Series.
Providin for the acouirin by the City of Almeda
of certain weal roperty for the uce and eolefit
of the public echoolo of said City."
was presented and laid over under a provision of the Charter.
18. Mx. :likens reported that the Union Iron Vorks Company vias procuring
power by means of a cable which was extended across the estuary and into
the 0onpany1s privAe property ond also that he had. instructed S. F.
Oshland Terminal Raliways to proceed with t2le improvement of their portion
of -::ebster 6treot accord 0. to the guns submitted by them to the Co-omcil.
Er. Roth ain spoke Oh the mater of rchasin, power fro, an
outside com.00ny and urp:ed thot the matter ke looked into. It Irgs roferrod.
'to the City Attorney.
Mr. Roth also called attention to a bill of ;;4.75 which wa:: incurred
by the Municipal Reference :Burou and moved that sum equal to -the omount be
allowed to cover the bill seconded by Mr. Halmnmd L,ond on roll call carried
21. Mr. Roth reported also on the ilatter of the alteration in the library
for the childrens room on stated that it was necessary to revise the plans
and that an effort would be r:ILle to reoort back at the next meeting of the
Council. The matter was left with the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee.
22, Mr. Roth reported also thoLt 65 additional street 2iP;RS had been nut up
o.ud that more were in contempltion.
PS. Mr, Probst moved that the 2olice and Fire Commis ion be requested
to pre.oare specifications for one piece of motor driven apparatus, provision
for which hL5 been made in. the budget seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll call
carried unonimously.
There being no further business to transact e Council z:,Ldjourned to
meet in recular session Tuesay Evening, dctober J, 1916, at 6 O'clock.
Respectfully submitted,