1916-10-03 Regular CC MinutesREGUL,',R 1:1.PLm1210 OP Tra COUNCIL_ 01 THE 012Y OF ,A L:Ea,
TUES-Yv 17,7=TNO, OCTOBER 3RD, 1916.
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. 3artiett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Morris, Probst, Smith, Stewart,
Talker an ilhens were noted present. Councilman Hammond arrived later and
was noted present. Absent: Councilman Roth and President Bu lock.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
Mr. Probst introduced the following tcsolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that the
sum of Mine Hundred and 00/100 (900.00) Dollars, be trans-
ferred from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and
Redemption Fund, to pay the interest due October lot,
1916, on the outstanding electric light bonds authorised
in 1907.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby anihorised to
malhe such transfer upon their resectivo books.
Mr. 'aiker sec,-,nded the motion to adopt the Resolution and it was ado-9ted and
passed by the foil ov;iig vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Morris, Probst, Smith,
Stewart Talker and T7ilkens, (6). Hces:rone. Absent :Councilmen Hammond and
Rot and President Bullock, (3).
Claims against the General Fund amountinfr to '::2556.12; against the
Police Fund amounting to l2.75; against the Street Fund, Labor, amounting
to 6.88: against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to 5210.92;
against the Library Fund amounting to z150.150; against the Electric Light
Fund amounting to ::;1930.07; against the Recretien Fund amounting -4- •401.19;
aainst the Special Street Construction Fund amounting to 8904.27 and
against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11, amounting to 19,414. 25, having
been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk.
Mr. V2alker moved that the claims es read be -1)a id, seconded. by hr. VAlhens
and on roll call carried by the followi 2: vote : - 4es:Councilmen 1:forris,
Stewart, !::alker and VAlkens, (6). .T.Toes:None. Absent :Council
men Hammond. and Roth, and President Bullock, (3).
The following were received:
The Affidavits of aopoiritocnt of F. J Croll, A. F. St. Sure and
2. B. Bosshard as Commissioners for the widening, of Lincoln ',venue under
Resolution of Intention ITo. 22 Mew Series, and as Commissioners for the widening
of Santa Clone. Avenue under Resolution of Intention Ho. 21, Mew
the Oaths of Office of the same Comissioners. Ordered filed.
The Pound report for the month of S
Series. Also,
tembor, 1016. Ordered fila.
Corrected budget for 1916-1917. Ordered filed.
2 / The Elevator Safety Orders submitted by the Industrial Accident Com
Ordered filed.
The Auditor's receipt for the slim of P387.77 as returned premium
OA State Compensation Insurance Fund policy ro. 11974. Ordered filed.
Tire folloin co-,,Imunicati'ons were received..
L *
October 5
ebster Streot and the Union Iron 7:02kG. Referred to the Streot Committee.
l'rom President E. B. Bullock sueoting that a suitable case 1 e
provided to hold the new Luniciy?al banner, n1 tht the Building and
Grounds Committee be empowered to purchase the same. 11r. 'ialker moved
that the recommendtion be adopted, seconded by 1.:fr. -Lilkens and carried.
by the following vote:- Ayes :Councilmen Morris, d?robst Smith, Stewart
:alker and -:ilkens, ( ITees:ITone. Absent:Councilmen Hammond and T'oth
ana President Bullock, (3).
6. // '2rem President E. 3. Bullock cLi1in attention to the fact that
the Safi P-rancisce, Oakland Terminal Railways was indebted to the City in
tlw: sum of :660.50 for culverts ,laced an Santa ClarD Avenue by the
t7:eet Deartment. Llse, that a percentage oz--ment for two quarters
beTi.oninp: :arch 1s t, 1916 ?:lnc:1 ending L]eptemlier .)0th, 1916, under Ordinance
-Jo. 262 had not been paid. A communicatin of a similar nature was
received Street Stroerintondent V. M. Frodden. ,tr. 1robst moved
that the City Attorney be instructed to take up the matter with the
Compny, seconded by Er. ;:iih"ens and carried.
From Stroet Superintendent, V. Li. Frodde o, reccending the
removal of two lare eucalyptus tn growing on the west side of 2earl
Street, between s'ana Clara Avenue a& Lincoln .Lvenue. A ',:;etition sined
by nineteeT1 resiaents o± the vicinity was also presented urgins the re-
movl of the trees. The mtter was referred to the Street Comittee.
From Hutchinson Cemr)any, presenting a certified copy of
contract entered into with the owners of property on Second Strect,
between Pacific Avenue n Cypre:.s Street Y_md re sting permission
to Troceed with the work. A comunicc.tion from Street i vporintendent V.
Fro en accomnied the same recomeildinF that the request be Tsranted
o tn. the time finet for com)letion be forty days Tram date. Er.
ILmmnond moved that the reTlest Of Hutchinson Company be ,rt:1-tted, subject
to the recominendrn as recemmeded by Street Superintendent Fredden,
seconded 'L,y Smith and. ca..rried.
9. / ;:rom Janitor, J Byrne, reqe iaa permission to tike his
annul vacc,tion ber=j-:LLin Octobe 16th, 1916. Er. Probst moved thE%t the
request be !-LLTanted, seconded by ldr. Smith and crriod.
10. 'from the 3oard of Education, requestin the condemnation of the
property owned by A. 7:elf and described as follows:- "Lot 24, 1:c.p of
oroorty, .11Lieda, California." A counication was also received
from proL,esiny mount offered by the :Doaro of
Education aJd stating that he was willing to accept 'J,5200.00 for his
oreperty. r. Hammond moved that the City .Ltterney be instructed
prsceedwith the condemntion ot the laud, seconded by Er. ilkons and
1Tom dT. i11iam Tappan Lum, resignin p,' as a member of the Board
,,,:duLection. Ordered filed.
282 CCtOIO rd, 1916.
City af 21.1meda, and also, that the Counc il may reouire such outside company
or corporation to obtain a franchise for ::)or"Laission to use tide lands. Piled.
Hr. Probst moved that the Doard of Electricity be requ,, ted to look into
the matter and ascertain if o. suitable service station could be 1c.ced on
the Est=y whereby electricity could be purchased and sold to consumers,
seconded by Id.r. Hammond .:Ynd carried. Dinager Christy of tho. Union. Iron
:jorhs Comany addressed the Council 3.rid stated that there was some mis-
ap-prehension axiEiting as to the position of the Company. I. i)otition and
a protest from Ben 1. Lamborn ap;ainst the purchase of electricity from an
outside Com-yany by the Union iron Tor',::s Company were Tresented and ordered
/ From Paul houa of the 3ou'6hern Pacific Company, in ::hich he
uaa,os that condition do aot wrxrant L:ne iciiia of a sinal or watchman
at Lvenue vrid '::obster Street. Orderee filed.
14. /
Vrom the 21.1b-lic Buildings an('i Grounds Committee reco=iendin that
the bids for the altnratian of the Library be rejected. Probst moved
that the reort be ado-)t seconded by anff'. carried.
From tb.e .Llameda iarove.ftent Club callinF the Council's attention
daner holes off the Llmeda beaches. Ordered filed,
From the Public Utilities Committee reT,ortinc, that the fire hydrants
had been installed on Sterling .Lvenue as requested by the Police and Fire
Commission: Ordered filed.
From the Public Utilities Committee statin that ±iey had taken
the matter of t'lle redaction of the olectric lir:ht rates up Tith the IT',oard of
Electricity and subitting a -iew rate as prepared by the 'i-oard of Electricity
for li7htinp; schedule, commercial li7htins service as follows:-
Based on the montly canvmption -ger moter.
5.0 cents ocr Kilowatt Hour for the .L.I..
4.0 VT II It IT TY TY next
3.0 It If If TV TT Ti TT
100 YAlowatt Hrs.
If If
Minimum 1I,onthlyCharge ;1.00 par meter.
Mr. Hammond moved that schedule be .ado-oted, seconded by Mr. ':ilkens
and on roll call crried unanimously.
From the Public Utilities Committee statinF; thc,t iko matter of
rt7tes for electricity when used for cookin )1.'oses had been taken u Jith
the 3::ard of Electricity and stIbmittinE a new scnedule as prepared by the
Loarl of Electricity as follows:-
CO0=3- 0=ULE.
:P,ased on tho .lonth17 consflon per m: ter.
5 cents -c)er Kilowatt Hour.
iinimum Lonthly Chare 40 cents »cr Kilowatt on the Bated
October Ord
1.1r. Hamond moved that the Schedule be dotetI seconded Mr. ':;i7kens and
OA roU call carried unanimous]. .
19. r Lr. HaATIond introduced the following ?esolutionand moved its
the 3outhern Eacific Company,a corporation, has
conveyed to the City of Alameda the following described real
property for use as a pu7c;lic street, to wit:
A:11 tat certain :parcel of real -,,oro-ocrt in the Cit y of
Alauaeda, County of Ala'zieda, State of Ck,.lifonia, Da ticular-
ly described follows, to wit:
Beojnning wt the point of intersection of the southerly
liae 0 -FLincoln enue (formerly Railroad Avenue) with
the westerly line of ath Street (formerly :Prospect Str
thence westerly alon the said southerly line of Lincoln
A.venue (forerly Railroa Avenue) a distance of fifty-
throe and 17/100 (53.17) feet; thence southeasterly on. a
curve to the iht vhose radius is three hundred fifty-six
an 245/7000 (556.245) feet, an.Lrc distance of one hundred
sixty-six and 04/100 (163.04) feet, plus or minas, to a
point -La the said westerly line of 8th Street (formerly
Prosoect Street) distant th:ereon one hundred fifty-five
and 72/100 (155.72) feet southerly from its introection
theroof nitO the said 2er,thcrly 1in of Lincoln Avenue
(forerly Railroad _::venue); thence northerly -11ong the
said westerly line of 8th Street (formerly Prospect
Street ) a distance of one hundred fifty-five and 72/100
(155.72 feet to the 'ooint 0±' beFeinning.
How therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the said conveyance of the Southern Pacific
Company, a corporation, to the Ciy of Almeda of said real
property, above described, be c-;&. sane is hereby accepted on
behalf of the Tablic and said real property is forever dedi-
cated, established, and set apart for -?.)-ablic uses as a public
Stewart seconded the motion to ado-ot the Resolution and on roll call it
was do-pted and passed unanimously.
A 3111 for
Ordinance Zo. New Series.
To Amend Section 8, Chapter 11, of Ordinance Yo. 1, Hew
Series, Known as the EuniciPal Code of the City of
Alameda, A-r)nroved January 14th, 1913; and to Amend 'Sec-
tion 12, or 0r6inance To. 12, TTew Series, by Re-enacting
said Sections as amended."
VMS prese-lited and lia over under a provision of the Charter.
A Bill for
"Ordinance "To. T.:ew Series.
Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda
of Certain Real 2roerty for the Use and Benefit of
the Public Schools of said City",
for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Probst moved thct the
Bill be amended by eliminatins Sections 2 and 3, which sections provided
Tor thc-gurchaseof the prope—: of Percy Riddle end Adolph Hecker. 1.1r.
:..Torris, seconded the motion an.d on roll call it was ::doted and 7)assed
vaanimously. Mr. Erobt then moved the adoption of the Orinr,f)ce as
amended, seconded 'oy Mr. Han.mond an on roll call, it was adopted and
oassed unnimously.
hr, ';:alker stated that there :,].(3 been no contract entered into with
the Times Star 0omony for the aCivc*rti2InR: vial:Leh had been
October ,'Ord, 1916,
1:fr. 7r,nontf! aru1 an roil call carried liz,animously.
22. 3tewart moved that the Board of Health be authorized to expend
te sum of '200.00 to exterminate the Arentine Ant in this City, in the
mr_nner as sursFested and recommended by Mr. J. T. Byrne, seconded by MI-.
Iofflmonr an(7, on roll call crried unanimously.
23 • Er. Probst called attention to the delapidated condition of the field
house in Lincoln Park, that the same was unsightly and in an insanitaxy
condition, an moved that the Yinance Committee be re -quested to ascertain
if an c2propriation not less than :1500.00 for a new :Pield House could
be made, seconded by Mr. Hammond a,nd carried.
There bein no farther business to transact the Council adjourned
to meet in repfalar session Tuesday- evening, October 17th 1916, at 8
es7ectfu11y submitted,
City Clerk of tie City of Alameda.