1916-10-19 Regular CC Minutes4176
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond Heuer, Morris, Probst,
Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock were noted present. Councilmen
Roth and Stewart, (2) were noted absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read.
President Bullock introduced the o11owing Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda,
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to the Recreation Fund the sum of Seven Hundred
and:00/100 (700.00) Dollars, as a loan, to be
deducted by the'Auditor from the first apportion
ment of Taxes for the ensuing year.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby
ed to make said transfer upon their respec
e books.
Mt. Heuer seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll
call it was adopted unanimously.
President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda, .
that there be transferred from the General Fund
to Municipal Improvement Fund, No. 9, Special
Sewer, the sum of Two Hundred and three and 70/100
(203.70) Dollars to pay accruing demands.
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authoriz-
ed to make such transfer upon their respective
Mr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll
call it was adopted unanimously.
President Bullock introduced the following Resolution and moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda
that there be transferred from the account of
F. J. Croll, Assessor, the sum of Eight thousand
and ninety-six and 78/100 (8096.78) Dollars,
Personal Property Taxes, collected by the City
Assessor and apportioned to the various Funds
as provided in the tax levy for the fiscal year
1915-1916, as follows; To the
General Fund 2322.53
Relief Fund 48.20
Health FUnd 193.75
Library Fund 317.60
Interest and Redenntion Fund 1145.11
Recreation Fund 463.64
Street Fund 1196,20
Special Street Construction Fund 2409.75
Total 8 8096.78
The Auditor
to make said
Treasurer are hereby authorized'
-anefer upon their respective
Er. Wilkens seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and On
October 19th, 1915.
it adoption:
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda that
there be transferred from the General Fund to Local
Improvement Fund No, 20, New Series, the sum of Two
Hundred and Fifty and 00/100 (250.00) Dollars, as a
loam, for accruing demands caused by the opening and
widehing of Encinal Avenue.
The Auditor and the Treasuror are hereby authorized
to ma-::e said transfer upon their respective books.
Mr. talker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on rol
it was adopted unanimously.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to .55; against the
Police Fund amounting to 124.77; against the Fire Fund amounting to '6208.62;
against the Street Fund amounting to 1016.15; and against Municipal Improve-
ment Fund. No. 8, Bay Farm Road, amounting to p322.65 having been approved
and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President
Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and
on roll call carried unanimously.
o additional claims were presented, one from the Times Star Co.
in the sum of ;)48.50, on the General Fund and one from Chas. A. McClure
in the sum of 065.00 on Municipal Improvement Fund. No. 9, Special Sewer.
President Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by
Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously.
The follweing were received:
1 Corrected budget for 1915-1916. Ordered filed.
2 Statement from the Chairman of the Finance Committee giving the
amounts allowed to each department, together with the,rate. Ordered filed.
An Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Sale of fire horses, harnew,
wheels, etc. Ordered filed.
4 An affidavit ,showing due Publication of Notice to Feed men inviting
bids for feed for the Fire Department for the year beginning, October 20th,
1915 and ending October 19th, 1916 was presented and ordered filed. In re-
sponse e to said Notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of four bids.
President Bullock motred that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Hammond and.
carried. Thereupon the Olerk opened the bids and. read as follows:-
From Rhodes-Jamiesola & Co. accompanied by a certified check for
50 tons, red oat hay at 18.00 per ton.
125 balesof straw at per bale.
20,000 lbs. red oats at '1;1.70 per cwt.
0,000 lbs. bran at 1.70 per cwt.
From A. H. Koerber, accomPanied by a certified check for 0_50.00.
125 balesof straw et 3.69 per bale, net.
20,000 lbs, best oats, 31.69 per cwt. net.
8,000 lbs. bran at 1.69 per cwt. net.
From Scott, Magner & Miller, accomeanied by a certificd check for
50 tons red oat hay at 18.40 per ton.
125 bales of straw at 75 dents per bale.
20,000 lbs. oats at .:W5.50 per ton.
8,000 lbs. bran at .35.00 per ton.
From The Producer's Hay Company accompanied by a certified check
for 150.00.
50 tons hay at 319.00 per ton.
October 19th, 1915,
Mr. Hammond moved that the bids be referred. to the Police, Fire and Tater
Committee and to the Police and Fire Commission, and that a recess of five minutes
be taken so that the Committee and Commie on could report, seconded by Mr. Walker
and carried.
Upon reconvening Councilman. Hamnond, Heue Morris robst, Walker, Wilkens
and President Bullock, (7j were noted present. Councilmen Roth and Stewart were
noted absent.
The Police, Fire and Water Committee reported that the bid of Rhodes-Jamieson
Co. for 50 tons of hay a t 18.00 per ton; of A. H. W. Koerber for 125 bales of
straw at 4.69 per bale, net and 20,000 lbs. best oats at 4.69 per cwt. net and
of The Proucer's Hay Company for 8,000 lbs of bran at '33.00 per ton were the
lowest bids. Mr. Walker moved that the report be adopted and that the contracts
be awarded accordingly and that the certified checks be returned to the un-
successful bidder, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call unanimously adopted.
The following Communications were reCeived:
From Treasurer, Oswald Lubbock, giving a report of the auction sale
held by him at which fire horses, haraess, etc. were sold. Mr. Walker moved that
the amount raised by the same be placed in the General Fund, seconded by Mr.
BullocTh End carried.
From the _Police and Fire Commission stating that the Commission had
made thorough tests of the two Packard Chassis for use of the Fire Department
and that they had been found to meet with all the requirements of the specifica-
tions and that the same had been accepted and placed in service. Ordered filed.
A claim in the sum of 5600,00 for the same was then presented. and Mr.
Walker moved that it be paid, seconded by Morris on roll call carried
8 From the Finance Committee recommending that the Recreation Commission
eliminate certain items in their budget so that 01,000 could be'used for water.
Teferred to the Recreation Commi ssion.
9 From the Street Superintendent, stating that the work of construct
a sewer in Central Avenue, from the center line of Page Street to the center
line of Webster Street, done by W. F. Whitmore under private contract had been
completed to his satisfaction. Ordered filed.
10 From the Alameda Improvement Club requesting the Council to take some
action to have electroliers placed on Webster Street, between Atlanti Avenue
and the Estuary. Referred to the Board of Electricity.
11 From the Alameda Improvement Club asking the Council to take come action
o prevent the scattering of oil upon'the waters of the Bay. Ordered filed.
iLnan Hammond and Mayor Bartlett both reported that efforts have been made
to top the scattering of the oil and that the State Fish and Game Comrnission
which has the matter in charge has endeavored to prosecute cases where it is
known by them that the oil was not properly caredfor. Prosecution however has
proved difficult as the Commission was unable to actually see the oil scattered.
12 From the Alameda Improvement Club requesting the Council to improve
October 19
in this City. Referred to the Public UtilitieS Committee.
14 From Mrs. A. C. Levinson calling attention to a depression in the street
in front of her property at 938 Santa Clara Avenue. Referred to the Street
15 y/ From theMooseBall. Association requesting permission to hold a Street
Carnival t Encinal Avenue and Park Avenue from November 9th to 14th inclusive.
This to be similar to previous carnivals held by this Association. Mr. 7:alker
moved that the request be granted, seconded by Er. Hammond and
From A. L. Louder and others calling attention to the danger of children
playing in McKinley Park, from autos passing the entrance of that park. Referred
to the Police, Fire and Water Committee.
17 V From the California Conference on City Planning, asking the Council
to take some action on Proposition Ne. 8, which will be voted on October 26th.
Referred to the Public Utilities Committee.
18 // Two from W. B. Townsend in which he stated that dogs are no longer
being muzzled in other cities and requests that the Council take some action
for removing he muzzles on dogs in this city. Both communications were re-
ferred to the Board of Health.
From Geo. A. Anderson, dal inrc the Council attention to a broken
sidewalk on Lincoln Avenue, near Lastick Station. Referred to the Super-
intendent of Streets.
From the State Railroad Commission asking for suggestions on a
State-wide inquiry in the rates, rules and regulations of the Pacific
elephone and Telegraph Company covering all the Company's local exchanges in
lifornia. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Public
Utilities Committee, with pewer to act, seconded by Er. Walker and carried.
21 From The Police and Fire Commission requesting the purchase of a spring
stretcher, e sliding floor and door for the police ambulance. Referred to the
Finance Committee,
From the Building and Engineering news requesting the Council to
advertise in the columns of that magazine. Ordered filed.
22 From City Attorney St. Sure stating that the municipality could
not prevent the maintenance of the Junk Shop or the sign complained of by
residents living in the vicinity of Buena Vista Avenue and Webster Street. Order-
ed filed.
23 From the Board of Education requesting the Council to purchase the
'hyte and Polite° property adjoinina. the Lincoln School, A lo a communication
from sixteen resicient petitioning against the purchase of said property. Presi-
dent Bullock moved that the report of the Board of Education be adopted, secoi
ed by Ur. Wilkens. Mr. Hammond moved to amend that the same be referred again
to the next Committee of the Whole meeting, seconded by MR. Probst and carried
by the following vote: Ayes :Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Prost, Walker and Wilkens.
Noes:Councilmen Heuer and President Bullock, (2). Absent:Councilmen Roth and
Stewart, (2).
24 From the Western Union Telegrap.h Company to Councilman Wilkens stating
that the free delivery limits in the City of Alameda would embrace all that
October 19th, 1915.
charge to the subscribers.
Bill entitled,
To Amend Section 784, Chapter X, of Ordinance No.
. 1, New Series, Known as The Municipal Code of the
City of Alameda, approve. January 14th, 1913, by
Re-enacting said. Section as Amended"
came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. The Bill was laid over until
the next Committee of the Whole meetil
President Bullock introduced a Bill entitled
"A Bill
To Amend Section 6, Chapter II, of Ordinanae
No. 1, New Seires, known as The Municipal Code
of the City of Alameda, approved January 14th,
1913 by Re-enacting said Section as Amended"
which was laid over under a provision of the Charter.
President Bullock introduced a Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. iew Series.
To Amend Section 9, Chapter I of Ordinance N
1, New Series, known as The Municipal Code of
the City of Alameda, approved January 14th 1913,
by Re-enacting said Section as amended."
which was lei' over under a provision of the Charter.
Mr. Walker placed in nomination as a meber of the Board of Heal h,
vice Dr. J. A. Riley resigned, Thos. H. Haskins. Mr. Probst seconded the
nomination and on roll call Mr. Haskins was elected unanimously.
Mr.Wilkens ealled attention to a dangerous guy wire in Jackson Park and
oved, seconded b- Mr. Hammond and carried that the Recreation Commission
look into the matter. He also called attentioneto the dumping of refuse
at the foot of Park l'Ivenue and moved, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried
that the Street Superintendent look into the matter.
27 Mr. Hammond asked of Mayor Bartlett as to the action taken by the original
Committee appointed by the Connell and the neyor to investigate the official
acts of Mr. Hammond. Mayor Bartlett stated that no action had been taken
by the Committee and as there apPeared a deadlock as to the appointment of a
third person he had appointed another Committee which would make an
investigation. Mr. Hammond then moved that Messrs. E. K. Taylor and J. S.
McDowell represeeting the Mayor and Council respectively, that they investi-
gate all of the official aots of himself during the tenure of his office and
that the Clerk be instructed to notify them, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
Mr. Hammond called attention to the need of improvirg Sixth Street
between Lincoln and Pacific Avenues and that the owner, Oscar L. Rogers, declined
to give a deed to the property unless the city bore the expense of the improve-
ment after the dedication. He moved that the matter be referred to the City
Attorney to ascertain i suck an agreement could be made, seconded by :Ir.
Probst and carried.
29 Mr. Probst called attention to the difficulty certain tax payers would
have in making the payment on their taxes and moved, seconded by Mr. ;7alker
and carried that the City Attorney ascertain if the date of delinquency could