1916-10-24 Regular CC MinutesilDjOURITED .117,210-ULI1 L riG 07 THE C0Ui0 IL 01' 714'E
':,7:171-70, OCT. 24TH 1913.
The meetin convened with Mayor P. H. 3r_rtlett i)r iding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Morris, Roth "mjAh, Stewart and
President Bullock., (5), were noted present. Councilmen Hammond and Probst,
(2) arrived later und were noted lyresent. Absent :Councilmen 11ker and
) •
The following communications were receiv-,
. 1. V From .1;yor Bart1',tt ap-oointing John Reardon a member of the B
of Education, vice Tappan Dim resigned. 1::70 Smith moved that the
apl)ointment be confirmed, seconded by ir. Roth and carried by the .co11ow1n8
vote:- :Councilmen Norris, 'loth, Smith, Stewart and 2resident BuJaock,
Noes :Ione. Absent:Councilmen Hammond, Probst 'alker and 'ilkens,
Irom the Pitchburg ir;oci,a1 and Im-orovement Club offerinP: to co-
operate witici he City in heipina to secure a naval bftse on San Leandro Bali.
,airdered filed.
I Bill entitled
7.or Ordinance Ka. New Lieries.
Estblishing the Curb C.1-ade 77Viorvks Street
.From the Easterly line of the Southern Ptcific
Rintht 7ay to the Easterly line of Geheter Street."
came up for pase and was ,read by the Clerk,, President Bullocl: moved
that the Ordinance be adoted., seconded by tr. Morris ;:md on roll call
ado'pted anai 'pased by the fo110 IriG vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Morris Roth,
Snith, Stewart, and President Bullock, 5).-7,oes:Zone. Absent:Councilmen
Hammond, Probst,,V,alhrer and 'nilltens,
Er. Hammond introduced the -4following Ies oluti on and ,,noved ita
1-1-EOLVED, that the Th3.1.noor of the City of X1amccia
be, c,r1C, he is hereby ordered 1w -orepare plans aria
coecific;ations for the ,c) lo io
improveent to be ;tiade in sai(1 City, to wit:-
The i roveflient of 0 orhe -LAreet from the :Eaeterly
line of ::ebter '::;treet to the liestorly lihe of the
6cluann - X.innt oi as fo11,
That the entire width of Baid. !:,:tret, between. &aid
liLits, be irso(:: to the official srad.e.; thct redood
ourbinE., four inchcF.', by twelve inches in. oloss soc-
tich dineaeloa, he laiO loho: the o,urb lines of 2aij
treet; that v.:routed rock 5nAt-',Gers of tho "flat '0,LThni"
two feet six incheo (2'6) in width ana six (6) in(noo
in thiness, be cohstucted slonj the Iscgray
ano canlAsuous to 8LL1(I our bins; that tho remoinins
-z).,..a-ta of the roadway, bet-i:oe:a saia"ncrilts, be
mized -,TiLh of oilocaJoro ten (10) inches in. thicimess.
1..12. Bullock seconed the sietien to ad.o!A the I'Leselution Lehd, on roll call it
w:ts sd ,ted -;:14ssed the followino- vote:- A-,,es:Coluden
suewnri„ sad 'ulloch (6). .7oes::one.
eht:councilmen 2roi)t,t 0 alhei ,nfr'" Alhea, (0).
2inns afid for the above ioaroueoent were p71.osetod by
Octobe 2,1th, 3916.
by Mr. 2oth and 011 roll call crxried unnimously.
Bill 011ti'61ed
"A 13111
1'0r Ordinance 10. Hew aeries.
Providinp2 for the ,,cciuirng by the City of ZlamodP,
of Certain 1e111 Property for the 1126 and Benefit
of the 7-0ThIlic achool of sid City."
was precento laid over ander a nrovision of the Charter.
2robst moved that when tho Council c_djourn it adjourn to meet
in r.),(ajourned rulf:-..r session, ]rid1,--,y evening, Cct,,Ther 27th, 1916, at
6 o clock, econded by Mr. Roth r.Ind carried.
3. K Mr. Morris' asked of t;le Li,ncoin ii,venue V:idening Commission, at wt
price the lrlad could be purchased for the widening of said .Lvenue, whereupon
he was informed that Mrs. 7:rosier would cell for N)0.00, plus the cosi
o" Mayin the sidewalk • Mr. Merris moved that the purchase upon these
co-nditions be made, seconded iY 6r. Hammond n6 on roll 6:-:-CL1 oted gnd
:ssed nfcnjmonsly.
President 3ullock called att.ention to the need
11 new fltIg for the
1'y Fall, and moved that the sum of :':;12000 be cpirroprited to buy one,,
secon,Jod by IT. Stewart sn1 on roll call carried unanimously.
There bein57 no ±urther business to transact the Council adjourned
to meet in adjourned remllar session Friday evening, Octobe-)' 27th, 1916,
at 6 o'clock.
7esoectfu11y submitte,
le k.