1916-11-16 Regular CC Minutes4176
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and. Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Smith, Stewart,
Walker, Wilkens and President Bullock (7) were noted present. Councilman
Roth arrived later and was noted present Absent:Councilman Probst.
The following communicationswere received:
1. From the Southern Pacific Company protesting the improvement of Works
Street under Resolution of Intention No. 33, New Series. Ordered filed. Mr.
B. W. Perrin spoke on behalf of the Company urging that the work be not done.
Mr. Hammond moved that all action taken be rescinded, seconded by Mr. Stewart
and carried.
2. 1/ From Mrs. J. M. Alford, requesting the permission of the Council to
remove trees from in front of her property at 2208 Clinton Avenue. Referred
to the Street Committee.
3. / Petitiomsigned by four hundred and fifty-one residents of the City of
Alameda protesting against the proposal to give the Garbage contract to the
Consolidated Service Company were presented and ordered filed. City Attorney
St. Sure offered an opinion as to the legality •of such a procedure. Ordered
filed. Mr. Walker moved that the matter be laid on the table indefinitely,
seconded by Mr. Wilkens. Mr. Stewart urged that such action be not taken and
a general discusSion pertaining to the merits of the scheme followed. Mr.
Walker then amended his motion to reject the offer of the Consolidated Service
Company, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried.
4. v Mr. Walker moved that the bid of A. H. W. Koerber for furnishing feed
for the Fire Department be accepted, seconded by Mr. Wilkens and carried.
5. Mr. Morris moved that the Board of Electricity prepare a scheme for the
purchase of electric power from outside Companies and submit the same to the
Council, seconded by Mr. Talker and carried.
6. Mr. Wilkens called attention to the bad condition of the roof of the band-
stand in Jackson Park and moved that the same be referred to the Park and
Playground Committee to reshingle, with power to act, s000nded by Mr. Walker
and carried.
7. / Mr. Stewart moved that the City Attorney prepare an Ordinance prohibiting
heavy traffic from using Central Avenue, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried
by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Morris, Roth, Smith, Stewart, Walker
and Wilkens, (6). Noes:Concilman Hammond, (1). Excused from voting:Council
president Bullock, (1). Absent:Councilman Probst, (1).
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet
in regular session Tuesday evening, November 21st 1916, at 8 o'clock
Respectfully submitted,