1916-11-21 Regular CC Minutes304
The meeting convened with Mayor F.H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Probst, Roth, Smith,
and President ,Bullock, (5) were noted present. Councilmen Morris and Stewart
arrived later and were noted present. Absent:Councilmen Walker and Wilkens
The Minutes of the Regular meeting of November 8th were approved as
The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 13th were
approved as read.
The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 16th were
approved as read.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to $156.99; against the
Police Fund amounting to $144.16; against the Fire Fund amounting to $1,111.43;
against the Street Fund, Material, amounting to $706,70; against the Street,
Fund (Labor) amounting to 0817.50; against the Health Fund amounting to $270.40;
against Special Street Construction Fund,amounting to :P73*30; andlagainst
Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to $6 624.00 having been approved
and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President
Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Hammond and
on:roll call carried unanimously.
The following communications were received:—
1. From Mayor F. H. Bartlett, asking the Finance Committee to explain
why twoper cent reductions are not made on printing and advertising bills.
Ordered filed.
2. From the State Railroad Commission calling attention to the appli-
cation of the Pacific Tel.ephone and Telegraph Company for certificate to
exercise the rights and privileges conferred under the franchise granted by
the City of Alameda by Ordinance No. 30, NeW-Series. A meeting on the same
is to be held December 4th, 1916, at 10 o'clock. Referred to the city
Attorney and Public Utilities Committee.
From F. G. Rexford, requestinga gratuitous license to peddle
peanuts and popcorn.As the same bore the endorsement of John Conrad, Chief
of Police, Mr. Stewart moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr.
Smith and on roll call carried unanimously,
3. From Carl T. Doell, requesting permission to install a five
hundred gallon tank to be located on the north side of Haight Avenue, about
forty feet from the curb line of Webster Street. Mr. Hammond moved that it
be referred to the Fire Chief with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and
From Street Superintenden V. M. Froddgen, recommending that before
November 21st, 1916..
between Oak and Union Streets be installed and the gutters relaid and grout-
ed. Also, that the property owners be notified to install concrete curb-
ing within thirty days. Mr. Hammond moved that the recommendation be adopt-
ed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
5. V From Street Superintendent, V. M. Frodden, stating that Buena
Vista Avenue, from Webster Street to Park Street, was in need of scarifying
and recommending that the same be done. Mr. Hammond moved that the recommenda-
tion be adopted, seconded by Mr. Roth and carried.
6. From Encinal Parlor No. 156, N.D.G.W and Alameda Parlor No. 47,
N.S.G.W. announcing a grand opening ball at the new Surf Beach Pavilion.
Ordered filed.
7. / From B. W. Linderman, offering a compromise proposition toward the
improvement of Central Avenue, west of Fernside Boulevard. The compromise
consisted in the property owners paying an amount which would cover-ordinary
curbing grading and macadamizing, and the city pay the difference in
cost for the laying of concrete base and asphaltic wearing surface. The
Linderman's agreed also to deed to the city the piece of land lying
between Fernside Boulevard and the present Central Avenue terminus,: The
City Attorney stated that that was already a public street as was.also that
portion lying east of Fernside Boulevard and extending to San Leandro Bay.
Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney enter into an agreement with the
Lindermans as per their recommendations, seconded by Mr Stewart and
The Clerk then stated that he had two resolutions prepared calling for
the election on JanuF.ry 9th, 1917, one providing for twenty-one precincts
and the other for forty-two precincts. Mr. Hammond moved that the resolution
providing for twenty-one precincts be adopted seconded by Mr. Stewart Former
Mayor Frank Otis, President of the Board of Freeholderp,addressed the Council
and urged that forty-two precincts be used in order to have a full expression
of the vote. Mr. Geo. Dillman, Vice-president of the Board of Freeholders
spoke likewise. Mr. Hammond thereupon moved that forty-two precincts with
four election officers to a precinct be established, seconded by Mr. Probst
and carried. Mr. Hammond then introduced the following Resolution and moved
its adoption:-
WHEREAS, a Board of Freeholders was duly elected at a
special municipal election held May 23rd, 1916, and
said Board duly qualified to prepare and propose a
new Charter for the city of Alameda; and
WHEREAS, said Board of Freeholders did on October 26th,
1916, file in the office of the City Clerk said pro-
posed charter; and
WHEREAS, said preposed charter was published on the
1st day of November, 1916, in The Evening Times Star
and Alameda Daily Argus; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Council hereby declares its in-
tention to call and order a special election to be
held in said city on the 9th day of January, 1917, for
November 21st 1916.
RESOLVED, that the election precincts for said election
be and they are hereby numbered from one (1) to forty-
two (42) inclusive, and the election precincts and the
polling places therein shall be and the same are hereby
described and designated as follows to wit:-
Description:- All of said city lying east of the cent-
er line of High Street and south of the center line of
Encinal Avenue and all that portion of Bay Farm Island
lying within the charter limits of the City of Alameda.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent, located at the
southeast corner of High Street and Encinal Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying east of the center
line of High Street and north of the center line of
Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of High Street and Central Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of High Street; north of the center line of Encinal
Avenue; east of the center line of Mound Street; north
of the center line of Santa Clara Avenue; east of the
center line of Versailles Avenue extended northerly to
the Tidal Canal.
Location of Polling Place:- Basement of the Lincoln
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Pearl Street and Mound Street and the center
lines of Santa Clara Avenue and Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of Versailles Avenue and Central Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Versailles Avenue and High Street and south of
the center line of Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of Mound Street and Encinal Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Versailles Avenue and Broadway; and south of
the center line of Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
east corner of San Jose Avenue and Pearl Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Broadway and Park Avenue and south of the
center line of Encinal Avenue..
. Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of Regent Street and San Jose Avenue.
Description:- Al]. of said city lying between the center
lines of Pearl Street and Park Avenue and the center
lines of Encinal Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of Broadway and Central Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Broadway and Versailles Avenue extended to
the Tidal Canal and north of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Lincoln Avenue and Pearl Street.
Description;-A1]. of said city lying between the center
lines of Broadway and Park Street and north of Santa
Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- House located at 2421 Webb
November 21st, 1916.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Park Street; north of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue; west of the center line of Walnut Street;
south of the center line of Lincoln Avenue; east of the
center line of Oak Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Store located at 1517 Park
Description:- Al]. of said city lying west of the center
line of Park Avenue; north of the center line of Encinal
Avenue; west of the center line of Park Street and north
of the center line of San Antonio Avenue; east of the
center line of Oak Street; south of the center line of
Santa Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Store located at the north-
west corner of Park Street and Encinal,Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Park Avenue; south of the center line of Encinal
Avenue; east of the center line of Park Street; south
of the center line of San Antonio Avenue and east of the
center line of Oak Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
west corner of Park Street and San Jose Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Oak Street and Walnut Street and south of the
center line of San Antonio Avenue'.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
west corner of Clinton Avenue and Laurel Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Oak Street and Walnut Street and between the
center lines of San Antonio Avenue and Santa Clera Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Basement of the High Sohcol.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Oak Street; north of the center line of Lincoln
Avenue; east of the center line of Walnut Street; north
of the center line of Buena Vista Avenue; east of the
center line of Mulberry Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
west corner of Elm Street and Buena Vista Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Mulberry Street; south of the center line of
Buena Vista Avenue;west of the center line of Walnut
Street; north of the center line of Santa Clara Avenue;
east of the center line of Willow Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
east corner of Pacific Avenue and Willow Street.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Willow Street; south of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue; west of the center line of Walnut Street;
north of the center line of Alameda Avenue; east of the
center line of Chestnut Street; south of the center line
of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Basement of the Haight
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Walnut Street and Willow Street and south of
the center line of Alameda Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of San Antonio Avenue and Willow Street.
DEscription:- All of said city lying between the center
November 21st, 1916.
• Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of San Antonio Avenue and Chestnut Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Chestnut Street and Grand Street; south of
the center line of Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of San Antonio Avenue and Lafayette Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Chestnut Street and Union Street and the center
lines of Lincoln Avenue and. Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Central Avenue and Lafayette Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Willow Street and Chestnut Street and north
of the center line of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Stanford Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Chestnut Street and Hibbard Street and north
of the center line of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Buena Vista Avenue and Schiller Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Union Street and Paru Street and between the
center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Encinal Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
east corner of Grand Street and Central Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Grand Street; south of the center line of Enci-
nal Avenue; west of the center line of Paru. Street; south
of the center line of Central Avenue; east of the center.
line of Morton Street; north of the center line of San
Jose Avenue; east of the center line of Paru Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of San Antonio Avenue and Paru Street.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Paru. Street; north of the center line of Central
Avenue; east of the center line of Benton Street; north
of the center line of Santa Clara Avenue; east of the
center line of Morton Street; south of the center line
of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Stanton Street and Santa Clara Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the canter
lines of Hibbard Street and Benton Street extended to
Oakland Harbor and north of the center line of Lincoln
Location of Polling Place:- Tent.located at the north-
west corner of:Pacific Avenue and Stanton STreet.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
line of Benton Street extended to Oakland Harbor and the
center line of St. Charles Street extended to Oakland
Harbor and north of the center line of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:•Stare located at 1121 Lincoln
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Morton Street; south of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue; west of the center line of Benton Street;
north of the tenter
Line of nentrel Avenna. an;vE nf 4-11e1
November 21, 1916.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Sherman Street.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Morton Street; south of the center line of
San Jose Avenue; west of the center line of Para Street;
east of the center line of St. Charles Street and south
of the center line of Central Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
east corner of San Antonio Avenue and Bay Street.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
line of St. Charles Street and Ninth Street and south
of the center line of Central Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
west corner of Caroline Street and. Central Avenue.
Description:- Al]. of said city lying west of the center
line of Bay Streetl east of the center line of Caroline
Street; south of the center line of Santa Clare. Avenue;
east of the center line of Verdi Street and between the
centfir lines of Central Avenue and Lincoln Avenue.
Location-of Polling Place:- Basement of the Mastick
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of St. Charles Street extended to Oakland Harbor
and Ninth Street extended to Oakland Harbor and north
of the center line of Lincoln Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Pacific Avenue and Chapin Street.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Verdi Street; north of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue; west of the center line of Caroline Street;
east of the center line of Ninth Street and between the
center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Central Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north
west corner of Mozart Street and. Santa Clara Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Ninth Street and. Webster Street; south of the
center line of Santa Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Basement of the Washington
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Ninth Street and Webster Street and the center
lines of Lincoln Avenue and Santa Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Store located at 1540 Webster
Description:- All of said City lying between the center
lines of Ninth Street extended to Oakland Harbor and
Webster Street; and north of the center line of Lincoln
Location of Polling Place:- Store located at the north-
east corner of Eighth Street and Lincoln Avenue.
Description:- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Webster Street and Fifth Street extended to
Oakland Harbor and north of the center line of Santa
Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
east corner of Lincoln Avenue and Sixth Street.
Description- All of said city lying between the center
lines of Webster Street and Fifth Street and south of
the center line of Santa Clara Avenue.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the southeast
November 2lst, 1916.
Description:- All of said city lying west of the center
line of Fifth Street; south of the center line of Haight
Avenue; west of the center lineof Third Street; south
of the center line of Locust Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the north-
west corner of Central Avenue and. Fifth Street.
Description:- All of taid city lying west of the center
line of Fifth Street; north of the center line of Haight
Avenue; east of the center line of Third. Street and
north of the center line of Locust Street.
Location of Polling Place:- Tent located at the south-
west corner of Fourth Street and Pacific Avenue.
Mr. STewart seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
was adopted and passed unanimously.
v Mr. Hammond moved that the officers be paid $ .00 per day for their
services seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
10. j Mr. Hammond moved that the Clerk be autherized to procure necessary
help to get out the sample ballots at a cost of 0.00 per day, seconded by
Mr. Stewart and carried'.
11. Mr. Smith introduced a Bill entitled
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Adding a new Section to the Municipal Code Relating to
the manner of Conducting Sale of _Intoxicating-Liquors.
which was laid over under a provision of the Charter.
12. Mr. Stewart offered a Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Establishing a Residence Distriot in the City of Alameda,
and Prohibiting the Maintenance, or Establishment,, or
Operation of Certain Industries, Businesses, or Occupa-
tions within said Residence District."
and also, a Bill entitled
13. v' "A Bill
Declaring and Dedicating Central Avenue from the Western
line of Sherman Street to the Eastern Line of Fernside
Boulevard, a Public Boulevard, and Regulating the Use of
Mr. Hammond moved that both Bills be referred to the Committee of the Whole
before introduction, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
14. I/ The Clerk announced that the proposition of purchasing a new park and
playgrouhd for the north side came up as a special matter of business having
been referred to this meeting by action of the Council taken at their regular
meeting held Wednesday evening, November 8th, 1916. Mr. Hammond urged that
a new park and playground be provided, as did also Mr. Probst. Messrs.
Stewart and Roth stated that they felt that no additional playground space
was necessary. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Park and
Playground Committee to report back to the Council seconded by Mr. Probst
and carried.
15. Mr. Hammond called attention to the frequent statements in the newspapers
regarding launching of vessels from the Union Iron Wyrks Company, in which
credit was given to cities other than the City of Alameda. He moved that the
be taken up at a Committee of the Whole meeting to take necessary action whereby
the City of Alameda would be given credit, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
November 21st4, 1916.
16. Mr. Hammond called attention to the fact that Central Avenue, between
Sherman Street and Fernside Boulevard is completed and that thirty-five days
must elapse between the completion and the final payment for the work. As
yet the City Engineer has been unable to prepare the final estimate and he
moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular
sessions Tuesday evening, NovezAber 28th, 1916, at which time the City
Engineer would present his final figures, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
17. / Mr. Hammond also brought up the matter .of the improvement of Works
Street and moved that new nroceedings for the same be begun, provided, that,
if possible, the expenses heretofore incurred be paid by the owners concerned,.
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
18. // Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the need of a new Club house for
Lincoln Park and moved that the Finance COmmittee be requested to ascertain
if a sum of money, not exceeding $2,000.00, could be raised to provide for the
construction of a new club house.
There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to
meet in adjourned regular meeting, Tuesday evening, November 28th, 1916, at
8 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk.