1916-12-06 Regular CC Minutes3 7
The meeting convened with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Morris, Probst, Roth
Smith, Stewart and President Buliock were noted present. Absent: Council
men Walker and Wilkens.(2).
The Minutes of the Regular meeting of November 21st were approved as
The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting' of November 28th were
approved° as read.
President Buliock intorduced the following Resolution and moved its
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda,
that there by transferred from the Electric Light
Fund to the General Fund, the sum of Five Thousand
Nine Hundred Twenty and 28/100 (5,920.28)Dollars,
same being an amount equal to the City Lighting
bills for the three months ending September 30th,
The Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby authorized
to make said transfer upon their respective books:
Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it
was adopted and passed unanimously.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to $4,52 6 ; against the
Police Fund amounting to $8.60; against the Street Fund(Material)amounting
to $1,833.40; against the Street Fund(Labor)amounting to $1,616.69; against
the Library Fund amounting to 0720.41; against the Electric Light Fund
amounting to $2,784.42; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 222.11;
against the Special Street Construction Fund amounting to $13,442.41; having
been approved by the proper officials were read by the Clerk. President
Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Mr. 'Hammond and
on roll call carried unanimously.
The following were received:-
The Auditor's annual report for the year ending June 30th, 1916
Ordered filed.
A quitclaim deed for Dora A. Jones and J. O. Jones to the City of
Alameda. Ordered filed.
An,apportionment,-: of taxes • Ordered filed.
The following communications were received:-
From Mayor F. H. Bartlett, stating that under the terms of contract
with the Times-Star Company for printing , by ordering certain supplies re-
ductions in the cost thereof could be made at a saving of the city effected.
Mr. Roth offered the following Resolution:-
December .5th
authorized and empowered to purchase for
the City of Alameda and in its name all
printing supplies that mey in his judgment
be needed for the various departments of the .
City of Alameda except in such cases as the
purchase of said supples is placed by law in
another officer, board or department of the
government of the City of Alameda.
Mr. Stewart moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Morris and in
roll'call carried by the following vote:- Ayes, Councilmen Morris, Probst, Roth
Smith and Stewart. Noes, Councilmen Hammond and 2resident BuliOck. Absent:
Councilmen Walker and Wilkens.
./ Mayor Bartlett offered the following Resolution:-
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Alameda
that the Mayor of the City of Alameda be,and
he is,hereby authorized and empowered to make all
appointments to the committees of the Council; to
change the personnel of said committees; to add to
the list of standing committees and to abolish any
of said committees,
Mr. Hammond moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr.Stewart and on
roll call was adopted and passed unanimously.
4. / Mayor Bartlett then submitted a tentative list of ouno11 committees as
follows:- Public Utilities Roth, Morris.
Police, Fire & Water, Morris, Smith, Roth.
Streets, Sewers & Wharves Stewart Walker.
Park & Playground, Smith, Walker.
Printing & Advertising, Walker Stewart, Roth.
Public Buildings & Grounds, Stewart, Roth.
License Probst Smith, Roth.
Further communications:From Mayor F. H. Bartlett, submitting a letter re-
ceived by him from J. C.Breitwiser urging the adoption of an,ordinance which would
create a residence zone and industrial zone within the City of Alameda. Both
communications were ordered filed. Mr. Roth moved that some action on the
matter be taken and that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole .
Meeting to be held Friday evening, December 15th, 1916, seconded by Hr. Hammond
and carried by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Morris, Probst, Roth, Smith,
Stewart and President Bullock. Not voting, Councilman Hammond. Absent, Councilmen
Talker and Wilkens.
// From the ?olice and .ire Commission requesting an appropriation of One
housand (1,000.00) bollars for the purchase of feed for the Fire Department no
Provision for the same having been made in the budget referred to the Finance
7. From the Police and Fire Commission requesting that a public auction be
held for the purpose of sellig a horse no longer used in the Fire Department
Mt. Probst moved that the Clerk be instructed to so advertise, seconded by
Mr. Hammond and carried.
Councilman J. H. Wilkens offereihis resignation as Councilman for the
2nd Ward. Mr. Hammond moved that the resignation be accepted, seconded by Mr.
December Sth. 1916.
Probst and carried.
/ From the Alaska ?ackers Association re!uesting a quitclaim deed to
the streets recently closed by the Council under Resolution of Intention
No. 745. Mr. Hammond moved that the City Attorney be instructed to pre-
pare the necessary papers,giving to the corporation an easement to the
land, subject to the provision that the easement be canceled upon the
failure of the company to use the land for business purposes seconded by
Mr. Roth and carried.
10. From Barbara Watts protesting an assessment made on the property
owned by Charles Tatts, deceased, at 1334 ?ark Avenue, referred to the
City Attorney.
11. From the License efo/,mittee recommending that team licenses be abol-
ished, beginning with April 1st, 1917. Mr. Roth stated that he thought it
advisable to resind the licenses but that some suprvision in the matter be
maintained by the City, by gratuitous licenses being granted under the super-
vision of the 2olice Department. Mr. Probst moved that the matter be re-
referred to the License Committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried.
12. r A Bill entitled
or Ordinance No. New Series.
Providing for the Acquiring by the City of
Alameda of certain real property for the use
and benefit of the municipal electric light
came -an for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that it
be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and passed unanimously.
13. A Bill entitled
For Ordinance No.. New Series.
Establishing a Water-front Zone in the City
of Alameda and prohibiting the laying or plac-
ing of electric wires or cables in, upon, over
or under the lands in said zone without permis-
sion, providing for the issuance of permits and
providing a penalty for the violation of any
provisions hereof."
came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Hammond moved that it be
adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and passed unanimously.
14. A Bill entitled
For Ordincnce No. New Series.
Providing for a Special Election to be held in
the City of Alameda for the object and purpose of
submitting to the electors of said City the question
whether or not the people of the City of Alameda
shall adopt the proposed charter prei)ared by the
Board of Free-holders and filed in the office of
the City dierk October 26th, 1916."
was presented and laid over under provision of the charter.
15. Mt. Stewart inttoduced a Bill entitled
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Amending gection 3 of Ordinance No. 75 New Series,
amending Section 352, Chapter VI, Article 3, of
Ordinance No. 1, New Series, known as the Municipal
Code of the City of Alameda, approved January 14, 19
and relating to adulterated milk."
which was laid over under provision of the charter.
Tpr_ Unrri Rrirt o 11 7 mr14-44-1.NA
December 5th, 1916.
For Ordinance No. NewHSeries.
Froviding for the Acquiring by the City of
Alamed4 of certain real property to be used
as a portion of a public street."
which was laid over under provision of the charter.
17. i/ The Clerk stated that it was necessary for the Council to name the ale
tion officers for the approaching election, whereupon Mr. Hammond moved that the
Councilmen submit their names to the Clerk and that he advertise according to
law seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried.
18. if Mr. Hammond moved that all proceedings done under Resolution of Intention
No. 34, New Series, which Resolution provided for the improvement of Central
Avenue opposite the Lindermann property and west of Fernside Boulevard, be resinded,
seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.
19. / Mr. Hammond stated that an agreement had been arrived at between the
Southern Pacific Company and the Union Iron Works regarding the improvement of
the work street whereby a suitable macadamizing would be done without any
futther action or participation on the part of the City of Alameda.
20. 1 Mr. Ben F. Lamborn addressed the Council and called attention to the
depression and standing water lying between the Southern Pacific tracks and
ebster roadway, and suggested that some action toward the abolishment of the
nuisance be taken. Mr. Stewart moved that the matter be referred to the City
Attorney with the view of endeavoring to have the depressions filled.
21. 1 Mr. Lamborn also brought up the matter of streets on the marsh-land.
No action thereon was taken.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to
meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, December 19th, 1916, at 8 o'clock.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk of Alameda.