1917-02-20 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20TH, 1917. The meet ing convened at 8:10 P. I.I. with Mayor F . H. Bartle tt presiding. The roll was called an Oouncilrnen Allan, ilammond, Majors, Morris, Smith, Stewart and President Roth (7) were note d present • Councilman Probst arrived during the reading of the Mayor s c ommu3a ic a t i on on the Oakland Waterfront Company's re que st to erect a levee on the west tide lands, and was not ea es.ent. Absent : Counc ilmun Waiker. The minutes of the previous me et ing were approved as read. Claims agains t the General Fund amount ing to 3457,79; again at the Police Fund amount ing to 19.83; ag against the Street Pund amounting ins t the Fire Fund am ount ng to 77.77; 1370.0'9; against the Health Fund amount- ing to 010.79 ; • al ns t the Recreation Fund amounting to 0656.83; againstthe School Gen oral Fund an ount ing to 40.00; ag ins t the Relief Fund amount ing to 323.75; against Mun c i Pal Improvement Fund No.. 11, amount in to 350.24 hay- ing been appr oved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as fo 11 ows ; GEN ER AI PUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Bay St at ion Bake ry Bosshard, R. E. Bullock, E. B. Hanley, J. S. Hawks, N. 0 . Inter-City Epress Kochendo rfer , Leo F. League of Cal if ern ia Munic i pal it Lanuel, A. MunioLo-.1 j1oc ic Light Plant 1/ 17 TY TT YT TT IT TY O'Brein, W. B. Re ram el , Loreme Schne id el., Henry Strom Electrical Co. Sutton, Jas. E. u u Tirne s Star C o . u u u Unit e d Iro n Works Vo sburgh L. W. TT TT Alameda Steam Laundry Magagnos, C. P. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch Pacific Tel. & Tel . Co. Strom Electrical 00. Underwood Typewriter Co. Vo sburgh , L. W. 71 IT Alameda Steam Laund ry Assn. Bert er o , L. Enci nal Garage C oust ier , M. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Paint er , J. H. Rile y' s Drug Store Skelly, Sam St einMet z , W. T. Towel service Supplies Po stage Carfare Insurance premium Print ing Sub scrip tion Labor ies Dues Supplies City lighting Labor and attendance TT TV TT Lamp s Sign Servi ces Stati onery 1T Repairs Ser vices TV Adver t is ing Printing Adver t is ing Sign brackets Suppl ies Tata POLICE PUND. Cleaning bedding Photo supplie s Auto repairs Telepho nes Supplies Repairs to typewriter Mds cella neous supplies Total - F IRE FUND. Laundry service Hauling. Gasoline Apparatus repa± rs Lamp s Phone tolls Apparatus repairs Ac id Supplies Fre ight •"*.,7,) 8.00 3.00 130.00 .70 11.00 7.50 3.00 11.79 40.00 1.00 2807.32 67.23 54.26 22.50 10.00 33.00 6.03 17.79 2.75 24.00 12.00 22.65 20.16 124.96 15.93 1.22 3457,79 2.00 8.00 2. 4,65 1.10 .75 1.03 19.83 16.60 2.50 1 .62- 1.47 21.50 • 20 7•35 8.28 .95 .30 353 February 20th, 1 Amprosa, V. Bach, Wm. Baird, J. V. Brink, H. S. Clark & Sois, N. Follrath, G. Gay, L. T. Giancoli, T. Haynes, M. Hutchinson Co, 11 ft Jansen, J. Kellogg, F. H. Lenz, L. Looney, F. M. Manuel, A. 1t TV May, John Moorman, Z. Nielsen, U. C. Oakland Blue Print Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Perata, A. Perfection Vulcanizing Works Perry, Joe Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Samffel, W. J. Sanday, Wm. Schick, J. Schneider, Henry Sorenson, J. Stevens, A. F. Sunset Lumber Co. United. Iron Works Van Gott A. H. /City Market Devine, P. A. Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co. Pearaon & Swanson Strom. Electrical Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Dick, E. U. Hogan Lumber Co, Lane, W. S.' 11 TT If McRowe & McLaren Pacific Tel. & Tel. Ce. Seulberger & Co., J. Thurston C. E. Johnson, S. T. Co. Cunningham, James Doyle, Ben Drolla, F. Emory, L. C. Farmer, J. A. Ford, James Grob, Herman Kneppler, Robt. Lewsi, S. Longley, C. P. McCaw, M. F. McGrath, John Nicolson, John STREET FUND. Labor TV Repairs Labor Sewer pipe Labor Repairs Labor Supplies Rock TV Labor TV 1T 11 Supplies IT Labor IT 1T Blue prints Rental Labor Supplies Labor Screenings Rock Labor Supplies Labor TV Lumber Supplies Labor Total - HEALTH FUND Laboratory 11 Office expense Laboratory 1T Total - REC REAT ION FUND . Repairs Service and gasoline Flag pole Toilets at Washington Water vs-Gem Bulbs_ Telephones Supplies Fertilizer Total SCHOOL GENERAL FUND. IMprovements RELIEF- FUND. Labor Tr 11 1T TT It TT 1T If ft TV 11 TT 36.00 39.00- 2.45 39,00 46.65 39,00 3.63 42.00 37.73 24.50 24.50 42.00 46.50 50.40- 50.40 4.41 1.47 39.00 46.50 42.00 1.12 3.40 42.00 30.68 42.00 84.72 163.61 47.50 39,00 39,00 34.06. 39,00 42.00 34.96" 14.70 55.20 1370.09 .G0 7.79 1.30 .30 .80 10.79 .40 6.70 14.70 Park 425.00 150.00 25.83 3.17 2.35 15.68 656.83 40,00 17.50 30,00 8.75 17.50 11.25 27.50 31.25 17.50 17.50 27.50 31.25 31.25 15.00 4176 1. Stoner Wright Gorden, John 11 71 Times-Star Company Tr 71 71 Labor Tr Total MUNICIPAL LtPR0Ei2 FUND. Painting Slips Advertising Total-- 8.75 31.25 323.75 300.00 24.00 1.25 24.99 0 350.24 Mr. Smith moved that the claims as reacl be pait, seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Allan, Hammond, Majors Morris Smith, Stewart and President Roth, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Probst and Walker ( ). The following were received:- / Nominating petitions of Thomas J. Allan J. Arnerich, F. H. Bartlett, A. J. Burgner, L. J. Cereghino,,Carlos F. de Borna, Geo. L. Dillman, Robert C. Dunbar, A. F. Heuer, Peter Jorgenson, William S. Lane, Alfred Latham, Greene Majors, H. D. Maynard, Rushton McConnell, F. P. McLennan, W. H. Noy, Frank Otis, Ernest J. Probst, Conrad Roth, and Nelson G. Welburn for Councilman. James G. Clark, F. J. Croll, Thomas H. Judd, and Geo. W. Stewart for Auditor and Assessor, and Oswald Lubbock for Treasurer and ollector. Ordered filed. 2. The verified statement of L. J. Cereghino to withdraw his name as a candidote for the Council. Ordered filed. The bond of Henry Koerber as.collector for the Municipal Electric Light Plant. Ordered filed. 4. v/ The Proclamation calling the General Municipal Election on March 13th, 1917. Ordered filed. The Auditor s Balance Sheet for the month of January, 1917. Ordered filed. 5. The Auditor's receipt for the sum of 01551.50, account sale of buildings and real estate by the Encinal Avenue Widening Commission, which sale was held January 13th, .1917. Ordered filed, Also, one for the sum of 026.65, account rent collected from tenants occupying houses bought for the purpose of widening Encinal Avenue. Ordered filed. 7. The Clerk's Certificate of the list of candidates for the office of Councilman, Auditor and Assessor and Treasurer and Tax Oolleotor, to be voted upon at the General Municipal Election, March 13th, 1917. Ordered filed. The Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of Public Work under Resolution of Intention No. 36, New Series. Ordered filed. An Affidavit showing due publication of Notice to Publishers of News papers inviting bids for the advertising for the year 1917-1918 was presented and ordered filed. In recponse to said notice the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of one bid. Mr. Hammond moved that the 1i h inYlic5a .rnori-tlarafl 355 :3 Peru wth, 1917. follows:- From the Times Star Company, offering to do the city's advertising at the following prices:- For the first insertion of an advertisement per square pf 234 ems nonpareil measurement................ 01.26 For the second insertion of an advertisement per square of 234 ems nonpareil measurement • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 •75 For the third and for each subsequent insertion of an advertisement of 234 en s nonpareil measurement.. '.50 Mr. Stewart moved that the bid be referred to the Printing and Advertising Com- mittee, seconded by Yr. Morris and carried. 8. it A c1 am in the sum of 0150,00 from W. S. Lane for extra work in Washington Park was presented. Mr. Allan moved that the claim be paid, seconded byjlr. Hammond and on roll call carried by the f011owing vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Allan, Hammond, LIajors, Morris, Smith, Stewart, and President Roth, (7). Noes:None. Absent:CounciImen Probst and Walker, (2). The following comramications were received:- 9. From lIayor F. H. Bartlett, stating that he had had a conference with the members of the Naval Commission, which is selecting a naval base site and had obtained from them a statement that the proposed filling of the western tide lands as asked for by the Oakland W terfront Company would in no way lessen the City of Alameda's chances towards having the base established' there. A discussion in which Messrs.Harrison S. Robinson E. C. Sessions, Councilmen Allan, Hammond and Roth participated took place, after which Councilman Allan moved that the Oakland Waterfront Company be granted to permit to continue dredging, provided, that the levee be constructed as pro- vided for in their plans filed with the Council and that the surplus water drain across the Southern Pacific's land into the Estuary, and that the City- . Attoraey draw up an agreement with the Company to the satisfaction of the Mayor and City Engineer, seconded by ir. Hammond and carried. 10. From Marshall C. Harris, the Union Iron Works Company and. W. J. Dray protesting against the peddlers who frequent 7Ciorks Street to soli their wares to employees of the Union Iron 1:forks Company. Hr. Hammond moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to keen the streets clear and to enforce all ordinances pertaining to peddlers, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. 11. k.,/ From the Alameda Chamber of Commerce urging the closing of Harrison Avenue. Referred to the Public Utilities Committee and the Street Committee. 12. ‘,/ From the Board of Education thanking the Councilfor the transfer of 01600.00 forthe purchase of 'uniforms to be used by the High Schoolcadets. Ordered filed. 13. 4/ From the Municipal Electric Light Plant recommending that the Union Iron Works Company be granted permission to lay cables and transmit electric current across the Estuary from Oakland to its Alameda Plant. The matter was laid over to the next meeting of the Council.. 14. v/ A. claim in the sum of 040.00 for the city's anntal dues as a member of the League of California Municipalities was presented. Mr. Hammond moved that the same be paid, seconded by Mr." Morris aad on roll call carried unanimously., Further communications:- 15. / From a group signing themselves "Residing junk dealers" protesting 4170 to the License Committee. 16. From the OcklanC City February 20th01917. s Club requesting permission to use the west tennis court at Washington Park all day, Sunday, March 4th, 1917 • Mr. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr, Roth and carried. From the Alameda County Title Company requesting the City of Alameda to abandon alleys in Blocks 54, 81 and 82, owned by the Alaska Packers Association. The City Attorney was instracted to prepare the necessary papers to effect the abandonment. 10. From V. M. Frodden, Superintendent of Streets in response to request made by peddlers to lease a four foot strip of land on the north side of Works Street ,in which he states there is no 1 nd there owned by the City of Alameda. Ordered filed. 19. / From Mrs. Chas. L. Born, asking for adequate street lights on San Jose Avenue near Peach Street. Referred to the Board of Electricity. 20. / From Michael F. Meegan, asking for a gratuitous license to peddle fruit and vegetables. As the same bore the endorsement of John Conrad Chief of Police, Mr. Stewart moved that the request be granted seconded by Mr. -Morris and carried. 21. •' From Carl F. Adam, announcing that he had established himself in Private practice as a consulting paving englneer. Ordered filed. nc," ss. From the State Board of Health, sahmitting two copies of Special Bulletin No. 16, eovering Sewerage systems and Sewage Disposal Works. Ordered filed. From the Municipal Electric Light Plant asking permission to lease the premises in the Citizens Bank Building, known as 2407 Oahta Clara Avenue, for a period of five years, beginning March 1st, 191r at a monthly rental of :.:A0.00, the said premises to be used as an office of the Municipal Electric Light Plant . Mr. Hammond moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Allan and carried. 24. sf Mr. Majors introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "RESOLUTION NO. 14. Reouesting the County Board of Su-pervinors to move the County Hospital to come Loc. tion in the City of Oaad„," 1,,fessrs. L. Ms iiing and Majors spoke on the subject urgil the adoption of the Resolution. ;[r. Hammond seconded the motion to ado-A the Resolution and on roll oall it was adopt'ed aad passed unsnimously. 25. • Mr. Morris introduced the following io solution and moved its adoption: "RESOLUTION NO. Lnotracting the Chief o± Eolice to Enforce Section 54 of the Penal Code." Mr. Roth seconded the motion to adopt the Resolation,which was carried without a dissenting vote, 26. / A c would crA i on v..a0 receivod from Commissioner of 1-',e7entie and Fiance E. B. Bullock, stating that a transfer in the sum of S25.00 from the General Fund to the S:ecreation Fund was necessary in order to pay the claim of J. LflYIP -rcro wnvlr owi—PrwmoR ingrhrIllircr npr7 tnilp-Ept 17npthinyl 357 Pe1rtiary 20th, 1917. 27. Mr. Roth introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:— "RESOLUTION NO. 16. Transferring 0 '5 • - .00 from the General Fund to the ,,pf Recreation Fund." Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution cnd on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:— es:Councilmen Allan, Ham- mond Majors, Morris Probst, Smith, Stewart and President Roth, (8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilm n Walker, 1). 28. WI A claim of W. S. Lane in the sum of '125.00 was thereupon predented, whereupon Mr. Smith moved that the claim be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. 29. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property to be used as a Portion of a Public Street." came up for passage. Er. Roth moved that the matter lay over until the next meeting of the Council:, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. 30. / A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No.. New Series. Providing for the Acquiring by the City of Alameda of Certain Real Property for the use and Benefit of the Public Schools of said city." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 31. L. Hammond called attention to the need of additional.fire protection on the beaches and moved that the matter be referred to the Police,Fire and Water Committee and the Police and Fire Commission to procure addition= al fire hydrants, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 32. Mr. Probst called attention to the need of improving Third Street from Pacific Avenue to Brush Street and. moved that the City Attorney and City Engineer prepare-the necessary resolutions for the improvement of the street, seconded by Mr. Hammond and oarried.. 33. v/ Mr. Probst also spoke of the need of additional car service in the west end and moved, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried, that the Public Utilities Committee t up the matter with the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal 'Railways Company. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, March 6th, 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted City Clerk.