2004-12-16 ARRA PacketAGENDA
Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Alameda City Hall
Council Chamber, Room 391
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
2. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Meeting will begin at 5:35 p.m.
City Hall will open at 6:05 p.m.
Anyone wishing to address the Board on agenda items only, may speak for a
maximum of 3 minutes per item
3 -A. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
3 -B. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
3 -C. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA and Navy and Alameda Point Collaborative
Price and Terms
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA and Navy and Alameda Point Collaborative
Price and Terms
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA and Navy
Price and Terms
Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact Lucretia Akil, ARRA Secretary, at
749 -5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. Accessible seating for persons
with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. Minutes of the meeting are available in
enlarged print.
Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
* * ** ** **
Alameda City Hall
Council Chamber, Room 390
2263 Santa Clara Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.
City Hall will open at 5:15 p.m.
2 -A. Recommendation to Approve a Contract Amendment with ROMA Design Group for
Transit Planning Services at Alameda Point in the Amount of $100,000.
3 -A. Presentation /update on Alameda Point Navy Negotiations and Land Use Planning.
4 -A. Report and recommendation regarding the continuing roles and responsibilities of the
APAC (requested by Boardmember Kerr).
4 -B. Recommendation from the Executive Director to Revise ARRA Leasing Policies and
5 -A. Oral report from APAC.
5 -B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative.
(Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the
governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.)
ARRA Agenda — December 16, 2004 Page 2
8 -A. Property:
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation:
Alameda Naval Air Station
ARRA, Navy, and Alameda Point Community Partners
Price and Terms
Announcement of Action Taken in Closed Session, if any.
This meeting will be cablecast live on channel 15. The next regular ARRA meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday, January 5, 2005.
• Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the ARRA Secretary, Irma Frankel
at 749 -5800 at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter.
• Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available.
• Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print.
• Audio tapes of the meeting are available for review at the ARRA offices upon request.
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Interoffice Memorandum
December 9, 2004
TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
FROM: James M. Flint, Executive Director
RE: Recommendation to Approve a Contract Amendment with ROMA Design Group for
Transit Planning Services at Alameda Point in the Amount of $100,000.
In June 2004, the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) executed a contract' with
ROMA Design Group (ROMA) to provide land use and community engagement services for the
Preliminary Development Concept (PDC) for Alameda Point for the duration of the ARRA -lead
predevelopment period through July 2005. ROMA's team included Fehr and Peers, transportation
consultants, for the Preliminary Transportation Strategy, which outlines the transportation plan for
each phase of development.
A key component of the transportation study needed for the PDC is an analysis of the feasible transit
alternatives that provide a means of connecting Alameda Point to the regional transportation system.
The study question posed in the previous staff report was: Is the aerial tram or another type of new
estuary crossing, (e.g., BART extension, light rail, etc.) technically, politically, and financially
feasible? How much additional traffic reduction can be expected from these new crossings, what are
their costs, what are the technical and/or permitting obstacles to implementation, etc.?
At the time of the ROMA contract execution, in June 2004, the City had received preliminary
notification from the Federal Transportation Administration (1� 1'A) that a $485,000 planning grant
had been authorized for the study of the feasibility of an aerial tram and other alternatives connecting
Alameda Point to the BART system in Oakland. As previously reported to the ARRA Board, this
funding will now not be available until Summer 2005. Consequently, the $100,000 of Alameda
Point bond monies previously identified as matching funds for the FTA grant now need to be
reassigned directly to Fehr and Peers through the ROMA contract. This reassignment of funds will
allow Fehr & Peers to complete the initial feasibility analysis which will inform the land use
planning process within the ARRA -led predevelopment period. Using the money at this stage in the
planning process will narrow the range of alternatives to be more fully studied when the $485,000
grant is received. To utilize the grant money, the ARRA would need to provide approximately
$121,000 of matching funds. These funds could be made available from the Alameda Point Bond,
the developer, or a transit agency partner.
1 Original Contract and Contract Amendment are on file in the City Clerk's office.
"Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service"
Honorable Chair and Members of the November 16, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2
Contracting with Fehr and Peers for the initial transit alternatives study will enable the ARRA Board
to meet its objectives as outlined in the CAA to complete a Preliminary Development Concept and
related transportation program for Alameda Point by the Summer of 2005.
Fiscal Impact
The funds for the recommended contract amendment are budgeted as part of the Alameda Point
predevelopment bond proceeds.
The Executive Director recommends that the ARRA Board approve a Contract Amendment with
ROMA Design Group for Transit Planning Services at Alameda Point in the Amount of $100,000.
Res ► ctfully
Stephen Proud
Alameda Point Project Manager
By: Elizabeth Johnson
Base Reuse Planner
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
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Infrastructure and Environmental Remediation Cost
#2 Community Workshop
■ December 2, 2004 Mastick Senior Center
City of Alameda
Inter- office Memorandum
November 24, 2004
Honorable Chair and Members
of the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
James M. Flint
Executive Director
4 -A
Recommendation from the Executive Director Regarding the Continuing Role
and Responsibilities of APAC (requested by Boardmember Kerr)
In December 1997, the City Manager met with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the
Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) to discuss the future role of the BRAG upon the sunset of
the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) Joint Powers Authority (JPA). As a
result, the BRAG members began discussion of their future and worked with the City for
At its February 1999 meeting, the ARRA board considered and ',approved the BRAG's
recommended new name, the Alameda Point Advisory Committee, mission and purpose. In
addition to approving the new name for the BRAG, the ARRA further clarified that the Alameda
Point Advisory Committee would not serve as an advisory committee as defined by
Redevelopment State law.
Following the February 1999 ARRA meeting, members of the APAC Restructuring Task Force
believed that it should have broader jurisdiction. At its May 2000 meeting, the ARRA Board
was presented with four options outlining how the APAC could proceed with its request for a
broadened advisory role. These options included (1) maintain the APAC in its current capacity;
(2) disband the APAC; (3) allow the APAC to serve as advisory to all Boards and Commissions;
or (4) create a Citizen Group (in the event the APAC was disbanded). The ARRA Board
approved option one, maintaining the APAC at it was, but with two modifications to the option.
The Board - approved modifications included that as long as there is an ARRA, there should be an
advisory group, so the two will sunset together, all communications must come to the ARRA
before they can go out to other committees, and that a review of APAC's status will be made in
eighteen months to discuss the sunset provisions.
Following the adoption of the General Plan Amendment for Alameda Point and selection of a
prospective master developer, ARRA requested a joint meeting of the ARRA and APAC to
discuss APAC's continuing role at this important juncture in the redevelopment of Alameda
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Honorable Chair and Members of the November 24, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2
Point. A special work session took place between the ARRA and APAC on July 22, 2003. To
prepare for that special joint meeting, APAC, with the assistance of MIG, Inc., prepared the
attached "Report to the ARRA Regarding APAC's Continuing Role" (Attachment 1).
At the July 22, 2003 meeting, the ARRA considered the role of the APAC in its current advisory
capacity. The ARRA discussed working with APAC to re- evaluate its future role and
responsibilities by developing an exit strategy to transition its responsibilities to appropriate
boards and commissions. It was proposed that the transition occur at the time of the DDA
approval or in the alternative that any transition be re- evaluated at that point. Such a transition
would allow APAC to lend its expertise to the boards and commissions that would eventually
assume oversight responsibilities for current AP projects and to provide historical guidance.
APAC requested that in lieu of sunsetting its advisory board once the DDA is approved, its role
be re- evaluated upon DDA approval. ARRA Board members concurred that such a re-
evaluation would be appropriate and directed staff to prepare a report reflecting its direction for
action at the next ARRA meeting. (Attachment 2- Approved Minutes). Therefore, based on
ARRA Board action at its September 3, 2003 meeting, the APAC's role is set to be re- evaluated
when the DDA with the master developer is approved. The DDA negotiations are scheduled to
conclude by December 2006.
Since September 2003, an ARRA -led pre - development period is ongoing. This effort is focused
on negotiating a conveyance mechanism with the Navy and preparing a Base Case Land Plan.
APAC has been very involved in the land planning effort currently underway, with an emphasis
on community engagement. Staff and ROMA, the ARRA's land planning consultant, coordinate
with the APAC on logistical and substantive aspects of the community workshops. APAC has
an opportunity to review and comment on the workshop agendas, assist in outreach efforts
(distributing flyers, coordinating with local organizations to attend meetings, etc.), provide
logistical support at the meetings, and debrief and strategize on upcoming workshops. As a
result, the initial community workshop in August 2004 had approximately 60 attendees and
December's recent workshop attracted over 200 people. It is anticipated that the upcoming
February workshop will be equally well attended.
In addition to APAC's advisory role to ARRA, the Governing Body expressed an interest in
ensuring that all of the City's boards and commissions were informed about redevelopment
efforts at Alameda Point. The attached list of "APAC Representatives and Chairs" (Attachment
3) indicates APAC members who currently participate on the following boards: FISC RAB,
Transportation Master Plan Task Force, Planning Board, Recreation and Parks Commission, and
the Economic Development Commission. The list further provides information regarding
members who represent the Alameda Unified School District and community outreach, housing,
economic development, and reuse efforts at Alameda Point. Based on the current make -up of the
APAC, there is broad representation from key City- appointed commissions and boards, as well
as links to other community and City committees. Each APAC member that serves as a liaison
from a board or commission reports back to his /her board or commission monthly regarding
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
G: \Conxlev \Buse Reuse& Redevp \ ARRA \STAPPREP\2004\12 December \4 -A APAC.RolesRespon.doc
Honorable Chair and Members of the November 24, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 3
APAC's activities and initiatives underway at Alameda Point. These monthly updates are
reflected in board/commission minutes and provide an opportunity for other board/commission
members to comment on activities at Alameda Point.
APAC's overall objective is to provide maximum input from the community on the development
of Alameda Point. It continues to serve the ARRA as liaison with the community and has most
recently been actively involved in decisions concerning the anticipated Alameda Point General
Plan Amendment, Housing Element issues, and the Alameda Point Collaborative, among others.
Future goals include continuing to advise the ARRA regarding the integration of both the FISC
and Alameda Point properties into the City of Alameda.
There is minimal fiscal impact to maintain the APAC. Historically, $20,000 a year was budgeted
for the APAC. Over the last several years, expenses associated with the APAC have been less
than $10,000 per year, not including DSD staff salaries. Expenses are paid with ARRA lease
revenues and do not impact the general fund.
The Executive Director recommends that the ARRA reaffirm its September 3, 2003 direction
that APAC continue in its current advisory role and participate in the land planning efforts
underway at Alameda Point. These efforts will culminate with a DDA, at which time APAC's
role will be reevaluated.
Respec uilly Submitted.,
s lie Little
Development vices Director
Stephen Proud
Alameda Point Project Manager
By: Debbie Potter
Base Reuse and Redevelopment Manager
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
G: \Comiev \Base Reuse& Redevp \ARRA\STAFFRE
\12 December \4 -A APAC.RolesRespon.doc
Honorable Chair and Members of the November 24, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 4
Attachment 1— July 2003 "Report to the ARRA Regarding APAC's Continuing Role"
Attachment 2 — July 2003 Approved Minutes
Attachment 3 — November 2004 APAC Representatives and Chairs
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
G:\Comdev \Base Reuse& Redevp \ ARRA \STAFFREP \2004 \l2 December \4 -A APAC.RolesRespon.doc
Alameda Point Advisory Committee
Report to the ARRA
Regarding APAC'S Continuing Role
Historic Mission and Function of APAC
• Organized and solicited public input resulting in the Final Community Reuse
• Represented all views of diverse segments of the City to resolve issues
related to base reuse
• Made recommendations to the ARRA for the resolution of myriad issues
pertaining to the Plan
• Worked to ensure adherence to the Plan as the enduring framework for
development at Alameda Point
• Served in an advisory role to ARRA throughout the process
2. Planning Phase
There are many issues which will influence the future vision and efforts of
Alameda Point development, such as economic changes in Alameda and the region,
South Shore's expansion plans over the next 10 years, impacts of Park and Webster
Streets' economic development, possible changes to the Catellus mixed use project,
traffic limitations, etc. APAC can play a valuable role by conducting "reality checks" of
how the concepts in the Reuse Plan will be affected in changing circumstances and
understanding what changes in the Plan might be necessary as development progresses.
There is no question that the next stage of development will have a decisive and
long-term impact on the character of Alameda Point. Community input and its
coordination are essential during all aspects of the process, from beginning to end. By
being the focal point for community discussion, APAC will be able to translate public
views and issues in a coherent manner to the ARRA.
Public information should be generated from the perspective of the Master Plan,
the concepts of which should be approved by the community. APAC is experienced in
such an effort, having presented at least 10 public workshops and forums to formulate
the Reuse Plan. Continued solicitation from the community should keep ongoing public
interest in the development. Acting as this conduit, APAC can digest community input
and work with the Master Developer to help achieve the Reuse Plan goals.
The City Boards and Commissions (EDC, Planning, staff) are attuned to decide on
specific issues as they arise. However, APAC is concerned that these issues will be
decided through their perspectives only, without having the advantage of knowing the
overall picture. We fear that, without an overall view, disorganized development with
unintended consequences will result. On the other hand, many APAC members serve on
other City agencies: EDC, Planning, ARPD, Education, WABA, Board of Realtors. Thus the
expertise from other areas comes together at APAC. This invaluable advantage
occurs nowhere else. APAC is uniquely situated to know and understand the entire
development picture and where each phase fits into the Reuse Plan goals.
3. APAC'S Value-Added and Ideal Role
APAC is the best positioned entity to serve as advocate for Alameda Point as
proposals are put forth by the Master Developer; that is one of our strengths--to
epresent as a "legitimate body" the needs and concerns of the population that has a
long-term stake there, such as residential and commercial tenants and the Alameda
Point Collaborative. In some sense, we constitute "the neighborhood" for the area.
4. Some issues that APAC will confront in the next phase
i Transportation and traffic analysis needs updating
N Other developments in Alameda, including FISC, and their impacts on
Alameda Point--and vice versa
• Proposed actions of the City and Master Developer
5. Proposed Ongoing Duties of the APAC
• Develop a list of key issues and appropriate position points regarding
development at,Alameda Point. Provide input to the City and Boards
• Engage the community, especially early in the development process, to
solicit effective input and interpret and transmit the information to the
relevant entities
• Develop a process that allows early APAC input with the Master Developer
• Maintain and enhance cross-membership on other Boards and Commissions
• Include membership from a large cross-section of the community
• Develop discussions and recommendations on key and controversial issues
and, where necessary, act as the vehicle for diffusing conflict regarding
development at Alameda Point
• Ensure adherence to the goals and policies of the Reuse Plan
• Participate in the formal review process for the Master Plan
6. Advantages APAC Brings to the Development Process at Alameda Point
• APAC has depth of understanding. The experience of the Committee as a
whole is a major strength and provides continuity and history.
• APAC represents comprehensive views that bring diverse information
together to assess the impacts Alameda Point development has on different
elements of the City
• APAC acts as a community conscience and enjoys political and bureaucratic
• APAC has a commitment to the entire City of Alameda
RECOMMENDATION: Based on the role the APAC sees for itself
in the future development at Alameda Point, we believe that any
"sun-setting" of the Committee should be tied to the existence
of a significant presence of a constituent community living and
working at Alameda Point.
July 22, 2003
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m. with Mayor Johnson presiding.
Present: Beverly Johnson, Mayor, City of Alameda
Tony Daysog, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Barbara Kerr, Boardmember, City of Alameda
Frank Matarrese, Boardmember, City of Alameda
2 -A. Alameda Point Advisory Committee (APAC) report and recommendation regarding
the future role and responsibilities of APAC.
Mayor Johnson noted that a special joint meeting/work session was held with the ARRA and
APAC prior to this meeting.
Member Matarrese summarized the outcome of the joint meeting. He has agreed to work with
the APAC to re- evaluate their future role and develop an exit strategy to transition their
responsibilities to the appropriate Boards and Commissions. This should facilitate a seamless
integration of Alameda Point into the City as a whole. The timing of sunset for APAC will be re-
evaluated when the DDA is approved. Staff was given further direction to amend their report
accordingly and agendize this item for action at the next ARRA meeting.
The public hearing was open for discussion.
William Smith acknowledged the contribution made by the APAC over the years. He feels they
should transition out of their role, but not until there is a permanent business and residential
constituency to take over their own representation at Alameda Point and MSC.
Helen Sause was not able to stay for the meeting, but submitted a written endorsement of the
APAC and the necessity of a mechanism for citizen oversight of development.
The public hearing was closed for Authority discussion.
3. Public Comment on Non - Agenda Items.
G: \Couxlev \Base Reuse& Redevp\ ARRA \ MINUTES \2003Vuly22.SpeciaLARRA.doc
4 -A. Property: Alameda Naval Air Station
Negotiating parties: ARRA, Navy and Alameda Point Community Partners
Under negotiation: Price and Terms
The Mayor announced that direction was given to Real Property Negotiator.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucretia Akil
ARRA Secretary
G: \Conxlev\Qase Reuse& Redevp\ ARRA \ MIND TES\2003Vu1y22.Speeial.ARRA.doc
Attachment 3
Representatives and Chairs
November 2004
Lee Perez
APAC Chair
Diane Lichtenstein
APAC Vice Chair
Joan Konrad
Transportation Master Plan Task Force Representative (& Land Use Chair)
Ardella Dailey
Alameda Unified School District
Board of Education Representative
Anne Cook
Planning Board Representative
Jay Ingram
Recreation & Parks Commission Representative
Andrine Smith
Community Outreach / Involvement Chair
Alice Garvin
Housing Chair
Nancy Heastings
Economic Development Chair
Pattianne Parker
Reuse Chair / Alternate EDC Rep
Economic Development Commission
G: \Comdev \Base Reuse& Redevp \APAC\APAC Members .Representative_110804.doc
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
Interoffice Memorandum
December 16, 2004
TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority
FROM: Jim Flint, Executive Director
SUBJ: Report and Recommendation from the Executive Director to Revise the
ARRA Leasing Policies and Procedures and Amend Resolution #2
Regarding Power and Authority of the Executive Director re:
Administrative Approvals of leases at Alameda Point
In July 1994, the ARRA Governing Body approved Resolution #2, which established
powers and authority of the Executive Director, Secretary, Finance Director and the
General Counsel. In December 1995, the ARRA Governing Body approved the Interim
Leasing Program Policies and Procedures for Alameda Point and the Fleet Industrial
Supply Center (FISC). Resolution #2 granted the Executive Director certain
administrative approvals of leases at Alameda Point. The policies were reviewed at the
November 2004 ARRA meeting and it was requested that they be agendized with
recommendations for revision.
Since May 2002, an outside private contractor, PM REALTY GROUP (PMRG), has
performed leasing and property management. Originally, PMRG reported to the selected
master developer, Alameda Point Community Partners (APCP). In February 2004, the
ARRA terminated the property management agreement with APCP, at the request of
APCP, and assumed oversight of PMRG. Commercial brokers Cushman & Wakefield
(C &W) perform new leasing; routine lease renewals are done by PMRG.
Leasing is currently consistent with the policies established in 1995, when the ARRA was
under the Large Parcel Lease with the Navy, which had a fifteen -year term. At that time,
leases over 7 years were considered long term and were determined to need Governing
Body for approval. The Executive Director approved leases less than 7 years
administratively. Licenses, which are generally short -term special events, such as car
driving events, a three -day circus, are also approved administratively.
As discussed at the November 2004 ARRA Board meeting, the developer, APCP, has
thorough review of proposed lease terms prior to leasing to any tenant. A representative
from APCP signs every lease prior to submission for the Executive Director's signature,
and to date there has been no conflict between leasing and development planning.
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Honorable Chair and Members of the December 16, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 2
As the ARRA Governing Body begins to consider the future development of Alameda
Point and the related financial challenges for supporting the operation, maintenance and
development of the base, it has expressed a desire for a greater role in leasing decisions.
In response to the ARRA concerns the following is a proposed revised policy:
Leasing Term: All leases in excess of 2 years should be brought before the ARRA
Governing Body
The earliest conveyance schedule has the ARRA receiving property from the Navy in
December 2006; the two -year window allows the ARRA to ensure that new leases will
not hinder development.
In addition, the average new lease term is 5 years or less. The 2 -year window will ensure
that the ARRA Governing Body will review a majority of new leases.
Qualified Shell Improvement: Lease transactions that offer over 10 percent of the
annual rent in shell improvement credits must be brought before the ARRA Governing
Sometimes lease terms are proposed for buildings that require significant code
improvements or tenant improvements. If the tenant is investing their funds, they request
a credit to the rent. In situations where the shell credit exceeds 10 percent of the annual
rent, it is proposed that the ARRA Governing Body will need to approve the proposal.
Lease Renewals: Lease renewals in which the renewal teiuis are currently included in
existing leases will not need to go before the ARRA Governing Body. Instead, a monthly
report of these renewals will be included in the ARRA packet. In months where there is
not an ARRA meeting, the report will be distributed to ARRA members and made
available on the City of Alameda website.
Leasing Conflicts: If a potential leasing conflict arises between the interim leasing
program and the future development, those leases will be brought to the ARRA
Governing Body.
Licenses: Licenses are the shorter term, special events and will continue to be approved
There is a timing issue that may arise by reducing administrative approval of leases. In
addition more staff time needed to prepare and present lease information to the
Governing Body. Leases will need to be scheduled for ARRA agendas, staff reports will
need to be written and reviewed by the City Attorney. Any approval delay will result in a
delay in revenue collection. As an example, in this calendar year ten leases were signed
that are over 2 years in term. Since the ARRA meets once a month, delays could result in
revenue loss.
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service
Honorable Chair and Members of the December 16, 2004
Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Page 3
Fiscal Impact
There is no fiscal impact. However, reducing the administrative approval authority may
delay lease execution pending ARRA approval, thereby reducing rental income.
The Executive Director recommends that the ARRA Governing Body approve the
Revised ARRA Leasing Policies and Procedures and Amend Resolution #2 Regarding
Power and Authority of the Executive Director re: Administrative Approvals of leases at
Alameda Point.
PB /SP /NB:dc
Cc: Bill Norton
PM Realty Group
Aidan Berry, Alameda Point Community Partners
Development Services Director
Nanette Banks
Finance & Administration Manager
Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service