1917-03-27 Regular CC Minutes4
TUESULY ETzinar, .-ELCIT 27TH, 1917.
The meeting convened at E :06 P. 7. with Ilayel' F. H. Bartlett presiding
The roll vas called and Councilmen Allan, Hammond, JIj ors, mith,
Stewart and. :resident Roth we-oe noted present. Absent: Councilmen Morris
and U.e2h-c- (2).
Hr. Probst introduced the followinF Resolution and moved its
a ao :0; i on: -
WiTHEEA2 ,I1mi2;ht God has called from this earthly abode
Charles 2. Magagnos our esteemed co-worker and fellow
citizen, and
WHEREAS, Charles P. Magagnos has given to the City of
Alameda faithHul and willing service both as an official
and ae a private citizen toward the upbuilding of our city,
UHE'),,UAS, Charles P. 3,r,ef:a.g.nes has rendered loyal and
patriotic service as a Captain of Conroany G, Fifth
InTantry, and
Charlee P. 1,Ie,agnos has by his zeal and
earnestness endeared himself to all, be it
HESOLVED, by the Council of the Cit- of Alameda, that
in the deearting of Charles P. Wagagnos the city has
lost one of its valued servants and he community a
loyal and generous friend, and be it iurthur
RESOLVED, that a copy o: those resolutions be sent to
the bereaved family, that they be spread in full upon
the record of this Council and that this Council
adjourn in respect to the memory of.the deceased.
Lr. Hammond seconded the motion to adopt the F.esolution and on roll call
it was adopted and passed unanimously.
Hr. Hammond moved that the City Hall be closed from 1:20 to 2 2. H.
on l'arch 28th, 1917, in honor of the late Captain Charles P. Magagnos,
secoided by Mr. Probst and carried.
Claims against the General Fund amounting hevin been
a:proved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as
Albertsen, b.
Menteiro Services
Mosley, C.W. Services
1almer, Y. E. If
" /15.00
Mr. Hammond moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by Hr. Morris and
The following communications were received:-
From Hutchinson Company reouesting permission to improve by
-private contract, Encinal Avenue, between the western line of Versailles Avenue
and the center line el= 2earl ;Street. The same was aceeelpanied by a copy of the
contract. Yr. Hammond moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr.
Probst and on roll call carried unanimously.
From Tom Lee. reeuesting a .p:ratutellq U rrri tn nn-,IrbInt
March 27-tth, 1917,
Conrad, Chief of 'Police, Mr. Haranond moved
by 1).1r. Smith and carried.
4. V Petitions signed by three hundred_ an thirty-seven voters of the City of
Alameda urging the adoption of the Anti-Picketing Ordinance, introduced in the
Council I,,:arch 20th, 1917, were presented and ordered filed.
5. / A Bill entitled
t a
the request be granted, seconded.
For Ordinance No, New Series.
Prohibiting Loitering, Picketing, Carrying or Dis-
playing Banners, Bal)ges, S1S or Transparencies,
or Seaki-ng in Public Streets, Sid.ewalkds,
or other Public Places in a Loud or Unusual Tone, for
Certain Purposes therein named, and providing a
Penalty for any Violation thereof."
came up for passage and was read by the Cler1.7:. Mr. Allan movedi that the Ordinance
be adopted seconded by Mr. Hammond. Wm. A. Spooner, representative of. the: Central
Labor Council of Oakland and H. R. Portier, representing the CookTs and Waiters
Union addressed. the Council a-nd urged that the Ordinance be not adopted. Council
men Stewart f,,,nd Roth likewise oppo ed the adoption of the Ordinance. Mr. Probst
moved to amend. the motion, that the nAter lay over for further consideration
seconded by Mr. Stewart and carried..
6. Mr. Probst introduced. a Bill entitled
"A Bill
For Ordinance No. New Series.
Amending Secti.on 529 of Ordinance No, 1, New Series,
lmown as the Mu.nicipal Code of the City of Alameda,
Appr (wed. Janiry 4, 1913, Relating to the License
of Theatres, Motion Picture Shows and the Like."
which was laid over under a :provision of the Charter.
/ Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk request the Police Department to withhold
collection of the license fees of the moving picture houses until such time as the
proposed or dinance is either re jected • or adopted, seconded by . Hammond and
no further business to transact the Counci"
•ourned in respect
to the memory of the late Captain Charles P. Magagnos, to meet in regular session
Tuesday- evening, April ord 1917 at 8 o'clock.
Re sp ect fully suhmitted,
City Clerk.