1917-04-03 Regular CC Minutes4176 REGU MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 3RD, 1917. The meeting convened at 8:10 P M. with Mayor F. H. Bartlett presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Hammond, Majors, Morris, Probst and. Stewart, (5) were noted present. Councilman Allan arrived during the reading of the claims and was noted preeent Council-president Roth arrived during the reading of the communication from J. F. Patterson and was noted present. Absent:Councilmen Smith and Walker. The Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as read. The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular meeting of March 27th, 1917, were approved as read. // Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Transferr No. 20 Ne "Reeolution No. 28. 464.14 from Lbcal Improvement Fund Series, to the General Fund in repay- ment of loans. " Mr. Hammond seoonded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passedby the following vote:- es:Councilmen Ha ond, Majors, Morris Probst and Stewart, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Allan Smith Walker and President Roth, (4). 2. / Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "ResolUtion No. 29. Transferring 0500.00 from the Recreation Fund to the General Fund in Repayment of a Loan made October 17 1916. " Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Majors, Morris, Probst and Stewart, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Allan, Smith, Walker and President Roth, (4). 3. Cr Probet introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 30. Transferring $2175.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest & Redemption Fund. Mr. iond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Counoilmen Hammond, • M. ors Morris, Probst and Stewart, (5) Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Allan Smith, Walker and President Roth, (4). 4. .' Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ,"Resolution No. 31, Transferring $100,00 From the General Fund to the Relief Fund as a Loan." Mr. H ond seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Hammond, Majors Morris, Probst and Stewart, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Allan, Smith, Walker and President Roth, (4). Claims against the General Fund ounting to $1876.76; s-ainst the Police Fund amounting to 067.30; against the Fire Fund amounting to $444 against the Street Fund amounting to $2500.44; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $5017.69; again at the Library Fund amounting to $954.87; April 3rd, 1917. to 018,950.24, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: Bay City Art Glass Works Bancroft Whitney Co. Cobbledick- Kibbee Glass Co. Bartlett, F. H. Dreio, N. H. East Bay Water Co. Fox, Geo. H. Johnson Co., S. T. Lanktree, J. B. Lewis, Bert Lubbock, Os ld Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Noble, Geo. H. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co. !t q t1 N Stevenson, Jr., C. C. St. Sure, A. F. Sunset Lumber Co. Times Star Co. Washington Market Western Union Tel. Co. tt it tt n Conrad, John Times Star Co. East Bay Water Co. Encinal Garage Furey, H. D. Kreuckel, Geo. J. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Park Garage Steinmetz, T. F. Amorosa, V. Arada, J. M. Bach, Wm. Bay City Cyclery Brink, H. S. Britt, W. Cavanaugh, J. Clerk & Sons, Dahl, James Devine, P. A. Fo,llrath, Geo, Freeman, J. L. Garavante, L. Gatto, A. Giancoli, T. H ond, C. J. Jamison, J. S. Jamison, R. H. Jensen, J. Johnson, C. Kellogg, F. H. Kull, Otto A. Lenz, Louis C. Lietz Co., The A. Looney, F. M. Lopez, F. Luproiu, P. May, John Mazzini, L. McMenaman, W. H. .Moorman .Nielsen, N. C. Pennock, M. Perata, A. Perry, Joe. GENERAL FUND. Street signs Law books Street signs Allowance Services Water Premiums Oil Bond premium Services Rent of P. 0. Box Supplies Labor and material Costs of court Gas Tolls Curbing ft Purchase of land Money advanced Lumber Binding Meat Telegram It Total POLICE FUND. Incidentals Printing Total F IRE FUND. Water Gasol House repairs Apparatus repairs Gas Oil and repairs Mattress 'Total STREET F Labor n x Repairs Teaming Labor Sewer pipe Assisting City r » Labor Assisting City Labor n tt Rock Teaming Incidentals Labor Teaming Labor n tt Repairs Labor TV n n Hardware Labor if N Teaming Labor tt *I OHO Engineer TT Engineer $ 315.00 14.95 53.75 50.00 12.00 15.61 37.50 6).19 6.25 30.00 .75 1,20 25.39 14.00 5.31 7 .96 98.75 98.73 1000.00 11.00 2.10 4,75 1.48 7.65 1.40 876.72 0 0 67.30 341.73 19.00 20.73 2.45 11.34 36.70 12.74 - .. - -0 444.69 30.00 39.00 39.00 8.24 39.00 104.00 39.00 34.30 70.82 87.50 39.00 12I .54 37.50 81.50 3) .00 210.01 143 .00 4,00 39,00 33.00 45.50 39.00 46.80 1.50 46.80 18.00 28.50 39.00 2.06 28.50 45.50 39.00 143.00 39.00 37.50 4 April 3rd, 1g17. Samuel, W. J. Labor $ 45.50 Sanday, W. " 39.00 Schick, J. II 39.00 Serralunga, L. Street sweeping 200.00 Shell Co. of California Oil 26.7b Sorensen, J. Labor 39.00 Stevens, A. F. II 39.00 Times Star Co. Printing 10:54 Van Cott, A. H. Repairs 3.00 II II . If II Labor 59.80 Wilkens, J. H. Supplies .30 Woodin & Little Repairs 6.86 Young Machinery Co. A. L. Steam hose 6.62 Alameda Park Co. Alameda Rug Works Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baird, Ina M. Baird, J. V. Board of Electricity Brown:Furniture Co. Bussenius, A. G. Buswell Manufacturing GO.' Citizens Saving :-Ink Clark, H. D. n u n Crane Co. Dodd Co., P. J. Dow Pump &Diesel Engine Co. I? TI , TV TV 17 It East .;:y-Water Co. R TV n TV Eccles & Smith Co* Gilson_Electrical Supply Co, it TV If TV It Goggin & Co. G. E. Kellogg Express Co. Langlois, E. L. MacRae, Chas. W. Marcus, R. Marshall,Newoll Supply Cp. National Brass & Copper Tube Co Osborn, Jessie M. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plummer, E. T. " Geo. E. & Son Powell Bros, Construction Co. Ritchie, L. E. TV rit TV Schneider, Henry Serralunga & Co., L. Standard. Oil Co. TV n n Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. TV n n Tiye, A. C. Union Street Garate U. S. Graphite Co. Vosburgh„ L. W. Weaver-Ables Wells Co,. TV TV n u Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Westphal, O. F. Total - -$ 2500.44 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Globes 56,25 Renovating rug • 60 Repairs .75 Premium on insurance 34.00 Repairs to auto truck .75 Incidentals 120.20 Supplies 2.05 Drugs 3.58 Paint 6.12 Rent 40.00 Premium on boilers 234.00 Premium 3.00 Supplies and credit 12.45 Premium on insurance 34.00 Repairs 4.75 Supplies 7.50 Water 2.00 2.00 1.80 TV 36.23 259•33 110.25 48.71 " 45.48 297.15 Premium on insurance 40.80 Drayage 5.29 Repairs on auto 7.25 Furnishing counter 115.00 Repairs wheel and new pedal ,1,00 Supplies 21.79 9.75 Pr Jut on insurance 27.20 Phones and tells 15.37• Premium on insurance 34.00 Supplies '6.25 Fire Brick 12.50 Premium on insurance 61.20 Bond premium s 6.25 Stationery and supplies 17.35 Removing Garbage ' ' 3,00 FuelDil 847.19 If II 1861.74 Dry cells 5.45 Advertising and subscription 9,45 Printing 47.50 Labor and Material 13.50 Supplies 22.59 Graphite 11.76 Supplies 13.82 .25 If .30 TV 454.41 Repairs ' 2,75 , • Total - -n- 5017.69 Supplies LIBRARY FUND. Aetna Insurance. Co. Insurance $ 22,00 II " " ft 22.00 Alameda Free Library Petty expenses 27.51 tsserjoan Insurance Co. Insurance 22.00 Blake,, Moffitt & Towne Supplies 5.25 Bricks; Geo, W. Book 6:88 Bulletin, The Subscription 4.80 Connecticut Fire Ins, Co, Insurance 22.00 Crocker Co., H. S. Books 4.80 East Bay Water Co. Water 1,00 Fcbster & Futernick Co. Binding 162.15 Grolier Society Book 37.80 u„..-„," D. -D. ".....,_ April 3rd, 1917. Newbegin, John J. New Zealand Co, Pacific Coast Paper Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co. Royal Insurance Co. Schulte, Edna Seribnera Sons, Chas. Sing Times Star Co. University of California Volberg, C. C. Wheeler .Publishing Co. White Co. James T. East Bay Water Co. Mazzini, L. n n Miller, Hattie Nielsen, Henry G. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. P lummme r Mfg. Co. W. A. Powell BRos. Construction Co. Spalding & Bros., A. G. Theobald, Dorothy L. Thurston, C. E. Times Star Co. Valiance Nursery Weymouth, Helen Hester Books Insurance Paper Services Insurance ff Substitute Book Reseating chairs Printing Publication Rent Books Book RECREATION FUND. Chapman, E. N. Assg. M. R. Irvine Grob, Herman Longley, C. P. McCaw, F. M. Murphy, M. Wright, Paxton Abderson & Ringrose Gordon, John Knowles, Wm. B. Meters, Henry H. Total Water Hardware Substituting Cards Gas Flag Tennis court Supplies Substitute Fertilizer Printing Plants Substitute n RELIEF FUND. Labor n n n If Total 'dotal .. wee 366.38 22.00 10.00 .20 11.00 22.00 6.00 2,00 10.80 28.00 3.50 25.00 15.00 5.00 954.87 4.32 27.20 54.39 8.00 1.50 2.16 19.24 427.68 48.68 3.16 11.76 5.50 40.97 11.58 10.56 676.70 17.50 12,50 7.50 7.50 32.50 7.50 85.00 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO. 11. Construction $16997.50 Painting 325.00 Superintendence 162.00 Architect's services 1465.74 Total ole. SAO 18950.24 Mr. Hammond moved that the c ° as read be paid, seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried by the following vote : - Ayes: Counci.imen Allan Hammond, Majors, Morris, Probst, Stewart, (6). Noes:None. Absent ;Councilmen Smith, Walker and President Roth, (3). The following were received: The Pound report for the month of March, 1917. Ordered fi led. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of February , 1917. Ordered filed. ✓ The Deed of Reconveyance of Charles E. Tabor, surviving trustee George H. Noble and the Deed of George H. Noble and Elizabeth C. Noble for the property adjoining the High School. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Rhode Jamieson Co. protesting against an alleged a rding of contract for the purchase of rock on the ground of illegality. The matter was re ferred to City Attorney St. Sure, who replied that no contract had been entered into for the purchase of the rock and that the ki of bids for the same was the only action taken by the Purchasing Agent. The communication was ordered. 4176 April 3rd, 1917. From the East Bay Water Company Oompany stat1ig that the Engineering Depart- ment had been instructed to install a six-inch main and three fire hydrants in Tunnel Street, west of Webster Street, the city having ree to pay $450.00 towards the expense. Ordered filed. / From John Fa Patterson, suggesting the placing of a signal at the corner of Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue, for the safe-guard of automobilist& Referred to the incoming Council. From W. H. Christie, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Emeryville, asking the City of Alameda to protest against a Bill before the State Legislature which would provide for two platoons in the Fire De- partment. As the City of Alameda would not be affeotod by the proposed law the communication was ordered filed. 10, From George H. Hagy, Secretary Carnival Committee of the Alameda Improva: nt Club and the West End Merchants' Association, asking for 'Permission to hold a street fair and carnival in the lot bound by Webster Street and Page Street and Central Avenue and Taylor Avenue, fr April 23rd" to 29th inclusive. Mt H ond moved that .the request be granted, second- ed by Mt Morrie and carried. 11. / From Mrs. A.Lewis requesting a gratuitous license to conduct a tamale parlor at 2303 Santa Clara Avenue. As the same bore the endorse- ment of John Conrad, Chief of Police, Mr. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mt Morris and carried. 12. From the Board of Police and. Fire Commissioners submitting a letter received by them from A. Hieron s Health Officer, urging the placing of a shower bath in the City Jail for the convenience of the prisoners. Mr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Public Buildings and. GrOunds Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried. From the Oakland Waterfront Company, requesti a a permit and lease for the term of two years from granting to use for dumping dredged material thereon a certain piece of land lying south of the Alameda Mole and west of the City of Alameda which land is a part of the tidelands ac under control of the City., Mt HamrnonI moved that the matter be referred to the incoming Council, seconded by Mr Morris carried. 14. /' George H. Noble presented A Map of the Mininger Tract and asked for the approval of St. Margaret Court as a public street and highway and that it be accepted on behalf of the public. Mr, Hammond moved that it be re ferred to the incoming Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 15. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. ___ Series. Amending Section 529 of oiTnce No. 1, New Series known as the Manicipal Code of the City of Alameda, Approved January 4, 1913, and Re- lating to the License of Theatres Motion Picture Shows and the Like." came up for . Mr. Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mt Hammond and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. April 3rd, 1917. For Ordinance No. New Series. Prohibiting Loitering, PickefT7g, Carrying or Dis playing Banners, Badges, Signs or Transparencies, or Speaking in Public Streets, Sidewalk, Alleys or other Public Places in a Loud or Unusual Tone, for Certain Purposes Therein Named, and Providing a Penaty for any Violation thereof." came up for passage, and was referred to the incoming Council. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, April t7th, 1917, at 8 o'clock . Re lly submitted, City Clerk