1917-06-06 Regular CC Minutes4176 2, 4, REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6TH 1917. The meeting meotlng convened at 8 o'clock P. M. In the absence of the President of the Council and the Vice-president of the Council, upon motion duly made ana seconded Mr. Otis was selected as temporary Chairman. The roll was called and Councilmen Noy, Otis and Probst were noted present. During the reading of the Minutes Mayor Majors arrived and took the cheir, The Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to read that the next regular meeting would be held on Wednesday. evening, June 6th, 1917, because Tuesday, June 5th, 1917 had been declared a holiday by the Governor for registration purposes. With the above correction the Minutes were approved as read. The following were received: The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month ending May 31st, 1917. Ordered filed. An Apportionment of 7. Ordered filed, Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of April, 1917. Ordered filed. Poundmaster's report for the month of May, 1917. Ordered filed. The Oaths of Office of Walter T. Steinmetz as Chief of the Fire Department; C.' E. Hickok as Street Superintendent and City Engineer; Arthur Hieronymus as Health Officer and City Physician. Ordered filed. The continuation certificate on the bond of Frank Newton Walton. Ordered filed. The continuation certificate on the bond of Leon H. Ader, Orderedfiled. The bondsof City Manager Chas. E.Hewes and Superintendent of Streets and City, Engineer, Clifton E. Hickok were presented. As both bore the approval of City Attorney A. F. St, Sure, Mr. Otis moved that they be approved by the Council and ordered filed, seconded by Probst and carried, 5. /' The report of Street Superintendent V. M. Froddt on the completion of macadamizing acid otherwise improving Encinal Avenue from the 7. center line of Br edway to the center line of Pearl Street done by Powell Bros, Construction Company under private contract. Ordered filed. The report of StreerSelperintendent V. M. Frodden on the construction of a sewer in_Encinal Avenue from Pease Avenue to Pearl Street done by Powell Bros, ContractorsOrdered filed. The report of Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden on the com- pletion of a sewer in St. Margarets' Court, done by Geo. H. Noble. Ordered filed. The report of V. M. Frodden, Street Superintondent, on the grading macadamizing and otherwise improving Encinal Avenue 6n :the north side 407 4 0 8 10, 11. June 6th, 1917. The followinp communications were received: From Geo* L. Dillman suggesting the passage of the Anti-picketing Ordinance; calling attetion to the bad condition of the streets of Alameda and urging that something be done towards their improvement, and that a distributing system for water supply be purchased after a proper valuation thereon had been fixed by the Railroad. Commission. Ordered filed. From F. P. McLennan luting upon the Council the taking of proper measures to see that the City's interests are protected so far as owner- ship and occupancy . of the tidelands lying in the Oakland Estuary west of Webster Street. Ordered filed. From T. F. Graham Town Clerk of Pleasariton, announcing that the FOurth of July celebration proposed by that town had been cancelled. Ordered filed. 12. From the Ashby Improvement Club askingfor information regarding the proposed City and County consolidationrnovenient, The Clerk stated that he had forwarded the desired facts. The communication was ordered fil ed. 13. ---e) From the Board of WM° Utilitie statinthat information had been re�eivedhythetothe effect that the sum of 01600400 transferred from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund with the understanding that it was to be expended for the purchase of uniforms for the Alameda High School Cadetswould not be required by the Board of Educationtinasmuch as other provisions for this had been made, The Clerk was instruated to take up theAnatter with the Board to ascertain the facts.' 14. From the Board of Public Utilities asking that the Council pass an Ordinance making it a penalty for trespassing on the wharf at the south end of Park Street, which wharf is the property of the Department of Electricity. The City Attorney was instrueted, to prepare such an Ordinance. 15. 16. 17, From the Alameda Chapter of the American Red. Cross calling. attention to the National eampaign outlined by the President of the United States, the week , beginning June 17, 1918 and asking the co-operation ef the Council in this campaign. Dr. W. 0. Smith addressed the Council on behalf of the local Chapter and urged the attendance of the Council to the meeting to be held Friday evening, June 8th, at the Alameda Theater. The invitation to be present was accepted. From the Alameda Land Company requesting permission to move the house now located on Alameda AVenue known as 2217 to the north side of Encinal Avenue, between Regent and Broadway. Referred to the Ci Manager and Superintendent of Streets with power to act. From L. D. Frazee requesting permission to ins all a 1500- gallon storage tank on Santa Clara Avenue about sixty feet east from Webster Street. Referred to the Chief of the Fire Department with power to act. 18. From the Board of Education submitting a copy of a Resolution adontea at a regul= meeting of the -Roard held Tnesdav evening_ June fith_1917. 4175 June 6th, 1917. which Resolution requested the authorization by the Counei1 to the Board of Education to advertise for sale to the highest responsible bidder the old Porter School Building. The matter was laid over until such time as a meeting with the Board of Education could be held on the subject. 19. From the Alameda Improvement Club inviting the members of the Council to a festival and outing to be held at Neptune Beach, Wednesday, June 13th, 1917, in conjunction with the West Alameda Merchants' Association. Mr. Probst moved that the invitation be accepted, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. 20. From E. G. Cook, calling the Council's attention to work that had been dot t on the improvement of a tennis Court in Washington Park but which now stands in an incomplete condition, and urging that some- thing be done towards the completion of the work. The matter was re- ferred to the City Manager to take up with Powell Bros, Construction Company who had put in the Court. 21. A petition from Ben F. Lamborn was received urging the extension of Morton Street from it present northerly terminus northward to Oakland Estuary. Referred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. 22. From former Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden giving data and Ugures of the cost of improving various streets done by him prior to his resigning from office. Ordered filed 23. The Clerk reported that bids for the auditing as requested for by,the Council had been received. Mr. Probst moved that they be laid over to the next. Committee of the Whole Meeting, seconded by Mr. Noy and cerried. 24. V A Bill entitled " A Bill For - Ordinance No. New Series, Repealing Subdivision B, 0 and IT Of Ordinance No, 35, New Series. came up for passage. After some discussion it was moved and seconded and carried that the matter lay over until such time as the City Manager together with the City Cir Attorney,could report back to the Council on the proposition of licenses as now taken up by them. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. To Repeal Section 6, Chapter 2 of Ordinance No. 1 New Series, known as the Municipal Code of the City of Alameda." came up for passage. Said Bill provided for the repeal of the Ordinance fixing the salaries of the City Attorney, City Clerk and other officials Mr. Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noy a nd on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayee:Councilmen Noy, Otis, Probst and President Majors, Absent: Councilman Dillman. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. 409 410 June 6th 1917. certain purioses therein named and provid5ng a penalty in violation thereof." came up for passage. Mr. Probst moved that the matter lay over to the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried A resolution fixing the salary of the Street Superintendent and. City Engineer at $250.00 per month and that of an assistant at $175.00 per month was presented, and on motion of Mr. Probst, seconded. by Mr. Otis and carried, laid over to the Committee of the Whole meeting. 26. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 55, Resolution of Intention No, 40 New Series. Providing for-the Closing of Ml turn Street, Union Street, Schiller Street and Lafayette Street between Clement Avenue and the Estuary of San Antonio also known as Oakland Creek." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and nassed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Noy, Otis, Probst and President Majors, (4). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Dillman,(1). Mr. Otis asked to be excused and left the Council Chamber, 27. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adonti on;- "Resolution No. 56. Ordering the Work for the laying of a six inch Sewer in the center line of Bay Street Connecting with the South Side Intercepting Sewer Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Noy, Probst and President Majors, (3). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Dillman and Otis 2). 28. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No, 57 Commending V. M. Frodden for the Service Rendered by him as Superintendent of Streets of the City of Alameda during the Period of Twenty-seven years and four months." Mx. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Noy, Probst and President Majors, (3). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Diliman and Otis, (2). A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series, Regulating the Sale of Bread and Establishing the Standard Weight Thereof; and. REquiring Apparatus used by Peddlers and Hawkers to be Tested and Sealed by the Department of Weights and Measures and Providing a Penalty For the Violation .Thereof," was introduced and laid over under a provision oftthe Charter. A Bill entitled. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Creating a Police, RelieT Health and. Pension Fund." was introduced and,laid over under a provision of the Charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. V;.y.mrnmv177.—Rmilta-P 14.l,1 PY1A ProiPin71 Pirelti_tr 4176 June 6th, 1917. 411. Claims against the General Fund amounting to $194.79; against the Police Fund amounting to $78,77; against the Fire Fund amounting to $530.35; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 4546i36; against the Street Fund amountin to $2459,04; against the Health Fund amounting to 095.65; against the Recreation Fund amounting to $234.57; against the Relief Fund amounting to 020,00; against the School General Fund amounting to i435.00; against the Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to 030695.83 having been approved and audited by the proper officials wore listed a. by the Clerk: Alameda Steam Laundry Deetken, F. C. East Bay Water Co, Fischer,C. F. Fish, Harold Ford, N. O. Furey, H. D. Hollidge, Harry Kellogg -Express Co. Majors, Greene P, Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas. & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Standard. Oil Co. Stockwell, H. C. St. Sure. A. Y. Sutton, Jas. E. Times Star Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Strom, Carl Weinstock-Nichols Co, Chanslor & Lyon Company East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Furey, H, D. Jorgenson, P. Koerber, A. H. W. Pacific Gas. & Electric Co. Park Garage Pyrene Manufacturing Ca, Standard Oil Co, " ?? Vosburgh L. W. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Board of Electricity Bowers Rubber Works Cal. Wire Cloth Company Citizens Savings Bank Crane Co, Crocker Co., H. S. Dow Pump & Diesel Engine 00. Hovey, C. E. Garlock Packing Co, Geary, Ernest G. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. , .11 7. IT TV If Gleason.-Tiebout Glass Co. Gutta Perchas & Rubber Mfg. Co. The Kellogg Express Co. Koerber, A. H. W. Krogh Mfg, Co. GENERAL FUND. Towel service Repairs Repairs and supplies 77 TV 77 Premium on bond. Printing Repairs Supplies Drayage Salary Labor and material Gas Phone serVice Coupon book for gasoline Cleaning lock in vault Cash advanced Witness fees Printing Supplies Total - POLICE FUND. Gasoline and auto supplies Batteries Auto supplies Total - RE FUND. Tires Water Coal 011 Supplies and repairs Apparatus repairs. Fuel Gas- Gasoline Supplies Storage tank Gasoline Supplies Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. 0. .0. Towel service Tube repairs Incidentals Supplies Rent Supplies Addressograph plates Supplies S. F. Water Bonds Supplies Stataof Cal. Highwayy bonds Supplies TV and credit TV " Drayage Fuel Bushing .11 POW $ 8.00 8.00 ,50 18.88 19.0 12.50 2.45 .75 3.55 1.00 50.00 2.80 2.07 5,39- 19,00 10,00 16.50 4.60 8.53 1.25 194,79 33.76 1.60 43,41 78.77 74,13 342,98 3.92 11.23 1,47 3.43 9.90 64.60 5.57 3438 4.00 5.74 530.35 1,00 10.90 1050 2.84 40.00 8.77 4.50 6.70 10363,00 12.15 10171,11 125.25 57,91 93.34 125.83 41,81 129059 7.50 6.00 3.00 442 JUne 6th, 1917. National City Company, The Pacific Metal Works Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plant Rubber and Asbestos Works Powell Bros. Construction Co. Powell Bros. Colvtruction Co, Rollins & Sons, E. H. Ritchie, L. E. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Standard UNdergroundCable Co. Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Ables Wells Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co, Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co Whittier-Coburn Co. 'lawman & Erbe Mg, Amorosa, V. Britt, W. Campe & Baugh Cavanaugh, J. Dahl, Jas, J. Devine, P,A. Follrath, G. Freeman, J. L. Gianeoli, T. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg, Co. Hutchinson Co. TT IT TV IT TV TV Jamison, J. S. Jamison, R. H. Jensen, J. Johnson, C. Kellogg, F. H. Lenz, L. C. Looney, F. M. May, J. J. Moorman, Z. Nielsen, N. C. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pennock, M. TT TV Perata, A. Perry, Joe Powell Bros, Construction Co. Samuel. A. J. Sanday, W. SerralungavL. Sorensen, J. Stevens, A. F. Underwood Typewriter Co, Van Cott, A. H. Vosburgh, L. W. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Braun-Knecht-Heinman Co. Borie, Louis J. Carpenter, T. .Godfrey, Matilda Hieronymus, A. Morris, Geo. T. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Blackman & Co. Poo+ AnTr W+,- On STRE City of Oakland bonds Supplies Phones and tolls Supplies Patching sidewalk It Concrete work Ventura Co. Highway Bonds Premium on bond Stationery and su-pplies Fuel Oil Wire Dry cells Supplies Grease supplies TT Oil Supplies Total - FUND. Labor Teaming Repairs Labor Assisting Oity Engineer TV Labor Assisting City Engineer. Labor Supplies Rock TV 1T TT TV Teaming Incidentals Labor Te ning Labor Ft TV TV 11 IT Rental Teaming Fuel Labor TV Rock and screeneings Labor Street Cleaning Labor TV Repairs Labor Hardware. Total lEALTH FUND. Laboratory TV Auto upkeep Transportation Cleaning Office expense It TV Laboratory Atuo upkeep Office expense - Auto upkeep Laboratory Total RECREATION FUND. Oil Sawdust 10502.50 3.75 15.08 6.62 1.00 3.00 142.00 11153.74 2.50 14.70 1770.79 176.47 2.24 6.37 .60 3.70 30.55 26.15 51.75 45161.36 36.00 108.00 9.41 42.00 '70,13 84.77 42,00 116.64 42.00 31.36 25,09 156.80 85.46 46.26 156.80 76:84 1,57 143.00 2,30 6.00 55.00 49,00 50.40 50,40 36.00 49.00 42.00 2.30 143,00 27.44. 42,00 6.00 166,36 49,00 42.00 200,00 42.00 42,00 6.50 64.40 3.18 $ 2459.04 14.90 16.83 3.76 22.60 11.25 .45 1,77 .50 2.75 1.20 19,00 .64 95.65. .64 8.50 4176 Franck, Russel J. Furey, H. D. Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg. Co. Hammond, C. J. Roffman Co. Charles Indig, Mts. J. H. Lewis, Agnes Macdonald, H. E. MacRorie—McLaren Co. Mazz±ni, L. n Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Spalding & Bros. A. G. Weymouth, Hester Cavana Brooks Sales Co, Musicians Services Plumbing supplies Supplies Lime Costumes Music Substitute Ice cream Plants Athletic supplies Gas Baseballs Substituting Total IEF FUND. Labor SCHOOL GENERAL FUND. Repair *AO 1,113'T I IPA14 .E22 0 ITETUT T FUND NO. 11, Anderson & Ringrose Britt, Geo, Coast Wrecking Co. grob,:kerman Helmstein, J. H. Kerns, J. T. Klyee, H. A. n n n Knowles, W. B. Manuel A. McCann, M. FA Municipal Electric Light P1 Pacific Coast Rattan Co. Sherwin Williams Paint Co. Standard Electric Time Co. Strom Electrical Co. Werner & Rogers Wolff, August Wright Paxton Mr. Probst Payment on contract Cement work Refund of deposit Labor Repairs Salary Extras . Final payment on contract Salary is • Labor ant Installing conduits Equipment Repairs Clock system Improvements Sprviees Purchase price o: property Labor Total June 6th, 1917. $ 25.00 .90 35,28 31.36 3.43 20.00 4.00 5.40 7.84 .85 22.80 3.15 5,00 20.00 234,57 2040 .00 0 3145.00 8,00 151.25 41.25 10,48 123,00 592.00 20534,25 1G2,00 41,16 40.87 41,25 459.18 26.00 36,60 312.50 125.65 1807,14 3000,00 41,25 30695,83 moved that the claims as listed he id, seconded by Mr. Noy and on roll call,cattied by the fol.:lowing vote: s:Councilmen Noy, Prdb and President Majors, (3). Yoes:None-,,Absent:Councilmen Diliman and Otis, (E). 29. City Manager Hewes stated that there was a pile of junk consisting of scrap iron, steel. and brass lying at the Corporation Yard and asked for permission to sell the same by private bids. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mt. Noy and carried. City Manager Hewes also brough up the matter of a sane Fourth and was informed that Ordinances covering the same had been adopted and were to be found in the Municipal Ocde, 30. / Mr. Probst called attention to the condition of Bay Farm Island Road and moved that the City Manager and Street Superintendent look into the matter with a view of improving the condition, seconded by Mr. Noy and, carried. 31. v Mr, Probst also brought up the matter of the lack of water pressure in the mains in Taylor Avenue, between Sixth and Webster Streets, and Moved that the Clerk take up the matter with the East Bay Water Company seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, June 19th, 1917 at 8 o'clock.