1917-06-19 Regular CC Minutes414- REGULAR MEETING OF THE,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19TH, 1917. The meeting convened at 8:02 P. M. with Council-president Greene Majors presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Dalman, Noy, Otis and President Majors were noted present. Councilman Probst arrived during the reading of the Minutes and was noted present. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "RESOLUTION NO. 58. Transferring 0100.00 from the jdlelief Fund to the General Fund in Repayment of a loan."', Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2. / Mx. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved i adoption: "Resolution No. 59. Creating a Store Fund and Appropriating 0500.00 for the use of said Fund." Mr. Dillman seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: The Affidavit of the posting of Notice of Improvement under Reso- lution of Intention No. 40, New Series, which provides for the closing of Minturn, Union, Schiller and Lafayette Streets,north of Clement Avenue. Ordered filed. The Affidavit of publication of the Notice of Improvement under Resolution of Intention No. 49, New Series, which provides for the closing of Minturn, Union, Schiller and. Lafayette Streets north of Clement Avenue. Ordered filed. 3. The Oath of Office of C. J. Du Four as Superintendent of Schools Ordered filed. 4. v The Abstract of Title of the property of August Wolff, purchased for the use of of the Longfellow School. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From the Board of Education asking for permission to return 0'475 which is one hundred and twenty-five Per cent of the purchase price re- ceived from R. B. Mott, as a deposit on the house at 2217 Alameda Avenue, permission to remove the house having been denied. Mr. Mott. Also, that the Board be given permission to dispose of, at public auction, the house recently purchased from A. Wolff at 516 Pacific Avenue. The portion of the communication referring to the Mott matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting held later in the evening Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried, that the Board's request to sell the Wolff house be granted. 4176 June 19th, 1917. Council and was referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held later in the evening. Affidavits of posting and publication of Notice inviting sealed proposals for the laying of a sewer in Bay Street were presented and ordered filed. In response to.said Notide, the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of two sealed bids. Mr. Probst moved that the Clerk open and read the bids, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From J. Catucci offering to do the work at the following prices: Six inch 95 cts. per lin. ft. Six inch "Y" branches................ 40 cts. each Manholes complete, ................... 030.00 each The same was accompanied by a certified cheek in the sum of 30.00. From M. P. Cambear, offering prices: Six inch pipe.... • • • • •• • • • • • Six inch mrt branchse....... to do the work at the following 55 cts. per lin. ft. 25 cts. each 6 • 45 00 each Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Manholes, complete................... The same was accompanied by a Cashier's check in the sum of 020.00 Mr. Dillman moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 6. 1/ City Manager Hewes reported back that the bid of M. P. Cambear was the lowest and best bid. Mr. Probst thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 60. Resolution of Award, No. 39, N. S. for the laying of a Sewer in Bay Street and Connecting with the Southside Intercepting Sewer." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Other communications: 0 From the Neptune. Beach Company announcing the holding of a 440 Yard national Cahmpionship Swimming Contest on August 12th, 191?, and ask- ing the co-operation of the City to make the event one of the greatest aquatic meetings in the history of sport. Mr. 2robst moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager and Mayor to take up with the Beach Company, seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. The Clerk announced the receipt of bids on the auditing of the city's books. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held later in the evening, // From City Attorney A. F. St. Sure, stated that the case of Linderman Vs. the City of Alameda had been decided in favor of the City. Ordered filed. .7' From City Attorney, A. F. St. Sure, stating that he had examined the applications and bonds for liquor licenses for the following persons and found them to be in proper form:- Therese Sommers, M. Spies, George Otzen, A. Akesson A. Albertsen, G. ". & A. W. Johnston Geol H. & Sue Seebeck, K. Rienecker, Morton H. Hughes, Ellen Hebert,. Muller Bros. Naber Bros., J. G. Croll, Kostering and Came, Wm. C. Kochendorfer 415 41143 June 19th, 1917. Braemer and H. A. Borchert. Mr. Probst moved that the licenses be granted seconded by Mr. Noy and carried. 10. / From the State Commission of Immigration and Housing suggesting a program for Fourth of July exercises. Inasmuch as there will be no exercises held in the City of Alameda the coming Fourth, Mr. Diliman moved that the Clerk notify the Commission of that fact, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 11. // From the East Bay Water Company announcing that they would immediate ly investigate the complaint of low pressure on Taylor Avenue, between Sixth Street and Wester Street. Ordered filed. 12. /7 From F. S. Greenlee complaining against the noise and speed made by automobiles and motorcycles along Central Avenue. City Manager Hewes stat- ed that every effort was being made to apprehend the offenders, whereupon Mr. Otis moved, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, that the Clerk notify Mr. Greenlee of that fact. From the California Conference on City Planning submitting a comprehensive scheme on City.Planning. Referred to the City Planning Commission. 13. V The Clerk called attention to the receipt of a bid on February loth for the city's advertising. Mr. Diliman moved inasmuch as the Charter provisions governing the same had been changed through the adoption of a. new Charter, that the bid be rejected and new bids be called for, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. A Resolution fixing the salary of the Street Superintendent and City Engineer, and the assistants in his office was presented and referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting held later in the evening. 14. A Bill entitled "A BILL FOR ORDINANCE NO. NEW SERIES. Regulating the Sale of Br and Establishing the Standard Weight Thereof; and Requiring Apparatus used by Peddlers and Hawkers to be Tested and Sealed by the Department of Weights and Measures and Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereo came up for passage. Mr. St. Sure explained that a State law governing the same would become operative in August, whereupon Mr. Otis moved, seconded by Mr. Diliman and carried that the Bill be laid on the table. A Bill entitled "A. Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. Making it a Misdemeanor for any Person to Trespass or Loiter upon any Wharf or Pier Owned or Controlled by the City." was introduced and laid over uhder a provision of the Charter. Bills creating a Police and Firemen's Relief Health and Pension Funds came up for passage, and on motion duly made and seconded were laid over to the Committee of the Whole meeting held later in the evening. 15. / A Bill entitled ,n11, Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Prohibiting Loitering, PiWaing, Carrying or Dis- -1-,10-cr4y-wro 'Dortvich.r.es 72nAr.eicl Q4 ',w, t1•110 rtv-.47 n•■ "." n■ " 4 June 19th, 1917. 0 came up for passage. Mr. Diliman moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Otis and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Diliman and Otis, (2). Noes:Councilmen Noy,, Probst and. President Majors (3). Mr. A. Feldhamer apoke against the Ordinance and Captain W.G. Tibbitts spoke in its favor, Claims against the General Fund amounting to 03952.36; against the Police Fund amounting to T402.82; against the Fire Fund amounting to 138 against the Street Fund amounting to 01737.28; against the Health Fund amounting to 59.57; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 01.45; against the Relief Fund amounting to 010.00 and against Municipal Improvement Fund amounting to 0148.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed as follows by the Clerk: GENERAL FUND. Supplies Alameda Hardware Co. Brewer, H. S. Daniels & Wilhelm Fischer, C. F. Gould, Grace Hogan Lumber Co. Johnson, Co., S. T. Jonnson, N. P. Koliman, M. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT W W Nielsen, H. G. Park Garage Roth, Conrad Schneider, Henry State Compensation Ins. Fund Stickney & Hutton St. Sure, A. F. U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Auto Electric Service Co. Conrad, John Gay:, A. T. Schneider, Henry Smith, F. J. Vosburgh, L. W. Western Union Tel. Alameda Hardware Co. Alameda steam Laundry Ass'n, Bertero, L. Ford, N. O. Kennedy, Warren C. Koerber, A. H. W. Kracke & Brunje Krueckel, Geo. J. Langlois, E. L. Lewis Grocery Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Park Garage Schneider, Henry Strei,Co., W. E. Strom Electrical Co. Time Star Company Vosburgh, L. W. " and repairs Expenses in Sacramento Case Fuel Oil Repairs Directory City Lighting Labor and attendance 0 Lettering Repairs on Vacuum Cleaner Repairs and material Supplies Insurance premium Painting, Police Stati Telegrams Bond premiums Total - POLICE FUND. Gasoline and auto repairs Repairs Incidental expenses Repairs to auto Stationery Meals Allto supplies Clock rental Total FIRE FUND. Imoo wolo ■•• Supplies Linen service Herbage hauling Printing Services rendered. Feed Supplies Apparatus repairs Supplies TV Recharging batteries Apparatus repairs Ink Supplies 7, Printing Supplies Total - *WY 4111. .110 3.59 5.90 150.50 2,14 11.00 26.46 47.48 2.25 5,00 1887.35 52.24 50.00 4.10 27.20 56.89 8.82 55.27 .98 10.31 1323.38 etc. 204.00 2.50 15.00 4; y 3952.36 22.83 3.50 4.65 2.50 5.74 62.50 .10 1.00 102.82 .15 16.60 2.50 .49 9.00 44.89 19.62 22.69 .20 9.50 lab .59 .55 4.00 25 6.25 .25 138.58 417 June 19th, 1917. Amoroso:, V. Brewer, H. S. Cavanaugh, J. Chapman, E. N. Clark & Sons, N. Daniels and Wilhelm East Bay Water Co. Edward, W. S. Folirath, G. Gay, A. T. Giancoli, T. Hammond,,C. J. Hutchinson, Co. Kellogg Express Co. Kellogg, F. H. Koerber, A. H. W. Lenz, L. C. Looney, F. M. May, John Mazzini, L. McClure, E. A. Moorman, Z. Muiro, Co„ J. A. Nielsen, N. C. Park Garage Perata, A. Perry, Joe Pinal Dome Refining Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Samuel, W. J. Sanday, W. Schneider, Henry Sorensen, J. Stackler, J. J. Stevens, A. F. United Iron Works Van Cott,- A. H. Young Machinery Co, Alameda Vulcanizing Works Cutter Laboratory De Laval Dairy Supply Co. Ford, N. 0. Dakland California Towel Co. Park Garage Pearson & Swanson Remington Typewriter Western Dairy Co. Alameda Hardware Co Fischer, C. F. Konigshofer's Manuel, A. zini, L. ahneider, Henry Street Department STREET FUND. Labor Repairs Labor Assisting City Engineer Sewer pipe Supplies Water Inspection Labor Repairs Labor Rock it Expressage Labor Coal Labor 7 Hardware Assisting City Engineer Labor Supplies labor Repairs Labor tT Road. Oil Rock Labor '7 Stationery Labor Repairs Labor Repairs Labor Roller repair Total - nALTH FUND. Auto upkeep Vaccine Laboratory Printing Towel service Auto upkeep Laboratory Office expense Emergency Total - - - RECREATION FUND. Suloplies Hardware May Fete Lumber Hardware Incidentals Rolling Lincoln Park Field Total RELIEF FUND. McGrath, 3, Labor MUNICIPAL 1MPR0VEMEN TITD NO. Cunningham & Polite() Cement Salary as Superintendent Total - - Mr. Otis moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by on roll call carried unanimously. Kerns, J. F. $ 50,00 :74 39,00 5;25 26.66 81.83 63.29 8.00 39.00 11.27 39.00 26.41 39.20 39.20 .50 45.50 63.08 46.80 46.80 39.00 11,91 25.95 45.50 14.70. 39.00 6.76 39.00 15.00 463.52 150.68 45.50 39.00 2.75 59.00 16.45 39.00 18.82 59.80 441' $1737,28 $ 3.63 .88 .71 17.50 1.10. 31.85 2.65 1,00' .25 59.57 7.30 19.60 38.70 3.33 1.09 1.43 10.00 81.45 $ 10.00 $ 124.50 24.00 148.50 Probst and 16. Council-Pretident Majors then declared a recess for an hour during which the Council met as a Committee of the Whole. Upon reconvening Councilmen Dillman, Noy, Otis, Probst and Council- 4176 June 19th, 1917. 17. Mayor Majors announced the appointment of a City Planning Commission consisting of the following named persons:- W. H. Noy, Thomas J. Allan, A. F. Heuer, Mrs. Ethel E. Stein and Flora G. Burgner. Said appointments were made in accordance with Ordinance No. 59, New Series. The ex-officio members are Mayor Greene Majors City Attorney, A. F. St. Sure and City Engineer C. E. Hickok. 18. // Mr. Dillman introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No, 61. Authorizing the Board of Education to Sell and Remove the old Porter School Building. Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the ResolUtion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 19. / Mr. Dillman moved that the U475.00, which is one hundred and twenty- five per cent of the purchase price paid by R. B. Mott as a deposit on the house at 2217 Alameda Avenue be returned to him, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 20. / Mr. Dillmau moved that all bids received fro the auditing of the city's books be rejected on account of an evident misunderstanding on the Dart of bidders as to the amount of work to be done, and that new bids be called for, including the Municipal Electric Light Plant books as part of the auditing and that the same be done monthly, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 21. v Mr. Probst moved that the Board of Education be requested to return the ,1;1600.00 transferred from the Electric Light Fund to their Fund for the purcha se of uniforms for High School cadets, seconded by Mr. Dillman and carried. Mr. J. D. Mills, a member of the. Board, was present and notified the Council that action on the part of the Board had already been taken. 22. / A Bill entitled "A Bill ForrOrdinance No. New Series. Creating a Firemen's Relief, Heal and Pension Fund". came up for passage. Mr. Probst offered an amendment to Section 3, which would strike out the last sentence of said section and insert in lieu thereof the following:- "Provided, that any person who comes within the purview of this section, who has otherwise complied with its pro- visions and who has served for thrity years or more as herein provided my be retired from further service upon a yearly pension equal to two- thirds of the amount of such yearly salary. and moved that it be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noy and on roll call lost by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Noy and. Probst, (2). Noes:Councilmen Dillman, Otis and President Majors, (3). Council-president Majors thereupon called for a vote on the original Bill which was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Dillman Noy, Otis and Presid.ent Majors, (4). Noes:Councilman Probt, (1). 2. ,/ A Bill entitled "it Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. 01.ean+41nre, 1 4 1, t 420 June 19th, 1917, 3 of said. Ordinance by substituting in lieu thereof the following:- "Pro- vided, that any persons who come within the purview of this section, who has otherwise complied with its provisions and who has served for thirty years or more as herein provided may be retired from further service upon a yearly pension eoual to two-thirds of the amount of such yearly salary. seconded by Mr. Noy and lost by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2). Noes:Councilmen Dillman, Otis and ?resident Majors, (3). Council-president Majors then called for a vote on the original Bill which was adopted and passed by the following vote:- .Ayes:Council- men Dillman, Noy, Otis and. President Majors, (4). Noes:Councilman Probst (1). 24. v/ Mr. Dillman introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 62. Fixing Salaries of City Officials and. Employees." Mr, Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution. Mr. Probst stated that he was opposed to fixing the salary of the Assistant Engineer at 176.00 per month, inasmuch as the salary of the Street Superintendent previously had been only 150.00. Mr. A. Feldhamer spoke likewise against the Resolution. Mr. Dillman spoke in its favor. On roll call the Reso- lution was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Dillman Otis and President Majors, (3). Noes:Councilmen Noy and Probst, (2). 25. Mr, Dillman moved that the sum of 25.00 a month be allowed the City Manager for transnortation purposes, he to furnish gasoline and all supplies for his machine and no further expenses to be charged against the city, seconded by Hr. Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, July 3rd, 1917, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.