1917-10-16 Regular CC Minutes1. PEGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ib, 191?. The meeting convened at 8 P. N. with Coun cil-president Greene Majors presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Dillman, Otis, irobst and. President Majors were noted present. ABsent:Councilman Noy. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The following were received: The Quitclaim Deed of C. F. Townsend to F. Lucchetti and from Francesco Lucchetti to the City o Alameda covering the property purchased for the Municipal Electric Light Plant immediately south of the present Plant. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 2. 7 From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager stating that they had counted the money in the Treasury on October llth, 1917. Ordered filed. 3. From the residents in the vicinity of Crist Street and Regent Street urging the 'purchase of the necessary portion of the Estate of Marie L. Troost, to effect the widening of Crist Street at Regent Street. After some dis- cussion the matter was laid over to the next meeting of the Council. 4. 5, From the City Planning Commission embodying a Resolution recommending that Charles H. Cheney be engaged to make preliminary surveys of the City of Alameda and that he be :paid the sum of 44500.00 for the work. Mr. Probst moved that the request be denied, seconded by Mr. Diliman ana carried by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Dillman Probst and Otis, (3). Noes:rone. Excused from voting: Counciliepresident Majors, (1). Absent:Councilman Noy, From the City Planning Commission stating that an open meeting bn tie closing of Harrison Avenue had been held on October 9th. Owing to the fact that several new angles developed during the discussion it was deemed advisable to take a reasonable time for further research before subriitting a final report. Ordered filed. 6. / Mr, Probst moved that the City Manager procure a suitable black-board for the Council Chamber, seconcled by Mr. Dillman and carried. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 9.88; against the PoliceFund amounting to 0176.18; against the Fire Fund amounting to 094.03; against the Health Fund amounting to 03.52: against the Street Fund amounting e) to 2021 YU; against the Park Fund amounting to 060.83: against the Store Fund amounting to 079.92: ainst the Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to 0231.b7 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- GENERAL FUUD. Crocker Co., H. S. East Day Water 00. Fish, C. W. Hewes, Chas. E. IT 17 It 11 11 Printing Water Services Stamps, etc. It IT n 0 54.15 23.40 27.00 16.15 5.25 5.00 7.75 Lubbock, Oswald Municipal Electric ght Plant Stein, Ethel E. Hickok, C. E. Times Star CO. Vosburgh, L. W. California Oil Gott, A. Q. Halton & Dirtier Shreve IL Barber Co. amith, F. J. Street Department Times Star Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Western Union Tel. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Expenses Lighting Expenses IT Printing Supplies To .2 0 ICE FUND. o. Gasoline Repairs Supplies Cartridges Meals Labor Printing Supplies Clock ren-al Supplies Bertero, L. Bradbury, Joe Bussenius, A. G. East Bay Water Co Hewes, Charles E. Koeror, A. H. Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant IT Carpenter, T. 'Godfrey, Yiatilda Encinal Ice Co. Ford, N. O. Magagnos, C. P. Mazzini, L. Nielsen, Ella Oakland Towel Co. Parisian, Laundry Alameda Vulc. Works Bay Street Cyclery East- Bay Water Co. Gay, A. T. Hamilton, B. HarJimoa6, C. J. Hewes, Charles E. Island City Press Kopperud, A. H. Lazzini, L. .Ransomo, Bernard T,,hodes-Jamieson & CO. Salaries Street Department Serralunga, L. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Dick E. C. East Bay Water Co. Hunter Lumber Co. Koerber, A. H. W. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Co. Ford, N. O. Goldstone, J. Hunter Lumber Co. Mf-)yrripl A Total FIRE FUND. Garbage removal Horsedleeing Supplies Water Damages to barber pole Feed Hardware Supplies Total - D. Trans-portation Janitor Services Ice Printing Supplies Labor and applies Money advanced Towel service Laundry TT t al STREET FUND. Supplies and repair Repairs 1::Tater Repairs :-penses Rock and cement Money advanced 1.e.fund Road 011 Hardware Rock TT Labor Street sweeping BARK FITZ D. Supplies TT Water Lumber Sacks Fuses Oil STORE F1p7D. Printire Distillate Lumber TP,41n Total - Total October 16th, 191i. .50 2009.27 10.00 11.Y0 02.78 1.56 2259.88 17.60 .35 2.94 56.72 65.00 2.68 14.00 .70 - 1.00 12.99 176.16 2.50 .9U 1.52 640.61 15.00 22.77 1,20 2.00 .00 3 30.60 18.75 3.14 6.50 .75 1.75 1.66 1.35 .70 .62 73.52 -3.68 1.62 42.29 8.58 4.00 27.35 26.00 .18 246.63 4.90 406.40 39.78 957.27 215.00 02021.98 „Ify f'ff. If 3.25 .76 7.45 14.27 2.00 1.86 1,27 30.83 14.00 10.50 54.44 458 October lSth. 1917. MUNICIPAL IMPROTI=NT FUND NO. 11. Albers, Harold Hammond, C. J. Hammond, Jams Key Works McCaw, .L1. F. Municipal Electric Light Plant Sherwin Williams Co. Wright, Paxton Labor Cement Labor Door cheeks Labor Erecting flag pole Paint Labor Total 4 15.00 14.36 55.00 39.00 34.50 8.35 30.86 34.50 0 231.57 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr.. Otis and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Otis brought up the matter of an ordinance for limiting the burin, kitchen refuse and food materials as a substitute to the ordinance previously introduced and defeated providing for the burning of rubbish, and moved that the City Attorney prepare such an ordinance, seconed by Mr. Diliman and carried. City Manager Hewes stated that he had investigated the matter of the orening of SanAntonio Avenue, between Ninth and Burbank Streets and deemed it advisable. Mr. Probst moved that the City Attorney prepare the necessary papers, seconcted by Mr. Otis and carried. 9. Pr. Diliman moved that the City Manager give pub1icity to the proposal of the Counc-i1 to improve the treets, the payment of which is to be determined by a straw vote to be taken and that the City Manager prepare an offer to the Council at its next regular meeting a suitable arrangement for presentation Of the aUbject . to the citizens, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, November 6th, 1917 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.