1919-01-21 Regular CC MinutesREGULA-.E 1=ING OF THI, COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0 ALAEDA, TUSDAY EVE-M7G, J_LHUARY 21T, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:08 p. m. with Council-president Major s presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Noy, Otis and President Liajors, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Probst, (1). The minutes of the regular meetin g of January 7th, 1919,were approved as read. 1. Mr. Latham introduced the following -P,esolution an moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 183. Transferring 161.75 from the Police, Relief and Pension Fund to the General -wand. TT Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: An apportionment of taxes. Ordered filed. Reports of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the months of July, August and September, 1918. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 2. From John Wacauley, submitting a petition asking that no action be taken in rep;ard to the trains that are tied up at night at High Street. Mx. -Macauley was present and explained is petition, stating that he anticipated a counter petition. None sueh,however, was filed. MT. Macauley's petition was ordered filed. Prom C. J. Du Four, stating that the Committee appointed by the Mayor had met an recommended that no hospital be established, but that a great need for voluntary nurses existed. Ordered filed. 4. From Lochiel M. Zing.submitting a sup:gestion for chaning the wording of Lrticle XI, Section 29, Chapter II of the Charter. The communication was ordered Mr. Otis moved that the Council eet as a Committee of the ;:hole Friday evening, January 24th, 1919, to discuss emendents and that the Council adjourn to meet in ad- journed regular session Monday evening, January 27th, 1919, at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 5. Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Ho. 184. Resolution of Intention No. 47 New Series. Providing for the Closing of Atlantic Avenue from Mulberry Street alanut Street." Yr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Pe elution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 6. / A Bill entitled came up for passage and "1 Dill For Ordinance No. New Series. .Lmending Section 760, Chapter X, of Ordinance No. 1, F, S. , known as Hunicipal Code, Relating to Fireworks, Firearms, Explosives, and Shooting within City Limits." was read by the Clerk, MR. Lathem moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Noy and on roll call carried unanimously. P 1 1 " -{- .4- 1 "A Bill For Ordinance No, Repealing Ordinance No. 68, was presented but no action taken. Claims against the General Fund amounting amounting to ;868.87; against the Fire Fund Jailuary 21st New Series. New Series." to 02110.09; against the Police Fund, mounting to 462.04; against the Street Funo amounting to 1635.28; against the Health Fund amounting to 30.31; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 55.30; against the Store Fund amounting to 0. .57 an against the Relief Fund. amounting to '65.96 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by Anderson Machine '::orks Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crocker, Co., H. S. Hewes, Charles E.Ci: y Manager IT IT 17 Tr TT Johnson Co., S. T. Moise-Klinkner Co. Mulvaney, J. J. Municipal Electric Light LigJit lant O'Brien, 7. B. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Payot, Stratford & Kerr Purity Springs Eater Co. Recorder Printing and Publishing Schneider, Henry TT Siem, C. Colyear Jiotor Sales Co. Harrison Co„ H. O. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Kruckel & Jepsen Municipal Electric Light Plant TT IV TY TT TT It Pacific Tel. Schneider, Henry IT TT IT IT East Bay Water Co. It IT TT IT TT 00, Koerber, A. H. E. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT IT TT TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Steinmetz, R. V-:addell-Man Gandy Lumber Co. Labor California Pottery Co. East Bay V:ater Co. Hamilton, :Burnett Hewes, Cht-rles E. City Manger Mazzini, L. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Encinal Ice Co. Oakland-California. Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. the Clerk as ollows; Installing hose connection Attention to adding machines nvel opes Money advanced for Stamps Oil Brass ;:ins Iloney advanced Public lighting Lettering Rental and tolls Binder Tater Co. Subscription Stamps and repairs Paper Repairs and keys POLICE FUND. water Total - Auto parts Dodge car Stamps Repairs Recharging battery Repairs Repairs Service and tolls Supplies T1 TT Total ..E FUND. Repairing leak Water Coal Labor and attendance Recharge battery Tolls Repairing window shade Lumber STREET FUND. Sewer pipe 7ater Incidental Honey .clvanced Supplies Rental and tolls Cement and gravel HEALTH FUND. Ice Towel service T? n.n 1r1 Total Total investigation ziP .75 10.35 5.90 11.25 22.00 19.69 7.00 1.51 2000.31 .75 8.35 4.64 2.00 9.00 .74 5.15 3.70 2111.09 95.80 644.25 11.00 20.08 .50 46.50 32.30 10.93 5.19 .25 2.45 1.62 868.87 7.04 345.62 10.29 69.98 .50 .50 .30 .75 27.06 462.04 1357.75 10.37 50.72 2.46 16.58 6.95 2.59 187.86 635.28 5.24 ' 1.65 1 A n January 21st, 1919. Maxwell Hardware Co. TT IT IT TT TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Spalding Bros., A. G. Waddell Van Gundy LuTAilber Co. Sherwin-illiams Co. The Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edward() Western Dairy Co. R.T,,Ciiit.:AT I ON ?UN D. Tools Drills Steel brushes Dental and tolls Athletic goods Dunber STORE FUND. Stucco brushes RELIEF FUND. Monoy advanced Labor in parks 1/ IT TT Milk Total - T 0 t al n 17.68 5.44 1.18 2.30 25.48 3.22 55,30 18.57 5.00 31.62 25.00 4.34 65.96 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Noy and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session Monday evening, January 27th, 1919, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, ;/ C City Clerk,