1919-02-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR ME2IING OF TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALATIEDA, TUESDAY :EVENING, FEBRUARY 4TH, 1919. The Meeting convened at 8:12 p. m. with Council Vicepresident ProbSt'presidil The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Noy, Otis and Probst were noted present. Absent: Council-president Majors. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 21st, 1919 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 1919 were oved as recd. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of January 20th, 1919 were ,Ipproved as read. The following were received: The report of the Industrial Railway for the six months ending December 51st 1918. Ordered filed. The reports of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the months of October and November, 1918. Ordered tiled. The I.iiditors Balance Sheet for the month of January, 1919. Ordered filed. 2. The Affidavit of Publication of Resolution No, 185. Ordered filed. Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 186. an,erring ?5,388.47 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund. Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. T. Moreau addressed the Council relative to the paient of delinquency on the tax bill on the Pacific Coast Borax Company's holdings in Alameda. He Pro- duced affidavits satisfying the Council that the check had been sent at the proper time but had been lost. Arrangements were made by which he would pay the de- linquency to the treasurer and action would be taken at the next regular meeting of the Council authorizing the Council to refund the amount paid. The following communication were received: 5. v/ From the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company giving the earnings of the corporation for the year 1918 under franchise granted by Ordinance No. 30, New Series. Ordered filed. 6. From the Alameda Improvement Club submitting a resolution adopted by that organization endorsing the movement to donate six month' salary to the army and navy forces and req uestinp; that petition be sent urging the adoption of such a measure. Mr. H. F. Schlichting spoke to the subject,whereupon Mr. Letham introduced the following r3solution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 187. "Endorsing the Maya-Rent to Donate Six Months Salary to the Members of the Army and Navy Who hate re- ceived Honorable Discharge." Er. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Resolutions were also received from the Alameda Improvement Club relative 1 st, To the req uirement on the part of the City Manager to use his February 4th, introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- "Resolution No. 188. In -ructing the City Manager to Procure Employment for Hen and T:omen who were in the Service of the United States in the late Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, / 2nd. That a suitib1e building to be used as a branch _Public Library and reading rooms be established in the Vest End. Upon motion duly c=ied this s referred to the Board of Library Trustees. 9, V 3rd. That the City Council authorize the 114Tor to appoint a committee of tenty or more citizens who shall use their endeavors to establish a Y. M. C. A. Mr. Latham thereupon introduced the followi g Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 189. Authorizing and Empowering the Mayor of the City • of AlameC:a to appoint a Committee Relative to the Establishment of a Young Men's Christian Assooiation in Alameda." Mr. Noy seconded the motion'toadOpt the Resolution and on roll call it Was adopted and passecl. unanimous 10. 1 4th. That the Council endorse the uroposition of seeking congressional action for securing en appropriation of .50,000 for a suitable branch post office in the 'Oest End. Jr., Otis thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 190. Endorsing the Movement for a Congressional Appropria- tion of '50,000 for Constructing a Rost Cf:r:o in tho :est End of Alameda." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11. / 5th, That the Council extend an invitation to the Honorable Josephus Daniels, secretary of the Navy, who is contemplating a visit to this :;oast to be the guest of the City of Alameda. Mr. Latham introduced the folloo:ing Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 191. Inviting the Honorable JosePhus Daniels to be the Guest of the City of Alameda on his l'roposed Trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and Passed unanimously. 12. Mr. Probst introduced the followinc., Resolution and moved iis adoption: "Resolution No. 192. Appointing A Committee Uhose Duty It shall be to Prepare a Fitting Reception and 'elcome to the Soldiers, Sailors and V.omen who Served the United Etaies GOvernment During the 17ar." Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and pased unanimously. Mr. C. R. Smith addressed the Council relative to the subject enumerated above. Further communications: 13. From F. T. :oodman, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles urging that suitable action be taken approving the amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act which would proVide that fifty per cent of the license fees collected from the cities vert to the TTT. n+ic! mn-Trrn,rq 1-11m P; 4-7T "Dn,n11.1+4n,, February 4th Council relative to the general zone ordinance of the City of Alameda. Ordered filed. 15. Mr. Latham thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 193. Adopting the Final Report on the General Zone Ordinance as Prepared by the City Manager." Mr. Noy seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was opt- ed and passed unanimously. 16. / Er. Latham thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 194. and Notice of Hearing. Providing for the Holding of a Public Hearing on the Final Report on the Proposed Establishment of Districts or Zones in said City, within which the Use of Property, Height of Improvements and Reg_ uired. Open Spaces for Light and Ventilation of Buildings, Shall be Regulated by Ordinance; and Instructing the City Clerk to Give Due Public Notice of such Hearing According to Law." Mr. Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 17. 4 A:Bill entitled was "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. An Ordinance Regulating and i5Isictirig the Location of Residences, Trades, Industries, Businesses, and the Several Classes _f Public and Semi-public Buildings, and the Location of Buildings Designed for Specified Uses, and Regulating and Limiting the Height and Bulk of Buildings Hereafter ::rected, and Regulating and Detenning the Area of Yards, Courts, and Other Open Spaces, and Establishing the Boundaries of Districts for the said Purposes." introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Yr. Latham moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in adjourned regular session Friday evening, Februery 14th, 1919, at 8 o'clock, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried. 18. / Mr. Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 195. 'Establishing and Describing Election Precincts and Polling _Places for the General Municipal Election to be Held in the City of Alameda Tueselay, March llth, 1919." L'. Latham seconded the- motion to adopt the Resoution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 19. / Mr. Otis moved that the Clerk be authorized to procure such assistance as may be necessary to prepare for the general municipal election to be held. March llth, 1919, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 20. V Er. Latham moved, seconded by Mr. Otis and carried, that the Clerk pre- pare the list of election officials and have the same ready by the adjourned regular meeting of the Council Friday evening, February 14th. 21. / Er. Latham moved that the compens tion for election officers to serve at the general municipal election March llth, 1919, be fixed at 05.00 for the day, seconded by _Er. Noy and carried. Claims against the General Fund amounting to ; against the Police ?und omounting to 401.70; against the 12ire Fund amounting to !419 .54; Pebruary 4th, 1919. the Electric Light Fund arnoimin to 5611.50 having been approved and audited by the proPer officials were listed by the Clerk a Alameda :Purniture Company Alameda Steam Laundry Cheney, Charles H. Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Company Cossit & Company Croll, F. J. East Bay later Co. Ford, r;. O. IT 17 IT Fox, Geo. H. Healy, Frank Hewes, Charles E. Hicks, Grant Johnson Co., S. T. Kochendorfer, Leo F. Majors, Greene Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry 11 IT it IT Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. It IT IT TT 71 IT TT tr TT TT TT 11 Alameda Cyclery & VUlcanizing Braun Mattress & Shipbrth Co. Fuller Co., • P. Muni cial Electric Lig:ht Plant ochneider, Henry Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Anderson Machine Works East Bay Eater Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Paige Motor Co. Standard Oil Company Strom Electrical Co. IT 11. Vosburgh, L. W. LOper Birbeck, L. J. Comstock Company Crocker Co., H. S. Hamilton, Burnett Hickok, C. E. Koerber, A. H. W. Lietz Co., The A. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. IT 71 IT 11 Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. Vosburgh, L. V. Dept. of Public. HFalth, S. F. Eberly's uality Pharmacy Maxwell Hardware Co. Oakland Pioneer Soda Eater Co. Remington Typewriter Company Schneider, Henry follows: GTITERAL 'FUND. Saplies Tov7e1 service Services, City Planning Street signs Blue prints' Auto upkeep 'Jater Envelopes and printing Printing Premium Services ludo upkeep Auto upkeep Oil Repairs Allowance as 1fa-or Gas Gummed tabs Supplies IT Labor and mat Advertising Printing 17- Advertising Printinp; IT TT Total - POLICE FUND. Supplies and repairs Stretcher 'ind shield Labor and attendance Supplies Advertising Total - FIEB FUYD. Linen service Supplies- Water Gas Supplies Gasoline Lamp Fuses Nails Total - STREET FUBD. Incidentals Brooms Blanks Office supplies Blue prints and incidentals Screenings uadrangles Rock IT Supplies Balance due Dry cells Publishing notices Rivets and hammer Total HF,ALTH FUND, Influenza bacterin Lysol Supplies Distilled water Repairs 0-Pfine 46.10 8.00 75.00 103.60 1.45 25.00 1.92 69.50 22.50 2.50 51.00 25.00 35.00 149.08 20.05 50.00 34.51 2.94 .40 .74 19.65 10.55 40.00 126.28 23.75 31.58 57.25 350.00 112.00 1495.45 6.50 16.50 4.70 50.00 4.70 11.30 8.00 101.70 25 00 .75 346.39 17.00 9.50 19.50 .30 .30 .80 419.54 960.88 1.33 27.44 2.00 2.46 1.10 6.37 5.20 30.00 3.00 1.18 1.19 2,00 45.33 5.00 109/i.46 54.00 .75 .25 .50 1.62 F, 1R Pacific Gas & Electric co. Spalding & Bros., A. G. Vosburgh, L. W. V:addell-Van Gundy Lumber Co. California 011 upp1y Co. TT IT IT TT Crocker Co., FI S. Union Oil Company of California Orr,, Samuel Varachi, Edward ':jestern Dairy Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. BoPrd of Public Utilities Citizens Bank Crane Comply Crocker 001., H. S. East Bay VJater Co. Gamewell Fire Alarth Tel. Co. 77 77 77 TT IT General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great V:estern :Power Company Horton Lime Company Howard Automobile Co. Kochendorfer, L. F. Kriep:, Geo. S. Langlois, E. L. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Plant Rubber & Asbestos Works Reno Co., L. G. Roeblings Sons Go, John A. Rucker--Puller Desk Co. Standard Oil CO. Times Star Co. United Iron Works 17 71 IT Vosburgh, L. 7:hite Company eaver-Ables Wells Co. Western Electric Company 'estinghouse E. & M. Co, II IT IT TT WHittier-Coburn Co. Mr. Latham moved that the claims as call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Fe1ruc.r7- 1919, Ri:CRjaTIOTT *VUND.. Gas Athletic goods Supplies Shavings Total - STORE FUND. Gasoline It Folders Distillate Total - - RELIEF FUND. Labor in parks TT TT It Milk and eggs Total - ELFCTRIC LIGHT FUND, Towel service Incidentals Rent Supplies Addressograph sup1ies Water Su:pplies IT TT IT Lime Supplies Book rest Repairs It Gas Echange Supplie IT service VIlire Ii1es, etc. Fuel Oil and gasoline Printing and subscription Steel Pulley Supplies if 11 Poles Supplies lileters Engine oil Total 3.60 3.80 15.50 3.00 23.90 A 11.40 71.25 10.29 .10.50 103.44 27.50 32.50 24.35 84.35 2.00 22.67 40.00 7.06 56.85 4.50 18.00 5.57 3.45 587.32 158.72 9.00 23.10 2.00 48.50 2.50 .90 17.00 12.00 3,00 56.16 144.50 3642.21 235.70 .90 3.57 2.11 12.60 1,45 85.69 1.12 186.20 15,15 5611,50 ed be paid, seconded by Mr. No7 and on roll c adjourned r lar session Friday Council adjourned to meet in evening, February 14th, 1919 at 8 o'clock. Respectfu-ly submitted, City Clerk.