FRIDAY •1Vi: ITG, FYBRU2,,RY 14TH, 1919,
The meeting convened at 8:15 P. M. with Vice-president Lrobst ;cresiding,
The roll was called and the following were noted present: Councilman Latham
Otis and krobst, (5), ilbsent: Councilman Noy and Counoil-president Majors, (2).
1. i/ An Affidavit showing due publication of the Notice of Iublic Rearine; on the
Proposed Zone Ordinance, in accordance with provisions of Chapter Sections
4 and 5, Statutes of the State of California, 1917, was presented and ordered filed,
Presiding Officer Probst thereupon invited those present who had objections
ag.iast the proposed ordinance to state the same.
2. t/ G.orge H. Noble proteoted against the restrictions that were placed on
prooerty a the southwest corner of Burbank Street and Central Avenue. He
stated that it W‘'Ds his desire to build an apartment house on this corner, where-
as the proposed ordincnce was 1;() limitotion of single f-mily dwellings only. His
-orotest was taken under advisemeat.
Conrad Roth addressed the Council seekino. informotion, but made no protest.
C. A. _Berle protested against the 'don thet had been placed on the
rooerty -t the oortbwest corner of Gheetnut S',reet and Lincoln Avenue, As pro-
vided_ for in the proposed zorie ordinance this would beeome a sing.e family
rwe1 :!i'.10 oaotion in the event that the rresant business were destroyed by fire.
He wanted the privileo:o of Continuing the business, provied in the, ordinance.
His protest was taken under advisement. Mr. Berle also recommended, but did not
protest that the propert:j on the northwest corer of Stanton Street and Lincoln
Avenue be placed in Class V and that the land on the reLloolnino,' three coraers, within
a radius of two hundred feet from the corner, be )[aced in Class II. This was
taken under advisement.
H. A. Leze asked information relative to property ex;eaea 1J him now lying in
the industrial zone, but made no protest.
No further persons appearing to talk on the mbject, Mr. Otis moved that
the hearing he continued to Tuesay evening, February 18th, 1919, and that all
matters submitted be taken under advisemcnt, seconded by 7vIr. Latham and carried.
4. V Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution 5rnd moved its adoption:
"Resolution No. 196,
Naming and Appointing Election Officers to Serve
in the General Municipal Election, Tuesday, March
llth, 1919,T
Mor... Otis seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted
and paseed unanimously.
Mr. Latham introduced the following 7,e-solution md moved ite adoption:
"Resolution ro. 197.
EnaorsinE a l]roposed Amendment to 6 ction 34 of the
"Vehicle Act", whereby a portion of the "Motor Vehicle
Fund" will be Distributed among the Municipalities as
'Jell as the Counties."
Mr, Otis oeconded the motion to adopt the elution and on roll call it was adopted
and pasoed unanimously.
'February 14:th, 1919.
6„ 1/ City Manager Hewes brought up the con:lition of l'ebster Street and preented
:pictures howiLng the flooded condition of the same and stated that action on the
matter was ira-perative. No action, however was taken.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned. to meot
In :cegria1 session, Tuesay evening, February 18th, 1919, at 8 o'clock p. m.
Res)2ectfully submitbed,
City Clerk.