1919-02-18 Regular CC MinutesZ-J; A war souvenirs for ee:hibition in 7:asnington Park0 this matter had already been ivell ate, tion no action was taken. Prom Benjamin Underberger, requesting a gratuitous 1,enee to peddle junk. Lathmn moved that the rcquest be granted, seconded by Hr. Irobst in carried. 3. H1'.,'SYI'ZG OP THE COUNCIL C THT; CITY OF 1-LUEDA, EVE:IJG, YEBRU=1. 10TH, 1919. The meeting convened. at 8:12 p, m ibh Counell-Tiresident Majors preeiding. The roll was called and Couneilmen Latham, 'Probet, Otis and President Majors TC)a:C leotd -Present. Abee-it: Couneilmai Noy. The Minutes of the regular meeting of 'Eebru..ar,y 4th, 1919,. were approved as read. The Minutes of the adjourned. regular meeting of Februery 14th, 1919, were apT,roved as read. The tollowinie communications v.:ere received: / Prom the .,:aameda Improvement Club suhitt in tree propositions: First. That a Committee of ten be appointed to hold Ruitable memorial 2eVViCS in honor of the late Col. Theodore Roosevelt, It was the eense of the members of the Council that sufficient suitable memorial. services had been held by the churches and by the Boy Scouts. 1-,o further action was taken, 'eeend. That the Council establish public lavatories. This was referred to the City He,nager. /Third. That the Council petition to procure two cannons and one air-.elane as _i's the came bore the endorsement of the Chief of P lice and the City .Tfanage' Mr. 1'1 1 4, */ The Clerk road his certificaupof the list of candidates for the office of Councilman, to be voted on at the general election March llth, 1919. Ordered filed. Mr. Eerobst introduced the fo11oind Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Jo. 199. Aceepting the Dedication of a Strip of Land Forming an Extension of Powell Street Between Oak and Park Streets in the City of Alameda, and giving said Extension the Official name of 2owell Street." Mr. Lethe,m seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it and passed unanimously0 was Er. Lethani introduced the followjng -Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 200. Ordering Certain Taxes Irroneously Collected from the I'acific Coast Borax Company to be Refunded by the Tax Collector." Mr, l'robst seconded th e motion to adoot the Resolution and on roll call it was ado-,oted and paseod unanimously. 6. P resident Majors announced that the herring on the proposed Zone Ordinance would be resumed. C. L Borle again addressed the Council relative to the property owned by him on the corner of Chestnut Street and Lincoln Avenue and fter soe discussion Mr. Latham moved that the property owned by Mr. Boric and that the property immediate- ly back of him, beteen his property eri.(7, the Eire House , be included in Clas s V of the Zone Ordinance, seconded by Mr, Otis and carried. No other persons appeering to corsider the matter, Ur. Latham moved that the adopted 9. Febrar,ry 18th, 1919. A Bill entitled Bill For Ordinance No. f t ew Series. An Ordinance Regulating and Districitng the Location of Residences, Trades, Industries, Businesses, and the Several Classes of Public and jomi-public Buildings and the Location of Buildings Designed for Specified Lees, and Regalating and Limiting the Height and Bulk of Buildings Hereafter Erected, and Regulating ana De- termining the Area of Yards, Courts, and Other Onen Spaces and. Establishing the Boundaries of Districts for the said Puroses." carne up for passage. Mr. Otis moved that the title be amended to read as follows and that the "A Bill For Ordinance No. Nev Series. Establishing Districts or Zones and Regulnting Therein the Use of Property, Heiht of Buildings, and Required Open Spaces for Light and Venitlation of Such BuildingsY Ordinahce as amended be adopted, seconded by Mr. 1-,atham and on roll czill carried unanimously. 10. M'r. Latham brought up the matter of eliminating the skip-stops now that the war is over and moved that the City Manager take the matter up with the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 11. n Bill entitled "A Bill For , Ordinance V°. New 6ories," Ln Ordinance Reg uiring Physicians and. All Other Persons Ltterdihg Cases of Contagious, Infectious or other Communicable diseases, to Re-port the Same to the He-ith office." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 1. / Mr. Probst brought up the fact that commuters using certain morning and evening trains are inconvenienced though trains being diverted at Eihth Street, He suggest- ea that the City Eanager take np with the Company the matter of placing suitable sig..ns in the stntions in the 'est End announcing the hours when the trains do not pass the sttions. The matter was referred to the City .,lanaer. 1. / Mr. Latham brough up the - -cesity o painting the Southern Pacific Company's poles at the crosings white. The matter was again referred to the City Manager. 14. v City Lae 5.- Hewes asked for nermission to sell a cottage standing on the recent- ly acouired addition to Washington Park, Hr. Latham moved that the City Manager be granted such permit to sell and to ue the money to grade and otherwise improve the land, secondcd by Mr. Probst and carried. Cl.alms against the General Fund amounting to 2850.45; agaist the Police Fund amounting to 192.97; aga.inst the Lire Fund amounting to . against the J.troot Fund L'..mounting to 1169.69; agailLst the Health Fund amounting to .A8.15; against the Recreat ion Fund amonnting to aginst the Store Fund amounting to :5.1 against the Relief Fund amounting to '29.25; and against the Electric Iniht Fund amovnt- to 2560.42, having been approved and audited by the pre per officials were listed ,T the Clerk as follows: :Louis J. Loh::, 2. E. Columbia Auto Sheet Metal )Arks • Harold R. Fish, Harold R. Gay, Joe Hewes, Charles s E. City E naFer Maillot, E. C. Moller's 6tuaio, Gene G-oiaoia1 lortncl. Repairs to auto Honey advanced Street sign frames Premium on bond of C. Ji Hickok 'Premium on bond of G. A. Daly Repair of gasoline pump Water investigrtion e:L-penses Money advanced. Pictures 17.30 1.0 56.00 0.90 0.00 .75 7.0U 1.57 19.50 trui ot 1919. Schnei0.er, Henry 6te inm et z, Times fa r r21-1 C71: H C V,' a 1 t h all 6 . Alameda St eam _Laundry Assn. 111 am e da -Vu. lc a ni Zing orks Magagnos, C. P. Municipal Electric c Liht Plant Pacific Tel . & Tel . Co. Smith, F. J. Alaeda. Scavenge r Co. Columbia Auto She et Het a]. orks Fischer , C. F. Keaton Tiro & Rub ber Co Mal,:we 11 Hardware Co. Mas z in , L Muni ci 1 EM ctric Li7ht Elant TT - IT IT 77 IT TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Lab or Alan ed a Vul can is ing Works East Bay Sat er Company Gay , Joe Hauch, Ho Maz z in i , L Pacific Tel . & Tel . Co. Powell Bros • Cons t ruc ti on Co . Sohn° id° r, Henry Bischoff s Surgical House Br aull-*Iine c ht -He i mann Co . IT 71 IT B:7Joer, F. Eno inal Ice 0o0 Munro &. Co„ J A. Nielsen, Ella Oa, 1,n d i one er 6 oda Wat er Paci fic Tel. 4 Tel. Co . Red Cross, Ala me do C 'nv pt er 6 ch ne iC er, Hen]. y TT TT TT Undo r,-,Too.d Tyiewri1er Co. Rubber st amp \indow sha Jen Advertising Reo a ir s to cha ir Rent oT Ford Car OL101 FITFD Laundry Repair s r'hot o supplies Lab or end attendance signal system Rental and tolls Meals To tel 17:7A1,_'. I' UN D Rubbish removed Repair s to radiator Supp 1 ie s Tires and casings Cotton waste Supp 1 ie 5 Sew bronze gear oase Recharging b at t ery Lab or and attendance Tolls 6 TREE T TPUY D Repair tubes ‘‘.1ue_L Rep ai rs to truck B orax Bucl_m ts Rent al and toils Cement and rock P en c ils Total HEALTH FurD. Hospital supplies Pipe t t es Petri dishes Supplie s Ice Mus eiirn Jar Car fare and supplies Co . Distilled water Rent al and .tolls Cott on axed supplies Env el op e s Binding records 8 igna. t nre s tamp Ad j ti un de rw o o d_ Alieniond, J6seph Ala mo d Scavenger Co. LLnneda Vulcanizing t orks Dick, E. C. Gay, Joe Maytorena, Marie Pac ifi c Tel. 4 Tel. Co. ▪ er c non , Jos eph ▪ i tt igst ein Hardware Company Sir ol a, O. St an da r d Chemical Company Cfl,1 ifo rn i a Oil 6Upp ly CO. Powell Bros. Construct ion. Co. Union Oil Company of Cal if o rn.:: a To [;al 21-TIOY T1UND. Services, Tree Trimmer Scavenger Cc men t Globes 6upp 1 ie s and repairs Substitue , Piny director rhone service Services, Tree Trim,i,er Supplie s Repairs to f o otba lls Zeno Tree spray 6T ORE _FPUi.TD. Gasoline Cern ent Distillat e Total - ril 3.50 0,60 2.50 15.55 2330.43 .80 1.72 4.45 56.07 7.28 122.65 192.97 3.00 15.00 1.25 122.50 19.93 5.25 185.70 .50 50.00 .10 405.28 10'55.58 .74. 15.46 3.90 .20 1.40 2.30 109.01 5.10 1169.69 3.15 .75 15.68 1.25 5.34 4.50 .63 .50 4.04 5.36 5.88 3.92 1.50 1..65 46.15 29.75 4.00 .25 .80 • 16.00 2. 28.00 2.00 5 • 30.40 1.75 21.00 23.15 Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Gre iestern Power Co. Kellogg EreF4s Co. Marshall-Newell SuTmly Co. IT IT Plant Unitec -tos & Rubber V: orks roil V,: orks ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Sup.plies Electric current Drayage Suppies TV Total - Pobrarry 18th, 1919. 11,07 281.65 1.13 47.80 313[ 1.64 ,,560.42 Mr. Probst moved that the claim„, as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjoqrned to meet in rehilar session, Tuosay evening, March 4th, 1919, at 8 0'010017:0 Respectfully aubmitt- City Clerk,