1919-05-06 Regular CC Minutes4 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ILA!TEDL., TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 6TH, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:10 P. m. with Council —President Otis prisiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham, Majors, Probst and president Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of Aaril 15th were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 214. Transferring 06,225.31 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund," Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. /7 Mr. Charles A. Beardsley, Attorney for the San Francisco, 0ak1d Terminal Railways, was present and addressed the Council relative to filing a new appli- cation in the matter of a Resettlement Franchise, All Papers in the matter having been aoproved by City Attorney Locke, Mr. Latham thereupon introduced the follow- ing Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 215, A Resolution Granting San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Rgilways Permission to ':jith draw its Application for a Resettlement Jranchie, and to File a New Application in Lieu •hereof." Mr, Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed una nimously. 3. The revised form of Application was upon motion of Mr. Latha31,duly seconded by Probst un(9 curried, ordered filed. Mr. Latham moved that the stipulation signed by the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways be filed, seconded by Mr, Probst and carried, A communication was received from F. R. Alberger, Vice-resident and General Manager of the San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways, agreeing to re—imburse the City of Alameda for all sums paid by the City to the Railroad Commission as expenses in the matter of making the valuation on the company's properties. 5. V' Mr. Probst introduced the following foliowing Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 216. A Resolution Rey uesting the Railroad Commission of the State of California to Fix and Determine the Valuation of Certain Properties of San Francisco, Oakland Terminal Railways, and Providing for the Payment by the said Company of certain Expenses of Such Valuation, and Authorizing and Directing the City Attorney to Present to the Railroad Commission and Application for such Valuation." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and assed unanimously. The following were received: ./ The Oath of office of H. Krusi, as a member of the Board of Public Utilities. Ordered filed. 7. The Oath of Office of E. W. Maslin, as a member of the Board of Library Trustees. Ordered filed. May 6th The contract and bond of A. J. Reeder, for the excavating at 7:ashington Park. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: v. vi From Mayor Frank Otis, announcing the appointment of E. T. Maslin . as a member of the Board of Library Trustees and of Herman Krusi,as a member of the Board of Public Utilities. Ordered filed. From Senator Edwin M. Otis, stating that Assembly Bill No. 2;54 amended had been passed by the State Senate. Said bill pertains to the leasing of the State's interests on Government Island. The communicatiun was ordered filed. ll / From William Randolph Hears acknowledging receipt of the resolutions commemorating the memory of Mx. Phoebe Apperson Hearst. Ordered filed. v/ From 0. S. Hasiett, Secretary, Kruger Estate Company, asking for an extension of time in the matter of the laying of concrete curbs along Lincoln Avenue in front of the Kruger Estate Company property. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager to grant an extension of thirty days time, seconded by Mr. Probst a nd carried. V From Vm. J. Locke, City Attorney, giving an opinion to the effect that the Council cannot donate any public moneys for celebrations and the like. Ordered filed. 14. I/ From the Board of Library Trustees, protesting against the transfer of moneys alleged to be due to the Library Fund into the General Fund. Referred to the City Manager and the City Attorney. A Bill entitled, "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. Relating to Parking of Autom6s on Park street. was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Relating to the Parking of Automobiles on Streets at night." was read and referred to the City Attorney and Councilman Latham for ther change in phraseology. lbn Mr. Probst moved that the Union Street Garage be allowed to proceed with the re-construction of the existing plant until such time as the Ordinance pro- viding for the sane is duly passed, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 16. // Mr. Probst brought up the matter of the increase of telephone rates, and moved, seconded by MR. Latham and carried, that the City Clerk write to post master General Burleson, protesting against the increase. 1?. V Mr. Probst called attention to the filet that pieces of concrete lie in the channel in San Leandro Bay opposite the easterly end of Encinal Avenue and that said material constitutes a menace to navigation. He moved that the City manager take up the matter with the proper authorities to have the same removed, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. lo Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager prepare clans and estimates of the cost of re-arranging and modernizing the Council Chamber, seconded by Mr. Police Fund amounting to 0105.30; against the ;Jay 6th, 1919. e Fund amounting to 05 8.63; against the Street Fund amounting to 4806.89; against the Health Fund amounting to 094.56; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 0125.16; against the Store Fund amounting to $130.11; against the Relief FUnd amountin to ?,463.48; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $6851.47; against the Park Purchase Fund amounting to 0806.30 and against the Industrialiilway Fund amount in to $148.96 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Croli, P. J. East Bay Water Co. Elster, Marvin H. Fischer, C. F. Ford, N. O. Hewes, Charles E. 77 17 Hicks, Grant Johnson Co., TT TT IT TT S. IT IT " City Manager IT If TT T TV League of Cal. Municipalities Majors, Greene Oakland. Blue Print Co. Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry 71 11 Strom Electrical Co. Waddell-Van Gundy Lumber Western Union Tel Co. Yawman & Erbe TT If TT GENERAL FUND. Auto upkeep Mater 2rint ing Reoairs Printing subpoenas Auto upkeep Money advanced Certified copy of deeds Auto upkeep Oil New motor and oil Oil Dues Allowance as Mayor Maps All as Mayor Gas Suoplies IT Labor and Co. Lumber Telegram Section of filing Filing cabinet Alameda Cyclery & Vulcanizing Alameda Vulcanizing Works Gott, 1.. O. Magagnos, Mrs. C. P. Smith, F. J. Standard Oil 00. Strom Electrical Co. Teinstock-Nichols Co. 'estern Union Tel. Co. Alameda Vulcanizing 7orks Anderson Machine Works East Bay Water Co. Ford, N. O. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager TT 77 tt Johnson, A. W. V. Kracke & Brunje Municipal Electri L0-ht Plant TV 71 TV IT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. Steinmetz, R. Strom Electric Co. TT FT TT material POLICE FUND. cabinet Total - Torks Repairs to bicycle Auto supplies Repairs to star Photo supplies Meals. Auto supplies Batteries Auto supplies Clock rental and telegram U. S. Emergency Fleet Corporation Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Van Gundy Lumber Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Viorks Downey Glass & Paint Co. East Bay Water Co. It TT IT TT Ford, N. O. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hickok, C. E. Maxwell Hardware Co. Total - FIRE FUND. S,)ark plugs SuPPlies Hydrant rental_ water Printing Hot water boiler Supplies 1 Rescuer SUlphuric acid Recharge battery Lamps Gas Gasoline Reoairs to shades Rewire electric fixtures Dry cells 1 Ash can Oil Lumber STREET FUND. Material Paint Water Postal cards Honey advanced Incidentals Rubber packing Total - 25.00 .37 5.35 15.17 6.50 25.00 9.00 2.25 35.00 29.38 41,74 16.88 40.00 25.00 33.47 25.00 20.83 1,04 7.50 39.85 2.43 .81 12.50 71.00 512,07 5.95 8.09 .35 2.65 72.00 2.60 11,88 2.43 1.35 0105,30 4.90 4,55 48.46 6.50 11..40 4.50 81.15 6.90 .50 28.00 13,90 19.50 .75 3.25 1,00 2.00 .25 1.12 - 0538.63 1540.75 6.04 12.50 12.48 49.16 15.50 1.50 2.25 4.59 May 6th, 1919. Moreland Motor Truck Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co, Schneider, Henry 11 1T Skelly, Sam Smith Bros. Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh, L. T. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, IT 11 TV Crum, Howard C. Dickson & Holbrook Eberly's pharmacy Encinal Ice Co. Gardner, U. S. Godfrey, Matilda Langley & Michae' Onkland Pioneer Soda Vater Parisian Laundry Vosburgh, L. T. Alameda Vulcanizing Torks Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Fischer, C. F. Gay, Joe Maytorena, Marie Porep. Charles . Ford, N. O. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Union Oil Co. TT IT TT Eberly's Q uality Pharmacy Konigshofer's Orr, Samuel Paganni, John Tozier, David V:estern Dairy Co. Varachi Edward° Supplies Gravel and cement Supplies Ink pads Oil Supplies Maps Dry cells padlocks Total - HEALTH FUND. Suopl ies TV Emergencies Copper plats Needle Ice Supplies Cleaning Alcohol Co. Distilled water Laundry Gas lighters Alameda Cyclery & Vul. Works Board of Public Utilities Citizens Bank Crane Co. Crocke', H. S. Dick, E. C, East Bay Water Co. Ford, N. 0. Fuller & Co., T. P. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Gilson Elec. SuPply Co. TV TV Great Testern Power Co. Horton Lime Co. Kellogg Express Co. Linde Air Products Co. Marshull-Newell Supply 000 Maxwell Hardware Co. Moors & Co., Chae. C. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Mill & Mine Supply Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plant Rubber & Asbestos Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Standard Oil Co. Starr, C. C. City of Alameda. St. Department TV IT If VP Total RECRL_LITION FUND, Supplies Gas SUPplies Material for repairs Services Band Total STORE FUND, Envelopes and letterheads Tablets Fuel Oil Distillate 7? RELIEF FUND. Supplies TV Lab or in arks IT IT TV IT Total - assisting Milk Labor in oar[1-s ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Inbidentals Rental Supplies Frames Supplies T,7ater Printing Paint Supplies IT TT janitor Total Labor and material Lime Freight Oxygen Rags Supplies TT Gas Packing Rental. and L. D. Service Cement Repairs on Pier Supplies TT Building sidewalk 4.13 64.64 88.00 .40 .25 .90 .90 2.00 .90 1'06.89 5.41 3.55 7.50 3.00 .50 3.33 .60 11.55 25,69 .50 2.06 085 04,56 1,33 6.40 14.73 11.70 16,00 75.00 125.16 48.60 8.82 47.69 12.50 12.50 130.11 ,50 ..50 49.50 27.00 27.00 13,98 45.00 163.48 1,00 134.50 40,00 3.31 2.89 4.94 4.50 55.00 3.65 27.20 289.05 2163.90 341.44 9.00 2.28 4,40 27.01, 1.94'` 6.88 .80 12.69 17.83 27.64 158.25 2027.32 3.50 61.12 C A nn may 6 Yawn2n & Erbe Mfg. Co., Cabinet Allemond, Joseph Gay, Joe Kues, Guy Reeder, A. J. Waddell-Van Gandy Lumber Co. Enginerring Dept. City of Alameda Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TT IT 19.25 Total -------- 6851,47 PARK FURCHASE FUND Labor Labor and excavating Lumber Total - INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY FUND Engineering services Supplies Accounting and clerical work Total - 57.75 40.25 3.50 688.50 16.30 806.30 0 35.36 13.60 100.00 148.96 Mr. Probst moved that the elaims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, May 20th, 1V19 at 8 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 15