1919-05-20 Regular CC MinutesRECTULi.R MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A LiUEDi, TUESDAY EVE7ING, MAY 20th, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:10 p. m., with Council-President Otis presiding. le roll was called and Councilmen Latham Majors, Probst and President Otis were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Auditor vs Belance Sheet for the month of April was received and ordered filed. (/ James HPedrift, representing R. E. Demerritt, addressed the Council and objected to the Class qC" construction required on property within the Fire Zone along Webster Street. George Sessions spoke on the same subject. Mr. Latham moved that the Council meet as a Committee of the Whole on Tuesday evening, May 27th, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of considering the above objection, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Latham also moved that the Council meet in Adjourned Regalar meeting, Tuesday evening, My 27th at 8 p. m., to consider the same matter, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The following communications were received; 2. From Wm, Hammond, Jr„ requesting a change in the Zone Ordinance which will permit the construction of apc?xtment houses on the Cohen property at Central Avenue and 8th Street. Mr. Hewes addressed the Council on the subject. Mr. Latham moved that it be the sense of the Council thct the request for the above ohange be viewed upon favorably, seconded by Mr. Probst and c',rried. From E. M. Shaw, requesting that the necessary procedure be taken to permit the establishment of an automobile electric service building on the property adjoining the Standard Oil Co.'s station at Central and Park Avenues. K. C. Kennedy addressed the Council relative to the matter. The same was re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held. May 27th, / From City Attorney Wm, J. Locke and City Manager C. E. Hewes, submitting a statement to the Council of the causes for the transfer of the moneys from the Library Fund to the General Fund at the close of the f al year 1917-18. The City Clerk was instructed to submit a copy of the same to the Board of Library Trustees. 6. i/ From M. F. Dufour, 1040 Lincoln Avenue, et al, requesting that the block on the south side of Lincoln Avenue between St. Charles and Verdi Streets be placed within Class II District, permitting the erection of flats, ete. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held Tuesday evening, May 27th, 1919. G, e/ From R. E. Demerritt, requesting access to a sanitary sewer along 7:ebster Street. As this is one of the problems attending the widening and enlarging of Webster Street, the communication was filed. 7, v/ From the Bay Cities Food Fish Commission, submitting a copy of a resolution which they desired adopted by the Council. 1 "Resolution No. 217. Requesting his Lxcellency Wm. D. Stephens, Governor of the State of Califonlis, to affix his Signature to Senate Bill 409." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 9, From VI. A. Plummer Co., submitting 25 gross flags - 12" x 18" - at a price of .8,50 per gross. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be empowered to purchase 25 gross of fly x 18" - cost at a price not to exceed '8.50 per gross, the selection to be based upon quality. Mr. Probst Prohst seconded the motion and on roll call was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution 110. 218. Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to Sign a (olit- Claim Deed to the portion of Brush Street closed under Resolution of Intention No. 44, few Series." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution e.nd on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 11. 7 A communication was received from City Attorney Wm. J. Locke suggesting amend- ments to 2ections 15, 33 -Ind 35 of Ordinance No. 144, H. S. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 15, 33 and 35 of Ordinance No, 144, N. 6., entitled 'An Ordinance establishing Districts or Zones and Reguanting therein the use of property, Height of Buildjngs, and 7L-e- quired open spaces for light and ventilation of such buildings". wns introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. A Bill entitled "L Bill For Ordinance No. 147, New Series. Regnlating the Prking of vehicles on Park Street, between Lincoln :ma Icinal Avenues, and Prohibiting the Parking of Vehicles in front of ezy The came up for onssage. Mr. Latham moved thnt Section 2 be emended by striking out the words "the entrnce way to", seconded by 1„,..r. Ma ors and cnrried. Mr. Probst thereupon moved that the Ordinance as amended be adopted, seconded by Mre Latham, and on roll cull carried unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. 148, New Series. Prohibiting the Practice oT leaving _:',_utemobiles or other Vehicles on the Public Streets over Night." came up ±or oassage. Mr. Latham moved tht the Ordinance be adonted, seconded by Mr. Probst, and. on roil cell crried unanimously. 12. MT. Probst brought up the mntter of the improvement of Lincoln Avenue between Fourth. and Fifth Streets and moved that it be the sense of the Council to order the improvemnt of that thoroughfare in the event th'Lt the property owners failed to do so by privnte contract. Seconded by ir. Latham and carried. 13. V The City Manager presented plons and soecifications for the laying of curhs along both oides of Lincoln Avenue between Park Street and V:ebster Street. Mr. "Probst in-k-onrIlinr4r9 i-31A -F0-flowing Resolution and moved its ndoption: "Resolution No. 219. doting Plans und Secifications for Laying of Curbs along Lincoln [venue between Park and 1:lebster Streets." jr', Iathrn seconded the motion to dopt the Resolution una on roll call it was adopted and Passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Majors and Probst, (3). Noes: None. Excused from voting: President Otis, Absent Councilman Noy (1). 14. / Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 220. Resolution of Intention No. 48, New Series, Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Majors and Probst (3). Noes: President Otis. Absent: Cuuncilman Noy. Claims a':List the General Fund amount in tu , 14 . against Police Fund amounting to 04.66; against the Fire Fund amounbing to 153.17; against the Street Fund amounting to 3,1 24; against the Health Fund amounting to 63.22; against the Recreation Fund amounting to '66.02; against the Store Fund amounting to -; against the Relief 1,und amounting to !::86.50; against the Elect-fic Light Fund amounting to J2, 751.52 and against the T'ark 1?urchase Inna amounting to 658.13 having been approved and audited by the rroper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Ster..'m Laundry Assn, Baird, J. V. Barry, Edward Co. Cardinet, Ernest H. Crocker, H. S. Co. Bosshard, R. E. Ford, N. O. Hewes, Chas. E., City Mgr. IT 11 11 Johnson, S. TT 1T TT TT T. COG 1T TT IT Ti IT IT IT Mun. Elec. Light Plant O'Brien, W. B. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co Schneider, H. Schwind, H. W. Soules, E. C. Standard Oil Co. It IT Ala. Laundry Assn. ]?ord,N. O. Godfrey, Mrs, M. Hewes, Chas, E., City Mgr, Mun. Ele c . Light Plant Pac. Tel. 8: Tel. Co Standard Oil Co. Ala, Steam Laundry Assn, Auto Elec, Service Co. Ford, N. O. Gutta Perch & Rubber LFf Mun, Elec. Light Plant. Man. Elec. Light Plant. Pac. Tel, & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L.W. g GENERAL FUND. Towel Service, Repairs Book Cleaning curtains Bookcase Money advanced Envelopes money adv. for typewriter. Handbooks Stamps TT Oil TI City Lighting month end. Apr.30. Painting signs Rental and tolls for May. Rubber stcap Cushion • Notary fees Liquid gloss Total - POLICE FUND. Laundry service Printing Services (matron) Stamps Labor end attendance Police Flashlight & Tel. System month end, Apr. 30. Telephone service Zeroline Trans. Lub. Total - D. Linen service. 1 B. W. Meter Supplies o. 1 set chemical hose couplings Labor and attend.:nce Fire Alarm System month end. Apr. 30. Recharge Batt. Phone tolls. Zer. Oil. Roe and cord. 8.00 2.00 31.00 6.25 15.75 1.32 11.25 60.00 10.00 30.00 3.46 29.70 12.5U 12.50 1866.90 3.00 12.86 1.23 1.50 1.75 6.53 2127.50 1.60 4.75 4.00 3.00 50.00 7.53 3.75 74.63 25.00 6.39 5.75 4.50 93.32 .50 .20 12.76 4.75 Labor. Bosshard, R. E. Dick, E. C. Dick, E. C. Hewes, Chas. E., IT TT Hutchison Co. 1? TT Kopperud, A. H. It TT TT Lietz Co., A, Moreland Motor Truck Co. Oakland Blue Print Co. Oakland Paving Co. O'Brien, W. B. Tr TV IT Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Constr. Co. Smith Bros. eule, Louis Co. City Mgr IT TT Bischoff's SUrgical House Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Hewes, Chas. E., City Mgr. TV IT IT TV TI Nielsen, Ella Oak. Calif. Towel Co. Oak. Pioneer Soda Water Co. Fac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Schneider, H. Elster, Marvan H. Evening Times Star Fischer, C. F. Hewes, Chas. E., City Mgr. Maytorena, Marie Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Waddell-Van Gundy Wilkens, J. H. Powell Bros. COnstr, Co. Union Oil Co. of Calif. TV TV TV ” TV Orr, SAMnel Paganni, John Peoples Express Co. Varachi Edwardo Crane Company Dick, E. C. Times-Star Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Great Westerla Power Co. Kellogg Express Co. Marshall-Neweil Supply Co. Paraffine Companies, Inc, U.S.Ship. Bd. Emer. Fleet Corp. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. STREET FUND. Soap & Borax Fan belt Repairs Stmps Magazines Crushed Rock. Screenings Oil IT Supplies Repairs & material Maps Scrn. & Dust. Sign painting St. sign Telephone. Cement & gravel. Maps. Sheets. Total - HEALTH FUND. Applicators Laboratory supplies Stamps TV Car Pare Towel service Distilled water Tel tolls Ink. Total RECREATION FUND. Printing Tr Nails Stamps Services Telephone Lumber Material for May Day, STORE FUND. Cement Distillate TT RELIEF FUND. Labor in Parks TV TT IT Expressage Labor in parks ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Total Tot-t re Total - Supplies TV Book Pair of magnets Ele c. Current consumes Drayage Supplies Paint Wire, etc. Supplies Total - may 20th, 1919, 1404.35 .51 .65 1.65 9.00 1.60 193.80 402.30 156.68 761.84 21.62 35.05 3.86 67.50 1.50 1.00 2.30 44.08 1.20 3.75 311:4.24 2.40 1.85 16.00 5.50 .72 3.44 .50 2.56 .25 22 1.25 8.25 2.00 2.00 16.00 2.30 4.97 29.25 66.02 3.43 12.50 12.50 28,43 33.00 18.00 5.50 30.00 86.50 2.20 9.04 7.00 10.29 2332.14 8.40 17.06 5,88 656.75 2.76 2751.52 PARK PURCHASE FUND. Reeder, A. J. Excavation LA Washington Park 658.13 71,7,144i-4 1/1.44V-E4,4- 1,6-at -atzt4;1,44 ..0c2 .2LQ4c4 x_r_e_di-ptz/zet 7 ,a,0„„.„4.,,z, lb. / City Mana7or Hewes submitted prices :[or tile re-arr,,np;ing of the Council Chamber, showing( that the cost would he ,coroximately 2,000. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager purchase tables and chairs for the Council Chamber not to exceed the sum of 0650.00, seconded by Mr. There being no firth business the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regu1r session, Tuesd,T even ng June Yth, iii, at 8 ordlock p. Resp submitted, /) ity Clerk.