1919-06-03 Regular CC MinutesOtis, read. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 3RD, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:15 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilman Latham, Majors, Probst and president (4). were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The Minutes of the regular meeting of iJay 20th were approved as read. The Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 27th were approved as The following were received: The Oath of Office of Geo. 3. Williams as a member of the Board of ation. Ordered filed. 2. , Judge L. R. 7einmann addreSsed the Council relative to the appointment of a Probation Officer to serve in the City of Alameda, in accordance with the provisions of a law recently enacted by the State Legislature. Mr. Probst thereupon introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 222. Requesting the Probation Officer to Appoint a Resident of the City of Alameda as DoH)uty Probation Officer." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled " A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Redistricting a Part of Residence District Class I on the East Side of Union Street between Alameda and Central Avenues, and Changing and Reclassifying it Into Business District No. V." was introduced and laid over under a provisions of the Charter. Mr. Probst moved that when the Council adjourn it adjourn to meet in Adjourned Regular Session Tuesay evening, June 10th, at 8 o'clock p. m., seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 3. / Mayor Otis announced that Major Charles L. Tilden, who had beenc appointed a member of the Soldeirs' and Sailors' Memorial Committee was unable to serve, and in his stead he had appointed Major C. E. Hickok. Claims again t the General Fund amounting 0; against the J-JoIice Fund amounting to 161.52; against the Fire Fund 'mounting 0470.07; Lgainst the Street Fund amounting to 2035.53; against the Health Fund amounting to 020.51; again the Recreation Fund amounting to 02.76; against the Store Fund amounting ° 9 8' against the Relief Fund amounting to 120.50; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 3117.86; and. against the Park Purchase Fund amounting to L2l9.34 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND. An(:erson Machine oi's Borie, C. A. Carlisle & Co., A, Clintsman, E. A. Cron, F. J. Gould, Grace. Gutta Perch. Rubber Mfg. Co. Hewes, Charles E. " City Manager 11 11 TT Repairs to Metz Carfare Segregation sheets Carfare Auto upkeeT) Carfare Hose for Pound Auto upkeep Money advanced Hewson & Foster Rxlienses 13.20 6.96 21.50 4.00 25000 .80 7.70 25.00 48.8'6 161 June 6rd, Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Schneider, H. Stockwell, H. C. Time Star Co. TT It IT Zellerbach Paper Co. Mayo 's Allowance Co Gas 25 gross flags Supplies Cleaning time lock Ord. 149 and 148, Cohen brief Advertising Toilet paper Faulkner, Geo. A. Godfrey, Mrs. M. Harrison Co., H. O. Hewes, Chas. E. City Manager Municipal Electric Light plant Siem, C. Anderson Machine Works Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Siem, C. Standard Oil Co. Labor Comstock Co., The Elster, Marvin H. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hutchinson Co. Schneider, Henry Spears-Wells Machinery Co. Times Star Co. It Unon Oil Co. of California. Waterhouse & Lester 00, Flatow & Son, P. Godfrey, Matilda Mazzini, L. Nielson, Ella, Oak, Pioneer Soda Water Co. Parisian Laundry Ma7torena, Marie Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Bros.- Construction Co. Tasker, Thomas Schneider, Henry Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Orr, Samuel Paganni, John Schenck, Mrs. Harry B. Tozier, D. L. Varachi, Edward() Warner, Mrs, J. R. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Board of Public Utilities Citizens Bank Total - POLICE FUND. Rental of motor cycle Matron Radiator cap Money ?cl.v. Chief's Contingent Button, Dodge repairs Light far auto tal - FIRE FUND. Repairs to Truck #1 Faucet Recharging battery Gas Glass hose Gasoline Total - STET FUND. Brooms Printing Money advanced, E. J. Deegan Crushed rock and screenings Rubber stamps and paste Scarifier teeth •Uvertising Notice of assessment Distillate Steel Total - HEALTH FUND. Iodine Cleaninc, Window screens Money advanced Distille water Laundry service, may Total - RECREATION FUND. Sub Play Director Labor in parks Gas Cement, lime Labor and supplies Total - STORE FUND. Comet erasers RELIEF PUND. Money advanced Labor Board of Arnberger Baby Labor TT Rent Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT Fan. Towel service Incidentals for may Rent 8 5u.00 17.62 212.50 2.1 10.00 70.00 44.61 7.60 615.50 0 60.00 2.00 .95 50.00 48.32 .25 61.52 398,02 .80 .50 15.50 48.75 470,07 01 .80 31.50 8.65 9.50 298.83 1.18 77.00 11.11 10.95 12.50 22.51 -02035.53 4.00 10.50 1.80 1.48 .50 2.23 20.51 12.00 13.75 6.50 4.41 6.10 .76 .88 18.00 16.50 9.00. 30.00 4.50 22.50 20.00 $120.50 0 2.00 16.57 40.00 4 6. June 3rd, 1919. Fuller & Co., V. P. Oil ,p, 9 19W Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Go. Supplies 6.00 General Electric Bompany Transformers 99.20 Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Supplies 155.88 Hendrickson, Neil Painting smoke stacks 30.00 Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Typewriter inspection and carbon 23.00 Marshall-Newell SuPply Co. Supplies 19.89 Maxwell ,Zardware Co. IT 12.05 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas .80 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service and tolls 20.51 Powell Bros. Construction Co. Supplies 10,61 Reno Co., L. G. it 2.10 Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Wire 163.34 Schneider, Henry Supplies 18.33 Standard Oil Co. If 1652.08 Times Star Co. Printing 118.00 V[addell-Van Grandy Lumber Co. Supplies 10,80 Vosbiirgh, L. W. IT 8,01 75eaver-ells Co. TT 10.35 einstock-fichols Co. It 12.39 Western Electric Co. Poles 21.55 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Supplies 558.60 Allemond, Joseph Crane Company Gay, Joe Total - -03117.86 PARK 2URCHASE ]?UND. Labor Pipe and fittings Labor 10.50 202.34 7.00 Total 219.84 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried. unanimously. John M. Desch, addressed the Council and asked for an aopropriation of money or in lieu thereof the privilege of buying sufficient lumber at a reduced price from the City, to make a suitable landing place in the marsh in front of the hangar used by George V. Gray. He was informed that the City could not appropriate the money for such -ourpose nor did it have any lumber for sale. Mr. Latham moved that the City littorney take the necessary legal steps to establish t]:e City of Alameda's title in Government leland, seconded by Er. Probst anC carried, Mr. Latham moved that the Southern Pacific Company be ordered to remove the high tension wires from the poles on Lincoln. Avenue within sixty days from date, seconded by ER. Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in adjourned regular session, Tuesday evening, June 10th 1919, at 8 o'clock. -(espectflaly submitted, City Clerk, Ib