1919-06-10 Regular CC MinutesADJUZi,TED FEGftiL,i 18148 ±10 1 THE 08810 11, TUaiD,L.Y JUNE IOTA, 191(:.), Pieeti_np: conven:,!0. at L,'; -o, m 1 0 onnoil—m7ce011t Otis 9res14 ins0 T 11 t 0 Guuncili,er Lotha, hiajors„, 7obs1 0±1 o, (4) 'ieD:e note llio Zoy, 1). The afficThAvit o± C. -E. Hictok, 6t.feet ,-;;-;cl'intendent, showi -N lice of ilssesent nriqor D7r Ini. e811 OnlO „ :Jew received aDJ ol'ered 110, the Grahll, Vice—Iffient 0-1 the Evcqqn 614r aol _Ll!"c0a Dail7 nus ohoo.0 lue ;;:',ublication of "qcsolution. cy';' Intention New Je;;ries, was oroaeotcl aol ordered :riled. As thiFi wa,;,, 1110 hour fixed Tor tho hearinF of protests on the oor5 and no iretesta, either ora) or written, p.:pez,Lixinp.., 1r 12,2o14; introduced the follov:ing -esolution and moved its adorticm: "Resoluijon ijo. 223. Ordcri the 0 1 In Re Curbs on A.vonno.” :i± ha seconded the motion to adoA the ',:esoluti:w. :)Lid on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance 110. rew 18edistrictin7; a -.Prt of .1esidence District Class I on the East sie of Union Street, Between Alameda and Central i0.:.enues, and Changing and 1:),ec1assif7i1g it into "J;usiness Difftrict 10 V" came u. for passage, Mr. Prob st moved that the Bill be amended br describing the lot accordirz to metes and bounds, seconded by 1:27. Latham and cE,rried. T;:x. rrobst then moved that the Ordinance as amended be adopted, seconded by Ire Latham and on roll call crried unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance 110 rew Series. Establishin7 I:ire Limits and Regulating the Construction. oT 3ui1dings Therein; also repeal- ing all Ordinances or -flarts of Ordinances in Oon±]. le 8 Herewith." was Lntroduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. There bein no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, Juno 17th, 1919, at 0 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.