1919-09-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR I. ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALMEDA, TUESDAY" EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1919. The meeting convened at 8:05 p. m. with Council-Vice-president Probst in the chair. The roll was called and Councilmen Latham Majors, Noy and Probst were noted present. President Otis arrived later and was noted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved it o- "0- : RESOLUTION NO. 240. TRANSFERRING 0815.63 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Ex. Iathaim seconded the motion to adopt the Re solution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: 2. " Report of the Industrial Railroad for the year 1910-1919. Ordered filed. 3. Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year 1918-1919. Ordered filed. 4. v' The Clerk statec9 that there had been filed in his office August 18th, a petition signed by more than 25 per cent of the property :owners within a radius of six hundred feet of the lot situate at 1020 Clinton Avenue, requesting that said lot be re-districted from a Class I to a Class II district. A certificate showing due posting of notices as required by Ordinance No. 149, N. S. was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Council-president Otis asked if there were any persons present who objected to the proposed change. Mr. J. R. Christy addressed the Council protestiig the change. Mr. E. A. Randlett, presented the facts on behalf of Mrz. J. S. Dolliver. 1,IX. Latham moved that the matter lie over to the next meeting of the Council and that it be referred to the City E -ager, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The following communications were received: 5. / From the American Dredging Company requesting a permit to dump dredged materials on Tract 45 and the tidelands adjacent thereto. Mr. George Sessions sopke on behalf of the Company, whereupon Mr. Probst moved, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried that the request be granted, subject to the conditions required in Ordinance No. 91, New Series. 6. / FRom the Alameda Chamber of Commerce, the Park Street Merchants Association and other citizens requesting n appropriation of cr; 000 in the budget for publicity purposes. The matter was referred to the next Comnittee of the Mole meeting. 7. e From Walter H. Cramer, certified puclib accountant stating that he had audited the books and accounts of the City of Alameda for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1919 and found that all records had been neatly and correctly kept and all moneys received had been properly accounted for. Ordered filed. 8. V From Mr. E. B. Le vitt Lease Agent of the Southern -cific Company, stating that the removal of the high tension lines from Lincoln Avenue will start in a few days from the date of the letter. Ordered filed. '11 entitled "14 Bill fox Ordinance No. of the Council. A Bill entitled was introduced and September 2nd, 1919. "A Bill For Ordinance Ho. Hew Series. Declaring All Buildings wherein or upon which Gambling is conducted to be Public Huisances, and Providing for the abatement and suppression of such Eaisances." aid over under a provision o the Charter. / Mr. Latham called attention to the increase of trans-bay rates as charged by the Southern Pacific Company and moved that it be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 10. / Mr. Probst called attention to the low pressure of gas in the west end oarticuarly on Sundays about noon, and asked that som e action be taken. The was referred to the City Manager. 11. // L. Locke brought up the rnatter of the application of the East Bay Water Company for a change in its fire hydrant rates. Er. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 'Resolution Ho. 241, Protesting Against the Payment of a Stand-4)y Charge for Fire Portection from the General Fund of the City. Er. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 2872. ; against the Police Fund amounting to 074.00; aga inst the Fire Fund amounting to 0523,26; against the Street Fund amounting to 03556.14; against the Health Fund amounting to 052.49; against the Recreation l'und amounting to 0261.78; against the Store Fund'amountins,' to 23.00; against the Relief Fund amounting to :..57.50; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 01512.36 and against the Industrial Railroad Fund a mounting to 0467 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: American Law Book Co. Bancroft-Whitney Co. Carlisle c Co., A. Cobbledic-Hibbe Glass Co. Croll, F. J. East Bay Water Co. Guy, Fred E. Hewes, Charles E. If IT " City Manager Hicks, Grant Johnson Co. S. T. Municipal Electric Light Plant Otis, Prank Pacific Gas 3 Electric Co. Taylor, W. G. Times Star Tr Wentworth Cc Co., F. W. Wilkens, J. H. Faulner, Geo. A. Maxwell-Hardware Co, Municipal Electric Light Schneide,&-H0d8or Standard Oil Goo =AI FUTTD. Law boo] TT IT Supplies Glass Auto upke ep 77,ter Cleaning typewriter Auto upkeep Incidentals Auto upkeep Stove oil City Lighting Mayor's Allowance Gas Hotary services Advertising Folders Printing Tables Material Total - POLIC.C. Supplies Bale of waste Labor and attendance, Screw for coil Oil t era. 20.50 5.45 1.15 45.08 25.00 21,14 5,00 25.00 7.71 35.00 58.75 1698.17 50,00 8.20 1.00 20.41 500.00 128.17 215,00 1.60 2872,33 1.00 13.50 50.00 .75 3,r/5 September East Bay Water Co. Fischer, C. F. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Lint Plant Tr TT Pacific Gas & Electric co. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Labor Bay City Iron Works Hamilton, Burnett Hickok, C. E. Hutchinson Company TT TV Koppernd, A. H. Powell Bros, Construction Co. Spears-Wells Machinery Co. Times Star Co. Union Oil Co. of California TV TT TV n TV Ti IV TT n TV Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell-Van Gundy Lumber Co. Carpenter, T. Dr. Cutter Laboratory Godfrey, Matilda Nielsen, Ella Parisian Laundry Times Star Co. Cohen, Emilie East Bay Water Co. Guy, Fred M. Municipal Electric Light Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas 8; Electric Do Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. SpiroTs Vosburgh, L. W. Ford, N. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edwardo Alameda Steam laund ry Assn. Board of Public Utilities Citizens' Bank Clark, H. D. Columbia Auto SHEET Metal Works Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. General Electric CO. Gilson, Rosse M. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Kellogg Express Co. Mail Advertising Co. Maxwell Hardware Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. FIRE PIJITD. Water Plumbing Money advanced Supplies Labor and attendance, alarm system Repairs Gas Invoice book Gasoline LimEET Pun. Supplies Incidentals TT Rock, etc. TT TV Oil. Rock and cement Wheel Binding Distillate TV Supplies Lumber Total - HEALTH PIThTD. Auto upkeep Vaccine Services Incidentals Laundry Printing Total - R0FJT ION FUND. Services Water Repairs Repairs to pump Labor Gas Paint Baseballs Supplies Total - - STORE FUND. Envelopes EELIJF FUND. Money advanced. Labor IT Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Incidentals Rent Premium Repairs, etc. Supplies Addressograph supplies Water Supplies Tr TV Typewriter Inspection Drayage Supplies TT Gas Rental 8.92 2.00 1.15 .75 53.50 59.34 13.90 2.70 41.00 - 523.26 1825.50 5.00 1.77 3.71 706.25 98.75 590.85 76.73 40.00 25.00 8.78 7.43 29.04 45,19 92114 3556,,14 0 25.00 1.20 10.85 2.98 3.86 8.60 0 52.49 12.00 1.83 7.50 11.25 15,00 4.30 108.90 95.00 6.00 61.78 23.00 12.00 16,00 27.50 -0 57.50 • 2.00 12.95 40.00 3.00 53.00 1.65 3.70 4.50 203.52 32.41 419.22 4.00 .45 37.68 1.30 .60 15.57 Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. United Iron Works Vosburgh, L. W.' Weaver-Wells Co. It If Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. White Co. Young Supply Co. R. S. Llunicipal Electric Light P1 Southern Pacific Co. 19 Stationery and supplies Gasoline Supplies tr tt TV TV IT TT Total - INDUSTRIAL RAILROAD FUND. Clerical work Compensation Total - September 2nd, 1919. 28.93 68.69 4.80 1.25 3.50 12.80 6.32 .31 489.26 1,49 7.55 -01512.36 8 40.00 3.67 A - 43.67 1A1-. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 12. / 11r. Latham moved that the Council meet as a Committe of the whole, Friday evening, September 5th, 1919, at 7:30 p. m., seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, September 16 1, 1919. Respectfully submitted, / /('1' /, City Clerk.