1919-11-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVELMER 4TH, 1919. The meeting convened at 8;10 p. m. with Counci1president Otis presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Latham, Majors Noy, Probst and President Otis were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on October 27,1919, a petition signed by more than twenty-five per cent of the property owners within a radius of six hundred feet of the lot situate at the northeast corner of Court and Van Buren Streets consenting to the re-classification of said property from a Class I, single family district, to a Class IV District, permitting the erection of a temporary chapel building by the Methodist Episcopal Chnrch,South, to be used for religious worship and to be succeeded later by a permanent church building of stone and concrete. A certificate showing due posting of a Notice as required by Ordinance No. 149, New Series, was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the Notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Council- president Otis asked if there were any persons present who objected to the proposed change. No objectors appeared. Rev. J. W. Horn, representing the church, briefly explained the matter to the council. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the city planning commission, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 7 The clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on October 20th, 1919, a petition signed by more than twenty-five per cent of the property owners within a radius of the property at 1330 Park Street, and extending through to Park Avenue, consenting to the re-classification of the rear portion of thise property from a flat, tenement, Class II District, to a Retail District, Class III. A certificate showing due posting of Notice as required by Ordinance No. 149, New Series, was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the Notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Council-president Otis asked if there were any persons present who objected to the proposed change. Two petitions signed by twenty and eight persons, respectively, objecting to the proposed change, were received and placed on filed. Mrs. W. H. Hopps and. Messrs. R. S. Smith, C. F. Fischer and A. Pearson, spoke in opposition to the proposed change. Mr. E. A. Postel, the owner of the property, explained the matter to the council. Ir. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the city planning commission to report back at the next meeting of the council, seconded by Hr. Probst ancl. carried. The following were received: The Affidavit of posting and the Affidavit of publication of Resolution of Intention No, 49, New Series. Ordered filed. The Auditor's balance sheet for the month of October, 1919. Ordered filed. 3. The Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Jitney Bus Drivers, revoking all licenses granted under Ordinance No. 154, N. S. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 4. Prom the Memorial Committee, submitting their report and recommending the erection of a High School as a memorial to the men and women who served durinR the " November 4th, 1919. supporting the recommendation and Major C. E. Hickok stated that the American Legion approved the idea. Mr. Latham moved that a copy of the report be sent to the Board of Education, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. From the Alameda Improvement Club inviting the members of the Council to be present at their meeting to be held Thursday evening, November 13th. Mr. Latham moved that owing to the fact that the city planning commission will meet on this evening, the clerk write the Club stating that many of the officials, who are members of the city planning commission, will be unable to attend, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. From the East Bay Water Company inc losing a demand for 02037.71, the same being for public use charge for the month of October, 1919, figured in accordance with the order of the Railroad Commission of the State of California,Case No. 1008. Ordered filed 7. / Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 253. Resolution of Intention No. 50, New Series, Providing for the Closing of Harrison Avenue from the Eastern line of Park Street to the Western line of Pearl Street." Mr. Majors seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 254. Declaring the Intention of the City Council to Withhold the Passage of the Final Resolution ordering the Closing and. Abandoning of Harrison Avenue between Park and Pearl Streets, until Certain Assurances are Received from the Federal Government as to its Disposition with the Northern half of said Avenue." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll eall it was adopted and passed unanimously. Er. atobst thereupon moved that collies be sent to the Representatives in Con- gress, to Secretary of War, Baker and to Col. E. E. Winslow, Lieut. Col. Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, requesting the government to support the proposition of gr to the abutting owners of property on the south side of Harrison Avenue, wharfage privileges em the Tidal Canal, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 255. Resolution Closing Eagle Avenue from Hibbard Street to Paru STreet; Eagle Avenue from Paru Street to a Point 354 feet westerly thereof, and Paru Street from Buena Vista Avenue to the Northerly end of said Paru Street." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 10. / In connection with the above resolution 11±. Probst brought up the matter of a right of way through the Alaska Packers Association property for a railway and moved that the clerk send a letter to the Association, requesting that all future plans of construction be submitted to the city council, so that the two organizations could work together, with a view of reserving sufficient land. to project the municipal railway westward, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 11. / Er. Probst called attention to the misalignment of the dedicated streets lying west of Third Street and moved that the city manager and city .1 torney take the steps so that the various avenues shall extend in a straight line to the western 12. November 4th,1919. Nr. Latham called attention to the request that had been made for the opening of Eagle Avenue, between the Southern Pacific Company's tracks and Web Cr Street. City Manager Hewes, stated. that the matter had been discussed in the last meeting of the city planning commission and the recommendation made that the property owners who would be charged for the purpose of this property present a petition requesting the opening before any action be taken by the council. Mr. Latham moved that the Alameda Improvement Club be so notified, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 0458.16; against the Police Fund amounting to 061.35; against the Fire Fund amounting to 075.63; against the Street Fund amounting to 03598.60; against the Health Fund amounting to 062.64; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 0103.61; against the Store Fund amount- ing to 047.50; against the Fire Pension and Relief Fund amounting to 032.90; against the Relief Fund amounting to 068.50 and against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 06809.19 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the clerk as follows: Carlisle & Co., A. Croll, F. J. East Bay Water Co. Electric Blue Print Co. Gardner, U. S. Hewes, Charles E. If 1 City Manager Hickok, C. E. Otis, Frank If TV Pacific-Gas & Electric Co. Steinbacher, Frank E. Times Star Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Bay Station Bakery Hicks, Grant Lincoln Auto & Cycle Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & ELectric Co. American La France Fire Engine Co. Bertolino, Columbia Auto Works East Bay Water Co. Eberly's Pharmacy Maxwell Hardware Co. Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Times Star Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Dumber Co. Labor Comstock Co., The KopperudA.H. n IV IV Lietz Co., The A. Morton, J. W. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Evening Times Star Irnpl-m-roon T, GENERAL FUND. Record sheets Auto upkeep Water Block book Supplies Auto upkeep Expenses, Convention Expenses, Convention Mayor's Allowance Expenses, Convention City Hall -gas Painting. Printing Advertising Sash doors Total - POLICE FUND. Bread for pound. Auto upkeep Supplies Repairs, etc. Gas for city pound F IRE FUND. STR Total - Express charges Repairing radiator Water Iodine Cotton waste Nails Recharging batteries Gas Advertising Oiler Supplies ET FUND. Brooms Oil TV Paper Carfare Rock, etc. Material Printing R111-111inQ. To ta 55.75 25.00 19.71 28.05 14.45 25.00 55.95 60.05 50.00 58.70 4.60 5.00 47.12 2.78 6.00 458.16 1.50 35.00 2.00 22.65 .20 61.35 .47 5.00 15.15 1.00 18.50 .25 1.00 13.20 3.78 .50 16.78 75.63 77.00 34.25 475.58 71.65 13.82 .40 112.40 34.16 13.34 p.r) 20 November 4th, 1919. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Encinal Ice Co. Godfrey, Matilda Hewes, Charles E.City Manager Parisian Laundry Wilkens, J. H. Anderson, Mrs. Cohen, Emilie Crane Co. East Bay Water Co. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric CO. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Spalding & Bros., A. G. Union Oil Co. TT TT TV TT TT fl Scrafford, Earl (Deceased) Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edward() Western Dairy Co. HEALTH FUND. Auto upkeep Vaccine Ammonia Ice Labor Membership fee, Amer.Public Health Assn. Laundry Towels Total - RECREATION FUND. Services /T Gate valves Water Labor Gas Lime Athletic goods Total STORE FUND. Gasoline Distillate IT Total - SION AND RELIEF FUND. Pension RELIEF FUND. Labor in parks TT TT TV Milk ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Alameda Cyclery & Vulcanizing Works Alameda Steam Laundry Association Board of Public Utilities California State Auto. Association Citizens Bank Durkee, J. A. East Bay Water Co. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Ford, N. O. General Electric Co. IT TV TV Gilson, Rosse M. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. TT TV IT IT Glidden Co., The Great Western Power Co Harrison Co., H. O. Linde Air Products Co. Mail Advertising Co. Marshall Newell Supply Co. Martell Tire Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Metal Works Pacific Tel. & Tel. Col Payot, Stratford & Kerr Powell Bros. Construction Co. Reno Co., L. G. Roeblihgs Sons Co„ John A. Standard Oil Co. IT IT it Tt- Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. IT TT TV IT TT TV Western Heavy Iron & Hardware Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Young Supply Co. R. S. Total - Repairs Towel service Incidentals for Oct. 1919 Premium Rent Foot rest recovered. Water Sulphuric Acid. Printing Supplies Transformers Supplies TV Paint Supplies Valves Oxygen Stencils Supplies Supplies and repairs Gas Solder Phones Files 2nd payment on contract, Supplies Copper wire Drayage Gas Oil Supplies IT TV IT TT TV Bolts Supplies Total - 35.00 1.20 .75 3.77 10.15 5.05 2.05 4.67 62.64 2.50 16.04 1.35 19.50 4.20 4.90 56.29 03.61 20.50 13.50 13.50 47.50 32.90 6 19.50 32.50 16.05 68.05 6.00 1.00 81.31 8.50 40.00 2.50 5.50 1.50 59.40 612.09 3750.00 6.76 245.03 46.38 31.85 45.33 2.30 1.92 17.36 31.74 125.68 .80 34,30 18.98 4.41 619.00 2.10 405.66 2.50 75.86 3.75 18.65 3.00 29.15 19.47 1.47 12.63 .28 40551 29.52 --0 6809.19 Er. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on