1908-01-06 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEET In OF TIE COUNCIL OF Thil CITY OF AL11EDA , JANUARY 6th 1908. The Council was called to order by the Mayor. The roll was lied and Councilmen Christensen,agagnos,Bullock,Uoy,Gee, Probst,Fisher and Loop were noted present and Councilman Brown absent. The minutes of the meeting of December 16th 1907,were read and ordered ap- proved. Claims against the General Fund amounting to :$207.21,against the Street F1: amounting to 2827.18,against the Electric Light Fund amounting to s8253.00,again the Fire Fund amounting to '482.85,against the Police Fund amounting to ,208.25 ar against the Library Fund amounting to '221.38 having been approved by the proper Finance Committees were read as follows, GENERAL FUND. Argus lui1ihing uo Printing ti;) 6. TT Boegle,F. TT Transcript for rec.'07 48. 4. 5. California Oil & Burner Co Oil for heater City Hall 20. I! ft TT If IT It 17 18a Commercial Towel Co Towel service for Nov.'07 8. Crocker Langley E.F.Directory 1 S.F.Directory for Troasurer 6, Ewing, A. Poundmaster Incidental Exrenses 1. Furey, F .D. P111111) i 11 g City Hall 5. 71 II It City _Found 12. Kellogg Express Go, Expressage Bond Election . Oakland Gas Lt & Heat Co. Gas City Hall 8. IT II tt It IT It le Pierce,N. Labor City Pound 4. Peoples Bazaar,Inc. Supplies City Hall 7- O. Rhodes & Jamieson Chimney Pipes 2. Schneider, Fenry Supplies City Clerk. . Janitor 11 “ Auditor 6 TT TT IT Treasurer fl Auditor 11 IT TT Tax Collector If 11 IT Council & Clerk 4. t). 4. Smith,Lucy Refund of Taxes Z. January Gth 1908. Amount forwara Associated Oil Co., Foad Oil Bettencoutt,J. Labor ink,H. 11 Britt,7:7r. horse & Cart Hire Brown,A.E.,assT4' of G.Frith Labor Cady,A. California City Lock 00 Crushed Lock Derby Co , . 10. Lumber Dexter,A.G. Bicycle Repairs Fischer PluCoing Co.,C.F. Plumbing Supplies IT 11 If Plumbing Hammond,C.J. Teaming Ilay E. Baird Blachsmithing Hunter Lumber Co. Teaming Eutchion Co ConstructinL curb; 11 Concrete Curbdn Jamieson,J.S. Teaming Ec Gab, J. Labor racani,J. 11 Perry,A. Peters,T.I. Teaming Revalh,7.7]. Typeuriter rehir Ric'kerson,A1 Surpliee c°,c Labor Schneider,ITenry Stationery Thurston, 0. T. Team Hire Todd,A. Labor Turner,J. Vosburc-:h Go, ,J.B. hardware Teaming 11 ,J.R. Labor IT IT r If Total- 2 Januar?; 6th 190C. tury Klein Elec.Co TT TT stier I Picot U IT t; Ldde Boiler V:orks TT 11 TT cher P2umbin dsworthy,A.D. t,irk & Co.,Inc. ns-Lanville re & Co .,Chas C. ell Bros b1ins 60ns J.0-.. TT Ti TT ;7 0 r TT IT IT IT TT II TY II Amount forv!arc■- Poro.knohs V:ire Boiler coNpond -.Eepairs 6urrlies Treniulc on Im:lurance Incidentals 2nd ra:vmenu on Turhine Unit Pipe covering Incidentals liorse-shoein I:epairs '.uppTies & labor ire TT IT Llupplies neider,ilenry .itatiener;? by rneltincf: Lead Co. Material bursh 6uTT1ies TY IT ,,,incshouse L.Co. Meters I t IT TT to Oross 71-truP: Co., .ttier Coburn Oo thton,T.I.enr TT A 22 64 13t Llaterial .=1.12:cerine Oil 4, 6' 4; Total - FIE FUED. 11', Otto horseshoeir tstier 0 'by 0 Co.,E.. Lunher 017anild Gas heat Go Gas rhoenix Co fJode & Jayesoi l ;.,clineider,Eonry ;Cteinnietz,7h.B. Vosurt:. Co estall,Tnas Oil 11 Jamiar dt'h l'Inot!nt forward- Tolice Furnd Eacrof Thitiey o ,, ',3et of Cedes Conrad,JeTw iricidentel c:!:Tenses Bela-,-)antaT. Lea's Green ChelAcni Go, Blsefecta-nt ';;c7c rcairs Calnand :Jas Ti: & heat To Gas 2acifie Tel i. Tel Jo Tele]Thories TT GeTmeider,D=7; Unnernn:c 11 1r 71 Tr Grosvorer,. 11. TT T1 Two L;.Y.:Lgrecto7-71es LaL,alaircE; TT Tf Gewsnrers Ttt:c.; Gas January Gth 1903. Eove.1fJher 1907. nrdered filed. Two communications were received fro: insurance acri so1citin insur: on public buildinRe. r Fisher moved that tho same he referred to the Coramitt, nolo,seconded ty TrIP.Uoy and carried. 1 rvo A rotition was received from 1...rs.A.-.:.ecartney,ot al,requestir:.-? tbe 3ouic arm \ take steps toward rePairina the road to Day Farm Island. "1.-r,Loop moved that seas he referred to the L;treet '.-Cupernte:ndont and for tho Clerk to notify the f, tioners of what action the Council had takensecnded hy r.Fisher and carried. A otitio n was roceivcd from Lrs.Lary F.Clark,ot si, req oettiie that an lia:Jht he insta.-rled at Taylor Avennto and ,:nixth '"treet. Tseforred to the Defartle of Electricity. fa.J.if.ey Tresentod a petition for a cratuitous license to eel] a corert his own manufacture. 1.1r:Prohst moved that SL-Jo he ,,,:rant. seconded Ty and carried. A com:munication was received frara Linn le E.Tacker on plavround sites. ordered filed. A COfl nunicatlon was received fro a tho La:NI' in which he approved the re Intion passed by the Cuunoil Decemher 1Gth 1907,extendin the tie for the pay of the 1st installment of Taoses. Ordered filed. The 1:.ayor presented his veto of the resolution to furchase the Dunn and lor tractswticb was passed hy the Council on December 15th 190 as r llows cel-Ilkor 19,1907. To the Honorahle the City Council of Al.aedo. aentlemen:- Herewith 1 return,disaprroved,a resolution to purchase the Taylor an Tunn tracts of land and incur a liability therefor amount eons to tThe resolution are. 1.5,000.00 First,location. Alameda differs fros other cities in over four mi-los lo about a mile wide. To eyperd all available money uron a n e-x-trene south shore of the western third of our territory is not obedient to th -incir o of the p..eatest -ood for tho areatest numher of citizens. The orenes site is also in a sparsely settled district, far removed from the present and rr ble future center of nofulation. Governmnt is interosted in estahlishin nlayerounds--n , as places auusemert,--bat as an economic measure to -provide for tho risical development health of children to counteract the haneful results of idloness,with the moral foot of sunervised occunation,activity and rcecadt exarr for the, furPoseof nrodu Jannar (4.' 1GCO. than a rile west of hiLh LAreet aad several miles wesf; of our eastern limits. them. 1 is not ononCa to have heautifu] -nlaxo-rord e. o. Vie must ofJor inducement rue \h2 have excellent tranorortatioa servicehnt those children in when 2.tate is most interested from an ocononic standroin,,caroaot afford a dime a dav ond wo are seehi(v to enceas exercise. Other cities have deemed it wise to -arovide :play nTaces. -holey cote l:Tlates securin 0 five,and in Alameda we should 'rave tIlree,o1 •near tho site yeu l'avo chosen,eno cast of '.111low ,troot and a hall ..nround on th( The Taylor-Dunn tract is not a healthful, vice to onaL;ein strenuous s-por- xrevailinra winds have hemat tho hacls of all the cahs o the flace,and in climate the oe yro7ific source of px1noaar afflictiors is exoosure to the vois iffave coacientiously weihed, the arnments favorin the site yon have and wish that 1 could he convinced that you ore riat. The ar-oxent that no t- o of LTeet value has no weiht with me hecanse 1 am fare. the titles. Oro: _atlrrome .Con Jo o decided that the 1-ittora1 owner may -2rojec exhaehxonts,and anoin oners from IlacinL any- ol)ntrne;loiann,in front of hin A. railroad clo7la nse the Tater front withont fraachise from the c:onneil,and hard1y scientific to rurchase a nlayE-ronn ao on ohotraction to a ro-ht of wofy, reforeadum is cearer. The aylor-Duna tract is not t' 10 for hcati a on acconnt of tho shenq and o surf:hut is admirahly adarted for hathin. nithout douht -Tor sonth shoro affords a moot c)rwv d Toletnresque Tocf for residencesand diverse oyinion has resulted :ocaunn the distinction has not sharnly drawn hetwoor tho factors which make valnes for residential sites and nxouad puroses, '-ocond: The price is ohiectionahle. do not ',mow tho -erice at which the aents secured oytiono,end as far as to me the ortiOns have rot boon exhihited to the Council 1 assnne that the only to receive a commission. 1 fool eery friendly towards and am associated vi in other hnniness mattors,end yet 1 o not thin-k it is diLnified or yrofitahle :ity of Alamedain huyin rroyerty,o a77ow any inte-avention "bek,WOCE the .Orty am owner. Difforin from au irdividnaltho City can decide 1.-17:01 -k'Y't it wantsofi fair -1-fiCte rCli 1-r oo10 rocend under r4c''13t 3T iet donain to have a dete-Y:mine tho value. Therefore there, is no eacnee for Alameda to 'coy nore then ty is worth. The rrice of the rylor-Dunn rreerty is,in the innent of moot exIerts,Tarely in exaess of the market value. Tho rrice of the Dunn place is ar convinced that Captain Hanley croas trnth when he affirms that 7:ir.Dnnn as7, ',- Acres Dunn Tract :.;i; 83333. rer Acre 62,500.00 )Total 12 Taylor " 10666. " 48,000.00 ) Acres. 110,500.00 Average 0208. rer Acre. Acres Thomyson Tract 2500. per Acre 33,000.00 ) TT Tota] 10 Taylor 1CCGG ir 40,000.00 ) H ,Th 7)00.00 ) ACre8 Hayes nor Tetal 115,500.60 Average 6416. rer _Lore. Acres Thomyson Tract 5500. rel. Acre 35,000.00 Total 713:,j Iiaes " 9205. " 32,500.06 Acres. Total 67,c; 0.00 Average 5115. er Acre Dunn-Taylor Tract is '2792 rer acre more nan the Thompson-Taylor-Eayos Tracts. Dnnn-Ta3or Tract is ;409 e:.r Acre more than the Thompsor!-Eayes Tract. It will be noted t -t the values of the Taylor-Dunn Tract are stated less the c bulkhead--but we have tc construct the hulkhead,addinn to the cost--and that all reet work must be done in front of the Taylor and Dunn places,whereas all street wo s been done in front of the Thorp place,which is also substantially fenced. Third: In my judgment a large majority of our citizens,and most of our childre efer more than one ayground,and I am convinced tliat the bonds,which carried only small ma;lority,would have been defeated had not tho Council in writing assured the rs that they were not bound to purchase the TaylortDunn place. Fourth: The resolution attempts to create a liability of ;.415,000. against the ty,when there is no money in the Treasury to meet the obligation. This is contrary e express rrovisions of our Charter. Current statements that the minority of the Council or the 1:Layor favor "sand lc ✓ playgrounds are designedly misleading and untrue. From any artistic standpoint t no comparison between the Dunn tract,-which is an. improved vegetable field-and the ompson grounds,which are the most beautiful in Alameda. Permit me,in all sincerity to assure you of my regret that I am forced to diffe om the views of five members of the Council. Very sincerely E.K.Taylor Mayor of Alameda. The veto was ordered filed. e matter of the franchise asked by the Central Bacific Railway Co,and introduced hz .Probst on December 2nd1907,ancl laid over at the meeting of December 16th 1907,was id over as the Street Surerintendent was not satisfied with the condition of the st ossings. A Bill entitled "ABill for Ordinance No. Relating to the Organization 01 re Department", introduced J2ecember 16th 1907,by :ilr.Probst came up for passage and v ad by the Olerk. lar.Probsk, moved its adoption,seconded liy Yir.Liagagnos and carrie January Gth 1908. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Talgagnos,Bullock,N ' Ge Probst,Fisher and Loop Yoes;Tione. Absent:Counc lman Drown. (1). Mr.Christensen introduced the following resolution and moved its adop Resolved, That the public interest and convenience require and that it the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following work to be clone in said city,namely: That Santa Clara Avenue between Oak at and Walnut Street be resewered as follows : That a salt glazed,vitrified iro sewer, six inches in inside diameter,with 64 four-inch "Y" branches,and with house connections be constructed in sdid avenue in a uniformly descending from the existing manhole at the crossing of Oak Street where the grade of sewer shall be 13.76 f ,t above city base,thence in a ribt line to a point feet right angle measurem,e,nt Easterly from the Eastern line o Walnut Etre°. 13 feet right angle measurement Northerly from the center line of Santa Cla:. nue,at which point a manhole as hereinafter described shall be constru.cted:' in a right line arallel with said center line of Santa Clara Avenue to the the existing sewer in V,Ialnut Street at which point another manhole as here-L described shall be constructed and at which point the grade of the sewer sh 14 feet above city base. The manholes to be constracted hereunder sh11 be of brick masonry vin iron tor and cover an iht inch walla and bottom and shall be constructed cordance with "Plan of Brick Lianhole" adopted b.y, the Eoard of Trustees of f of J)Wine1a, Jaar 11, 1097,and on file in the office of tho City Cler of L' which plan is herehy referred to and made a part hereof. Daily The AlamedaAnrus is hereby desinated as the daily newspaper publish( lo to in this City in which this resolution,and the Street Superintend( Notice of the nassage thereof, shall be publi2hed. The Clerk is herehy di: to publish this 17esolution by two successive inse.etions in said news]or„;,1? the sa'rne for two days conspicuously near the Chmbor door of this Council. secondod by Er.Fisher and carried hy the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen tensen,Laagnos:RullockJ ,■le ,?robstFiqher and Toe,.(8). Joe :Tone Absent:Councilman 7i:rown. (1). c:ree introduced the following resolution Y:esolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to oTaler the followin stre: to be done in said city, nely: That a salt ;371a2ed,vitrified ironstone so,mel chos in inside diameter,with 56 four-inch "Yu branches and without house OOT De constructed in Idadison 2treet in a rizht line anel on a uniformly doscendi from the existin manhole at the crossing of riish Etreet wilero the ,e-riTte of :?;;J uounoE .ou,Juuan;_ ,ToT4J..aj o[. ouc7:oc:oa '"i; 7.0 flIT T ;21u 00pU.000.T LLOtla 0 LIIJ 'JOGS. 00, 1.;.k::)unT4oa ocL o un,T DI:J.4QoI7 oqfi 12oansaa,.),. L) O M2 !4.-ett4. IOACIUZ qoo-Liuq-.7.7 ou4 popT.A0,T7Tuo U0 0LO J.0 u Jn ao-11 o,L4 c',)GAOY.L i.L0-1LCj 20$T 1:,UUOJ „rj:0 'peTano pa:7, zThT'u7-7 poL)uocos'j0I Jn DoAT000n 1,J0Tpoa flrou nc42(1.a2: Jo GpTs: 1?1;..74E6.77: 32'L 'AT L 0J. ne‘; .s,,T.oID 0111. :1.17;ri,4 uooacp.1.2T:ram':i.yi u7;1,1J.11:.oanon:.;uo(:),:v EUOT GOT .(j).Joofl uc,,ITcauoc):Elo,T.77 pun; L)01.1)1J00021.0I - 000TT EIX0a7 1L4anoc;a1.1.2 uq4. :Z:JJ OL Lc;-LL p,z4oa OL E» o iZeu.,1e447 JO ;t021:03: UT flnuJaal. pufl,00n:Tp oq ,Tof1T.pu7 eT.14 p0AON T.GLEsT,E '130T,T=.) puu tqJOO 0iSjEWOJLT_ UOTTJX0 O. 4 .7jaToomo',) 14-1.0 po,T.Imbo,71 oq ToTTA SuT0Toraw,12 4.oGa4.s 7,u;Du1ouT .*.ku-cuTIL(LnJ 53u1sT9,JkLm iOJi (..)21 QU'a f;_aTaJ JOJ: STT(1 .TOJ: o or[ pu-o p()Ac,-,cjd .141R GT), poxcqozj o's) 021:2T)Io 07,:upoq0:3 F)Aoral ;,.euE31:75317.7...17 'ooTano fr:L oo;?uo-o04ITou-no:, 4.-You oq.1. f4.-u Doacvsen7J J.Tom, 7uTqseub o uoTfl.oaj: puT:fc0 Jo it ocIT-aT1 ;zo uoaGTT.7.7 Iio of,r a09,40I sop; o. GL fOU,I007 1„)0AOia do7'a7,T. aod-noao:Ll. pac; --po00ao2Ip 9,:(7;f1„ plv." ..,7-TGA -a UT WaLl oroon4s ou,,4 JO 14U:a7 ;11.100 uoTfirTpuoo uo JO..G.I op-a.,:z Ro7*,;177, .(I) amonY7 uJuITo fir Luno:uo24ctv OUoTSGo .(3)-Jooi GT,Ls-w‘l.sqoaj'aoor'lLooiauE's'oue771'uoGuosTaqo aauliTounoc:Elov poT:craQ popuo{)oWuoT!1.ntoElon-. eui; Jo u0-14Jo1) -o GU. poAool