1908-01-20 Regular CC MinutesADJOLED RET,JIAR THE 0002:OIL 01 ".2E CHI OF ALA=,jALUZIGY 20th 1908. The 0owlei7 vas callod to order 7:cy t",le 1:.ayor. like Roll ';:,;!-.1 cared arid -,ThrnoilYier Christonson,:ullock, 00129 were noted posert ard Corroilner Brown,'Laanos and 7ishe:c ;1 5;, IMP minutes of t5e neetIn of Jar-uawy 6th were read ;find ordered =roved, Claims e.T2inst tke General Fund anoanting to 146.50,aains1 tlie Fire Fund anno;1nj to :;225.50,aainst no; 'folic° Fund amountir trio A Fiala amo-artir L 100 00 ,, to Eloc- and ainst -no 3treet Fund ooi 1i t , ;:c5715.57 havin 7)on a-; aTproved 'oy tke res- pectivo fi:aarce oolfinitoes were read a,s foli FIT2. '3;o. "I'rintirL; IT IT IT IT tt It ft TT It IT IT ft IT TT It IT TT it IT Adivorti.sinsi: Tyrewrite ribbon,uditor Califorrja 011 2 Brrner 0o Oil for Tleater Cit Lail Concial T-'-5i 7owel service for Doc.'07. Derby Lumlier for-Toard .LoniL:shofor9 5.2. °loth fo-f Janitor 4, Refund of Ta-.s Lock-worlt for Treasurer 4.50 4.50 S.00 2.25 4.50 5.00 4.00 :7.00 5.94 1.00 20.00 0,00 1S.09 1.00 7. 7.50 146.50 FIRE ?T 2) Eahr,Otto Horseshoo-Irni-i. i, 5.00 Lay .c; Pairc d TT 5.00 ITylaan, A. Repairs 5.75 If.inE;, A.R. HorseshoeirL ,...., ri; ,,,, n^ ,.a.. Fl=nitizro 14.50 Iomax,2.2. Eorsoskoeir 7 Oakland ,];-as Lt.& lle;,,,t C. Jas 25050 2hodes .:is, Janieson Peed 127.00 2ickerson,51 ;3-applies ,--, on 6c5-reider,2enry TT .22 Lutherland's Tharwley Modioirle 11. nn (7,, . e,,, Voslyuirla 0o.J.I. 6-ap1 ies 0.40 T:esall,Chas ni`j 0.10 Janw:ry 201;1 1906. IOLICE FUTD. Eremner,iewis Co Han] Cuffs 14.25 Dexter,A.G. Dic7c1e epirs . o Goldston.e),John Gasoline 2.20 Loorber,A.H.W. 7oo2 2 :]oal -4.70 Koshofer,J.2. Blankets 32.00 0ah1an6 Gas It.2 heat 00, Gas .60 chnoider's Express Co ExpressaEe 2.50 chnoidor,Henry 'tation -, 6.80 rove 2 13ar-her 00. 0artrides 62.24 ;-2,toinnetz,Th idattress 11.25 Voshurh Co.,J.E. Iron Buckets 1.00 Total- - - - -:,, 138.29 Risdon Iron 2 Loc.l:orks rawroyloo cF: Andorson,R. Andreas :I:. Anire.s, 5. , assg J.CarJoz Eettencourt,J.J. Brandt,F,,Jr. ELECTRIC 210117 FUTD. SiyiaI Iaymert on Jieine Boilor LIB-RARY FUND. Din6ing 2c OTIEET Teamin Labor IT TT IT .50 99.75 28.15 28.15 13. 2.50 -Brabant, .,assL .1,..0cra-rfor2 'T 20. 1, 7 c-1 ,1 . . , , . t, « -3row-c., .R.,ns1-: Goo Frith 'T 25.00 B1111ma.:1,1'. IT 10.65 'flay,Arthur TT 25.00 CalTI,e11,B. TV Cbn-21,1an,I.1% A sistins 7ity 17.50 Corbo11ini,Eary ass D.Corbailini :Labor 29.15 Derb 0 Tio.,.Y, Lumber 76.07 Doyle ,'T:. Ia-r,or 23.15 22.50 21.-0 Dunl TT 24.40 Encinal Land Co.,assL Pac.Hass Pay.Co On acct of contract 2265.05 Evans ,has La'cor Evans,H.j. Forb,2.2. FrtJnois, John Goldstone,J. Coal Oil Go'71ez,Lottis A.ierry Labor 17„..(Gray TeaminL Havnone, Earl ond ass r J.L._cGah Labor HamYord ;.J. cazin3 harriso-n,James Labor Fellosoo,Jobn TT hine,E.. 4,17, 26.25 1.90 20.15 1.2,5 22.50 10.00 15.00 70.00 25.65 25.65 Of' Jenhins,F.H. JurLens,aichard Larsen,Uiels Larsen I. Lartin,D.W.,ass- W.B.Johnson iI1nU, A. Moentmann,Renry Eielson,N.C. Pagani, J. Profurno ,ID. T. TAurer,E. oc10 0 Jamieson floderigues,Antonio P.osenbero. 0enna,Joaquin imoson, .1.- -impson,Walter 2loopor,F.11. .3ousa,A.T. Thurstor,C.7. Todd,A' Turner,J. Vaccal.r-z7,a, Von Tagen,W. IT TT Labor It 71 TT IT fl TT TT 71 11 71 Teaming Labor ft IT if ft TT if Teaming Labor TT Teaming Labor TT TT Wood,F.P. Teaming Total January 20th 1900. . 26 .15 28.15 28.15 21.90 15.00 17.50 23.75 22.50 22.50 22.50 23.1 22.50 18.75 22.50 .15 3,15 20.15 26.,u 23.15 00.00 25.00 10.00 22.50 30.00 6.25 22.50 22.50 17.50 .,3715.57 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes;Councilmen 0hristensen,Bul1oc7c,7o-y,qoet an1 Loop. (6). Noes;None. Absent;Councilmen Brown,Magagnos and Fisher. (3). Count of [ The Mayor reported that in company with the City Clerk and Olty Auditor he had money in Treasury counted the money in the City Treasury on January 9tb 1900,and that there was on hand the amount o± '56,654.63,being one cent over that called for by the Treasurer's books. Ordered filea. Approval of A communiction was received from the Mayor stating that he had approved of Ordinances -:[482 & 4831, Ordinances Hos.482 relating to the Organization of a Fire Department and 483 re7J,7,tin by 'ilayor. to a license tax. on bill-boards cc which were passed by the Council January 6th 1908. Ordered filed. Approval of A communication was received from the Mayor statin that he haa approved of F.:es.of Nos,716 .::esolution of Intention No, 716 for the re-sewering of Eanta Clara Avenue between Oak 717 b-y the and Walnut Stroots,and F.esolution of Intention Uo.717 for the construction of a sewer January 20th 1'200. ubscription to A communiction was received from the ieasu,, of American Municipalities solic- auc of Amex - an Y.unicipal- itins subscription to the Monthly Bulletin issued by them. 1Jr.Gee moved that the ics \ (-A.ty Clerk be directed to subscribe for same for one year,seconded y Y:t.Noy and car- J\ ried hy the followins vote. Ayes;Councilmen Ohristeno, Bullock,Noy, Lee ,Probst and tition of D.Judd to ila SfIDet nker. lice cc.: Fl-re nsion Funds. Loop.(6). Koes;T_Tone. Absent;Councilmen Brown, Lanos and Fisher. (3). A communication wai received from E..Judi asking 1Dermission to build R bunker for holdin sand ,at the south 0 of nerman '3treot. referred to the Comnittee of t: 7:hole. A comruniction was received from tbo Lolice and. Fire Commission notifying the Council that they had organied as a Board of Lolice Lension Fund Commission and as A c: Board of Firemen s Tension Fund Comm u ission and requesting the Concil take the necessary steps to provide funds for the carrying on of said Commissions, red t:o the Finance Committee . pidlication of Jos.F.2armento presented a retition for a ratuitous license to sell farm .^2.),rmento or free li- y,roduce of his own rising. Lir.Christensen moved that it be denied seconded by ()floe, surance of ty hall. plication for quor license tel Eay atior. yo-evement of ncoln Ave. t,3 .flu. 71£3. Er.'J-eo ana carried. The natter of the nsu-rance oi the Oity Hall came up ara Lr.Bullock made a motion covering the mattor,there was no second ond the came was was referred back to the Commi1:tee of the ':;hole. 1;:i .i.laaos arrived and was noted present. August J.Fromln presented a petition for a liquor license to bo used in connec- tion witb 0 hotel to he oreeted at the 3outheast corner of Bay .3treet and Lincoln Avenue. Lame was referred to the [Committee of the 'Mole. C:eo.E.flummer and oigktsen others rresented a retition to enter into a rti- vate contract with Lowell Bros.ior te work of .rading,cuThin and otherwise im- provin Iincoln Avenue hetween 3rd 4th '.treets. 12:2,1zo11st moved that pernission he ranted, seconded by Iar.Cee and carried hy the following vote. Ayes ;Councilmen ri"kric'tenc'e 7,ullocl: 7 ::,Gco, :Probst and Toop.(Y). E-oes;Eono. Absent; Councilmen Drown and Yisher.(2). A coymunication was received fray the Board Health recoymendiu the con- struction sewers in certain streets. AsT.,1sed use , JiTt:tec (Ale Shole. IV-Lr.Christensen introanced the followinQr. resolution Tnoved its ado-otion . l'esolved,That the -o-thlic interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of ti:: Council of the Oity AlaL,eda,to order the lollowinr:: 6treet kork he done in said city,namely:That T:.-ebster 3trect from the Louthern lire of Eagle Avenue to a rieht line 319,0C fem i:hi; angle measuronent,TJorthevly from and parallel with the Zorthern line of B02 10 Avenue bo improved as follows: That tne entire wi0th of said 3treet between said limits includi the 0700E3- i 1:12 t Hale Avenue he sraded to the official sn,:ale;that concrete ct:rThing eight inches hy fortteen inches in cross-section diyeusien be constructed between said limits on all crrh lines of the roadway of said stroot and or the forr.errved corners of the crossin or :Le Avenue with said street, two inches ahove the official curb rade;that conent routed,rock L:rtterstiree feet in width of the flat pattern he constructed on each side of said roadway contiguous to said carbinL;that the reynainin ro-rtion of r'17y of sfI±(71 Dtr,,,)enotween aii liFit2 rv“1 incladias' said crossing of 17.agle ilvenuebe macadamized with a layer of brolTen trnr rock, e igb!; inches in thichness;that two gutter bridges each five feet in width and of pine 1-im'eer be constructed et cc.ch 7,f1c,1 p ''71 11i 1:wn January 71,(.Tfd.. foot ir width hy ten inches Ti n do th be constrnctod cros Tf.e Avenue oao in tbe Fastern and one in the Iiestern side of said :::ohster Street; That portion of said street hot:owner said lilAts required hy law to ho key, In order by the railrond haviseo its trneks thereon. is hereby o ei f o m the orera- tion of this resolution, The Alamed D:iI ATi;us is hereby desirnated as the daily news-fa'fer reohlish- od and circulated iu tbis City in whicli this rosolutior,and the -Ztree t Surerinten- . dent's Notiee of the wessa,no therecn: shall be published. The °clerk is hereby di- rooted te eoublish this 1-:esolutior hy two seeces'in' insertions -in said newsrarer, nuld y.est thn same f r two days consviouodasly or the Chalabor door of this 0ouncil, seconded hy 1.:r.Loor and carried hy tbe followin;?: vote. Ayes;Coancilmen Christen- 7-17110 _ - y,oe Iro1 st and Leer. (7). iloos;one, Absont;Councilmen :Srow-r) ard Fisher, Tes.reqtirir le,.ChTistenson offered the fo] c"j resol-Jtion and rnoved its adortio LT-iLYIS :7:es.ef ini . olved,that the City TJ nner ho and hereby is direeted to mC:e plas S'pecifications for the followina Street work to he one in said Cityrarr,oly: That Enoihal Avenue from tbe eaEtern line of Versailles Avenue to the :::estern i eo of bireh ;Street excentinL the 01011-12 of seid avorme with T:ound Street end Court Street,he in-2roved en follows: That th ortire ccidth of tho Toady:ay of sald avenue he c:radod;that conerote ourhirn m;ht inehos by fourteen inehos in (7.17C08 sootier dimension be oorstrnoted or ell curh lines of the roads. snid evenre,two inehos above the officio:" Ja,n-uar flfanth $ -.Ch llowiouo :. st d o n reono oytio, If.es.ef int. 1•.esolved,mhat tho 'flans and C:ocifications fnrnished Try the City ineei or the of AlsYeda,to this (1,--:Ioil,for no followine ;treot wol,lz to -no (Mpe ,Lveue frolr the enstern flie of Versailles Lvonue tD no western line of Thish Sfreet *no Cri.'038iC':0 of said avenue with h;ornd Court firtreet,he ioved as follows: That the entlre w_idth of the ondway of said aveaue 'Le ,efiaaded;tht conerote irnohos Lurteee iinC.;'," in oross-sec- tien diff.:;ennTIon he sonsteted on ell surh lines of the 1-.;cay said aven-e.o,two in- shoo ahove the offie-51 ourh erade;that e-,ent srouted,rooh• to- ±1: foot y widon, thn flat nattern,he ocaarneted er enoh si10 of said roedray,contiuous saI1 errhint the remainin:- fortiovn of e;:id rendnay "no 7,-,-(1i2;0(7, Vin Te;yer of hrohen rocheit ino'nes ie thnness;that nt eeoh of the oorn.ers off 1-,he o- 0ito terminations of Tolle:Jo aavenuo and 0T Ltrset j1 Lvene,essnrine: Trverue to hnve a v-idth of oi nart:: feet,a curved corner with one :fetter hridero he 'oonstrnoted es, horeir2after 'o1 ;tot enved oor-ners -eith two utter 00 eaeh,as heroiftef S00-0(1 e oons.f_rreted,one at each of what wo71.6 he the eor- vri •;solut ion 'Co :co .3t. . , 712. the crossirns o? 'ontnin Etroot end fInsineT 2...venue,ass-cina that said eve- nue had a width o ci t feet;thet two onst io dverts inhedded in coucrete he oonstrnstea eross 2:0ouna1 oTi the eestern • co.0 0-,7, the western side of flho eressi-n- at 'Fountain fi,treet;tht ench olnrved eel-rer Inorein :Iir.eviclo(q for ohart he constructed of eocroe and shall hsve a orose-seetion dinenslon of ei ch,es forrteea ft-110 slos71 have constructed oontinons td,ereto a eement ,.n-couted entter,cearvea vatterr,wo 1 ono-1a1f feet lan width :that, each =:nt-er 7ncidce heroin yrovided for shall "(el oonstreeted cr fz,ino len:her and shall he five feet in width. The TO1-1:, ;17adin and Twandei,z,in the roachas, of Fcin- l 2,..voouoin tho rite termeLfnation of ,olleLe Lven-lie where al rend:;; Oono ie excerted from the oreation f this resolutio-n, nat portion OLf erme realuiree 1, f law to he in order by the ailroed harin, its tras7:rs thereon is horohy cr.:,.oerted from the of:-orat4,on of t.his rosoThtion. rrlder :esolrttion of Interitien iho.712,adoited hy the Colnell of said City Anspst 10T7,ho a:ndf the seo ere henohy adennted and awl:roved_ ir:la the fllerh is dirooted to f'aft Iir,ee and adorted hy the ola-poil 1 the follow'n- vote. :Connoilon oni is uois r, cs Tvohst and Loo. (7) -Zoos LhFJont;Counoilmon. Brown sm.' 7isher.(2 offerea the followin rosolutior, ayld rOY::)(3 ears to the ';:atisfectf,on of t7.7.'s 200i 1,0i. 2esolution of In- tnton 70. 712 for the 1.00Th of irra0 -.i'n!7:,ourhir Ot.tit=1Sf;) Oclnol " dIvcn"- . wh Street in the City of 1,,1r--T th-Fs Counoil 10th 1007,1100 heon i:osted and -!-,,uh,liohed aoeond Ire to law,and that no 1 0.1 ohiectien to the doin;:_; of said worh has heen filed with t.hc! Thlty Clorh of said eity, 1:SCII.VE2yl1a0 the ruhlie interest and emavonionoo iequire and the Coueoil of the City of 2,1a0a ordel-s no followine doseri'sed street werh to ho done is ,ecoordilo to the 21 -r -end s-oeoifientions aao-zted thorefo,nnely: That Isvenre from the eastoru line of Vorsnillos 2,.venue to the western line of hiLln Street exee • the orossils of scid nvorme with Lound street elld Court Ctreet,ho " Ilran?,hise 0ondition of 0.T.Cos. Tracks ,7-C Jauuury Oth: 79C0. 51-truced. on all curb lines of the reodway of said avenue,to inches above tbo offi- cial curb gTado;that comost :routed:foo: cutters,throo feet in width,of the _on , ri_aut rtatteru, l»L constructed_ o each side fl said roaJay,couticous to said ourbin; that the re7aining nortica of said roadway be macadamixed with a layer of hroken ts:a-je rouTt:, t, inches in th-icness:that at eaoh of the connere of tbo op-t-osito tor:-:,inctions cf 0JL0T svonuo and :coc Stroct in 17,ncinal :Lvenuo,assnm said avenue to have a width of eightv feet,a curved corner with one autteu hrid° It; constructed as hereinefter srecified;That four curved cornerswith two gutter 1-,?dam:cy3 hereiKaftoIt sTt,ocif-Taj be construotod,oue at each of hatt 'could bo the corners of the cos of Fountain Street end Fuciusl loJenueassurt-in that avenue had o wid:n of ci Tuttr feet:that two cast iron culverts imhedded in con- cesete he constrseted aeroe s tnoinal ?..veuue,ono an the eastern sido and one ou f:ho ,sestorn side of the 000 10 at Fountain :3:o; ;that each curved corner heroin 34,4- rroyidod for shall lo constructed of concrete and shall lo a cross-section dinension of eight inches hy ourtoca inches and shall bnale constructed contiguous thercte a cesent i;eouted rool: guttorcurved 000 too and oue-half feet in width: that e::„ 1 r-10 herein wrovided for shall be constructed of nine lumber and shall he five feet in width. The wor of oro3 in.,s sad macadamising the roadwa of Fnolual Lvenue in the or- yw\site ter.Einatien of Thl7tee :Lyonn° where already done is exce-stod fror the orcr- ation of this resolution. That portion e: 16 avonue requlrod 1 ov to he heyt in order by the rail- oad having its tracks ti orooil is hereby ea:coutod from the 0:t3 ration of tbis res- L. 01 ^4" The Caerh is heren, Lirected to ruublish this F:esolution for two days in the Aluneda Fal] y Arsus,a daily nows]:,ser ublishod and circulated in this City,and / which is herehr dosicnated for tbat ruruose, o is also directed to -cost consn ously for five 3z 0 neer the Chanbor 'oor of 4. 'h Otle said ,Thuncil,notice of said Teri: with secifications 1ootioo sealed -oroT:osals or 1131 for 0 o1nc2 the wall: ordered, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed nro-rtosals or bids for doing the worT7 and referring to the specifications rosted or on filo,a so for two Jays in f the said Alameda Taily Argus,tho nowsuaer horohy 303ic33tc d for that pur-eose. 3oth of the said notices shall require r certified check 3af o hond,either as pre- scrihed by Taw and for an amount not Toss than ten nor cent OA tole are.,;'::abo of the prorosal,and shall name I:tonday,the 3rd day of February 1007, :s the day here desia:nated on wh,ich u:e to the hour 1 7.30 o'cloch p.:m.,the said -17:ra:cos:aTs or lido shall he received. Seconded by If.r.11oy and adorted by the foilowin vsto. t0yes;0ouncilstion 0hriston- sen,1dagan ,?robst and Too. Noes;7Jone. asent:Counciinen heoown and Fisher.(2). The matter of the Ordinance grantinte: the (:'tentral risacific Failway a franchise and introduced Tocember 2nd 19C7,hy :",-r.7drobst was atYain laid over until the next MOO The l'tity Attorney rei:orted that he 10 r 000IVOO it te,ephone coli=nication from itlr.712,0;s of the Oakland Traction 10., to the effect that the said company would bresent a formal answer to demands maao by the 'ity inregard to thdir tracks F.13 at the next mootinF: of the 0oucil, 70. iooj move3 tliat the 71er1: lo ai-rected to 8013 no said cornanu 3 corYsmnientlen 17111,1: 01 r, '1,1 (1 January 20th 1908. =ant on Er.ioop moved that the jlerk be directed to notify the City Anditor to draw a warrant reasarer D.22 to pay on the 7reasurer for '9.22 favor of the City h.W)04-0.0/ Attorney to be used by hi in axes on chool lot. -1)r.,,uinr; ho 3tate,CoLnty and ity Taxes on the lot owned by the City adjoining the Longfello school, same to be charged to iIuiicipa1 ?uud. Tio.7,seconde by r. . Jee ana carried by the following vote. Ayes;Councilmen 9hristensen,T;.asanos,J7ulloc,7oy, Gee,rrobst and Loop. (7). Noes;None. Absent;Councilmen =Drown aoC 'isher. (2). A comm=ication vAs received :t:o e Hyde,Harjes & Co,Contractors stating that pair of igh ;7t. ridge they intended to close the High .treet Bridge on the morning of February 23rd for re- pairs. Tr.Loop moved that the itreet ,:;uperintendent be instructed to place a barricade on High treet to -preveA!; accidents,secondria by :a..:aagnos and carried. A communication was received from tho :ayor in which he dissaDroved of a claim of L.W.McGlaughlin for p5OO.00 for a pair of horses sold to the Fire Department as a claim in the same matter had been presented before by 2r.J.Emmet Clar15and the Charter -frovides that no officer of the City Government could be interested in any clair.(, against the City. Same ordered filed. Ben.F.-Lamborn addressed the Council on the method of keeping the books of the Electric Light Plant claiming' that the figures as submitted to the public did not show the true results. After consideralae discussion on motion of La-.Loop seconded by Iiir.gagnos the ratter was referred to the '..Joy.ittoo of the Whole. There being no further business the Council adjourned to meet Friday,January 24th at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk.